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Plant-mediated methane emission from an Indian mangrove   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mangroves have been considered for a long time to be a minor methane source, but recent reports have shown that polluted mangroves may emit substantial amounts of methane. In an unpolluted Indian mangrove, we measured annual methane emission rates of 10 g CH4 yr?1 from the stands of Avicennia marina. This rate is of the same order of magnitude as rates from Northern wetlands. Methane emission from a freshwater‐influenced area was higher, but was lower from a stunted mangrove growing on a hypersaline soil. Methane emission was mediated by the pneumatophores of Avicennia. This was consistent with the methane concentration in the aerenchyma, which decreased on average from 350 ppmv in the cable roots to 10 ppmv in the emergent part of the pneumatophores. However, the number of pneumatophores varied seasonally. The minimum number occurred during the monsoon season, which reduced methane emissions largely. Ebullition from unvegetated areas may also be important, at least during monsoon season when measured bubble fluxes were occasionally about five times as high as pneumatophore‐mediated emissions.  相似文献   
A novel series of l-tyrosine derivatives have been reported with potential PPARalpha/gamma dual agonistic activity. In vitro cell based PPARalpha/gamma transactivation studies have shown compound 4a and compound 4f to be the most potent PPARgamma and PPARalpha activators, respectively. Molecular docking studies performed on these series of compounds have complemented the experimental results and have led to interesting inferences.  相似文献   
Perfringolysin O (PFO), a cytolytic toxin secreted by pathogenic Clostridium perfringens, forms large pores in cholesterol-containing membranes. Domain 4 (D4) of the protein interacts first with the membrane and is responsible for cholesterol recognition. By using several independent fluorescence techniques, we have determined the topography of D4 in the membrane-inserted oligomeric form of the toxin. Only the short hydrophobic loops at the tip of the D4 beta-sandwich are exposed to the bilayer interior, whereas the remainder of D4 projects from the membrane surface and is surrounded by water, making little or no contact with adjacent protein monomers in the oligomer. Thus, a limited interaction of D4 with the bilayer core seems to be sufficient to accomplish cholesterol recognition and initial binding of PFO to the membrane. Furthermore, D4 serves as the fulcrum around which extensive structural changes occur during the formation and insertion of the large transmembrane beta-barrel into the bilayer.  相似文献   
Studies have shown that the more iron in a given population, the more that population is vulnerable to intracellular opportunistic infections (OIs) in AIDS, mainly because these microbes make use of the intracellular iron to proliferate, and could render infections deadly. In contrast, macrophages that lack iron are effective in preventing an establishment of infection. We propose that reduction in total body iron could be a valuable treatment option for some intracellular infections, including OIs. We suggest two options to deprive pathogens of using intracellular iron (i) to practice regular blood-letting, an ancient treatment option, and (ii) to down-regulate hepcidin, the key hormone involved in the regulation of iron balance and recycling. This could also deprive transformed cells of metabolizing iron for survival. Whether or these methods serve to curb the onset of OIs/cancers to prolong HIV disease progression remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
The GDP-GTP exchange activity of the retinal G protein, transducin, is markedly accelerated by the photoreceptor rhodopsin in the first step of visual transduction. The x-ray structures for the alpha subunits of transducin (alpha(T)) and other G proteins suggest that the nucleotide-binding (Ras-like) domain and a large helical domain form a "clam shell" that buries the GDP molecule. Thus, receptor-promoted G protein activation may involve "opening the clam shell" to facilitate GDP dissociation. In this study, we have examined whether perturbing the linker regions connecting the Ras-like and helical domains of Galpha subunits gives rise to a more readily exchangeable state. The sole glycine residues in linkers 1 and 2 were individually changed to proline residues within an alpha(T)/alpha(i1) chimera (designated alpha(T)(*)). Both alpha(T)(*) linker mutants showed significant increases in their basal rates of GDP-GTP exchange when compared either to retinal alpha(T) or recombinant alpha(T)(*). The alpha(T)(*) linker mutants were responsive to aluminum fluoride, which binds to alpha-GDP complexes and induces changes in Switch 2. Although both linker mutants were further activated by light-activated rhodopsin together with the betagamma complex, their activation was not influenced by betagamma alone, arguing against the idea that the betagamma complex helps to pry apart the helical and Ras-like domains of Galpha subunits. Once activated, the alpha(T)(*) linker mutants were able to stimulate the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase. Overall, these findings highlight a new class of activated Galpha mutants that constitutively exchange GDP for GTP and should prove valuable in studying different G protein-signaling systems.  相似文献   
The activity of neutral sphingomyelinase (EC in a plasma membrane enriched fraction was found to be increased in dexamethasone treated cells. The elevation of sphingomyelinase activity was blocked by cycloheximide indicating that protein synthesis was required for the steroid action. Ceramidase (EC3.5.1.23) activity was unaffected by the dexamethasone treatment. Levels of sphingosine in 3T3-L1 Cells were also increased after treatment with 10(-7) M dexamethasone for 2 and 4 hours.  相似文献   
Spatial phase and frequency in motion capture of random-dot patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A square matrix of spots (A) was presented in rapid alternation with an uncorrelated matrix (B). If the square arrays are superimposed spatially one sees random incoherent motion. However, incoherent motion was seen only if the outer edges were exactly aligned. If the outline of matrix A is shifted horizontally by 1 degree in relation to B, then the edges are seen to oscillate to and fro. Surprisingly, all the dots in the matrix were seen to 'adhere' to the edges and to move horizontally (Ramachandran, 1981). We then aligned the edges again to produce incoherent motion and superimposed a sine-wave grating on the pattern. If the grating was moved horizontally then all the spots 'adhered' to it and moved horizontally as well. This illusion ('motion capture') was optimal (a) at a 90 degrees spatial phase shift of the grating; (b) at low spatial frequencies (less than 0.5 cycles); and (c) when the grating was alternated in step with the dot patterns. Density modulated gratings were just as effective. We conclude that the unambiguous motion signal derived from the grating is applied spontaneously to the dots as well.  相似文献   
Empirical energy calculations on cyclo-Gly-X with X- Phe, Tyr, Val, and Leu as a function of the side-chain torsion angles χ indicate that the conformation of minimum energy are characterized by χ1 = 60°, χ2 = 90° for Phe and Try, χ1 = ?60° for Val and χ1 = ?60°, χ2 = 180° and χ1 = 60° and χ2 = 150° for Leu. The minimum energy conformation of cyclo-Gly-Phe and cyclo-Gly-Val have the side chains of Phe and Val stacked over the poperazinedione ring as suggested by NMR and found for cyclo-Gly-Tyr crystal structure. In contrast, the Leu side chain is expected to exist in an extended or a quasi-folded form.  相似文献   
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