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Serum and urine chromium as indices of chromium status in tannery workers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Serum and urinary Cr levels of a selected group of men exposed to CrIII in four Southern Ontario tanneries were compared with those of men not exposed to Cr. Fasted blood samples were obtained from 72 tannery workers (TW; mean age +/- SD = 36 +/- 12 years) and from 52 controls (CS; mean age +/- SD = 41 +/- 13 years). Serum Cr levels as determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry were significantly higher (P = 0.0001) for TW (median 0.49 ng/ml, range 0.37-0.81) than for CS (median 0.15 ng/ml, range 0.12-0.20). Urine samples were collected from 49 TW and 43 CS on a Friday pm and from 42 TW on a Monday am. Urinary creatine (Cre) was determined by the Jaffe reaction. For Friday samples, the median urinary Cr/Cre ratio was significantly higher (P = 0.0001) for TW (median 0.83 ng/mg, range 0.48-1.82) than for CS (median 0.18 ng/mg, range 0.13-0.26). For TW, Cr/Cre was correlated with serum Cr (r = 0.72, P = 0.0001). Neither urinary Cr/Cre nor serum Cr was correlated with length of employment in the tanning industry. There were significant differences in serum Cr levels and urinary Cr/Cre ratios among TW employed in different areas of the tanneries. For TW, the median urinary Cr/Cre ratio for Monday morning samples was significantly lower than for Friday afternoon samples (P = 0.03). These data indicate that CrIII is absorbed and that serum and urine Cr in tannery workers may be indices of Cr exposure and status.  相似文献   
Immunoblot analysis showed that the 47 kDa platelet substrate of protein kinase C (P47) was expressed at low levels in undifferentiated HL-60 leukaemia cells. Treatment of these cells with dimethyl sulphoxide, 1 alpha,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol or retinoic acid caused progressive increases in P47 content. Retinoic acid (1 microM) elicited the largest response, a 4-fold increase in P47 protein after 7 days that was accompanied by an increase in translatable P47 mRNA. The induction of P47 by retinoic acid preceded cessation of cell proliferation and development of the capacity to reduce Nitro Blue Tetrazolium, indicating that its expression is an early event in the myeloid differentiation of HL-60 cells.  相似文献   
The combined application of one- and two-dimensional high-field NMR techniques has led to the first assignment of the 1H, 13C, and 15N spectra of the pentadecapeptide gramicidin A in dimethylsulphoxide solution. The 62.9-MHz and 100.6-MHz 13C spin-lattice relaxation times and 13C-[1H] NOE factors for the backbone alpha carbons have been analysed in the 'model-free' approach to give a single correlation time (tau m) for isotropic overall molecular motion and an order parameter and internal correlation time for each C alpha H group in the backbone. The relatively high and constant values for the order parameter along the backbone indicate a degree of ordering of the structure, while the internal correlation times show that internal motions are progressively more rapid towards the N terminus. The average values of the vicinal HNC alpha H couplings are 7.4 Hz and 8.4 Hz respectively for the alternate L- and D-amino acid residues. The values are not consistent with either a ribbon conformation for the backbone or a right-handed beta 6.3 helix; they are consistent with the model proposed by Glickson et al. [Glickson, J. D., Mayers, D. F., Settine, J. M. & Urry, D. W. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 477-486] in which there is a rapid conformational order in equilibrium disorder equilibrium, the ordered structure being the left-handed beta 6.3 helix and the disordered state having local random-coil character.  相似文献   
A novel phenomenon in which wilted cabbage leaves appeared to regain positive turgor pressures without additional water uptake has been previously reported (J Levitt [1986] Plant Physiol 82: 147-153). These experiments were replicated and the biophysical nature of turgor recovery characterized. Leaf water potential and its components were assayed in hydrated, wilted, and desiccated leaves which appeared to regain turgor after wilting. The hypotheses that turgor recovery was due to an increased volumetric elastic modulus (ε), or alternatively the result of solute redistribution were tested. Quantitative evidence that turgor recovery occurs in excised leaves was found. Leaf turgor pressure in hydrated leaves (~0.6 megapascal) decreased to zero upon wilting. After continued desiccation, turgor pressure returned to approximately 0.3 megapascal even though leaf relative water content declined. The ε of hydrated leaves was large and there was no evidence of an increased ε in the turgor-recovered leaves. Solute mobilization occurred during desiccation. The apoplastic osmotic potential decreased from −0.15 to −0.44 megapascal in hydrated and turgor-recovered leaves, respectively, and solutes were transported from the lamina to the midrib tissue. Solute redistribution coupled with the high ε may have resulted in localized turgor recovery in specific cells in the desiccated leaves.  相似文献   
Inactivation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase was studied using intact mitochondria purified from green leaf tissue of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and dialyzed mitochondrial extracts. Thiamine pyrophosphate was inhibitory in dialyzed extracts but not in intact mitochondria, except in the presence of high concentrations of Na+. NH4+, at concentrations as low as 20 micromolar, markedly stimulated inactivation in dialyzed extracts. K+ in the range 1 to 10 millimolar also enhanced inactivation. In contrast, Na+ was without affect at lower concentrations but was inhibitory at 10 to 100 millimolar levels. The effect of NH4+ is discussed in relation to a possible regulatory interaction between photorespiratory NH4+ production and the entry of carbon into the tricarboxylic acid cycle by way of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.  相似文献   
Fluctuations in the amounts of choline, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and diradylglycerol have been used to monitor phospholipase activation in the human neutrophil. Stimulation of human neutrophils by formylmethionyl-leucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) resulted in a rapid activation of both phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate breakdown by phospholipase C and phosphatidylcholine breakdown by phospholipase D. Diradylglycerol accumulation occurred more slowly than that of either choline or IP3 and was inhibited by 30 mM-butanol, suggesting that the bulk was derived from the phospholipase D pathway via phosphatidate phosphohydrolase. Consistent with this is the observation that choline and diradylglycerol are produced in similar amounts. 1,2-Diacylglycerol (DAG) and 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycerol species accumulated with different time courses, indicating that one or more steps in the phospholipase D pathway was selective for the diacyl species. Superoxide production by fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated neutrophils paralleled DAG accumulation over the first 5 min, but thereafter this production stopped, despite the fact that DAG remained elevated. We conclude that DAG derived from the phospholipase D pathway is only one of the second messengers important in controlling this functional response.  相似文献   
Attempts to transform wild type strains of V. cholerae with plasmid DNA by traditional osmotic shock methods were not successful. A mutant of V. cholerae that was deficient in extracellular DNase was transformed with plasmid DNA by osmotic shock, demonstrating directly that extracellular DNase is a major barrier to transformation of V. cholerae. Transformation of wild type and DNase-negative strains of V. cholerae was accomplished by electroporation. Efficiency of transformation by electroporation increased with field strength, decreased with plasmid size, and was relatively insensitive to changes in the electrolyte composition of the buffer as long as isotonic sucrose was present. Host-controlled modification/restriction systems also affected transformation efficiency in V. cholerae.  相似文献   
Selectivity of protein kinase inhibitors in human intact platelets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The specificity of commonly used protein kinase inhibitors has been evaluated in the intact human platelet. Protein kinase C (PKC) and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) were activated selectively by treating platelets with phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu) or prostacyclin (PGl2). PKC activity was quantitated by measuring PDBu-specific phosphorylation of a 47,000 molecular weight protein, and PKA activity monitored by measuring prostacyclin-dependent phosphorylation of a 22,000 molecular weight protein. Staurosporine and 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulphonyl)-2-methyl-piperazine (H-7) were found to be non-specific inhibitors in the intact platelet, consistent with their effects on the isolated enzymes. Tamoxifen inhibited PKC activity (IC50 = 80 microM) but increased PKA-dependent protein phosphorylation. These results support the use of human platelets for measuring the specificity of protein kinase inhibitors and indicate that tamoxifen might have value for experimental purposes as a relatively selective PKC inhibitor.  相似文献   
Summary Lymph nodes contain an extensive array of extracellular matrix fibers frequently referred to as reticular fibers because of their reticular pattern and positive reaction with silver stains. These fibers are known to contain primarily type-III collagen. In the present study, frozen and plastic-embedded sections of mouse and human lymph nodes were subjected to immunostaining with a panel of monospecific antibodies directed against type-IV collagen, type-III collagen, laminin, entactin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that, in addition to being uniformly stained with antibodies to type-III collagen, these fibers also stained positively with antibodies to type-IV collagen and to other basement-membrane-specific components. Furthermore, the basement-membrane-specific antibodies stained the outer surface of individual fibers. These same type-III collagen-rich fibers were distinct from blood vascular basement membranes since they did not react with antibodies to factor VIII-related antigen, an endothelial-cell-specific marker. The role of these basement-membrane-specific components associated with the reticular fibers of lymphoid tissue is unknown. However, it is possible that the ligands promote attachment of reticular fibroblasts as well as macrophages and lymphocytes to the extracellular matrix fibers.  相似文献   
As part of our investigation of the mode of action of plant hormones in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone layers, we have studied the expression of five identified and three unidentified mRNA species in the presence of exogenous gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid. Three of the mRNAs are GA3-inducible, three are suppressed by GA3, and two are constitutive. The extent of the GA3 effect differs considerably for both inducible and suppressible mRNAs. For example, a ten-fold higher concentration of GA3 (10-8 M) is required for full induction of the high-pl group -amylase mRNA than is required for the low-pI -amylase mRNA (10-9 M). Temporal regulation of mRNA abundance also varies between the two -amylase isoenzyme groups. The three GA3-suppressible mRNA species studied, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1), a probable amylase and protease inhibitor, and an unidentified barley mRNA species also varied in response to GA3. The ADH1 mRNA decreased drastically within 8 h of GA3 treatment, whereas the other two began to decrease in abundance only after 12–16 h of GA3 treatment. Abscisic-acid treatment counteracted the GA3 effects for both the inducible and suppressible mRNA species. Comparison of -amylase-mRNA levels and -amylase-synthesis rates showed a strong correlation between the two parameters, the only exception being a lack of -amylase synthesis in the presence of -amylase mRNA at low GA3 concentrations. Therefore, the expression of -amylase seems to be regulated primarily by its mRNA levels.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ADH1 alcohol dehydrogenase 1 - cDNA copy DNA - GA3 gibberellic acid - PAPI probable amylase/protease inhibitor  相似文献   
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