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ApoC-I has several different lipid-regulating functions including, inhibition of receptor-mediated uptake of plasma triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer activity, and mediation of tissue fatty acid uptake. Since little is known about the rate of production and catabolism of plasma apoC-I in humans, the present study was undertaken to determine the plasma kinetics of VLDL and HDL apoC-I using a primed constant (12 h) intravenous infusion of deuterium-labeled leucine. Data were obtained for 14 subjects: normolipidemics (NL, n = 4), hypertriglyceridemics (HTG, n = 4) and combined hyperlipidemics (CHL, n = 6). Plasma VLDL triglyceride (TG) levels were 0.59 +/- 0.03, 4.32 +/- 0.77 (P < 0.01 vs. NL), and 2.20 +/- 0.39 mmol/l (P < 0.01 vs. NL), and plasma LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) levels were 2.34 +/- 0.22, 2.48 +/- 0.26, and 5.35 +/- 0.48 mmol/l (P < 0.01 vs. NL), respectively. HTG and CHL had significantly (P < 0.05) increased levels of total plasma apoC-I (12.5 +/- 1.2 and 12.4 +/- 1.3 mg/dl, respectively) versus NL (7.9 +/- 0.6 mg/dl), due to significantly (P < 0.01) elevated levels of VLDL apoC-I (5.8 +/- 0.8 and 4.5 +/- 0.8 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 mg/dl). HTG and CHL also had increased rates of VLDL apoC-I transport (i.e., production) versus NL: 2.29 +/- 0.34 and 3.04 +/- 0.53 versus 0.24 +/- 0.11 mg/kg.day (P < 0.01), with no significant change in VLDL apoC-I residence times (RT): 1.16 +/- 0.12 versus 0.69 +/- 0.06 versus 0.74 +/- 0.17. Although HDL apoC-I concentrations were not significantly lower in HTG and CHL versus NL, HDL apoC-I rates of transport were inversely related to plasma and VLDL-TG levels (r = -0.63 and -0.62, respectively, P < 0.05). Our results demonstrate that increased levels of plasma and VLDL apoC-I in hypertriglyceridemic subjects (with or without elevated LDL-C levels) are associated with increased levels of plasma VLDL apoC-I production.  相似文献   
In order to explore the influence of sulfate groups on the bioactivity profiles of marine alkaloids of the lamellarin class, three such alkaloids, lamellarin alpha, lamellarin alpha 13,20-disulfate and lamellarin H, were synthesized and their activities against HIV-1 integrase and cancer cell lines were compared with those of lamellarin alpha 20-sulfate, which is a selective inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase. Lamellarin alpha does not inhibit HIV-1 integrase but shows moderate cytotoxicity with good cell line selectivity. Lamellarin alpha 13,20-disulfate is a moderate inhibitor of both HIV-1 integrase and cancer cell lines. Lamellarin H is a more potent inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase but lacked the specificity required to be medicinally useful.  相似文献   
Rami BR  Udgaonkar JB 《Biochemistry》2002,41(6):1710-1716
Structural analysis of the initial steps in protein folding is difficult because of the swiftness with which these steps occur. Hence, the link between initial polypeptide chain collapse and formation of secondary and other specific structures remains poorly understood. Here, an equilibrium model has been developed for characterizing the initial steps of folding of the small protein barstar, which lead to the formation of a productive molten globule in the folding pathway. In this model, the high-pH-unfolded form (D form) of barstar, which is shown to be as unstructured as the urea-denatured form, is transformed progressively into a molten globule B form by incremental addition of the salt Na(2)SO(4) at pH 12. At very low concentrations of Na(2)SO(4), the D form collapses into a pre-molten globule (P) form, whose volume exceeds that of the native (N) state by only 20%, and which lacks any specific structure as determined by far- and near-UV circular dichroism. At higher concentrations of Na(2)SO(4), the P form transforms into the molten globule (B) form in a highly noncooperative transition populated by an ensemble of at least two intermediates. The B form is a dry molten globule in which water is excluded from the core, and in which secondary structure develops to 65% and tertiary contacts develop to 40%, relative to that of the native protein. Kinetic refolding experiments carried out at pH 7 and at high Na(2)SO(4) concentrations, in which the rate of folding of the D form to the N state is compared to that of the B form to the N state, indicate conclusively that the B form is a productive intermediate that forms on the direct pathway of folding from the D form to the N state.  相似文献   
The inheritance of resistance to pyriproxyfen, an insect growth regulator (a juvenoid, with ovicidal and larvicidal activities), was studied in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Two parental strains, both belonging to Q biotype, were assayed with pyriproxyfen; a susceptible strain (ALM-1) originating from Spain and a pyriproxyfen-resistant one (Pyri-R) from Israel. The resistance ratio between the two parental strains was approximately 7,000-fold. Concentration-mortality lines for F(1) heterozygous females from reciprocal crosses (SS female symbol X R male symbol and RR female symbol X S male symbol ) were derived by statistical modelling and proved intermediate to those of the parents. The pooled degree of dominance from both reciprocal crosses was +0.26, indicating that resistance was incompletely or partially dominant. Mortality curves for F(2) males produced by virgin F(1) heterozygous females displayed a broad plateau at 50% mortality, indicating that resistance to pyriproxyfen in B. tabaci is conferred primarily by a mutant allele at a single locus. The role of arrhenotoky in influencing the mode of inheritance of resistance, and its selection in field populations, is discussed.  相似文献   
A molecular understanding of porcine reproduction is of biological interest and economic importance. Our Midwest Consortium has produced cDNA libraries containing the majority of genes expressed in major female reproductive tissues, and we have deposited into public databases 21,499 expressed sequence tag (EST) gene sequences from the 3 end of clones from these libraries. These sequences represent 10,574 different genes, based on sequence comparison among these data, and comparison with existing porcine ESTs and genes indicate as many as 4652 of these EST clusters are novel. In silico analysis identified sequences that are expressed in specific pig tissues or organs and confirmed the broad expression in pig for many genes ubiquitously expressed in human tissues. Furthermore, we have developed computer software to identify sequence similarity of these pig genes with their human counterparts, and to extract the mapping information of these human homologues from genome databases. We demonstrate the utility of this software for comparative mapping by localizing 61 genes on the porcine physical map for Chromosomes (Chrs) 5, 10, and 14. The following Accession numbers were assigned to our deposited sequences: BF701840 – BF704551, BF708383, BF708386 – BF713604, BG322266 – BG322271, BI398567 – BI405235, BQ597354 – BQ605166.  相似文献   
Furchgott et al. demonstrated in 1980 that relaxation of arterial smooth muscle cells in response to acetylcholine is dependent on the integrity of endothelium. They named the factor responsible of this intercellular relationship EDRF (Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor), which was identified 7 years latter as nitric oxide (NO), a free radical gas. In vessels, NO is generated locally by the endothelial NO synthase and its effect is mainly paracrine (relaxation of the underlying smooth muscle cells, and inhibition of platelet aggregation). The in vivo half-life of NO is short, and the assessment of its production is thus difficult. Invasive and non invasive techniques are now available to explore the variations of arterial diameter or flow. Furchgott's pioneering work anticipated the whole pathophysiology of endothelial-dependent relaxation. Indeed, numerous diseases, in particular atherosclerosis, are accompanied by abnormalities of endothelial-dependent vasodilation ("endothelial dysfunction"). Whereas acetylcholine (or serotonin) infused in a normal artery elicits a vasodilation, in contrast, it promotes a vasoconstriction in an atheromatous artery, as a consequence of a decrease in NO bioavailability. This defect in NO favors arterial spasm, interaction between platelets and arterial wall and thrombosis, and thus probably cardiovascular events. NO cannot be measured directly in humans, except in exhaled NO. In vivo, NO is rapidly oxidized in nitrite (NO2-) and in nitrate (NO3-), the summation being NOx. We shall detail the limitations of this measurement as a biochemical index of NO production from "endothelial" origin.  相似文献   
 Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain quality, yield components and other traits were investigated in two Sorghum caudatum×guinea recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. A total of 16 traits were evaluated (plant height, panicle length, panicle compactness, number of kernels/panicle, thousand-kernel weight, kernel weight/panicle, threshing percentage, dehulling yield, kernel flouriness, kernel friability, kernel hardness, amylose content, protein content, lipid content, germination rate and molds during germination and after harvest) and related to two 113- and 100-point base genetic maps using simple (SIM) and composite (CIM) interval mapping. The number, effects and relative position of QTLs detected in both populations were generally in agreement with the distributions, heritabilities and correlations among traits. Several chromosomal segments markedly affected multiple traits and were suspected of harbouring major genes. The positions of these QTLs are discussed in relation to previously reported studies on sorghum and other grasses. Many QTLs, depending on their relative effects and position, could be used as targets for marker-assisted selection and provide an opportunity for accelerating breeding programmes. Received: 14 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 March 1998  相似文献   
Pirh2 is a p53 inducible gene that encodes a RING-H2 domain and is proposed to be a main regulator of p53 protein, thus fine tuning the DNA damage response. Pirh2 interacts physically with p53 and promotes its MDM2-independent ubiquitination and subsequent degradation as well as participates in an auto-regulatory feedback loop that controls p53 function. Pirh2 also self-ubiquitinates. Interestingly, Pirh2 is overexpressed in a wide range of human tumors. In this study, we investigated the domains and residues essential for Pirh2 self-ubiquitination. Deletions were made in each of the three major domains of Pirh2: the N-terminal domain (NTD), Ring domain (RING), and C-terminal domain (CTD). The effects of these deletions on Pirh2 self-ubiquitination were then assessed using in vitro ubiquitination assays. Our results demonstrate that the RING domain is essential, but not sufficient, for Pirh2 self-ubiquitination and that residues 240–250 of the C-terminal domain are also essential. Our results demonstrate that Pirh2 mediated p53 polyubiquitination occurs mainly through the K48 residue of ubiquitin in vitro. Our data further our understanding of the mechanism of Pirh2 self-ubiquitination and may help identify valuable therapeutic targets that play roles in reducing the effects of the overexpression of Pirh2, thus maximizing p53''s response to DNA damage.  相似文献   
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