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The Notch signaling pathway controls a large number of processes during animal development and adult homeostasis. One of the conserved post-translational modifications of the Notch receptors is the addition of an O-linked glucose to epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats with a C-X-S-X-(P/A)-C motif by Protein O-glucosyltransferase 1 (POGLUT1; Rumi in Drosophila). Genetic experiments in flies and mice, and in vivo structure-function analysis in flies indicate that O-glucose residues promote Notch signaling. The O-glucose residues on mammalian Notch1 and Notch2 proteins are efficiently extended by the addition of one or two xylose residues through the function of specific mammalian xylosyltransferases. However, the contribution of xylosylation to Notch signaling is not known. Here, we identify the Drosophila enzyme Shams responsible for the addition of xylose to O-glucose on EGF repeats. Surprisingly, loss- and gain-of-function experiments strongly suggest that xylose negatively regulates Notch signaling, opposite to the role played by glucose residues. Mass spectrometric analysis of Drosophila Notch indicates that addition of xylose to O-glucosylated Notch EGF repeats is limited to EGF14–20. A Notch transgene with mutations in the O-glucosylation sites of Notch EGF16–20 recapitulates the shams loss-of-function phenotypes, and suppresses the phenotypes caused by the overexpression of human xylosyltransferases. Antibody staining in animals with decreased Notch xylosylation indicates that xylose residues on EGF16–20 negatively regulate the surface expression of the Notch receptor. Our studies uncover a specific role for xylose in the regulation of the Drosophila Notch signaling, and suggest a previously unrecognized regulatory role for EGF16–20 of Notch.  相似文献   
In vivo plasmid end-joining assays are valuable tools for dissecting important qualitative and quantitative aspects of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) – a key mechanism for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in higher eukaryotes. They enable the use of defined DNA ends as substrates for end-joining and the analysis by sequencing of the resulting junctions to identify the repair pathways engaged. Yet, plasmid assays have generated divergent results of end-joining capacity in the same DSB repair mutants when used under different conditions, which implies contributions from undefined and therefore uncontrolled parameters. To help standardize these assays, we searched for parameters underpinning these variations and identified transfection method as an important determinant. Here, we compare a lipid-based transfection method, lipofection, with an electroporation method, nucleofection, and find large, unanticipated and cell line-dependent differences in percent end-joining without recognizable trends. For example, in rodent cells, transfection using lipofection gives nearly WT end-joining in DNA-PKcs mutants and only mildly inhibited end-joining in Lig4 and Ku mutants. In contrast, transfection using nucleofection shows marked end-joining inhibition in all NHEJ mutants tested as compared to the WT. In human HCT116 cells, end-joining after nucleofection is strongly suppressed even in the WT and the differences to the mutants are small. After lipofection, in contrast, end-joining is high in WT cells and markedly suppressed in the mutants. We conclude that better understanding and control of the physicochemical/biological and analytical parameters underpinning these differences will be required to generate with plasmid assays results with quantitative power comparable to that of well-established methods of DSB analysis such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis or γ-H2AX foci scoring. Until then, caution is needed in the interpretation of the results obtained – particularly with reference to pathway efficiency and residual damage – and confirmation of critical results with alternative transfection approaches is advisable.  相似文献   
Parthenium poses serious threat to modern crop production system and necessitate evaluating control practices for its effective management. Efficacy of different weed control practices for controlling parthenium was explored in conventional and deep tillage systems in the field conditions. Hand hoeing (20 and 35 days after emergence), S-Metolachlor (pre-emergence herbicide), sorghum straw mulch @ 5 tons ha-1 and combination of hand hoeing and sorghum straw mulch (hand hoeing at 20 and straw mulch at 35 days after emergence) were used as weed control practice. Weedy check where no weed control measure was applied was also included in this experiment for comparison. Results concluded that the all weed management treatments significantly reduced parthenium density, its fresh and dry biomass during both the years of study as compared to weedy check. Maximum sunflower achene yield was recorded in hand hoeing (20 and 35 days after emergence) in combination with deep tillage. So, mold bold plough used for the purpose of deep tillage should be encouraged for better control of parthenium and higher achene yield of sunflower crop (3293.3 kg ha-1 in 2017 and 3221.3 kg ha-1 in 2018). Moreover, is also inferred that total dose of herbicide might be reduced by using hoeing and mulching in an integrated way.  相似文献   
A major clinical need exists for cartilage repair and regeneration. Despite many different strategies having been pursued, the identification of an optimised cell type and of pre-treatment conditions remains a challenge. This study compares the cartilage-like tissue generated by human bone marrow stromal cells (HBMSCs) and human neonatal and adult chondrocytes cultured on three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds under various conditions in vitro and in vivo with the aim of informing future cartilage repair strategies based upon tissue-engineering approaches. After 3 weeks in vitro culture, all three cell types showed cartilage-like tissue formation on 3D poly (lactide-co-glycolide) acid scaffolds only when cultured in chondrogenic medium. After 6 weeks of chondro-induction, neonatal chondrocyte constructs revealed the most cartilage-like tissue formation with a prominent superficial zone-like layer, a middle zone-like structure and the thinnest fibrous capsule. HBMSC constructs had the thickest fibrous capsule formation. Under basal culture conditions, neonatal articular chondrocytes failed to form any tissue, whereas HBMSCs and adult chondrocytes showed thick fibrous capsule formation at 6 weeks. After in vivo implantation, all groups generated more compact tissues compared with in vitro constructs. Pre-culturing in chondrogenic media for 1 week before implantation reduced fibrous tissue formation in all cell constructs at week 3. After 6 weeks, only the adult chondrocyte group pre-cultured in chondrogenic media was able to maintain a more chondrogenic/less fibrocartilaginous phenotype. Thus, pre-culture under chondrogenic conditions is required to maintain a long-term chondrogenic phenotype, with adult chondrocytes being a more promising cell source than HBMSCs for articular cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Apple is known to be susceptible to various virus and viroid pathogens. Symptomatic apple cultivars and rootstocks were collected and analyzed by ELISA and then through RT-PCR. The study reports the presence of Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV), Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), the major apple viruses and Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), a minor apple virus, at the molecular level in India. Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) infection was also confirmed at the molecular level. Sporadic incidences of Tomato ringspot virus and Arabis mosaic virus infections were also detected by ELISA in nursery plants.  相似文献   
Leaf curl and yellow vein mosaic viral disease is the major constraint on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) production in India. Amplified fragment sequence of DNA-β showed highest similarity of 91.7% with Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus-Tamil Nadu (AJ308425, NC_003405) and lowest similarity of 48.5% with OKLCV (NC_004093), whereas coat protein specific amplified sequence showed highest homology with isolate of Madurai, Haryana, Ludhiana and lowest homology of 92% with Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus (MYVMBV) (EU360303). The results obtained in the present study confirm that both the viral diseases of okra reported in southern India are caused by a begomovirus associated with DNA-β in which the plants show leaf curl symptoms and never develops yellow vein mosaic and those plants which show yellow vein mosaic, never develops leaf curl symptoms even in the same rows and field. The okra leaf curl is an emerging virus disease in India.  相似文献   
Stone fruits and pome fruits are cultivated commercially worldwide. In India, they are grown in temperate regions, which mainly includes Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and some North-Eastern states. In this study, an attempt has been made to identify the Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) infecting stone and pome fruits in India and to characterise them on the molecular level. Surveys were conducted in the temperate fruit-growing areas and incidence of PNRSV was detected by serological and molecular means in almond, apple, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum and wild cherry. Further diversity analysis of PNRSV was performed using bioinformatics tools such as clustalW, DNA Data Bank of Japan, MultAlin and Recombination Detection Programme. PNRSV was detected in plum, peach, cherry, almond, nectarine, wild cherry and apple. In the diversity analysis study on the basis of coat protein gene, it was found that the isolates showed identity levels from 82 to 100%. In a plum isolate, a stretch of amino acids from 207 to 221 was found variable from Indian and other isolates. In one of the Indian apple isolates, “NR” repeats at 41–44 position (characteristic of PV-32 group, Group I) were identified. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Indian isolates are falling in Group-I. Movement protein was also amplified from peach and multiple alignment studies showed that N-terminus was mostly conserved, whereas the C-terminal was highly variable.  相似文献   
Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse (Heteroptera: Miridae), is a major sucking pest of tea in North East India along with other tea growing countries. In West Bengal, tea is cultivated in three sub-Himalayan regions, Terai (foothill plains western to river Teesta), the Dooars (foothill plains eastern to river Teesta) and the Darjeeling hill slopes. Most plantations, in these regions are managed conventionally i.e. by spraying different synthetic insecticides and a few by organic farming using different herbal and microbial insecticides. In conventional plantations, continuous application of insecticides may lead to the selection of more tolerant H. theivora populations making the pest difficult to control. So, there is a pressing need to know the biochemical variability in relation to the metabolic resistance in the pest populations and develop a population specific control strategy. Activity of three principal insecticide detoxifying enzymes in H. theivora populations were studied from three tea growing regions of North Bengal. Higher levels of activity of all the studied enzymes were found from conventional tea plantations. In male H. theivora, the activity of general esterases (GEs) was 6.6–11.2 and 10.5–11.4 fold higher, cytochrome P450 (CYPs) was 2.0–3.2 and 3.0–3.2 fold higher and glutathione S-transferase (GSTs) was 5.2–8.3 and 6.4–8.7 fold higher in Terai and the Dooars populations, respectively than organic populations from Darjeeling hill slopes. Similarly, in female H. theivora, activity of GEs was 6.2–10.3 and 8.3–9.6 folds higher, CYPs was 1.9–3.2 and 3.0–3.3 fold, and GSTs was 3.5–5.4 and 4.4–6.0 fold higher in Terai and the Dooars, respectively than the organic populations from Darjeeling hill slopes. The activities of all three enzymes were found to be significantly low in organic plantations from Darjeeling hill slopes. Esterase I–VI isozymes with higher level of expression were found in specimens from conventional tea plantations than organic populations of H. theivora from Darjeeling hill slopes in isozymes study.  相似文献   
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