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To ensure accurate and rapid protein synthesis, nearby and distantly located functional regions of the ribosome must dynamically communicate and coordinate with one another through a series of information exchange networks. The ribosome is ~2/3 rRNA and information should pass mostly through this medium. Here, two viable mutants located in the peptidyltransferase center (PTC) of yeast ribosomes were created using a yeast genetic system that enables stable production of ribosomes containing only mutant rRNAs. The specific mutants were C2820U (Escherichia coli C2452) and Ψ2922C (E. coli U2554). Biochemical and genetic analyses of these mutants suggest that they may trap the PTC in the ‘open’ or aa-tRNA bound conformation, decreasing peptidyl-tRNA binding. We suggest that these structural changes are manifested at the biological level by affecting large ribosomal subunit biogenesis, ribosomal subunit joining during initiation, susceptibility/resistance to peptidyltransferase inhibitors, and the ability of ribosomes to properly decode termination codons. These studies also add to our understanding of how information is transmitted both locally and over long distances through allosteric networks of rRNA–rRNA and rRNA–protein interactions.  相似文献   
Type IIS restriction endonucleases (REases) recognize asymmetric DNA sequences and cleave both DNA strands at fixed positions downstream of the recognition site. REase BpuJI recognizes the asymmetric sequence 5′-CCCGT, however it cuts at multiple sites in the vicinity of the target sequence. We show that BpuJI is a dimer, which has two DNA binding surfaces and displays optimal catalytic activity when bound to two recognition sites. BpuJI is cleaved by chymotrypsin into an N-terminal domain (NTD), which lacks catalytic activity but binds specifically to the recognition sequence as a monomer, and a C-terminal domain (CTD), which forms a dimer with non-specific nuclease activity. Fold recognition approach reveals that the CTD of BpuJI is structurally related to archaeal Holliday junction resolvases (AHJR). We demonstrate that the isolated catalytic CTD of BpuJI possesses end-directed nuclease activity and preferentially cuts 3nt from the 3′-terminus of blunt-ended DNA. The nuclease activity of the CTD is repressed in the apo-enzyme and becomes activated upon specific DNA binding by the NTDs. This leads to a complicated pattern of specific DNA cleavage in the vicinity of the target site. Bioinformatics analysis identifies the AHJR-like domain in the putative Type III enzymes and functionally uncharacterized proteins.  相似文献   
When plant cells are under environmental stress, several chemically distinct reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated simultaneously in various intracellular compartments and these can cause oxidative damage or act as signals. The conditional flu mutant of Arabidopsis, which generates singlet oxygen in plastids during a dark-to-light transition, has allowed the biological activity of singlet oxygen to be determined, and the criteria to distinguish between cytotoxicity and signalling of this particular ROS to be defined. The genetic basis of singlet-oxygen-mediated signalling has been revealed by the mutation of two nuclear genes encoding the plastid proteins EXECUTER (EX)1 and EX2, which are sufficient to abrogate singlet-oxygen-dependent stress responses. Conversely, responses due to higher cytotoxic levels of singlet oxygen are not suppressed in the ex1/ex2 background. Whether singlet oxygen levels lower than those that trigger genetically controlled cell death activate acclimation is now under investigation.  相似文献   
Yeast Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase is involved in several cellular processes, including endocytosis. Actin patches are sites of endocytosis, a process involving actin assembly and disassembly. Here we show Rsp5 localization in cortical patches and demonstrate its involvement in actin cytoskeleton organization and dynamics. We found that the Rsp5-F1-GFP2 N-terminal fragment and full length GFP-Rsp5 were recruited to peripheral patches that temporarily co-localized with Abp1-mCherry, a marker of actin patches. Actin cytoskeleton organization was defective in a strain lacking RSP5 or overexpressing RSP5, and this phenotype was accompanied by morphological abnormalities. Overexpression of RSP5 caused hypersensitivity of cells to Latrunculin A, an actin-depolymerizing drug and was toxic to cells lacking Las17, an activator of actin nucleation. Moreover, Rsp5 was required for efficient actin polymerization in a whole cell extract based in vitro system. Rsp5 interacted with Las17 and Las17-binding proteins, Lsb1 and Lsb2, in a GST-Rsp5-WW2/3 pull down assay. Rsp5 ubiquitinated Lsb1-HA and Lsb2-HA without directing them for degradation. Overexpression of RSP5 increased the cellular level of HA-Las17 in wild type and in lsb1Δ lsb2Δ strains in which the basal level of Las17 was already elevated. This increase was prevented in a strain devoid of Las17-binding protein Sla1 which is also a target of Rsp5 ubiquitination. Thus, Rsp5 together with Lsb1, Lsb2 and Sla1 regulate the level of Las17, an important activator of actin polymerization.  相似文献   
High species diversity and endemism within Madagascar is mainly the result of species radiations following colonization from nearby continents or islands. Most of the endemic taxa are thought to be descendants of a single or small number of colonizers that arrived from Africa sometime during the Cenozoic and gave rise to highly diverse groups. This pattern is largely based on vertebrates and a small number of invertebrate groups. Knowledge of the evolutionary history of aquatic beetles on Madagascar is lacking, even though this species-rich group is often a dominant part of invertebrate freshwater communities in both standing and running water. Here we focus on large bodied diving beetles of the tribes Hydaticini and Cybistrini. Our aims with this study were to answer the following questions 1) How many colonization events does the present Malagasy fauna originate from? 2) Did any colonization event lead to a species radiation? 3) Where did the colonizers come from—Africa or Asia—and has there been any out-of-Madagascar event? 4) When did these events occur and were they concentrated to any particular time interval? Our results suggest that neither in Hydaticini nor in Cybistrini was there a single case of two or more endemic species forming a monophyletic group. The biogeographical analysis indicated different colonization histories for the two tribes. Cybistrini required at least eight separate colonization events, including the non-endemic species, all comparatively recent except the only lotic (running water) living Cybister operosus with an inferred colonization at 29 Ma. In Hydaticini the Madagascan endemics were spread out across the tree, often occupying basal positions in different species groups. The biogeographical analyses therefore postulated the very bold hypothesis of a Madagascan origin at a very deep basal node within Hydaticus and multiple out-of-Madagascar dispersal events. This hypothesis needs to be tested with equally intense taxon sampling of mainland Africa as for Madagascar.  相似文献   
Mediated amperometry was exploited to monitor intracellular redox activity without cell disruption. Continuous measurements of menadione-mediated glucose currents at carbon paste electrodes with various immobilized intact wild type yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida pulcherrima, Clavispora lusitaniae, Wickerhamomyces anomalus, Pichia guilliermondii, Kluyveromyces lactis var. lactis, Debaryomyces hansenii, Candida zeymolaydes and Candida tropicalis) revealed two distinct and previously unreported modes of development of the currents during the first 2 to 3 min. after subjection to glucose. A correlation among the values of the currents and the capacities of wild type yeasts to secrete various substances was observed.  相似文献   
DNA cytosine methylation is a widespread epigenetic mark. Biological effects of DNA methylation are mediated by the proteins that preferentially bind to 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in different sequence contexts. Until now two different structural mechanisms have been established for 5mC recognition in eukaryotes; however, it is still unknown how discrimination of the 5mC modification is achieved in prokaryotes. Here we report the crystal structure of the N-terminal DNA-binding domain (McrB-N) of the methyl-specific endonuclease McrBC from Escherichia coli. The McrB-N protein shows a novel DNA-binding fold adapted for 5mC-recognition. In the McrB-N structure in complex with methylated DNA, the 5mC base is flipped out from the DNA duplex and positioned within a binding pocket. Base flipping elegantly explains why McrBC system restricts only T4-even phages impaired in glycosylation [Luria, S.E. and Human, M.L. (1952) A nonhereditary, host-induced variation of bacterial viruses. J. Bacteriol., 64, 557-569]: flipped out 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is accommodated in the binding pocket but there is no room for the glycosylated base. The mechanism for 5mC recognition employed by McrB-N is highly reminiscent of that for eukaryotic SRA domains, despite the differences in their protein folds.  相似文献   
We show that tetraphenylphosphonium inhibits oxidation of palmitoylcarnitine, pyruvate, malate, 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate in heart mitochondria in the range of concentration (1–5 µM) commonly used for the determination of mitochondrial membrane potential. The inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate (but not other substrate) oxidation by tetraphenylphosphonium is dependent on the concentration of 2-oxoglutarate and on extramitochondrial free calcium, and the kinetic plots are consistent with a mixed type of inhibition. Our results indicate that tetraphenylphosphonium interacts with enzymes, specifically involved in the oxidation of 2-oxoglutarate, most possibly, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
Various mutant screens have been undertaken to identify constituents involved in the transmission of signals from the plastid to the nucleus. Many of these screens have been performed using carotenoid-deficient plants grown in the presence of norflurazon (NF), an inhibitor of phytoene desaturase. NF-treated plants are bleached and suppress the expression of nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins. Several genomes uncoupled (gun) mutants have been isolated that de-repress the expression of these nuclear genes. In the present study, a genetic screen has been established that circumvents severe photo-oxidative stress in NF-treated plants. Under these modified screening conditions, happy on norflurazon (hon) mutants have been identified that, like gun mutants, de-repress expression of the Lhcb gene, encoding a light-harvesting chlorophyll protein, but, in contrast to wild-type and gun mutants, are green in the presence of NF. hon mutations disturb plastid protein homeostasis, thereby activating plastid signaling and inducing stress acclimatization. Rather than defining constituents of a retrograde signaling pathway specifically associated with the NF-induced suppression of nuclear gene expression, as proposed for gun, hon mutations affect Lhcb expression more indirectly prior to initiation of plastid signaling in NF-treated seedlings. They pre-condition seedlings by inducing stress acclimatization, thereby attenuating the impact of a subsequent NF treatment.  相似文献   
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