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It has previously been shown that functional expression of CcrA, a metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis, in Escherichia coli requires a mutation in either dsbA or dsbB, components of a periplasmic disulfide bond-catalyzing system. Site-directed mutagenesis resulting in the substitution of various amino acids for two of the three cysteine residues within CcrA allowed the expression of CcrA in a dsb+ background. This finding supports the hypothesis that DsbA creates aberrant disulfide bonds involving the Cys residues of CcrA.  相似文献   
In the TRANSFORM experiment for IML-2 on the Space Shuttle Columbia, normal (wild type = WT) and genetically transformed agravitropic rapeseed roots were tested under microgravity conditions. The aim of the experiment was to determine if the wild-type roots behaved differently (growth, morphology, gravitropical sensitivity) from the transgenic roots. The appearance of the organelles and distribution of statoliths (i.e. amyloplasts with starch grains) in the gravitropic reactive cells (statocytes) under weightlessness was compared for the two types of roots. Attempts have also been made to regenerate new plants from the root material tested in space. Both the WT and the transgenic root types showed the expected increase in length during 36 h of photorecording. Contrary to the results of the ground controls, no significant difference in elongation rates was found between the WT and transgenic roots grown in orbit. However, there are indications that the total growth both in the WT and the transgenic roots was higher in the ground control than for roots in orbit. After a 60 min 1 x g stimulation of the roots on board the Shuttle, no detectable curvatures were obtained in either the transgenic or the WT roots. However, it cannot be excluded that a minute curvature development occurs in the root tips but was not detected due to technical reasons. The ultrastructure was well preserved in both the WT and the transgenic roots, despite the fact that the tissue was kept in the prefixative for over 3 weeks. No marked differences in ultrastructure were observed between the transformed root statocyte cells and the equivalent cells in the wild type. There were no obvious differences in root morphology during the orbital period. Light micrographs and morphometrical analysis indicate that the amyloplasts of both the wild type and transformed root statocytes are randomly distributed over the cells kept under micro-g conditions for 37 h after a 14 h stimulation on the 1 x g centrifuge. The main scientific conclusion from the TRANSFORM experiment is that the difference in growth found in the ground control between the WT and the transgenic root types seems to be eliminated under weightlessness. Explanations for this behaviour cannot be found in the root ultrastructure or in root morphology.  相似文献   
Somatic mosaicism in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Using loss of heterozygosity analysis, a method designed to detect moderate to large gene deletions, we have identified a new-mutation neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) patient who is somatically mosaic for a large maternally derived deletion in the NF1 gene region. The deletion extends at least from exon 4 near the 5' end of the gene to intron 39 near the 3' end. The gene-coding region is, therefore, mostly or entirely deleted, encompassing a loss of > or = 100 kb. We hypothesize that the deletion occurred at a relatively early developmental timepoint, since signs of NF1 in this patient are not confined to a specific body region, as seen in "segmental" NF, and since both mesodermally and ectodermally derived cells are affected. This report provides the first molecular evidence of somatic mosaicism in NF1 and, taken together with a recent report of germ-line mosaicism in NF1, adds credence to the concept that mosaicism plays an important role in phenotypic and genetic aspects of NF1 and may even be a relatively common phenomenon.  相似文献   
The gene encoding the homologue of the catalytic subunit of the Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin A) has been isolated from Aspergillus nidulans. This gene, cnaA+, is essential in this fungal system. Analysis of growth-arrested cells following gene disruption by homologous recombination reveals that they are blocked early in the cell cycle. The cnaA+ gene encodes a 2.5 kb mRNA and the deduced protein sequence is highly homologous to the calcineurin A subunit of other species. The mRNA varies in a cell cycle-dependent manner with maximal levels found early in G1 and considerably before the G1/S boundary. As calmodulin is also essential for A.nidulans cell cycle progression and levels rise before the G1/S boundary, our data suggest that calcineurin may represent a primary target for calmodulin at this cell cycle transition point.  相似文献   
Synopsis We have examined the concentrations of reproductively-related steroid hormones in 5 species of carcharhinid sharks, marine fishes possessing the unique attribute of placental viviparity. Measurements of serum estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, dihydrotestosterone, and corticosterone have provided baseline data for these hormones in both immature and adult male and female placental sharks. Our studies include: (1) changes in hormonal levels during maturation, (2) concentrations of circulating steroid hormones during peak breeding season, and (3) hormonal levels during gestation, including the collection of serial samples through and beyond birth from free-ranging lemon sharks. Our data suggest that steroids, important in regulating reproduction in higher mammals, are also essential in these cartilaginous fishes.  相似文献   
This study evaluates a polymerase chain reaction assay coupled with a fluorescent detection in microwell plates for salmonellas in food samples. Chelex 100-extracted cultures and bulk and processed food samples were used as templates for a PCR assay in microwell plates, with a primer pair that amplifies a 206 bp segment of IS 200 . The PCR products were then denatured by heat and transferred to CovaLink NH plates (Nunc) to which capture oligonucleotides were covalently bound. Hybridization was performed for 1 h at 55°C, the microwells were washed and an alkaline phosphatase-labelled probe, complementary of an internal sequence of the PCR product, was added. After stringent washes, 100 μl of 1 mmol 1-1 AttoPhosTM (JBL Scientific) was then added to the wells and the fluorescence measurement system (Millipore). The level of detection of the assay was as low as 1–10 cfu. A total of 172 food samples were tested, both by culture and FD-PCR. Of these 53 were culture positive and 119 culture negative. The sensitivity of the FD-PCR assay was 100% and the specificity was 90.1%. Positive and negative predictive values were 82.8 and 100%, respectively. Based on the results obtained in this study it appears that the FD-PCR. assay described here can be useful to screen a large number of food samples for contamination by salmonellas.  相似文献   
A report is given of an adult caecilian, Scolecomorphus kirkii, found in the gut of a specimen of the snake Atractaspis aterrima from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Both predator and prey are largely fossorial in soil, and their ecology is poorly known, such that this is the first reported predator of any scolecomorphid caecilian. The caecilian was ingested head first and much of the flesh from the anterior of the specimen had been digested. The prey/predator mass ratio is 0.48. This value is substantially higher than reported for A. aterrima from West Africa, and refutes the notion that this species feeds only on small prey. Most reported predators of caecilians are snakes, and a brief review is presented.  相似文献   
The D95°C value of Bacillus thuringiensis spores plated in the presence of lysozyme increased from 3.0 min to 3.6 min by post-treatment of heat-injured spores with 50mm EDTA. In the case of Bacillus alvei and Bacillus polymyxa spores D-values decreased from 4.9 to 4.3 min and from 4.7 to 4.1 min respectively. Post-treatment of heat-injured spores treated with alkaline thioglycollate increased D95°C values of Bacillus alvei from 4.2 to 5.3 min, B. thuringiensis 3.6 to 4.7 min, and Bacillus polymyxa from 4.2 to 5.0 min when spores were plated in the presence of lysozyme. Electron micrographs of heat-injured B. alvei spores treated with sodium thioglycollate indicated that the coat layers of the treated spores were granulated and less intact than the control spores.  相似文献   
During the production by mammalian cells of recombinant factor VIII from which the B domain was deleted (rFVIII), proteolytic cleavages in the C-terminal part of the heavy chain were observed (Kjalke et al., 1995). By radioactive pulse labelling it was investigated whether the cleavages took place inside the cells during protein synthesis or after release in the medium. The rFVIII-producing CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells were cultured in the presence of 35S-methionine and then the cell lysate and the conditioned media were immunoprecipitated and analyzed by electrophoresis. By pulse labelling and chasing for various time periods, it was shown that the cleavages only took place after secretion of the protein from the cells. Adding cell lysate to uncleaved rFVIII caused cleavage of the heavy chain, as seen by loss of binding to a monoclonal antibody specific for intact rFVIII, indicating that the cleavage was performed by proteinase(s) released from the lysed cells. By incubating intact rFVIII with the multicatalytic proteinase (proteasome) present in cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells, loss of binding to the monoclonal antibody was observed. This indicates that the multicatalytic proteinase, released from lysed rFVIII producing cells, could be responsible for the cleavage of rFVIII. Among several protease inhibitors tested, only bacitracin was found to diminish the extent of cleavage. Phosphatidylserine also protected rFVIII against cleavage, probably by binding to rFVIII. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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