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A new smut fungus Ustilago aldabrensis on the grass Dactyloctenium ctenoides is described and illustrated from Aldabra Island in the Seychelles archipelago. It is compared with similar species known on the genus Dactyloctenium. A further two smut fungi infecting this host plant genus, U. dactyloctenii-gigantei and U. idonea are discussed. U. dactyloctenii-gigantei is reported for the first time from Nigeria on a new host plant, D. aegyptium. U. idonea is redescribed, and its nomenclature and geographical distribution are clarified. A key to smut fungi infecting species of Dactyloctenium is provided.  相似文献   
We tested the general applicability of in situ proteolysis to form protein crystals suitable for structure determination by adding a protease (chymotrypsin or trypsin) digestion step to crystallization trials of 55 bacterial and 14 human proteins that had proven recalcitrant to our best efforts at crystallization or structure determination. This is a work in progress; so far we determined structures of 9 bacterial proteins and the human aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (AIRS) domain.  相似文献   
The perception and assessment of predation risk often cause changes in the activities of animals and induce behavioural responses that may in turn affect their movements and distribution. To simulate high predation risk in a midfield pond riparian habitat, we used fresh faeces from ranch American mink Neovison vison and recorded behavioural responses of water voles Arvicola amphibius. In areas where mink odour was deployed, the numbers of captured vole individuals and their trappability were significantly lower than in control areas. Several voles migrated from the zones with deployed mink faeces to the areas without faeces, thus proving that increased predation risk affects the distribution of individuals in a population. The response to mink odour was much more pronounced in females than in males; in areas with deployed mink faeces, not a single female was trapped. We conclude that although American mink is a non‐native, invasive predator, water voles respond to mink odour by reducing their activity and/or by avoiding places with higher predation risk.  相似文献   
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is the causal agent of the current global pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 belongs to an order, Nidovirales, with very large RNA genomes. It is proposed that the fidelity of coronavirus (CoV) genome replication is aided by an RNA nuclease complex, comprising the non-structural proteins 14 and 10 (nsp14–nsp10), an attractive target for antiviral inhibition. Our results validate reports that the SARS-CoV-2 nsp14–nsp10 complex has RNase activity. Detailed functional characterization reveals nsp14–nsp10 is a versatile nuclease capable of digesting a wide variety of RNA structures, including those with a blocked 3′-terminus. Consistent with a role in maintaining viral genome integrity during replication, we find that nsp14–nsp10 activity is enhanced by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex (RdRp) consisting of nsp12–nsp7–nsp8 (nsp12–7–8) and demonstrate that this stimulation is mediated by nsp8. We propose that the role of nsp14–nsp10 in maintaining replication fidelity goes beyond classical proofreading by purging the nascent replicating RNA strand of a range of potentially replication-terminating aberrations. Using our developed assays, we identify drug and drug-like molecules that inhibit nsp14–nsp10, including the known SARS-CoV-2 major protease (Mpro) inhibitor ebselen and the HIV integrase inhibitor raltegravir, revealing the potential for multifunctional inhibitors in COVID-19 treatment.  相似文献   
We investigated the impact of monocytes, NK cells, and CD8+ T-cells in primary HTLV-1 infection by depleting cell subsets and exposing macaques to either HTLV-1 wild type (HTLV-1WT) or to the HTLV-1p12KO mutant unable to infect replete animals due to a single point mutation in orf-I that inhibits its expression. The orf-I encoded p8/p12 proteins counteract cytotoxic NK and CD8+ T-cells and favor viral DNA persistence in monocytes. Double NK and CD8+ T-cells or CD8 depletion alone accelerated seroconversion in all animals exposed to HTLV-1WT. In contrast, HTLV-1p12KO infectivity was fully restored only when NK cells were also depleted, demonstrating a critical role of NK cells in primary infection. Monocyte/macrophage depletion resulted in accelerated seroconversion in all animals exposed to HTLV-1WT, but antibody titers to the virus were low and not sustained. Seroconversion did not occur in most animals exposed to HTLV-1p12KO. In vitro experiments in human primary monocytes or THP-1 cells comparing HTLV-1WT and HTLV-1p12KO demonstrated that orf-I expression is associated with inhibition of inflammasome activation in primary cells, with increased CD47 “don’t-eat-me” signal surface expression in virus infected cells and decreased monocyte engulfment of infected cells. Collectively, our data demonstrate a critical role for innate NK cells in primary infection and suggest a dual role of monocytes in primary infection. On one hand, orf-I expression increases the chances of viral transmission by sparing infected cells from efferocytosis, and on the other may protect the engulfed infected cells by modulating inflammasome activation. These data also suggest that, once infection is established, the stoichiometry of orf-I expression may contribute to the chronic inflammation observed in HTLV-1 infection by modulating monocyte efferocytosis.  相似文献   
KNL1 is a large intrinsically disordered kinetochore (KT) protein that recruits spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) components to mediate SAC signaling. The N-terminal region (NTR) of KNL1 possesses two activities that have been implicated in SAC silencing: microtubule (MT) binding and protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) recruitment. The NTR of Drosophila melanogaster KNL1 (Spc105) has never been shown to bind MTs or to recruit PP1. Furthermore, the phosphoregulatory mechanisms known to control SAC protein binding to KNL1 orthologues is absent in D. melanogaster. Here, these apparent discrepancies are resolved using in vitro and cell-based assays. A phosphoregulatory circuit that utilizes Aurora B kinase promotes SAC protein binding to the central disordered region of Spc105 while the NTR binds directly to MTs in vitro and recruits PP1-87B to KTs in vivo. Live-cell assays employing an optogenetic oligomerization tag and deletion/chimera mutants are used to define the interplay of MT and PP1 binding by Spc105 and the relative contributions of both activities to the kinetics of SAC satisfaction.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of white-box decision tree models (DTM) for predicting the rating of perceived exertion (RPE). The second aim was to examine the relationship between RPE and external measures of intensity in youth soccer training at the group and individual level. Training load data from 18 youth soccer players were collected during an in-season competition period. A total of 804 training observations were undertaken, with a total of 43 ± 17 sessions per player (range 12–76). External measures of intensity were determined using a 10 Hz GPS and included total distance (TD, m/min), high-speed running distance (HSR, m/min), PlayerLoad (PL, n/min), impacts (n/min), distance in acceleration/deceleration (TD ACC/TD DEC, m/min) and the number of accelerations/decelerations (ACC/DEC, n/min). Data were analysed with decision tree models. Global and individualized models were constructed. Aggregated importance revealed HSR as the strongest predictor of RPE with relative importance of 0.61. HSR was the most important factor in predicting RPE for half of the players. The prediction error (root mean square error [RMSE] 0.755 ± 0.014) for the individualized models was lower compared to the population model (RMSE 1.621 ± 0.001). The findings demonstrate that individual models should be used for the assessment of players’ response to external load. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that DTM provide straightforward interpretation, with the possibility of visualization. This method can be used to prescribe daily training loads on the basis of predicted, desired player responses (exertion).  相似文献   
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