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Background selection is a process whereby recurrent deleterious mutations cause a decrease in the effective population size and genetic diversity at linked loci. Several authors have suggested that variation in the intensity of background selection could cause variation in FST across the genome, which could confound signals of local adaptation in genome scans. We performed realistic simulations of DNA sequences, using recombination maps from humans and sticklebacks, to investigate how variation in the intensity of background selection affects FST and other statistics of population differentiation in sexual, outcrossing species. We show that, in populations connected by gene flow, Weir and Cockerham's (1984; Evolution, 38 , 1358) estimator of FST is largely insensitive to locus‐to‐locus variation in the intensity of background selection. Unlike FST, however, dXY is negatively correlated with background selection. Moreover, background selection does not greatly affect the false‐positive rate in FST outlier studies in populations connected by gene flow. Overall, our study indicates that background selection will not greatly interfere with finding the variants responsible for local adaptation.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates for the first time the presence of marine‐associated mites in the Andaman Sea and Strait of Malacca and reveals a relatively high diversity of these taxa with six species from two different families: Selenoribatidae and Fortuyniidae. Indopacifica, a new genus of Selenoribatidae, is described from Thailand and Malaysia, with two new species, Indopacifica pantai n. sp. and Indopacifica parva n. sp. The genus is characterized by the unique combination of following characters: lacking lamellar ridges, incomplete dorsosejugal suture, fourteen pairs of notogastral setae, and presence of epimeral foveae. A phylogenetic reconstruction based on 18S ribosomal RNA sequences clearly confirms the distinctness of the new genus Indopacifica and places it close to the genus Rhizophobates. The lack of molecular genetic data of possible relatives impedes a clear assessment, and hence, we emphasize the need for further combined approaches using morphological and molecular genetic sequence data. All species show wide distribution areas within this geographic region suggesting that these taxa are good dispersers despite their minute size and wingless body. Molecular genetic data demonstrate recent gene flow between far distant populations of I. pantai n. sp. from the coasts of Thailand and two islands of Malaysia and hence confirm this assumption. The seasonally changing surface currents within this geographic area may favor hydrochorous dispersal and hence genetic exchange. Nevertheless, morphometric data show a slight trend to morphological divergence among the studied populations, whereas this variation is suggested to be a result of genetic drift but also of habitat differences in one population of Alismobates pseudoreticulatus.  相似文献   
The house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus), as a successful invasive species worldwide, has to forage a variety of resources. Subantarctic mice display among the most notable diet shift from the usual omnivorous–granivorous diet, relying on a larger proportion of terrestrial animal prey. In agreement, a recent study of their mandible morphology evidenced an evolution of their mandible shape to optimize incisor biting and hence seize preys. Here, the incisors themselves are the focus of a morphometric analysis combined with a 3D study of their internal structure, aiming at a comparison between subantarctic populations (Guillou island, Kerguelen archipelago) with a range of western European continental, commensal mice. The predatory foraging behavior of Guillou mice was indeed associated with a sharper bevel of the lower incisor, which appears as an efficient morphology for piercing prey. The incisor of these mice also displays a reduced pulp cavity, suggesting slower eruption counterbalancing a reduced abrasion on such soft food material. The dynamics of the ever‐growing incisor may thus allow adaptive incisor sculpting and participate to the success of mice in foraging diverse resources.  相似文献   
There are examples of coexisting species with similar morphology and ecology, in apparent contradiction to competition theory. Shrews (Soricidae) are a paradigmatic example of this because members of this group exhibit a conserved body form, relatively low variability in lifestyle, and, in many cases, a sympatric distribution. Here, we combined geometric morphometrics and ecological niche modeling to test whether diversification of soricid species inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula has been driven by niche divergence or, conversely, whether niche conservatism has played a paramount role in this process. We also examined whether pairwise morphological distances increase as the degree of niche overlap between species becomes greater, as would be expected if interspecific competition promotes morphological differentiation. Our results showed that water shrews (Neomys), white‐toothed shrews (Crocidurinae), and red‐toothed shrews (Soricinae) are clearly differentiated in terms of both skull shape and mandible shape. However, we found a lack of phylogenetic signal in most morphological traits, indicating that closely related species are not more similar than expected by random chance. Notably, water shrews show a more “triangular” or sharp skull than white‐toothed and red‐toothed shrews, probably as an adaptation to their semiaquatic lifestyle. In agreement with the phenotypic data, climatic traits (mean annual temperature and annual precipitation) were highly labile and sister taxa showed extensive differentiation in their realized niche space. Finally, we found that phenotypic distances between species tend to increase as the degree of niche overlap increases, suggesting that interspecific competition is an important factor in determining the level of morphological resemblance among relatives. Overall, our results indicate that the existence of limited morphological disparity in a given group does not necessarily imply the existence of a niche conservatism signature.  相似文献   
Proteins that bind DNA are the cause of the majority of impediments to replication fork progression and can lead to subsequent collapse of the replication fork. Failure to deal with fork collapse efficiently leads to mutation or cell death. Several models have been proposed for how a cell processes a stalled or collapsed replication fork; eukaryotes and bacteria are not dissimilar in terms of the general pathways undertaken to deal with these events. This study shows that replication fork regression, the combination of replication fork reversal leading to formation of a Holliday Junction along with exonuclease digestion, is the preferred pathway for dealing with a collapsed fork in Escherichia coli. Direct endo‐nuclease activity at the replication fork was not observed. The protein that had the greatest effect on these fork processing events was the RecQ helicase, while RecG and RuvABC, which have previously been implicated in this process, were found to play a lesser role. Eukaryotic RecQ homologues, BLM and WRN, have also been implicated in processing events following replication fork collapse and may reflect a conserved mechanism. Finally, the SOS response was not induced by the protein‐DNA roadblock under these conditions, so did not affect fork processing.  相似文献   
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