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The relationship of exhaled ethane and n-pentane to exhaled NO, carbonylated proteins, and indoor/outdoor atmospheric pollutants were examined in order to evaluate ethane and n-pentane as potential markers of airway inflammation and/or oxidative stress. Exhaled NO and carbonylated proteins were found to have no significant associations with either ethane (p = 0.96 and p = 0.81, respectively) or n-pentane (p = 0.44 and 0.28, respectively) when outliers were included. In the case where outliers were removed n-pentane was found to be inversely associated with carbonylated proteins. Exhaled hydrocarbons adjusted for indoor hydrocarbon concentrations were instead found to be positively associated with air pollutants (NO, NO2 and CO), suggesting pollutant exposure is driving exhaled hydrocarbon concentrations. Given these findings, ethane and n-pentane do not appear to be markers of airway inflammation or oxidative stress.  相似文献   
We describe a new dysmorphic syndrome in an inbred Saudi Arabian family with 21 members. Five males and one female have similar craniofacial features including wide open calvarial sutures with large and late-closing anterior fontanels, frontal bossing, hyperpigmentation with capillary hemangioma of the forehead, significant hypertelorism, and a broad and prominent nose. In addition, these individuals have Y-shaped sutural cataracts diagnosed by 1-2 years of age. No chromosomal or biochemical abnormalities were identified. A genome-wide scan was performed, and two-point LOD score analysis, assuming autosomal recessive inheritance, detected linkage to chromosome 14q13-q21. The highest LOD scores were obtained for marker GATA136A04 (LOD=4.58 at theta=0.00) and for the adjacent telomeric marker D14S1048 (LOD=4.32 at theta=0.00). Multipoint linkage analysis resulted in a maximum LOD score of 5.44 between markers D14S1048 and GATA136A04. Model independent analysis by SIBPAL confirmed linkage to the same chromosomal region. Haplotype analysis indicated that all affected individuals were homozygous for the interval on chromosome 14q13-q21 with two recombinants for D14S1014 (centromeric) and one recombinant for D14S301 (telomeric). These recombinations limit the disease locus to a region of approximately 7.26 Mb. Candidate genes localized to this region were identified, and analysis of PAX9 did not identify mutations in these patients. The unique clinical phenotype and the mapping data suggest that this family represents a novel autosomal recessive syndrome.  相似文献   
Signal transduction of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors is known to involve tyrosine phosphorylation of several substrates, including Grb2, phospholipase C-γ, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, whereas the role of G-proteins in FGF receptor signaling is controversial. In the present study we investigated the role of G-proteins in FGF receptor signaling in rat pancreatic acini. Immunological analysis revealed the presence of FGF receptor and phospholipase C-γ1 in rat pancreatic acini. Both basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) and guanosine 5′-(γ-O-thio)triphosphate (GTPγS) caused an increase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (1,4,5-IP3) production and amylase release. Combined stimulation of the acini with GTPγS and FGF-2 led to a decrease of these responses as compared to the effect of the single substances. When pancreatic acini were preincubated with FGF-2 (1 nM) or vehicle (water) ADP-ribosylation of the α-subunit of Gi-type G-proteins by pertussis toxin was reduced in membranes prepared from FGF-2 pretreated acini as compared to control acini, suggesting functional interaction of FGF receptors with Gi-proteins. Pretreatment of acini with pertussis toxin which inhibits Gi-type G-proteins abolished the inhibitory effect of GTPγS on FGF-induced 1,4,5-IP3 production and amylase release, whereas the stimulatory effects of FGF-2 and GTPγS on these parameters remained unchanged. In conclusion, these results show communication of FGF receptors and Gi-type G-proteins and that Gi-type G-proteins exert an inhibitory influence on FGF-induced activation of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C in pancreatic acinar cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Estimation of population parameters for the common ancestors of humans and the great apes is important in understanding our evolutionary history. In particular, inference of population size for the human-chimpanzee common ancestor may shed light on the process by which the 2 species separated and on whether the human population experienced a severe size reduction in its early evolutionary history. In this study, the Bayesian method of ancestral inference of Rannala and Yang (2003. Bayes estimation of species divergence times and ancestral population sizes using DNA sequences from multiple loci. Genetics. 164:1645-1656) was extended to accommodate variable mutation rates among loci and random species-specific sequencing errors. The model was applied to analyze a genome-wide data set of approximately 15,000 neutral loci (7.4 Mb) aligned for human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and macaque. We obtained robust and precise estimates for effective population sizes along the hominoid lineage extending back approximately 30 Myr to the cercopithecoid divergence. The results showed that ancestral populations were 5-10 times larger than modern humans along the entire hominoid lineage. The estimates were robust to the priors used and to model assumptions about recombination. The unusually low X chromosome divergence between human and chimpanzee could not be explained by variation in the male mutation bias or by current models of hybridization and introgression. Instead, our parameter estimates were consistent with a simple instantaneous process for human-chimpanzee speciation but showed a major reduction in X chromosome effective population size peculiar to the human-chimpanzee common ancestor, possibly due to selective sweeps on the X prior to separation of the 2 species.  相似文献   
The ability to control molecules at a resolution well below that offered by photolithography has gained much interest recently. DNA is a promising candidate for this task since it offers excellent specificity in base-pairing combined with addressability at the nanometer scale. New applications in biosensing, e.g. interaction analysis at the single molecule level, or nanobiotechnology, e.g. ultradense DNA microarrays, have been devised that rely on stretched DNA bridges. The basic technology required is the ability to deposit spatially defined, stretched DNA-bridges between anchoring structures on surfaces. In this paper we present two techniques for spanning 2 microm long dsDNA bridges between neighboring interdigitated electrodes (IDEs). The extended DNA used was linearized M13 dsDNA (M13mp18 7231 bp, ca. 2.5 microm length), either unmodified, or with chemical modifications at both ends. The first approach is based on the dielectrophoretic (DEP) concentration and alignment of linearized wild-type dsDNA. IDEs with 1.7 microm spacing are driven with an AC voltage around 1 MHz leading to field strengths in the order of 1 MV m(-1). The dsDNA is polarized and linearized by the force field and accumulates in the gap between two neighboring electrodes. This process is reversible and was visualized by fluorescence staining of M13 DNA using PicoGreen, as intercalating dye. The resulting dsDNA bridges and their orientation are discernible under the fluorescence microscope using fluorescent particles of different color. The particles are tagged with sequence specific peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes that bind to the DNA double strand at specific sites. The second approach is based on asymmetric electrochemical modification of a gold IDE with 2.0 microm spacings followed by spontaneous or stimulated deposition of a chemically modified M13-DNA. One side of the IDE was selectively coated with streptavidin by electropolymerization of a novel hydrophilic conductive polymer in the presence of the binding protein. The second side was modified with gold nanoparticles by reductive plating from aqueous gold chloride solution. An asymmetric double stranded (ds) M13 DNA carrying a 5'-thiol group at one end and a 5'-biotin at the other end was obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using two differently labeled primers. For DNA bridges to form spontaneously the modified IDE was incubated over night with a 50 nM solution of the modified M13 DNA. Potential applications of DNA-bridge formation in biosensing and biotechnology are discussed.  相似文献   
We assessed the nutritional importance of mate provisioning to females during egg production and its effects on clutch parameters (egg size, length of the laying period) in Common Terns Sterna hirundo: (1) we estimated the costs of egg production by modeling the daily protein, lipid, and energy requirements of laying females, and (2) compared these costs to both the amount, and the timing, of the male's contribution via mate provisioning. Net lipid, net protein, and gross energy requirements for a three‐egg clutch were estimated to be 5.4 g, 8.6 g, and 569 kJ respectively. Peak protein and lipid requirements occurred one (day ?1) and two (day ?2) days before laying, respectively. Peak energy requirement occurred on day ?1; a cost of 127% to 157% above maintenance. Variation in male provisioning effort (in terms of energy and nutrients delivered) paralleled variation in predicted female requirements for egg production at the level of individual pairs. Males delivered protein in excess of the female's requirements on all days investigated. Male lipid delivery accounted for 45% of female net requirement on the day when demand was greatest (day ?2), but exceeded requirements on all other days. However, the proportion of the female's total energy budget (egg production, maintenance, and activity costs) that was supplied by her mate rose from an average of 29% on day ?2 to 76% during the interval between second and third eggs. Paradoxically, females that were fed at higher rates during the interval between first and second eggs produced clutches with lower total volumes, smaller last‐laid eggs, and clutches with a greater egg‐size hierarchy than conspecifics receiving less food from their mates. Also, females fed at higher rates during the interval between second and third eggs took longer to produce their clutch. These negative relationships between mate provisioning and clutch parameters contrast with previous studies in this and other species.  相似文献   
The release of extracellular matrix (ECM) and the emergence of germ tubes from conidia ofBlumeria graminis were studied by light microscopy and micromanipulation. More prompt and frequent ECM release was confirmed on an artificial hydrophobic substratum than on an artificial hydrophilic substratum. Conidia initially incubated on the hydrophilic substratum were transferred by micromanipulation to either the hydrophobic or the hydrophilic substrata. Immediately after transfer onto the hydrophobic substratum, 75% of conidia released ECM, whereas only 16% did so upon transfer to the hydrophilic substratum. Conidia transferred onto the hydrophobic substratum produced a primary germ tube (PGT) more promptly and frequently than those transferred to the hydrophilic substratum. Thus, conidia recognize and respond to substratum hydrophobicity perhaps immediately after contact. When inoculated onto either isolated barley cuticle or the hydrophobic artificial substratum, 2/3 of the conidia produced a PGT from their polar regions. By contrast, on the hydrophilic substratum 2/3 of conidia did so from the side region. These results show that substratum hydrophobicity affects the location of PGT emergence from conidia. Furthermore, the study indicates that very rapid recognition of surface hydrophobicity by conidia promotes ECM release and this in turn may influence the location of PGT emergence.  相似文献   
Neurotransmitter release from presynaptic nerve terminals is restricted to specialized areas of the plasma membrane, so-called active zones. Active zones are characterized by a network of cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins involved in active zone generation and synaptic transmission. To analyze the modes of biogenesis of this cytomatrix, we asked how Bassoon and Piccolo, two prototypic active zone cytomatrix molecules, are delivered to nascent synapses. Although these proteins may be transported via vesicles, little is known about the importance of a vesicular pathway and about molecular determinants of cytomatrix molecule trafficking. We found that Bassoon and Piccolo co-localize with markers of the trans-Golgi network in cultured neurons. Impairing vesicle exit from the Golgi complex, either using brefeldin A, recombinant proteins, or a low temperature block, prevented transport of Bassoon out of the soma. Deleting a newly identified Golgi-binding region of Bassoon impaired subcellular targeting of recombinant Bassoon. Overexpressing this region to specifically block Golgi binding of the endogenous protein reduced the concentration of Bassoon at synapses. These results suggest that, during the period of bulk synaptogenesis, a primordial cytomatrix assembles in a trans-Golgi compartment. They further indicate that transport via Golgi-derived vesicles is essential for delivery of cytomatrix proteins to the synapse. Paradigmatically this establishes Golgi transit as an obligatory step for subcellular trafficking of distinct cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins.  相似文献   
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