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The cytochrome bc1 complex is a dimeric enzyme of the inner mitochondrial membrane that links electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c by a protonmotive Q cycle mechanism in which ubiquinol is oxidized at one center in the enzyme, referred to as center P, and ubiquinone is rereduced at a second center, referred to as center N. To better understand the mechanism of ubiquinol oxidation, we have examined catalytic activities and pre-steady-state reduction kinetics of yeast cytochrome bc1 complexes with mutations in cytochrome b that we expected would affect oxidation of ubiquinol. We mutated two residues thought to be involved in proton conduction linked to ubiquinol oxidation, Tyr132 and Glu272, and two residues proposed to be involved in docking ubiquinol into the center P pocket, Phe129 and Tyr279. Substitution of Phe129 by lysine or arginine yielded a respiration-deficient phenotype and lipid-dependent catalytic activity. Increased bypass reactions were detectable for both variants, with F129K showing the more severe effects. Substitution with lysine leads to a disturbed coordination of a b heme as deduced from changes in the midpoint potential and the EPR signature. Removal of the aromatic side chain in position Tyr279 lowers the catalytic activity accompanied by a low level of bypass reactions. Pre-steady-state kinetics of the enzymes modified at Glu272 and Tyr132 confirmed the importance of their functional groups for electron transfer. Altered center N kinetics and activation of ubiquinol oxidation by binding of cytochrome c in the Y132F and E272D enzymes indicate long range effects of these mutations.  相似文献   
The milk production of dairy goats under various regimes of mother-young contact from day 4 post partum were studied during the first 2 months of lactation, together with the prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) responses to udder stimulation. In the control group, 13 goats and their kids were left in permanent contact and did not undergo milking. In two additional groups, goats were machine milked once a day in the morning (at 0800 h) and kids were allowed 10 hours (from 1000 to 2000 h; 10H group, n = 11) or 5 h (from 1000 to 2000 h; 5H group, n = 11) of mother-young interaction per day. In the last group (MO, n = 10), mothers were permanently separated from their kids on day 4 post partum and milked once a day. Milk production during a 24-h period at 37 days post partum performed by controlled nursing and weighing of the kids (groups with kids) or by two machine milking 12 h apart (milking only group) revealed a higher production in the three groups with some mother-young contact than in the MO group. Total milk collected by milking over the 2 months of the study did not differ between the three groups that underwent milking. Kid weights at 2 months were 3.4 to 4.8 kg. lighter in the groups that underwent milking than in the control group. Hormonal profiles were significantly affected by restricted mother-young contact, with highest pre-stimulation concentrations of PRL and GH in the 5H group. Restricting mother-young contact from the first week postpartum can permit an early collection of milk without major effects on kid growth, when compared with one daily milking in goats totally separated from their young.  相似文献   
The performance of enriched sludge augmented with the B21 strain of Alcaligenes defragrans was compared with that of enriched sludge, as well as with pure Alcaligenes defragrans B21, in the context of a sulfur-oxidizing denitrification (SOD) process. In synthetic wastewater treatment containing 100–1,000 mg NO3-N/L, the single strain-seeded system exhibited superior performance, featuring higher efficiency and a shorter startup period, provided nitrate loading rate was less than 0.2 kg NO3-N/m3 per day. At nitrate loading rate of more than 0.5 kg NO3-N/m3 per day, the bioaugmented sludge system showed higher resistance to shock loading than two other systems. However, no advantage of the bioaugmented system over the enriched sludge system without B21 strain was observed in overall efficiency of denitrification. Both the bioaugmented sludge and enriched sludge systems obtained stable denitrification performance of more than 80% at nitrate loading rate of up to 2 kg NO3-N/m3 per day.  相似文献   
Synthetic therapeutic peptides (STP) are intensively studied as new-generation drugs, characterized by high purity, biocompatibility, selectivity and stereochemical control. However, most of the studies are focussed on the bioactivity of STP without considering how the formulation actually used for therapy administration could alter the physico-chemical properties of the active principle. The aggregation properties of a 20-mer STP (Ac-His-Ala-Arg-Ile-Lys-D-Pro-Thr-Phe-Arg-Arg-D-Leu-Lys-Trp-Lys-Tyr-Lys-Gly-Lys-Phe-Trp-NH2), showing antitumor activity, were investigated by optical spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy imaging, as itself (CIGB552) and in its therapeutic formulation (CIGB552TF). It has found that the therapeutic formulation deeply affects the aggregation properties of the investigated peptide and the morphology of the aggregates formed on mica by deposition of CIGB552 and CIGB552TF millimolar solutions. Molecular dynamics simulations studied the first steps of CIGB552 aggregation under physiological ionic strength conditions (NaCl 150 mM), showing that peptide oligomers, from dimers to tetramers, are preferentially formed in this environment. Interestingly, cell viability assays performed on H-460 cell lines indicate a major antiproliferative activity of the peptide in its therapeutic formulation with respect to the peptide aqueous solution.  相似文献   
The interactions between parasitic helminths and gut microbiota are considered to be an important, although as yet incompletely understood, factor in the regulation of immunity, inflammation and a range of diseases. Infection with intestinal helminths is ubiquitous in grazing horses, with cyathostomins (about 50 species of which are recorded) predominating. Consequences of infection include both chronic effects, and an acute inflammatory syndrome, acute larval cyathostominosis, which sometimes follows removal of adult helminths by administration of anthelmintic drugs. The presence of cyathostomins as a resident helminth population of the equine gut (the “helminthome”) provides an opportunity to investigate the effect helminth infection, and its perturbation, has on both the immune system and bacterial microbiome of the gut, as well as to determine the specific mechanisms of pathophysiology involved in equine acute larval cyathostominosis. We studied changes in the faecal microbiota of two groups of horses following treatment with anthelmintics (fenbendazole or moxidectin). We found decreases in both alpha diversity and beta diversity of the faecal microbiota at Day 7 post-treatment, which were reversed by Day 14. These changes were accompanied by increases in inflammatory biomarkers. The general pattern of faecal microbiota detected was similar to that seen in the relatively few equine gut microbiome studies reported to date. We conclude that interplay between resident cyathostomin populations and the bacterial microbiota of the equine large intestine is important in maintaining homeostasis and that disturbance of this ecology can lead to gut dysbiosis and play a role in the aetiology of inflammatory conditions in the horse, including acute larval cyathostominosis.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic metal and classified as a carcinogen whose exposure could affect the function of the central nervous system. There are studies that suggest that Cd promotes neurodegeneration in different regions of the brain, particularly in the hippocampus. It is proposed that its mechanism of toxicity maybe by an oxidative stress pathway, which modifies neuronal morphology and causes the death of neurons and consequently affecting cognitive tasks. However, this mechanism is not yet clear. The aim of the present work was to study the effect of Cd administration on recognition memory for 2, 3 and 4 months, neuronal morphology and immunoreactivity for caspase-3 and 9 in rat hippocampi. The results show that the administration of Cd decreased recognition memory. Likewise, it caused the dendritic morphology of the CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus regions of the hippocampus to decrease with respect to the time of administration of this heavy metal. In addition, we observed a reduction in the density of dendritic spines as well as an increase in the immunoreactivity of caspase-3 and 9 in the same hippocampal regions of the animals treated with Cd. These results suggest that Cd affects the structure and function of the neurons of the hippocampus, which contribute to the deterioration of recognition memory. Our results suggest that the exposure to Cd represents a critical health problem, which if not addressed quickly, could cause much more serious problems in the quality of life of the human population, as well as in the environment in which they develop.

Wang JW  Wong AM  Flores J  Vosshall LB  Axel R 《Cell》2003,112(2):271-282
An understanding of the logic of odor perception requires a functional analysis of odor-evoked patterns of activity in neural assemblies in the brain. We have developed a sensitive imaging system in the Drosophila brain that couples two-photon microscopy with the specific expression of the calcium-sensitive fluorescent protein, G-CaMP. At natural odor concentration, each odor elicits a distinct and sparse spatial pattern of activity in the antennal lobe that is conserved in different flies. Patterns of glomerular activity are similar upon imaging of sensory and projection neurons, suggesting the faithful transmission of sensory input to higher brain centers. Finally, we demonstrate that the response pattern of a given glomerulus is a function of the specificity of a single odorant receptor. The development of this imaging system affords an opportunity to monitor activity in defined neurons throughout the fly brain with high sensitivity and excellent spatial resolution.  相似文献   
Attraction of spermatozoa by way of chemotaxis to substances secreted from the egg or its surrounding cells has been demonstrated in marine species, amphibians, and mammals. This process is species- or family-specific in marine invertebrates: a chemoattractant for one marine species is usually not recognized by another species or by a member of another family. It is not known whether this selectivity is also the rule in other phyla. Furthermore, it is not at all obvious that such selectivity would be advantageous to species with internal fertilization. Here, using a directionality-based assay for chemotaxis, we studied in vitro the chemotactic response of human and rabbit spermatozoa to human, rabbit, and bovine egg-related factors. We found that spermatozoa from each of the two sources responded similarly well to egg-related factors obtained from any of the three species examined. These results indicate lack of chemotaxis-related, species specificity between these species, suggesting that their sperm chemoattractants are common or very similar. The findings further suggest that mammals do not rely on species specificity of sperm chemotaxis for avoidance of interspecies fertilization.  相似文献   
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