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The discovery of NDM-1 and its variants has caused the emergence of antibiotic resistance in the community and hospital setting, causing major concern for health care across the globe. New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase is known to hydrolyse almost all β-lactam antibiotics. Studies have shown the hydrolytic activates of NDM-1 and some of its variants, however a comparative study of these NDM variants has not been explored in detail. Hence, we proposed to check their catalytic activity by performing a comparative study between NDM-1 and its variants. The study was initiated to clone NDM variants (NDM-1, NDM-4, NDM-5, NDM-6 and NDM-7) followed by overexpression of the recombinant proteins to check their hydrolytic properties against β-lactam antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentration of carbapenems antibiotics for blaNDM-5 clone was found four fold increased, whereas no change was observed in the clones having other variants. The hydrolytic activity of carbapenem with NDM-5 variant was found to be augmented as per the kinetics parameter where Km was decreased and kcat, kcat/Km values increased as compared to the NDM-1. Molecular docking studies were employed to identify the variations in the binding ability among all NDM variants with imipenem or meropenem. Simulation studies at 100?ns showed a good stability of NDM-5 with imipenem and meropenem as compared to NDM-1. CD spectroscopy data revealed significant changes in the secondary structure of NDM variants. We conclude that NDM-5 showed higher hydrolytic activity as compared to other variants. This study provides a comparative analysis of the severity of NDM producing strains.  相似文献   
Trace elements are known to have a key role in myocardial metabolism. The accumulation (cobalt, arsenic, copper) or deficiency (selenium, zinc) of trace elements may be responsible for idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. We investigated the trace element concentrations (Cu, Zn, Mg) in sera from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. We observed that patients with dilated cardiomyopathies have higher copper and lower zinc concentrations in serum than healthy controls. The magnesium concentrations of patients did not differ significantly from that of control subjects.  相似文献   
Integrins are transmembrane receptors involved in crucial cellular biological functions such as migration, adhesion, and spreading. Upon the modulation of integrin affinity toward their extracellular ligands by cytoplasmic proteins (inside-out signaling) these receptors bind to their ligands and cluster into nascent adhesions. This clustering results in the increase in the mechanical linkage among the cell and substratum, cytoskeleton rearrangements, and further outside-in signaling. Based on experimental observations of the distribution of focal adhesions in cells attached to micropatterned surfaces, we introduce a physical model relying on experimental numerical constants determined in the literature. In this model, allosteric integrin activation works in synergy with the stress build by adhesion and the membrane rigidity to allow the clustering to nascent adhesions independently of actin but dependent on the integrin diffusion onto adhesive surfaces. The initial clustering could provide a template to the mature adhesive structures. Predictions of our model for the organization of focal adhesions are discussed in comparison with experiments using adhesive protein microarrays.  相似文献   
Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) contributes importantly to the mobilization of fatty acids from the triacylglycerols stored in adipocytes, which provide the main source of energy in mammals. On the basis of amino acid sequence alignments and three-dimensional structures, this enzyme was previously found to be a suitable template for defining a family of serine carboxylester hydrolases. In this study, the HSL family members are characterized rather on the basis of their inhibition by 5-methoxy-3-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-3H-[1,3,4]oxadiazol-2-one (compound 7600). This compound inhibits mammalian HSL as well as other HSL family members, such as EST2 from the thermophilic eubacterium Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and AFEST from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Various carboxylester hydrolases that are not members of the HSL family were found not to be inhibited by compound 7600 under the same experimental conditions. These include nonlipolytic hydrolases such as Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase and pig liver esterase, as well as lipolytic hydrolases such as human pancreatic lipase, dog gastric lipase, Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase, and Bacillus subtilis LipA. When vinyl esters were used as substrates, the residual activity of HSL, AFEST, and EST2 decreased with an increase in compound 7600 concentration in the incubation mixture. The inhibitor concentration at which the enzyme activity decreased to 50% after incubation for 5 min was 70, 20, and 15 nM with HSL, AFEST, and EST2, respectively. Treating EST2 and AFEST with the inhibitor resulted in an increase in the molecular mass, as established by performing matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis. This increase in the molecular mass, which corresponds approximately to the molecular mass of the inhibitor, indicates that a covalent enzyme-inhibitor complex has been formed. Surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis of a trypsin digest of AFEST treated with the inhibitor or not treated showed the occurrence of an increase in the molecular masses of the "GESAGG"-containing peptide, which is compatible with the formation of a covalent complex with the inhibitor.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas sp. strain Bk8 was isolated from field soil contaminated with different urea-herbicides. This strain is a plasmid (pBkB)-harbouring organism capable of complete degradation of diuron herbicide. Plasmid-cured strain Bk8M was obtained by treatment of Pseudomonas sp. Bk8 with Mitomycin C. This cured strain is capable of only partial degradation of diuron side chain and accumulated a phenolic compound in the medium during growing on diuron as a sole source of carbon and energy. Conjugation experiment was carried out using Bk8M as a recipient and Bk8 as a donor of pBk8 plasmid. The transconjugant was able to degrade a diuron without accumulation of phenolic compound. It was proposed that plasmid pBk8 is self-transmissible and involved in the degradation of diuron aromatic ring but it is not connected with the transformation of diuron into diuron phenol compound.  相似文献   
DNA geminiviruses are thought to be targets of RNA silencing. Here, we characterize small interfering (si) RNAs—the hallmarks of silencing—associated with Cabbage leaf curl begomovirus in Arabidopsis and African cassava mosaic begomovirus in Nicotiana benthamiana and cassava. We detected 21, 22 and 24 nt siRNAs of both polarities, derived from both the coding and the intergenic regions of these geminiviruses. Genetic evidence showed that all the 24 nt and a substantial fraction of the 22 nt viral siRNAs are generated by the dicer-like proteins DCL3 and DCL2, respectively. The viral siRNAs were 5′ end phosphorylated, as shown by phosphatase treatments, and methylated at the 3′-nucleotide, as shown by HEN1 miRNA methylase-dependent resistance to β-elimination. Similar modifications were found in all types of endogenous and transgene-derived siRNAs tested, but not in a major fraction of siRNAs from a cytoplasmic RNA tobamovirus. We conclude that several distinct silencing pathways are involved in DNA virus-plant interactions.  相似文献   
Interorgan lipid transport occurs via lipoproteins, and altered lipoprotein levels correlate with metabolic disease. However, precisely how lipoproteins affect tissue lipid composition has not been comprehensively analyzed. Here, we identify the major lipoproteins of Drosophila melanogaster and use genetics and mass spectrometry to study their assembly, interorgan trafficking, and influence on tissue lipids. The apoB-family lipoprotein Lipophorin (Lpp) is the major hemolymph lipid carrier. It is produced as a phospholipid-rich particle by the fat body, and its secretion requires Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein (MTP). Lpp acquires sterols and most diacylglycerol (DAG) at the gut via Lipid Transfer Particle (LTP), another fat body-derived apoB-family lipoprotein. The gut, like the fat body, is a lipogenic organ, incorporating both de novo-synthesized and dietary fatty acids into DAG for export. We identify distinct requirements for LTP and Lpp-dependent lipid mobilization in contributing to the neutral and polar lipid composition of the brain and wing imaginal disc. These studies define major routes of interorgan lipid transport in Drosophila and uncover surprising tissue-specific differences in lipoprotein lipid utilization.  相似文献   
Plant strategy and life‐history theories make different predictions about reproductive efficiency under competition. While strategy theory suggests under intense competition iteroparous perennial plants delay reproduction and semelparous annuals reproduce quickly, life‐history theory predicts both annual and perennial plants increase resource allocation to reproduction under intense competition. We tested (1) how simulated competition influences reproductive efficiency and competitive ability (CA) of different plant life histories and growth forms; (2) whether life history or growth form is associated with CA; (3) whether shade avoidance plasticity is connected to reproductive efficiency under simulated competition. We examined plastic responses of 11 herbaceous species representing different life histories and growth forms to simulated competition (spectral shade). We found that both annual and perennial plants invested more to reproduction under simulated competition in accordance with life‐history theory predictions. There was no significant difference between competitive abilities of different life histories, but across growth forms, erect species expressed greater CA (in terms of leaf number) than other growth forms. We also found that shade avoidance plasticity can increase the reproductive efficiency by capitalizing on the early life resource acquisition and conversion of these resources into reproduction. Therefore, we suggest that a reassessment of the interpretation of shade avoidance plasticity is necessary by revealing its role in reproduction, not only in competition of plants.  相似文献   
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