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Occurrence of a capsule in Aeromonas salmonicida   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aeromonas salmonicida grown in a medium with excess glucose as carbon source produces both capsular and exocellular polysaccharides. The capsular polysaccharide is composed of glucose, mannose, rhamnose, N-acetylmannosamine and mannuronic acid in the molar ratios of approximately 5:3:0.75:2:1. The extracellular polysaccharide is similarly constituted, but in the molar ratios of approximately 4.75:10.5:1.5:2:1. The capsular and exocellular polysaccharides did not cross-react with monoclonal antibodies against the A-layer or the O-antigen lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   
In-depth interviews were conducted among 50 subjects residing in the industrial town of Newcastle, Australia. Half of these subjects were from the general population and half were currently seeking counselling for personal/family problems. None of the subjects were receiving any medical care at the time of interview, though seven had done so during the episode of distress they were discussing. The study shows that while the subjects psychologized their problems, members of both groups tended to somatize at a rate proportional to the level of distress. Subjects were unaware of any relationship between the distress they were experiencing and their physical complaints. The results of this study support previous research which argues that those experiencing distress and those who tend to introspect are also those who are likely to amplify somatic symptoms. At the same time these results depart from findings in the United States which suggest that in the West, people learn to express social and personal distress in psychological terms,, thereby reducing the level of somatization. Though not representative of the population as a whole, the findings raised questions warranting further study.  相似文献   
Repression of the tyrosine kinase activity of the cellular src protein (pp60c-src) depends on the phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue (Tyr-527) near the carboxy terminus. Tyr-527 is located 11 residues C terminal from the genetically defined end of the kinase domain (Leu-516) and is therefore in a negative regulatory region. Because the precise sequence of amino acids surrounding Tyr-527 appears to be unimportant for regulation, we hypothesized that the conformational constraints induced by phosphorylated Tyr-527 may require the correct spacing between the kinase domain (Leu-516) and Tyr-527. In this report, we show that deletions at residue 518 of two, four, or seven amino acids or insertions at this residue of two or four amino acids activated the kinase activity and thus the transforming potential of pp60c-src. As is the case for the prototype transforming variant, pp60527F, activation caused by these deletions or insertions was abolished when Tyr-416 (the autophosphorylation site) was changed to phenylalanine. In comparison with wild-type pp60c-src, the src proteins containing the alterations at residue 518 showed a lower phosphorylation state at Tyr-527 regardless of whether residue 416 was a tyrosine or a phenylalanine. Mechanisms dealing with the importance of spacing between the kinase domain and Tyr-527 are discussed.  相似文献   
A protein of about 20 kDa was extracted by sodium cholate (1%, w/v) from outer membranes of a strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, BS4 (agar), which is resistant to killing by human phagocytes. When the protein was purified by repeated fractionation on Sephadex G75, contamination with other outer-membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharide was negligible. The protein contained a full complement of amino acids, with high levels of glutamic acid. Carbohydrate, detected by the anthrone method and by sugar and hexosamine analysis, was present, but at very low levels. There was a significant content of fatty acids (about 5.7% of the protein), indicating a lipoprotein. The 20 kDa lipoprotein: (1) neutralized the ability of antiserum against whole organisms of BS4 (agar) to reduce the resistance of this strain to phagocyte killing; (2) evoked in mice an antiserum which reduced this resistance and immunoblotted only with 20 kDa lipoprotein in the cholate extract of outer membranes; and (3) promoted resistance to intracellular killing of an otherwise phagocyte susceptible gonococcal strain (BSSH). This is strong evidence that it is a determinant of gonococcal resistance to phagocyte killing.  相似文献   
General recombination mechanisms in extracts of meiotic cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
RecA-like proteins have been purified from somatic and meiotic cells of mouse and lily. The rec proteins have been designated s-rec and m-rec to indicate their respective tissues of origin. The two proteins differ in molecular weight and in their response to temperature, the latter being consistent with the optimal temperature for physiological function of their tissues of origin. There is a major increase in m-rec protein with the entry of cells into meiosis, the peak of activity being early pachytene. Extracts of the cells and also those of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) have been prepared that have the capacity to catalyze homologous recombination. These extracts behave similarly to the m-rec proteins upon entry of cells into meiosis. Yeast transferred to sporulation medium displays a 100-fold increase in the recombination activity of the extract at about the time of entry into meiosis. The occurrence of peak levels of m-rec and recombination activity in extracts from cells in early pachytene points strongly to that stage as the time at which the enzymatic phase of recombination occurs.  相似文献   
This study compares the side-chain cleavage of aqueous suspensions of cholesterol sulfate with the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate which is incorporated into phospholipid vesicles. Three different cholesterol desmolase systems are examined: the membrane-bound cholesterol side-chain cleavage system present in inner mitochondrial membranes isolated from bovine adrenal mitochondria; a soluble, lipid-depleted, reconstituted side-chain cleavage system prepared from cytochrome P-450scc, adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase; a membrane associated side-chain cleavage system prepared by adding phospholipid vesicles, prepared from adrenal mitochondrial, to the reconstituted system. Soluble cholesterol sulfate, in low concentration, is a good substrate for the lipid-depleted reconstituted side chain cleavage system. However, at concentrations above 2 microM, in the absence of phospholipids, the sterol sulfate appears to bind at a non-productive site on cytochrome P-450scc which leads to substrate inhibition. Phospholipids, while inhibiting the binding of cholesterol sulfate to the cytochrome, also appear to prevent non-productive binding of the sterol sulfate to the cytochrome. Thus the addition of phospholipids to the lipid-depleted enzyme system leads to an activation of side-chain cleavage of high concentrations of the sterol sulfate. Soluble cholesterol sulfate is a good substrate for both the native and reconstituted membrane-bound systems and no substrate inhibition is observed when the membrane bound enzyme systems are employed in the assay of side-chain activity. However, the cleavage of cholesterol sulfate, which is incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, by both membrane bound enzyme systems appears to be competitively inhibited by the phospholipids of the vesicles. The results of this study suggest that the regulation of the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate may be entirely different than the regulation of the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol, if cholesterol sulfate exists intracellularly as a soluble non-complexed substrate. If, on the other hand, cholesterol sulfate is present in the cell in lipid droplets as a complex with phospholipids, its metabolism may be under the same constraints as the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol.  相似文献   
We have generated a new series of monoclonal antibodies recognizing allotypic determinants on mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b. In this communication we describe their reactivities with immunoglobulins of the inbred mouse strains. Comparison with serology charts indicates that many of these monoclonal antibodies detect allotypic specificities previously defined by conventional antisera; others define previously undescribed specificities. Strain and isotype distribution allows us to assign five new allotypic specificities to Igh-1 and three new specificities to Igh-3. In addition, on the basis of reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies, we have defined a new Igh haplotype in SWR/J mice, Igh p.Abbreviations used in this paper Igh immunoglobulin heavy chain - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
The rosette inhibition test was used in the clinical management of organ allografts to estimate the amount of immunosuppressive drugs necessary to prevent rejection. In patients surviving more than three months renal function appeared to be better than in a similar group of patients managed without the test. It is suggested that this was due to a reduction in the number of clinical or subclinical rejection episodes. On the other hand, the test indicates that in many cases the level of immunosuppression should be much higher, and if this advice is followed the patients become increasingly exposed to the risk of infection. In other words, those patients with good renal function remained well, whereas those who might otherwise have rejected their kidney and survived had in fact died of sepsis.  相似文献   
The predictability of leucocyte typing in kidney transplantation was assessed by an analysis of 37 kidney transplants from sibling donors. Recipients who were identical for the HL-A antigens with their donors gave highly predictable results. In comparison with those siblings who were incompatible or compatible but not identical their grafts functioned earlier, they required less immunosuppression, and had never had any rejections. They also appeared to have less postoperative morbidity. These results indicate that less immunosuppression than is current in many transplant centres could well be used with benefit in HL-A identical sibling transplants. This could reduce the risk of infection and possibly minimize the adverse effects of steroids on wound healing in these patients.  相似文献   
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