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An integrated microprocessor-based fermenter controller was developed in 1980 for an operational environment at Cetus Corp. The main goals in the design and construction of the system were (1) to facilitate scale-up; (2) to provide flexibility and high performance for optimizing fermentation processes; and (3) to be cost-effective for 15 in-house systems. It was also developed to work in conjunction with a laboratory minicomputer for on-line optimization experiments. The controller controls temperature, agitation, dissolved oxygen, pH, and foam throughout each fermentation run without manual intervention. The feedback control parameters have been optimized to provide very accurate control over a wide range of setpoint conditions and under rapidly changing metabolic conditions such as induced during an Escherichia coli batch run. The controller has also been configured to monitor, display, and record each of the controlled variables; support the interactive operator console; and communicate with the laboratory computer. In over 4 years of operation, these systems have met the design goals and have proven to be very reliable. The controller is described, its operational performance presented, and a typical fermentation run delineated.  相似文献   
Pili (fimbriae) were observed on cells of each of the five strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and the one strain of Rhizobium trifolii examined. Pili on B. japonicum were about 4 nm in diameter and polarly expressed. Piliated cells were estimated by transmission electron microscopy and hydrophobic attachment to polystyrene to constitute only a small percentage of the total population. The proportion of piliated cells in these populations was dependent on culture age in some strains. Piliated B. japonicum cells were selectively and quantitatively removed from suspension when cultures were incubated with either soybean roots or hydrophobic plastic surfaces, indicating that pili were involved in the attachment of the bacteria to these surfaces. Pili from B. japonicum 110 ARS were purified and found to have a subunit molecular weight of approximately 21,000. Treatment of B. japonicum suspensions with antiserum against the isolated pili reduced attachment to soybean roots by about 90% and nodulation by about 80%. Pili appear to be important mediators of attachment of B. japonicum to soybean roots under the conditions examined.  相似文献   
G Bauer  U Birnbaum  P Hfler    C H Heldin 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(8):1957-1961
An Epstein-Barr virus-indicating factor (EIF) has been purified from serum and platelets. We show here that highly purified preparations of platelet EIF exhibit growth-promoting activity for NIH 3T3 cells maintained in platelet-poor plasma. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-inducing activity and growth-promoting activity co-elute upon gel chromatography under non-dissociating as well as dissociating conditions and co-migrate in SDS-gel electrophoresis, supporting the notion that both activities reside on the same molecule. Furthermore, both activities require a pH shock for full activity and act in the same concentration range. The growth-promoting activity of EIF can be differentiated from that of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), biologically (on the basis of differential response of cell lines to both factors), biochemically (on the basis of differences in isoelectric points and mol. wts. and the requirement of EIF to become activated by a pH shock) and by the lack of inhibition of EIF by antibody to PDGF.  相似文献   
A new species, Sphacelotheca polygoni-persicariae, parasitizing the ovaries of Polygonum persicaria L. is described. This smut, collected several times in Madeira, Portugal, differs from other species of that genus, by its host plant and the reticulated teliospore ornamentation. On the basis of the morphological and ultrastructural characters of S. polygoni-persicariae, in connection with some recently published data on siderophore formation and 5S ribosomal RNA sequences it can be assumed that 1) members of the genus Sphacelotheca are separated from typical Ustilago species of Poaceae, 2) Sphacelotheca is restricted to species parasitizing Polygonaceae, and 3) species of Sphacelotheca and Microhotryum as well as those Ustilago species which parasitize in the flowers of Polygonaceae are closely related.  相似文献   
Some teichoic acids are known to be partially substituted by α-D-glucopyranosyl residues such as the teichoic acids of Streptococcus faecalis NCIB 8191. They will, therefore, bind specifically the phytohemagglutinin concanavalin A. Concanavalin A labelled with mercury or colloidal gold coated with concanavalin A has been used to mark isolated cell walls in order to localize the teichoic acids at the ultrastructural level. Besides these two direct marking techniques, the indirect concanavalin A-peroxidase technique (localization of peroxidase by the diaminobenzidine method followed by postosmication) has been applied to thin sections of premarked cells. All three methods gave almost identical results, namely, a dense and homogeneous distribution of the cell wall teichoic acids. In control experiments total inhibition was achieved in the presence of methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside. After trichloroacetic acid or alkali extraction of the teichoic acids from isolated walls no marking could be detected.  相似文献   
Summary The variation of X-ray sensitivity was investigated during the cell cycle. The cells were most sensitive during the S phase and less sensitive during the G2- and G1 phase. Furthermore, the repair of X-ray damage was investigated in stationary (plateau phase) cells. The cells of both lines were able to repair damage to nearly the same extent.
Zusammenfassung Die Variation der Strahlensensibilität während des Zellcyclus wurde untersucht. Die Zellen reagierten am sensibelsten in der S-Phase, weniger sensibel in der G2-und G1-Phase. Weiterhin wurde die Reparation von Strahlenschäden bei stationären (Plateauphase-)Zellen untersucht. Die Zellen beider Linien sind in etwa gleichem Maße reparationsfähig.

Supported (I-IV) by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Mi/100, 1-7).  相似文献   
Summary Cross-reactions between human plasma proteins and their homologues in primate blood were investigated systematically. From the three groups of proteins distinguished earlier [2] two have been especially examined; these findings are reported and discussed in the present communication. The Immunological Evolution Group (IEG) I, comprising IgA (-chain), IgD (-chain) and inter--trypsininhibitor, cross-reacts with pongid plasma only, IEG IIa, i.e. IgM (-chain), 2-glycoproteins II and III and cholinesterase, does so with the pongid and cercopithecoid plasmas tested; IEG IIb, including acid l-glycoprotein, 2HS-glycoprotein, l-trypsininhibitor, haptoglobin and hemopexin, cross-reacts with pongid, cercopithecoid and cebus (platyrrhinian) plasma and finally IEG IIc, consisting of transferrin and Gc-globulin, does so with all primate plasmas tested, including prosimians. All the proteins named do not cross-react however with non-primate proteins as do those of IEG III. It is concluded, that the determinants reacting in the primate proteins increase in their evolutionary ages from IEG I over IEG IIa, IIb to IIc in the same way as the last common ancestors of man and the crossreacting species increase.
Zusammenfassung Die Kreuzreaktionen zwischen menschlichen Plasmaeiweißen und ihren Homologen im Blut von subhumanen Primaten wurden systematisch untersucht. Von den drei früher voneinander abgetrennten Gruppen [2] wurden zwei für die vorliegende Versuchsreihe herausgegriffen; eine von ihnen konnte weiter unterteilt werden. Die erhobenen Befunde werden berichtet und diskutiert. Die Immunologische Evolutions-Gruppe (IEG) I, die IgA (-Kette), IgD (-Kette) und den Inter--Trypsininhibitor umfaßt, zeight Kreuzreaktionen nur mit den Plasmen von Pongiden. Die IEG IIa, zu der IgM (-Kette), die 2 II und III und Cholinesterase gehören, kreuzreagiert mit den entsprechenden Plasmaproteinen der geprüften Pongiden und Cercopithecoidea, die IEG IIb—das sind saueres l-Glycoprotein, 2HS-Glycoprotein, l-Trypsininhibitor, Haptoglobin und Haemopexin — mit Pongiden, Cercopithecoidea und Cebus (Platyrrhini) und endlich die IEG IIc, die sich aus Transferrin und dem Gc-Globulin zusammensetzt, mit allen geprüften Primatenplasmen einschließlich denen von Prosimiern. Alle hier genannten Plasmaeiweiße zeigen jedoch keine Kreuzreaktionen mit Proteinen von Nichtprimaten, wie dies bei der IEG III der Fall ist.Aus den vorliegenden Befunden wird der Schluß gezogen, daß die Determinanten der Primatenproteine, die jeweils reagieren, in ihrem phylogenetischen Alter von IEG Iüber IEG IIa, IIb, IIc im gleichen Maße ansteigen, wie die letzten gemeinsamen Vorfahren von Mensch und den kreuzreagierenden Arten.

(Chief: Prof. Dr. E. Krah)  相似文献   
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