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The lateral hypothalamus (LH) has a critical role in the control of feeding and drinking. Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is an orexigenic peptidergic neurotransmitter produced primarily in the LH, and agouti-related protein (AgRP) is an orexigenic peptidergic neurotransmitter produced exclusively in the arcuate (ARC), an area that innervates the LH. We assessed drinking and eating after third ventricular (i3vt) administration of MCH and AgRP. MCH (2.5, 5, and 10 micro g i3vt) significantly increased food as well as water intake over 4 h when administered during either the light or the dark portion of the day-night cycle. When MCH (5 micro g) was administered to rats with access to water but no food, they drank significantly more water than when given the vehicle. AgRP (7 micro g i3vt), on the other hand, increased water intake but only in proportion to food intake during the dark and the light, and water intake was not increased after i3vt AgRP in the absence of food. Hence, in contrast to AgRP, MCH elicits increased water intake independent of food intake. These results are consistent with historical data linking activity of the LH with water as well as food intake.  相似文献   
Light microscopic observations were made on 22 ovules from fertile plants and 108 ovules from sterile plants of the cv. KS synaptic mutant, a highly male-sterile, female-sterile line of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] (2n = 2x = 40). Ovules of fertile siblings contained normal embryo sacs and embryos. Ovules from sterile plants contained various irregularities. The most consistent abnormality was the failure of the embryo sac to attain normal size. Small megasporocytes of irregular shape were seen; only one megasporocyte of normal shape and size was noted. No linear tetrads were found. However, two ovules contained nonlinear triads. A range from zero to 28 cells and nuclei, of various sizes, were identifiable in small megagametophytes and embryo sacs. Degeneration of these nuclei and cells was noted as early as the four-nucleate gametophyte stage. Other ovules contained degenerated nucellar centers without embryo sacs. Two ovules appeared to be normal. Late postpollination stages were marked by shrunken nucellus and integuments. The presence of pollen tube traces, endosperm, and aborting embryos in ovules of hand-pollinated flowers from sterile plants suggested that no incompatibility was involved. Degeneration of the gametophyte and embryo sac contents at many developmental stages indicated a wide array of effects, possibly resulting from meiotic irregularities similar to those seen in microsporogenesis of this mutant.  相似文献   
We describe the construction and application of elements for random insertion of promoter containing DNA into the genome of Bacillus subtilis. The outward-facing promoter of these integrative elements termed InsTetG+ is inducible by tetracycline so that conditional mutants are generated. We constructed three InsTetG+ variants using different regulatory windows. In the first, the regulator gene tetR is located within the element, allowing one-step mutagenesis. The second contains tetR in the chromosome and yields the best regulation efficiency. The third exploits xylose-dependent tetR expression from a plasmid, enabling induction of TetR synthesis so that distinct expression levels of an affected gene can be adjusted. We have obtained mutant strains with all three variants. For some of them, growth can be modulated by the presence of effectors. Most growth defects occur in the presence of inducers, presumably due to regulated expression of antisense RNA.  相似文献   
Purpose: To assess changes in serum cytokine levels in patients treated concomitantly with or without systemic low-dose IL-2. Vaccination targeted CTL responses to peptide antigens, and IL-2 was coadministered to expand activated CTL. Paradoxically, CTL responses were diminished in patients after 2 weeks of IL-2. We hypothesized that changes in the cytokine milieu may have contributed to this result. Experimental design: Serum samples were studied from 37 patients enrolled in two clinical trials of a melanoma peptide vaccine administered with or without low-dose IL-2 therapy. Twenty-two patients enrolled in the MEL36 trial received six weekly vaccinations with the four-peptide mixture and were randomized to receive subcutaneous IL-2 (3×106 IU/m2/day) daily for 6 weeks beginning either at week 1 (upfront group) or at week 4 (delayed group) of vaccine therapy. Fifteen patients on the MEL39 trial were treated with the same vaccine without concurrent IL-2 administration. Results: Circulating levels of IL-5 peaked 1 week after starting IL-2, followed 2 weeks later by a marked eosinophilia, correlating in magnitude with peak IL-5 serum levels. Levels of IFN, GM-CSF, IL-4, IL-10, and IL-12 had no observed relationship to IL-2 administration. At the time of the IL-5 serum peak, PBL responses to mitogen suggested a transient shift to Th2-dominance. Conclusions: Low-dose IL-2 appears to have induced a transient Th2-dominant secondary cytokine cascade at the time of vaccination, for which eosinophilia is a surrogate marker. For future vaccine therapies targeting cytotoxic T-cell responses, delaying IL-2 until after initiation of immune responses may be more effective.William Chad Cragun and Galina V. Yamshchikov contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   
To determine whether there are structural differences in two topologically separated, biochemically defined mitochondrial populations in rat heart myocytes, the interior of these organelles was examined by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. On the basis of a count of 159 in situ subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM, i.e., those that directly abut the sarcolemma), these organelles possess mainly lamelliform cristae (77%), whereas the cristae in in situ interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM, i.e., those situated between the myofibrils, n = 300) are mainly tubular (55%) or a mixture of tubular and lamelliform (24%). Isolated SSM (n = 374), similar to their in situ counterparts, have predominantly lamelliform cristae (75%). The proportions of crista types in isolated IFM (n = 337) have been altered, with only 20% of these organelles retaining exclusively tubular cristae, whereas 58% are mixed; of the latter, lamelliform cristae predominate. This finding suggests that, in contrast to SSM, the cristae in IFM are structurally plastic, changing during isolation. These observations on >1,000 organelles provide the first quantitative morphological evidence for definitive differences between the two populations of cardiac mitochondria.  相似文献   
Benoit SC  Clegg DJ  Woods SC  Seeley RJ 《Peptides》2005,26(5):751-757
The ingestion of foods is comprised of two distinct phases of behavior: appetitive and consummatory. While most food intake paradigms include both phases, the intraoral intake test emphasizes the stereotyped consummatory-phase by infusing a liquid food directly into the oral cavity. Several hypothalamic peptides have been shown to increase intake of chow in standard food intake paradigms and the current experiments sought to test whether these peptides would increase food intake in the intraoral intake paradigm. NPY, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and orexin-A were infused into the third ventricle (i3vt) in a counterbalanced latin-square design just prior to rats getting 0.1M sucrose solution infused via indwelling intraoral catheters and compared it to intake on bottle tests with access to the same sucrose solution. On the first day, each peptide increased intraoral intake relative to saline in the between-subjects comparison. Moreover, intake of sucrose following i3vt saline increased as a function of training. By the final day of the experiment, rats receiving saline consumed as much sucrose as rats receiving NPY, MCH, or orexin-A. This finding was conceptually replicated in the second experiment in which rats drank sucrose freely from a bottle on the home cage. A third experiment directly assessed the role of previous exposure in the sucrose intake induced by NPY. Those results confirm that repeated exposure to sucrose increases baseline intake and attenuates the hyperphagic effect of NPY. These results are consistent with two conclusions: (1) NPY, MCH, and orexin-A increase both appetitive and consummatory-phase ingestive behaviors on initial exposures; (2) repeated training interacts with the effects of these orexigenic peptides.  相似文献   
A frequently debated question for studies involving the measurement of stress hormones in rodents is the optimal method for collecting blood with minimal stress to the animal. Some investigators prefer the implantation of indwelling catheters to allow for frequent sampling. Others argue that the implantation of a catheter creates a chronic stress to the animal that confounds stress hormone measures and therefore rely on tail vein sampling. Moreover, some investigators measure hormones in trunk blood samples obtained after anesthesia, a practice that may itself raise hormone levels. To address these controversies, we 1) compared plasma ACTH and corticosterone (Cort) concentrations in pre- and poststress rat blood samples obtained via previously implanted vena cava catheters, tail vein nicks, or clipping the tip off the tail and 2) compared plasma ACTH and Cort in rat blood samples obtained by decapitation with and without anesthesia. Rats sampled via indwelling catheters displayed lower prestress ACTH levels than those sampled by tail vein nick if the time to acquire samples was not limited; however, elevated basal ACTH was not observed in samples obtained by tail clip or tail nick when the samples were obtained within 3 min. Baseline Cort levels were similar in all groups. After restraint stress, the profile of the plasma ACTH and Cort responses was not affected by sampling method. Decapitation with prior administration of CO2 or pentobarbital sodium increased plasma ACTH levels approximately 13- and 2-fold, respectively, when compared with decapitation without anesthesia. These data indicate that tail vein nicking, tail clipping, or indwelling venous catheters can be used for obtaining plasma for ACTH and Cort during acute stress studies without confounding the measurements. However, the elevation in basal ACTH seen in the tail vein nick group at baseline suggests that sampling needs to be completed rapidly (<3 min) to avoid the initiation of the pituitary stress response. Death by CO2 and pentobarbital sodium injection before trunk blood collection cause significant stress to animals, as reflected in the elevated plasma ACTH levels. These results support the use of either chronic vascular cannulas or sampling from a tail vein. However, collection of blood under pentobarbital sodium or CO2 anesthesia is likely to confound the results of stress studies when ACTH is an important endpoint.  相似文献   
Light GG  Mahan JR  Roxas VP  Allen RD 《Planta》2005,222(2):346-354
Transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lines expressing the tobacco glutathione S-transferase (GST) Nt107 were evaluated for tolerance to chilling, salinity, and herbicides, antioxidant enzyme activity, antioxidant compound levels, and lipid peroxidation. Although transgenic seedlings exhibited ten-fold and five-fold higher GST activity under normal and salt-stress conditions, respectively, germinating seedlings did not show improved tolerance to salinity, chilling conditions, or herbicides. Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity in transgenic seedlings was 30% to 60% higher under normal conditions, but was not different than GPX activity in wild-type seedlings under salt-stress conditions. Glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and monodehydroascorbate reductase activities were not increased in transgenic seedlings under salt-stress conditions, while dehydroascorbate reductase activity was decreased in transgenic seedlings under salt-stress conditions. Transgenic seedlings had 50% more oxidized glutathione when exposed to salt stress. Ascorbate levels were not increased in transgenic seedlings under salt-stress conditions. Malondialdehyde content in transgenic seedlings was nearly double that of wild-type seedlings under normal conditions and did not increase under salt-stress conditions. These results show that expression of Nt107 in cotton does not provide adequate protection against oxidative stress and suggests that the endogenous antioxidant system in cotton may be disrupted by the expression of the tobacco GST.  相似文献   
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