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Recent studies have demonstrated that chronic stress increases the firing rate and expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in neurons of the locus coeruleus (LC), the major noradrenergic nucleus in brain. The present study was undertaken to examine the influence of chronic stress and other treatments known to influence the activity of LC neurons on the cyclic AMP (cAMP) second messenger system in these neurons. Chronic (5 days) cold exposure significantly increased levels of TH immunoreactivity in the LC, as previously reported, but not in substantia nigra (SN) or ventral tegmentum (VT), two dopaminergic nuclei studied for comparison. Chronic cold exposure increased levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in soluble, but not particulate, fractions of the LC, and increased basal and GTP- and forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in this brain region. In contrast, levels of the protein kinase and adenylate cyclase in VT, SN, and frontal cortex were not significantly influenced by cold exposure. To study further the relationship between regulation of LC firing rate, TH expression, and the cAMP system in the LC, other treatments known to influence TH were examined. Reserpine treatment, shown previously to increase levels of TH, was found to increase both LC firing rate and levels of soluble cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in the LC. 6-Hydroxydopamine, shown previously to increase levels of TH and firing rate of LC neurons, also increased soluble levels of protein kinase activity. Other treatments known to either increase (adrenalectomy) or decrease (chronic imipramine) levels of TH in the LC were also found to increase or decrease, respectively, levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in this brain region.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Gene flow was investigated in a natural population of Lotus corniculatus L. (Fabaceae) using a combination of pollen and seed dispersal studies and a recombinant DNA technique. The population is spatially heterogeneous and grows with Empetrum nigrum. L. corniculatus is pollinated by the pollen-collecting bumblebee Bombus lapidarius L. Most pollinator flights occurred within patches, as bees usually visit nearest-neighbour plants, show no marked directionality, and forage mostly within patches. Gene flow by seeds is also limited, reinforcing the pattern of gene flow within patches. However, 2.6% of pollinator flights are between patches and considerable pollen carryover also occurs. Thus, gene flow between patches is potentially sufficient to retard or prevent genetic differentiation in spite of the patchy sub-structuring of the population. A sub-set of the population was analysed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to document the actual gene flow pattern of the population. The DNA analysis revealed significant levels of genetic differentiation between the patches. The level of gene flow that can be inferred from the distribution of genetic variation is surprisingly restricted, as compared to gene flow inferred from pollinator behaviour, and emphasizes that stochastic processes like genetic drift and founder effects may have a strong impact on the prevailing genetic structure.  相似文献   
Calcium accumulation by human erythrocyte inside-out vesicles was linear for at least 30 min in the presence of ATP. In untreated inside-out vesicles, 3.76 +/- 1.44 nmol of calcium/min/unit of acetylcholinesterase were transported, compared with 10.57 +/- 2.05 (+/- S.D.; n = 11) in those treated with calmodulin. The amount of calmodulin necessary for 50% activation of Ca2+ accumulation was 60 +/- 22 ng/ml (+/- S.D.; n = 4). The Km (Ca2+) for calmodulin-stimulated accumulation was 0.8 +/- 0.05 microM (+/- S.D.; n = 5) using Ca2+ /ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) buffers, or 25 microM with direct addition of unbuffered calcium. In the absence of calmodulin, these values were 0.4 and 60 microM, respectively, Km (ATP) values of 90 and 60 microM in the presence and absence of calmodulin, respectively, were measured at constant magnesium concentration (3 mM). In the presence of calmodulin, a broad pH profile is exhibited from pH 6.6 to 8.2. Maximal calcium accumulation occurs at pH 7.8. In the absence of calmodulin, the pH profile exhibits a linear upward increase from pH 7.0 to 8.2. The (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase activity, measured under identical conditions, was 2.40 +/- 0.72 nmol of Pi/min/unit of acetylcholinesterase in the untreated vesicles and 11.29 +/- 2.87 nmol of Pi/min/unit of acetylcholinesterase (+/- S.D.; n = 4) in calmodulin-treated vesicles. A stoichiometry of 1.6 Ca2+/ATP hydrolyzed was determined in the absence of calmodulin; in the presence of calmodulin, this ratio was decreased to 0.94 Ca2+/ATP hydrolyzed.  相似文献   
The viability of resting suspensions of Escherichia coli K12 Ymel exposed to air plus 300 psi (1 psi = 6.895 kPa) oxygen (hyperbaric oxygen) decreased as an apparent first-order process after an initial period of constant viability. Control suspensions exposed to air plus 300 psi nitrogen (hyperbaric nitrogen) did not lose viability over the 96 h of the experiment. It was observed that a decrease in the refractive index of the cells preceded the loss of viability in hyperbaric oxygen. This finding together with electron micrographs, which showed extensive loss of ribosomal particles in bacteria incubated in hyperbaric oxygen, led us to suspect that ribosome injury or disassociation might be important in hyperbaric oxygen toxicity. In support of this we found that cellular RNA, labeled with [5-3H]uridine, was much more rapidly and more completely degraded in hyperbaric oxygen than in hyperbaric nitrogen. Furthermore, a far greater proportion of RNA was degraded than was DNA or protein. A direct assay for ribosome particles by sucrose gradient centrifugation showed that only 34% of the 70S ribosome particles was lost during the first 24 h in hyperbaric nitrogen whereas in hyperbaric oxygen 99.6% of the 70S particles was degraded during the same period. In hyperbaric oxygen the rate of viability loss between 24 and 72 h was equal to the rate of 70S ribosome degradation during the first 24 h. If 70S ribosome disassociation in hyperbaric oxygen continues at the same rate after first 24 h, then cumulative 70S ribosome disassociation or injury may lead to and provide an explanation for irreversible bacterial cell injury and the loss of viability.  相似文献   
Renewed examinatinon with improved banding techniques of a boy previously reported to have the karyotype 46, XY,del(12)(p11) revealed a translocation 46, XY,t(10;12)(p13;p11), and reexamination of a boy previously reported to have the karyotype 46,XY/46,XY,del(5)(p13) showed the same mosaicism, but with a significantly lower frequency of cells with del(5)(p13), 8% compared with 23% at the time of birth. The decrease of the frequency of cells with chromosome abnormality in mixoploids during the first years of life as found in the present case as well as in prevously reported cases is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of an inhibitor of RNA synthesis, cordycepin, and an inhibitor of protein synthesis, cycloheximide, on aldosterone-induced changes in lipid metabolism and phospholipid fatty acid composition have been studied in the toad urinary bladder. At the concentrations employed, the inhibitors abolish the hormone-induced increases in total lipid synthesis, phospholipid fatty acid specific activities, and weight percentage of phospholipid long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as blocking the aldosterone-mediated increase in sodium transport.  相似文献   
Summary A family with autosomal reciprocal translocation t(4;13) (q25;q31) with a sibship comprising 2 children with unbalanced karyotypes, der(13) partial trisomy 4q, 1 child with the balanced translocation, and 2 abortions were studied. The segregation risk of unbalanced derivation in reciprocal translocations is discussed. The clinical picture of the 2 children with partial trisomy 4q is compared with similar cases.  相似文献   
Both human and rat erythrocytes respond to low doses (10(-11)--10(-9) M) of L-isoproterenol and L-epinephrine with an increased degree of hypotonic hemolysis and a decreased rate of filtration through standardized paper filters. The receptors in both cell types have many of the characteristics of beta-receptors for catecholamines. However, hormone-receptor interaction in the human cell does not lead to an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP concentration, but in the rat cell, hormone-receptor interaction does lead to a significant increase in cyclic AMP content. Thus, catecholamine-beta-receptor interaction, at least in the human red cell, leads to a change in red cell properties which are not mediated by adenylate cyclase activation. Likewise, prostaglandin E2, at 10(-12)--10(-10) M, causes are increased degree of hypotonic hemolysis and a decreased rate of filtration through standardized paper filters, but it also does not increase the cycliC AMP content of the human erythrocyte but does increase that of the rat erythrocyte. Nevertheless, exogenous cyclic AMP, when added at a concentration of 10(-8) M to washed human erythrocytes, increases the degree of hypotonic hemolysis. Conversely, prostaglandin E1, at 10(-12)--10(-10) M, causes a decreased degree of hypotonic hemolysis and an increased rate of filtration through a standard filter. Both prostaglandin E2 and the catecholamines decrease the size of a rapidly exchangeable calcium pool, and prostaglandin E1 increases it.  相似文献   
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