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Pediobius furvus (Gahan) (Eulophidae: Hymenoptera) was recorded as a new pupal parasitoid (gregarious endo-parasitoid) of Sesamia cretica pupae (Led.) in El-Noubaria region (El-Beheira Governorate), Egypt. This study was conducted in maize and sorghum fields in El-Beheira and Giza Governorates in Egypt during 1994 and 1995. The percentage parasitism was 8.4 and 15.4% in August and September, respectively. The number of parasitoids emerging from one pupa ranged from 28 to 222. It has been concluded that this new species is a gregarious endo-parasitoid that pupates inside its host. Pediobius furvus has a high reproductive ability, which may afford mass production and enable mass release of the parasitoid to control S. cretica in maize fields.  相似文献   
R2 elements are non-long-terminal-repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons that insert specifically in the 28S rRNA genes of many insects. Previous reports concerning this element in the genus Drosophila have suggested that R2 elements are absent from many species of this genus, particularly those species from the subgenus Drosophila. In this report, we present an extensive study of the distribution and evolution of R2 elements in Drosophila. A PCR survey of 59 species from 23 species groups of the two major Drosophila subgenera found that R2 elements are present in all but two species of the melanogaster species subgroup. Phylogenetic analysis based on partial nucleotide sequences of R2 elements from 23 species demonstrates that the relationships of R2 elements are congruent with those of the Drosophila species phylogeny, suggesting that these elements have been vertically inherited since the divergence of this genus some 60 MYA. Sequence variation between different copies of R2 elements within each species was less than 0.16%, indicating that these elements are undergoing concerted evolution similar to that of the 28S genes. Several properties of the R2 sequences suggest that these elements depend on retrotransposition in addition to simple recombination to remain within the rDNA locus: the rates of synonymous substitutions averaged 4.8 times the rate of replacement substitutions, 82 of 83 R2 copies partially sequenced contained intact open reading frames, and, finally, length variation associated with the poly(A) 3' tails indicated that many R2 copies are the direct result of retrotransposition.   相似文献   
Perception of complex sound is a process carried out in everyday life situations and contributes in the way one perceives reality. Attempting to explain sound perception and how it affects human beings is complicated. Physics of simple sound can be described as a function of frequency, amplitude and phase. Psychology of sound, also termed psychoacoustics, has its own distinct elements of pitch, intensity and tibre. An interconnection exists between physics and psychology of hearing.Music being a complex sound contributes to communication and conveys information with semantic and emotional elements. These elements indicate the involvement of the central nervous system through processes of integration and interpretation together with peripheral auditory processing.Effects of sound and music in human psychology and physiology are complicated. Psychological influences of listening to different types of music are based on the different characteristics of basic musical sounds. Attempting to explain music perception can be simpler if music is broken down to its basic auditory signals. Perception of auditory signals is analyzed by the science of psychoacoustics. Differences in complex sound perception have been found between normal subjects and psychiatric patients and between different types of psychopathologies.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to analyse the level of genetic variation in the eastern Central European (Slovenia, Hungary, and Romania/Transylvania) populations of the Large Blues ( Maculinea ) to analyse the pattern of differentiation both between and within the species. One objective was to compare the level of differentiation between the two disputed species ( Maculinea alcon and Maculinea rebeli ) with that among the other species. Imagos were collected from 23 localities in eastern Central Europe in 2002. Enzyme polymorphism was analysed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fourteen enzyme loci were studied in all samples. In the analysis of the data, F -statistics and Nei's genetic distances were calculated and a dendrogram (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) was constructed on the basis of the distance matrix. A multivariate analysis of variance was performed to study the pattern of genetic differentiation among the samples. Principal component analysis analysis was also carried out using the allele frequency data of the samples. Our results indicated that the large blues are generally less polymorphic than other European lycaenid butterflies studied. At the same time, the level of genetic differentiation was high, even among local populations within the species. A low level of genetic variation within the populations coupled with strong differentiation among them implies the effect of genetic drift. Strong genetic differentiation of four Maculinea species ( M. alcon , Maculinea teleius, Maculinea nausithous , and Maculinea arion ) was confirmed. Significant differentiation was not found between M. alcon and M. rebeli .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 11–21.  相似文献   
1. We observed that the dragonfly species Sympetrum flaveolum, S. striolatum, S. sanguineum, S. meridionale and S. danae were attracted by polished black gravestones in a Hungarian cemetery. 2. The insects showed the same behaviour as at water: (i) they perched persistently in the immediate vicinity of the chosen gravestones and defended their perch against other dragonflies; (ii) flying individuals repeatedly touched the horizontal surface of the shiny black tombstones with the ventral side of their body; (iii) pairs in tandem position frequently circled above black gravestones. 3. Tombstones preferred by the dragonflies were in the open and had an area of at least 0.5 m2 with an almost horizontal, polished, black surface and with at least one perch in their immediate vicinity. 4. Using imaging polarimetry, we found that the black gravestones, like smooth water surfaces, reflect highly and horizontally polarized light. 5. In double‐choice field experiments with various test surfaces, we showed that the dragonflies attracted to shiny black tombstones display positive polarotaxis and, under natural conditions, detect water by means of the horizontally polarized reflected light. This, and the reflection‐polarization characteristics of black gravestones, explain why these dragonflies are attracted to black tombstones. 6. If females attracted to the black gravestones oviposit on them, the latter constitute ecological traps for dragonflies that are not close to water.  相似文献   
1. The genetic variation of the endangered freshwater fish Ladigesocypris ghigii, endemic to the island of Rhodes (Greece), was investigated for nine populations, originating from seven different stream systems and a reservoir, both at the mtDNA and nuclear level, in order to suggest conservation actions. 2. Both restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of five segments of mitochondrial DNA (ND‐5/6, COI and 12S‐16S rRNA) amplified by polymerase chain reaction, and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, revealed extremely low levels of intra‐population polymorphism. It is highly likely that the low intra‐population variability is the result of successive bottleneck events evident in shrinkage and expansion of the populations year after year, which may have led to a complete loss of several genotypes and haplotypes, and an increased degree of inbreeding. 3. Inter‐population genetic structuring was high, with fixation of haplotypes within six of the nine populations and fixation of alleles within populations originating from different waterbodies. It is probable that all haplotypes and/or alleles found were initially represented in all populations. However, because of the long time of isolation coupled with successive bottleneck and subsequent genetic drift, common mtDNA haplotypes and alleles among the populations may have become rare or extinct through stochastic lineage loss. 4. Although nucleotide divergence among haplotypes was very shallow, half of the haplotypes recorded (three of six), resulted from nucleotide changes on the 12S–16S rRNA segments, which are the most conserved part of the mitochondrial genome. This fact may indicate that the observed genetic variation did not necessarily result only from the retention of ancestral polymorphism, but may have arisen through mutation and complete lineage sorting over a relatively small number of generations, once the populations had become isolated from one another. 5. Our data suggest that two of the L. ghigii populations may be on independent evolutionary trajectories. Considering that each population appears so far well adapted within each site, all populations should be managed and conserved separately.  相似文献   
Prevost, I. and Le Page-Degivry, M. Th. 1985. Inverse correlationbetween ABA content and germinability throughout the maturationand the in vitro culture of the embryo of Phaseolus vulgaris.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1457–1464. Changes in embryo abscisic acid (ABA) content during the maturationof the seed of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Contender were followed,using a radio-immunoassay. The pattern of change is similarto that already described in several species: a rapid increase(from the 18th to 29th day after anthesis), was followed bya decrease, the ABA level being ten times lower on the 48thday than on the 29th. Embryos isolated from the 18th to the48th day after anthesis were able to ‘germinate’when cultivated on a mineral medium supplemented with sucroseand agar. The development pattern varied throughout the embryogenesisand could be correlated with the differentiation of the embryoat the time of isolation. Before germination could take place,we observed a lag phase, the duration of which could be correlatedwith embryo ABA content. As ABA content increased in the youngestembryos the duration of the lag phase increased. In the sameway, the number of days to germination was shown to diminishas ABA content decreased. Inverse correlation between ABA contentand germinability was thus demonstrated throughout the developmentof the embryo. During in vitro culture, free ABA content decreased in the embryoand reached low values a few days before germination occurred.So the beginning of root elongation in culture was again wellcorrelated with the disappearance of free endogenous ABA. Atransfer experiment inducing an earlier germination associatedwith a more limited development suggests that the lag phaseis associated with an active continuation of embryonic development Key words: Embryo maturation, abscisic acid, germinability  相似文献   
Wolterbeek, H. Th. 1987. Relationships between adsorption, chemicalstate and fluxes of cadmium applied as Cd(NO3)2 in isolatedxylem cell walls of tomato.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 419–432. Isolated xylem cell wall pieces were applied as membranes inion diffusion experiments. The cell walls were isolated fromtomato internodes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, cv. Tiny Tim)and sealed in a two-compartment diffusion system. In flux andadsorption calculations, the cell wall was regarded as a leakymembrane with parallel fluxes through Donnan Free Space (DFS)and Water Free Space (WFS). During the experiments absorptioninto and diffusion across the walls was determined of Cd2 +, applied as 115Cd(NO3)2. Flux experiments with 82Brindicated that excluded volume effects and path tortuosity resultedin apparent WFS diffusion coefficients in the walls which were0·012 times as high as in water. The free proton concentration in the DFS was shown to be relatedto a complex formation between fixed charges and Cd2 +. Thecell wall permeability for Cd2 + and NO3 varied withapplied and absorbed concentrations, and the Cd2 + flux curveshowed an inflexion point coinciding with a buffered degreeof dissociation of fixed charges in the DFS. The necessary couplingof fluxes of opposite charges resulted in relatively high NO3and small Cd2 + permeability of the DFS for strongly dilutedsolutions (P = 10–4 m s–1 and 10–11 m s–1for NO3 and Cd2 + respectively). The results demonstratethe possible regulatory effects of the cell wall in processesof ion transfer from xylem vessels, or ion uptake in plant tissues. Key words: Cadmium, chemical state, DFS, WFS, ion flux, permeability, xylem cell walls, tomato, bromium, nitrate  相似文献   
R1 is a non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposable element that inserts into a specific sequence of insect 28S ribosomal RNA genes. We have previously shown that this element has been maintained through vertical transmission in the melanogaster species subgroup of Drosophila. To address whether R1 elements have been vertically transmitted for longer periods of evolutionary time, the analysis has been extended to 11 other species from four species groups of the genus Drosophila (melanogaster, obscura, testecea, and repleta). All sequenced elements appeared functional on the basis of the preservation of their open-reading frames and consistently higher rate of substitution at synonymous sites relative to replacement sites. The phylogenetic relationships of the R1 elements from all species analyzed were congruent with the species phylogenies, suggesting that the R1 elements have been vertically transmitted since the inception of the Drosophila genus, an estimated 50-70 Mya. The stable maintenance of R1 through the germ line appears to be the major mechanism for the widespread distribution of these elements in Drosophila. In two species, D. neotestecea of the testecea group and D. takahashii of the melanogaster group, a second family of R1 elements was also present that differed in sequence by 46% and 31%, respectively, from the family that was congruent with the species phylogeny. These second families may represent occasional horizontal transfers or, alternatively, they could reflect the ability of R1 elements to diverge into new families within a species and evolve independently.   相似文献   
In Papanicolaou-stained smears certain structures such as nucleoli, Pneumocystis carinii , Charcot-Leyden crystals, bacteria and fungi show a brilliant fluorescence. the morphological characteristics of microorganisms which can be detected by this system, especially mycobacteria, are described. This screening method offers the possibility of providing the clinician with a provisional diagnosis within hours. Proof of the nature of the organisms should be obtained by culture.  相似文献   
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