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The role of migratory birds in the dispersal of Ixodes scapularis ticks in the northeastern U.S. is well established and is presumed to be a major factor in the expansion of the geographic risk for Lyme disease. Population genetic studies of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, the agent of Lyme disease in this region, consistently reveal the local presence of as many as 15 distinct strain types as designated by major groups of the ospC surface lipoprotein. Recent evidence suggests such strain diversity is adaptive to the diverse vertebrate hosts that maintain enzootic infection. How this strain diversity is established in emergent areas is unknown. To determine whether similar strain diversity is present in ticks imported by birds, we examined B. burgdorferi strains in I. scapularis ticks removed from migrants at an isolated island site. Tick mid‐guts were cultured and isolates underwent DNA amplification with primers targeting ospC. Amplicons were separated by gel electrophoresis and sequenced. One hundred thirty‐seven nymphal ticks obtained from 68 birds resulted in 24 isolates of B. burgdorferi representing eight ospC major groups. Bird‐derived ticks contain diverse strain types of B. burgdorferi, including strain types associated with invasive Lyme disease. Birds and the ticks that feed on them may introduce a diversity of strains of the agent of Lyme disease to emergent areas.  相似文献   
Monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancies are associated with significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates than dichorionic twins. Approximately 50% of MC twin pregnancies develop complications arising from the shared placenta and associated vascular connections. Severe twin-to-twin syndrome (TTTS) is reported to account for approximately 20% of these complications. Inter-twin vascular connections occur in almost all MC placentas and are related to the prognosis and outcome of these high-risk twin pregnancies. The number, size and type of connections have been implicated in the development of TTTS and other MC twin conditions. Three types of inter-twin vascular connections occur: 1) artery to vein connections (AVs) in which a branch artery carrying deoxygenated blood from one twin courses along the fetal surface of the placenta and dives into a placental cotyledon. Blood flows via a deep intraparenchymal capillary network into a draining vein that emerges at the fetal surface of the placenta and brings oxygenated blood toward the other twin. There is unidirectional flow from the twin supplying the afferent artery toward the twin receiving the efferent vein; 2) artery to artery connections (AAs) in which a branch artery from each twin meets directly on the superficial placental surface resulting in a vessel with pulsatile bidirectional flow, and 3) vein to vein connections (VVs) in which a branch vein from each twin meets directly on the superficial placental surface allowing low pressure bidirectional flow. In utero obstetric sonography with targeted Doppler interrogation has been used to identify the presence of AV and AA connections. Prenatally detected AAs that have been confirmed by postnatal placental injection studies have been shown to be associated with an improved prognosis for both twins. Furthermore, fetoscopic laser ablation of inter-twin vascular connections on the fetal surface of the shared placenta is now the preferred treatment for early, severe TTTS. Postnatal placental injection studies provide a valuable method to confirm the accuracy of prenatal Doppler ultrasound findings and the efficacy of fetal laser therapy. Using colored dyes separately hand-injected into the arterial and venous circulations of each twin, the technique highlights and delineates AVs, AAs, and VVs. This definitive demonstration of MC placental vascular anatomy may then be correlated with Doppler ultrasound findings and neonatal outcome to enhance our understanding of the pathophysiology of MC twinning and its sequelae. Here we demonstrate our placental injection technique.  相似文献   
In many species of bacteria most inducible DNA repair genes are regulated by LexA homologues and are dependent on RecA for induction. We have shown previously by analysing the induction of recA that two mechanisms for the induction of gene expression following DNA damage exist in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Whereas one of these depends on RecA and LexA in the classical way, the other mechanism is independent of both of these proteins and induction occurs in the absence of RecA. Here we investigate the generality of each of these mechanisms by analysing the global response to DNA damage in both wild-type M. tuberculosis and a recA deletion strain of M. tuberculosis using microarrays. This revealed that the majority of the genes that were induced remained inducible in the recA mutant stain. Of particular note most of the inducible genes with known or predicted functions in DNA repair did not depend on recA for induction. Amongst these are genes involved in nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, damage reversal and recombination. Thus, it appears that this novel mechanism of gene regulation is important for DNA repair in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Gene transfer is a major factor in bacterial evolution   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
Lateral gene transfer in four strains of Salmonella enterica has been assessed using genomic subtraction. Strain LT2 (subspecies I serovar Typhimurium) chromosomal DNA was used as target and subtracted by three subspecies I strains of serovars Typhimurium (S21), Muenchen (S71), Typhi (M229), and a subspecies V strain (M321). Data from probing random cosmids of LT2 DNA with preparations of the residual LT2 DNA after subtraction were used to estimate the amounts of LT2 DNA not able to hybridize to strains S21, S71, M229, and M321 to be in the range of 84-106, 191-355, 305-629, and 778-1,286 kb, respectively. Several lines of evidence indicate that most of this DNA is from genes not present in strain M321 and not from genes that have diverged in sequence. The amounts correlate with the divergence of the four strains as revealed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and sequence variation of housekeeping genes. Sequence of 39 of the fragments from the M321 subtracted residual LT2 DNA revealed only six inserts of known gene function with evidence of both gain and loss of genes during the development of S. enterica clones. Sixteen of the 39 segments have 45% or lower G+C content, below the species average, but over half are within the normal range for the species. We conclude that even within a species, clones may differ by up to 20% of chromosomal DNA, indicating a major role for lateral transfer, and that on the basis of G+C content, a significant proportion of the DNA is from distantly related species.   相似文献   
Selective amplification in PCR is principally determined by the sequence of the primers and the temperature of the annealing step. We have developed a new PCR technique for distinguishing related sequences in which additional selectivity is dependent on sequences within the amplicon. A 5′ extension is included in one (or both) primer(s) that corresponds to sequences within one of the related amplicons. After copying and incorporation into the PCR product this sequence is then able to loop back, anneal to the internal sequences and prime to form a hairpin structure—this structure is then refractory to further amplification. Thus, amplification of sequences containing a perfect match to the 5′ extension is suppressed while amplification of sequences containing mismatches or lacking the sequence is unaffected. We have applied Headloop PCR to DNA that had been bisulphite-treated for the selective amplification of methylated sequences of the human GSTP1 gene in the presence of up to a 105-fold excess of unmethylated sequences. Headloop PCR has a potential for clinical application in the detection of differently methylated DNAs following bisulphite treatment as well as for selective amplification of sequence variants or mutants in the presence of an excess of closely related DNA sequences.  相似文献   
Male túngara frogs (Physalaemus pustulosus) produce complex calls consisting of two components, a ~350 ms FM sweep called the “whine” followed by up to seven ~40 ms harmonic bursts called “chucks”. In order to choose and locate a calling male, females attending to choruses must group call components into auditory streams to correctly assign calls to their sources. Previously we showed that spatial cues play a limited role in grouping: calls with normal spectra and temporal structure are grouped over wide angular separations (≤135°). In this study we again use phonotaxis to first test whether an alternative cue, the sequence of call components, plays a role in auditory grouping and second, whether grouping is mediated by peripheral or central mechanisms. We found that while grouping is not limited to the natural call sequence, it does vary with the relative onset times of the two calls. To test whether overlapping stimulation in the periphery is required for grouping, the whine and chuck were filtered to restrict their spectra to the sensitivity ranges of the amphibian and basilar papillae, respectively. For these dichotic-like stimuli, grouping still occurred (albeit only to 45° separation), suggesting that stream formation is mediated by central mechanisms.  相似文献   
Elevated CO2 enhances photosynthesis and growth of plants, but the enhancement is strongly influenced by the availability of nitrogen. In this article, we summarise our studies on plant responses to elevated CO2. The photosynthetic capacity of leaves depends not only on leaf nitrogen content but also on nitrogen partitioning within a leaf. In Polygonum cuspidatum, nitrogen partitioning among the photosynthetic components was not influenced by elevated CO2 but changed between seasons. Since the alteration in nitrogen partitioning resulted in different CO2-dependence of photosynthetic rates, enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 was greater in autumn than in summer. Leaf mass per unit area (LMA) increases in plants grown at elevated CO2. This increase was considered to have resulted from the accumulation of carbohydrates not used for plant growth. With a sensitive analysis of a growth model, however, we suggested that the increase in LMA is advantageous for growth at elevated CO2 by compensating for the reduction in leaf nitrogen concentration per unit mass. Enhancement of reproductive yield by elevated CO2 is often smaller than that expected from vegetative growth. In Xanthium canadense, elevated CO2 did not increase seed production, though the vegetative growth increased by 53%. As nitrogen concentration of seeds remained constant at different CO2 levels, we suggest that the availability of nitrogen limited seed production at elevated CO2 levels. We found that leaf area development of plant canopy was strongly constrained by the availability of nitrogen rather than by CO2. In a rice field cultivated at free-air CO2 enrichment, the leaf area index (LAI) increased with an increase in nitrogen availability but did not change with CO2 elevation. We determined optimal LAI to maximise canopy photosynthesis and demonstrated that enhancement of canopy photosynthesis by elevated CO2 was larger at high than at low nitrogen availability. We also studied competitive asymmetry among individuals in an even-aged, monospecific stand at elevated CO2. Light acquisition (acquired light per unit aboveground mass) and utilisation (photosynthesis per unit acquired light) were calculated for each individual in the stand. Elevated CO2 enhanced photosynthesis and growth of tall dominants, which reduced the light availability for shorter subordinates and consequently increased size inequality in the stand.  相似文献   
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