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Summary Lateral axons from the abdominal nerve cord of cray-fish were internally perfused with the calcium receptor calmodulin (CaM) in solutions with low (pCa>7.0) or high (pCa 5.5) calcium concentrations and studied electrophysiologically and morphologically. Results from these experiments show that when the internal solution contains calcium-activated calmodulin (Ca2+-CaM) the junctional resistance between the axons increases from control values of about 60 to 500–600 k in 60 min. In contrast, axons perfused with calmodulin in low calcium solutions maintain their junctional resistance at control levels during the 60-min perfusion. Similar results are obtained when only one or both coupled axons are perfused.The morphological study shows that in the perfused axons the axoplasmic organelles are replaced or grossly perturbed by the perfusion solution up to the region of the synapses. Additionally, in axons perfused with Ca2+-CaM there are regions where the synaptic gap between the membranes decreases from a control 4–6 to 2–3 nm. Both electrophysiological and morphological results can be interpreted as indicating that calcium-activated calmodulin acts directly on the junctional channels to induce their closure.  相似文献   
We describe a calcium transport that is sensitive to ruthenium red in liposomes reconstituted with mitochondrial extracts. This system is able to build an internally negative membrane potential, which allows the electrogenic influx of Ca2+ and Sr2+. Proteins with molecular weights higher than 35 kDa were incorporated to the vesicles, and enhanced the accumulation of the cation in an energy-dependent fashion.  相似文献   
The plasmalogen content of phospholipids isolated from Megasphaera elsdenii ATCC 17752 decreased markedly in cultures passed serially at intervals of 3 to 6 weeks. From the wild-type ratio of vinyl ether to lipid phosphorus of 0.8, clones were isolated with ratios less than 0.05. Clonal analysis, as well as the reproducibility of the phenomenon and the long time course, suggest that the loss of plasmalogens is an adaptive process. Although small variations in cell morphology and ratios of end products of fermentation were detected, plasmalogen-rich and -deficient cells were virtually indistinguishable with respect to growth rates, range of fermentable carbohydrates, activities of selected enzymes, and electrophoretic patterns in both membrane and soluble proteins. Large decreases in saturated fatty acid production accompanied the decline of plasmalogens.  相似文献   
Sea urchin sperm respond to egg factors with changes in the ionic permeability of their plasma membrane. It has been previously shown that plasma membranes isolated preferentially from sea urchin sperm flagella respond to egg jelly increasing their Ca2+ and Na+ uptake (Darszon et al. (1984) Eur. J. Biochem. 144, 515-522). However, the egg jelly induced acrosome reaction occurs in the sperm head, and there is evidence for an heterogeneous distribution of plasma membrane components within the various regions of this cell. We here report a method for purifying sperm head membranes using positively charged beads according to Jacobson (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 471, 331-335). Under the transmission electron microscope these membranes appeared homogeneous and apparently free of internal membranes. The yield of the preparation was 0.9% of the total protein in the sperm homogenate. The preparation contained less than 5% of the mitochondrial marker cytochrome oxidase, and 10% of the total DNA/mg protein. Surface labeling with 125I indicated a 2.5-3-fold enrichment in specific activity of the head membranes with respect to whole sperm. The SDS band pattern and the lipid composition of this preparation were different from those of isolated flagellar membranes. Phosphatidylcholine was higher in the head membranes, while phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine were lower. The head membranes displayed a 1.7-2.3-fold higher Ca2+-ATPase activity and a 2.5-fold lower Na+/K+-ATPase activity, than the flagellar membranes. These results are consistent with a heterogeneous distribution of membrane components along the sea urchin sperm plasma membranes. Isolated head membranes sonicated in the presence of soybean phospholipid liposomes responded to egg jelly with a species-specific increase in Ca2+ and Na+ uptake. As in whole sperm, Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by the Ca2+ channel blocker nisoldipine. A close analog of this compound, [3H]nitrendipine, binds with high affinity to head membranes in a saturable, reversible manner, showing a Kd and Bmax of 31 nM and 5.3 pmol/mg protein, respectively.  相似文献   
A patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) having the standard [t(9;22), Ph] translocation is presented where the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome disappeared following bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The Ph chromosome reappeared in host cells after one year of stable hematologic remission. Three additional cell lines, all possessing the Ph chromosome with other abnormalities were consistently present in her marrow cells. Two years after BMT, ninety percent of her dividing bone marrow cells had become leukemic. The patient's clinical status remains unchanged, despite complex cytogenetic findings. The high incidence of multiple aberrant leukemic clones present in this case remains intriguing. Possible mechanisms for this unique transformation after BMT are discussed.  相似文献   
One of the most frequent chromosomal translocations in human beings is 11q/22q, which results in the "partial trisomy of 22q syndrome." However, the breakpoint on the long arms of chromosomes 11 and 22 is still a matter of controversy. In the present study, we have used chromosomes from lymphocytes of a neonate who happened to have this classical abnormality, and by R-banding prometaphase chromosomes with acridine orange it has been possible to establish that the translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 resulted from 3:1 meiotic maternal nondisjunction. A detailed analysis of the chromosome regions involved in this translocation revealed that the breakpoints on chromosomes 11 and 22 were at 11q23.3 and 22q11.1, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of pH was tested on the junction between crayfish lateral axons. By means of a glass capillary inserted into one of the axons, one side of the nunction was perfused with solutions of known pH while the junctional resistance,R j, was monitored. Integrity of the gap junction was checked electron microscopically.R j remained unchanged when the pH of the perfusate was lowered from 7.1 to 6.0. However, when the pH of the unperfused side of the junction was lowered by substituting acetate for chloride in the external solution,R j rose, attesting to the integrity of the junction and its capacity to uncouple in the perfused state. We suggest that H+ does not affect the junctional channels directly, but acts through an intermediary which is inactivated or removed by the perfusion.  相似文献   
Two tests were performed to assess the relationship between the Ca2+-activated K+ channel and the Ca2+-pumping ATPase in human erythrocytes. Antibodies against the purified ATPase inhibited the ATPase in resealed erythrocytes, but had no effect on the K+ channel (as assessed by Rb+ efflux). Reconstituted liposomes containing the purified active Ca2+-pumping ATPase showed no Ca2+-activated Rb+ influx. Both of these results suggest that some molecule other than the Ca2+-ATPase is responsible for the K+ channel.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activity has been characterized in membrane preparations from Clostridium butyricum ATCC 19398. A particulate fraction was shown to catalyze the formation of phosphatidylethanolamine and plasmenylethanolamine when vesicles containing phosphatidylserine and plasmenylserine were used as substrate. No plasmenylethanolamine was formed when phosphatidylserine alone was used as substrate. The activity with phosphatidylserine was activated by divalent cations and was optimal under anaerobic conditions. Ionic detergents inhibited phosphatidylethanolamine formation strongly and nonionic detergents inhibited partially. In the presence of Triton X-100, phosphate from [32P]phosphatidylserine appeared in three unidentified lipid products, in addition to phosphatidylethanolamine. The formation of these products was time- and Triton X-100 concentration-dependent. Hydroxylamine inhibited phosphatidylserine decarboxylase, but did not prevent the reactions stimulated by Triton X-100.  相似文献   
Solubilization of an Adenosine Uptake Site in Brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Procedures are described for the solubilization of adenosine uptake sites in guinea pig and rat brain tissue. Using [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine [( 3H]NBI) the solubilized site is characterized both kinetically and pharmacologically. The binding is dependent on protein concentration and is saturable, reversible, specific, and high affinity in nature. The KD and Bmax of guinea pig extracts are 0.13 +/- 0.02 nM and 133 +/- 18 fmol/mg protein, respectively, with linear Scatchard plots obtained routinely. Similar kinetic parameters are observed in rat brain. Adenosine uptake inhibitors are the most potent inhibitors of [3H]NBI binding with the following order of potency, dilazep greater than hexobendine greater than dipyridamole. Adenosine receptor ligands are much less potent inhibitors of binding, and caffeine is without effect. The solubilized adenosine uptake site is, therefore, shown to have virtually identical properties to the native membrane site. The binding of the adenosine A1 receptor agonist [3H]cyclohexyladenosine [( 3H]CHA) to the solubilized brain extract was also studied and compared with that of [3H]NBI. In contrast to the [3H]NBI binding site [3H]CHA binds to two apparent populations of adenosine receptor, a high-affinity site with a KD of 0.32 +/- 0.06 nM and a Bmax of 105 +/- 30 fmol/mg protein and a lower-affinity site with a KD of 5.50 +/- 0.52 nM and Bmax of 300 +/- 55 fmol/mg protein. The pharmacology of the [3H]CHA binding site is consistent with that of the adenosine receptor and quite distinct from that of the uptake [( 3H]NBI binding) site. Therefore, we show that the adenosine uptake site can be solubilized and that it retains both its binding and pharmacologic properties in the solubilized state.  相似文献   
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