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General recombination mechanisms in extracts of meiotic cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
RecA-like proteins have been purified from somatic and meiotic cells of mouse and lily. The rec proteins have been designated s-rec and m-rec to indicate their respective tissues of origin. The two proteins differ in molecular weight and in their response to temperature, the latter being consistent with the optimal temperature for physiological function of their tissues of origin. There is a major increase in m-rec protein with the entry of cells into meiosis, the peak of activity being early pachytene. Extracts of the cells and also those of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) have been prepared that have the capacity to catalyze homologous recombination. These extracts behave similarly to the m-rec proteins upon entry of cells into meiosis. Yeast transferred to sporulation medium displays a 100-fold increase in the recombination activity of the extract at about the time of entry into meiosis. The occurrence of peak levels of m-rec and recombination activity in extracts from cells in early pachytene points strongly to that stage as the time at which the enzymatic phase of recombination occurs.  相似文献   
Phosphorylated intermediate of the ATPase of plant plasma membranes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A partially purified preparation of the plant plasma membrane ATPase was phosphorylated when incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. The phosphoprotein formed has the characteristics of an enzyme intermediate because of its rapidity of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. The sensitivity of the phosphoenzyme bond to alkaline pH and to hydroxylamine indicates that it is an acylphosphate. Both the ATPase activity and the phosphorylation of the enzyme exhibited an apparent Km value of 0.3 mM ATP. When the phosphorylated enzyme was analyzed by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate, only one major band with a molecular weight of about 105,000 contained radioactivity. These results indicate that the plant plasma membrane ATPase has a subunit composition and reaction mechanism similar to the cation-pumping ATPases of animal and fungal plasma membranes.  相似文献   
That the uptake of glucose by the parasitic amoeba Entamoeba histolytica occurs by an equilibrative transport system is supported by the following observations. 1. The rate of glucose uptake is several orders of magnitude greater than the uptake by pinocytosis. 2. The uptake of glucose exhibits saturation kinetics, with K(m)=1.6mm and V(max.) ranging from 2 to 5mumol/min per ml of cells at 37 degrees C. 3. The glucose analogues 2-deoxyglucose, 3-O-methylglucose and d-xylose are transported by the glucose system although with much less affinity. Competitive inhibition was observed between pairs of substrates, with K(i) values for any sugar closely coincident with the corresponding K(m). 4. d-Xylose, a sugar not metabolized by the cells, equilibrated with 80% of the amoebal cell water. 5. Cells equilibrated with xylose exhibited countertransport of this sugar against its concentration gradient when another substrate was added to the medium. 6. Blocking of glycolysis by iodoacetate or F(-) has no immediate effect on transport. The presence of a glucose-transport system in E. histolytica contrasts with the situation found in the non-parasitic amoeba, where pinocytosis seems to be the only mechanism of solute uptake.  相似文献   
The predictability of leucocyte typing in kidney transplantation was assessed by an analysis of 37 kidney transplants from sibling donors. Recipients who were identical for the HL-A antigens with their donors gave highly predictable results. In comparison with those siblings who were incompatible or compatible but not identical their grafts functioned earlier, they required less immunosuppression, and had never had any rejections. They also appeared to have less postoperative morbidity. These results indicate that less immunosuppression than is current in many transplant centres could well be used with benefit in HL-A identical sibling transplants. This could reduce the risk of infection and possibly minimize the adverse effects of steroids on wound healing in these patients.  相似文献   
Surface Antigens of Smooth Brucellae   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
Surface antigens of smooth brucellae were extracted by ether-water, phenol-water, trichloroacetic acid, and saline and examined by immunoelectrophoresis and gel diffusion with antisera from infected and immunized rabbits. Ether-water extracts of Brucella melitensis contained a lipopolysaccharide protein component, which was specific for the surface of smooth brucellae and was correlated with the M agglutinogen of Wilson and Miles, a polysaccharide protein component devoid of lipid which was not restricted to the surface of smooth brucellae and was not correlated with the smooth agglutinogen (component 1), and several protein components which were associated with internal antigens of rough and smooth brucellae. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of ether-water extracts of B. abortus revealed only two components, a lipopolysaccharide protein component, which was correlated with the A agglutinogen, and component 1. Component 1 from B. melitensis and B. abortus showed identity in gel diffusion tests, whereas component M from B. melitensis and component A from B. abortus showed partial identity with unabsorbed antisera and no cross-reactions with monospecific sera. Attempts to prepare monospecific sera directly by immunization of rabbits with cell walls or ether-water extracts were unsuccessful. Absorption of antisera with heavy fraction of ether-water extracts did not always result in monospecific sera. It was concluded (as has been described before) that the A and M antigens are present on a single antigenic complex, in different proportions depending upon the species and biotype, and that this component is a lipopolysaccharide protein complex of high molecular weight that diffuses poorly through agar gel. Components 1, A, and M were also demonstrated in trichloroacetic acid and phenol-water extracts. With all extracts, B. melitensis antigen showed greater diffusibility in agar than B. abortus antigens. After mild acid hydrolysis, B. abortus ether-water extract was able to diffuse more readily.  相似文献   
A cold-labile fraction of microtubules with unusual properties was isolated from the brain of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The yield was low, approximately six times lower than that for bovine brain microtubules. This was mainly caused by the presence of a large amount of cold-stable microtubules, which were not broken down during the disassembly step in the temperature-dependent assembly-disassembly isolation procedure and were therefore lost. The isolated cold-labile cod microtubules contained usually only a low amount of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Three high molecular mass proteins were found, of which one was recognized as MAP2. Cod MAP2 differed from mammalian brain MAP2; it was not heat stable and had a slightly higher molecular mass. In contrast to mammalian MAPs, MAP1 was not found in the cold-labile fraction of microtubules. A new heat-labile MAP of higher molecular mass (400 kilodaltons) was however present, as well as a heat-stable protein of slightly lower molecular mass than MAP2. These MAPs showed similar tubulin-binding characteristics as bovine brain MAPs, since they coassembled with taxol-assembled bovine brain microtubules consisting of pure bovine tubulin. In spite of the fact that Ca2+ bound equally to cod and porcine tubulins, it did not inhibit cod microtubule assembly even at high concentrations (greater than 1 mM). In contrast, rings, spirals, and macrotubules were formed. The results show that there are major differences between this fraction of cod microtubules and microtubules from mammalian brain.  相似文献   
Release of recombinant microbes into the environment necessitates an evaluation of their ability to transfer genetic material. The present report evaluates a method to detect conjugal DNA plasmid transfer in soil slurries under various environmental conditions. DonorPseudomonas cepacia containing pR388::Tn1721 andP. cepacia recipient cultures were coincubated in soil slurries containing autoclaved or natural soil and treated with one or more of 14 experimental conditions. Conjugal mating frequency (transconjugants per initial donor) ranged from 4.8×10–1 to 1.9×10–7. Highest numbers of transconjugants, 1.5×107 colony forming units/ml soil slurry, were observed following incubation at 35°C with an enriched nutrient supplement added to the soil. Low numbers of transconjugants, 103 colony forming units/ml soil slurry, were observed when mating pairs were subjected to low nutrient or pH stress even though initial donor and recipient populations were maintained at high levels. This test system provides a simple way to estimate effects of changing environmental factors on plasmid transfer rates and on the survival of recombinant microorganisms. By use of soil collected from sites proposed to receive genetically engineered microorganisms, preliminary risk assessments can be obtained regarding the potential for gene transfer and microorganism survival with this soil slurry test system.  相似文献   
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