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Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants strictly adjust the contents of both ATP synthase and cytochrome b(6)f complex to the metabolic demand for ATP and NADPH. While the cytochrome b(6)f complex catalyzes the rate-limiting step of photosynthetic electron flux and thereby controls assimilation, the functional significance of the ATP synthase adjustment is unknown. Here, we reduced ATP synthase accumulation by an antisense approach directed against the essential nuclear-encoded γ-subunit (AtpC) and by the introduction of point mutations into the translation initiation codon of the plastid-encoded atpB gene (encoding the essential β-subunit) via chloroplast transformation. Both strategies yielded transformants with ATP synthase contents ranging from 100 to <10% of wild-type levels. While the accumulation of the components of the linear electron transport chain was largely unaltered, linear electron flux was strongly inhibited due to decreased rates of plastoquinol reoxidation at the cytochrome b(6)f complex (photosynthetic control). Also, nonphotochemical quenching was triggered at very low light intensities, strongly reducing the quantum efficiency of CO(2) fixation. We show evidence that this is due to an increased steady state proton motive force, resulting in strong lumen overacidification, which in turn represses photosynthesis due to photosynthetic control and dissipation of excitation energy in the antenna bed.  相似文献   
While the monophyly of the largest avian order Passeriformes as well as its suborders suboscines (Tyranni) and oscines (Passeri) is well established, lower phylogenetic relationships of this fast radiated taxon have been a continuous matter of debate, especially within the suborder oscines. Many studies analyzing phylogenetic relationships of the Passeriformes using molecular markers have been published, which led to a better resolved phylogeny. Conflicting hypotheses and still remaining uncertainties, especially within the Passerida, have repeatedly stimulated further research with additional new markers. In the present study we used a combination of established molecular markers (RAG‐1, RAG‐2, c‐myc) and the recently introduced ZENK. We accomplished phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, both separately for all genes and simultaneously. To assess the phylogenetic utility of the different genes in avian systematics we analyzed the influence of each data partition on the phylogenetic tree yielded by the combined approach using partitioned Bremer support. Compared with the other single gene analyses, the ZENK trees exhibited by far the best resolution and showed the lowest amount of homoplasy. Our data indicate that this gene is—at least in passerines—suitable for inference of even old taxonomic splits. Our combined analysis yields well‐supported phylogenetic hypotheses for passerine phylogeny and apart from corroborating recently proposed hypotheses on phylogenetic relationships in the Passeriformes we provide evidence for some new hypotheses. The subdivision of the Passerida into three superfamilies, Sylvioidea, Passeroidea and Muscicapoidea, the first as sister to the two latter groups is strongly supported. We found evidence for a split between Paridae and the remaining Sylvioidea. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   
Three mutants selected from a population of sugarcane clone H54-775 that had been irradiated with 3 kR gamma-radiation all lacked toxin-binding protein activity. This activity previously had been shown to be essential for eye spot disease susceptibility and was demonstrated in the susceptible parent clone H54-775. In one mutant, the biochemical, immunochemical, and electrophoretic mobilities of the toxin-binding protein were all modified.  相似文献   
Inoculation of corn (Zea mays) seeds with Azospirillum brasilense strain Cd or Sp 7 significantly enhanced (30 to 50% over controls) the uptake of NO3, K+, and H2PO4 into 3- to 4-day- and 2-week-old root segments. No gross changes in root morphology were observed; altered cell arrangement in the outer four or five layers of the cortex was seen in photomicrographs of cross sections of inoculated corn roots. The surface activity involved in ion uptake probably increased, as shown by the darker staining by methylene blue of the affected area. Shoot dry weight increased 20 to 30% in inoculated plants after 3 weeks, presumably by enhancement of mineral uptake. Corn and sorghum plants grown to maturity on limiting nutrients in the greenhouse showed improved growth from inoculation approaching that of plants grown on normal nutrient concentrations. Enhanced ion uptake may be a significant factor in the crop yield enhancement reported for Azospirillum inoculation.  相似文献   
Methanosarcina mazei S6 and LYC were used to study the structure and differentiation of the aggregating methanogens. Cultures harvested under various conditions are described at the ultrastructural level. Cells of strain S6 are enclosed by a layer 12 nm thick in contact with the plasma membrane. In sarcinal colonies, cells are held in close association by a fibrous matrix up to 60 nm thick. Colony maturation was examined in strain S6 over a period of 1 year. Changes occurred in the shape and staining of individual cells. Also, various inclusion bodies were observed that either persist throughout colony maturation or are only found at certain growth stages. Two types of cores that are composed of double membranes in M. mazei S6 are described. One has a 90-nm diameter and contains electron-dense granules similar to those found in the cytoplasm. The other core type does not contain granules, is more numerous, and is found in older cultures. Two life cycles are described for M. mazei based on electron microscope examinations. A complex life cycle involving the release of single cells is described with two variations for strains S6 and LYC. When released cells of strain S6 are placed in fresh medium they can repeat the cycle. In addition, a limited cycle is described for both strains of M. mazei. This limited cycle contains the only sarcinal morphotypes observed in M. barkeri. When M. mazei S6 remains in the limited cycle and does not disaggregate in stationary phase, several types of possible resting forms are found.  相似文献   
Transport of proteins to the thylakoid lumen is accomplished by two precursor-specific pathways, the Sec and the unique Delta pH transport systems. Pathway selection is specified by transient lumen-targeting domains (LTDs) on precursor proteins. Here, chimeric and mutant LTDs were used to identify elements responsible for targeting specificity. The results showed that: (a) minimal signal peptide motifs consisting of charged N, hydrophobic H, and cleavage C domains were both necessary and sufficient for pathway-specific targeting; (b) exclusive targeting to the Delta pH pathway requires a twin arginine in the N domain and an H domain that is incompatible with the Sec pathway; (c) exclusive targeting to the Sec pathway is achieved by an N domain that lacks the twin arginine, although the twin arginine was completely compatible with the Sec system. A dual-targeting signal peptide, constructed by combining Delta pH and Sec domains, was used to simultaneously compare the transport capability of both pathways when confronted with different passenger proteins. Whereas Sec passengers were efficiently transported by both pathways, Delta pH passengers were arrested in translocation on the Sec pathway. This finding suggests that the Delta pH mechanism evolved to accommodate transport of proteins incompatible with the thylakoid Sec machinery.  相似文献   
Summary The protein sequences of seven 3-aminoglycoside phosphotransferases falling into the six identified types and three 6-aminoglycoside phosphotransferases were analyzed to give a rooted phylogenetic tree. This tree supports the origin of these groups of enzymes in an ancestor closely related to the actinomycetes, and that horizontal transfer of the resistance genes occurred, possibly via transposons. The implications for genetic engineering of a novel antibiotic are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Monoclonal antibody 14G2a (anti-GD2) reacts with cell lines and tumor tissues of neuroectodermal origin that express disialoganglioside GD2. mAb 14G2a was coupled to the ribosome-inactivating plant toxin gelonin with the heterobifunctional cross-linking reagentN-succinimidyl-3(2-pyridyldithio)propionate. The activity of the immunotoxin was assessed by a cell-free translation assay that confirmed the presence of active gelonin coupled to 14G2a. Data from an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay demonstrated the specificity and immunoreactivity of the 14G2a-gelonin immunotoxin, which was identical to that of native 14G2a. Assays for complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) revealed that these functional properties of the native 14G2a antibody were also preserved in the 14G2a-gelonin immunotoxin. The gelonin-14G2a immunotoxin was directly cytotoxic to human melanoma (A375-M and AAB-527) cells and was 1000-fold more active than native gelonin in inhibiting the growth of human melanoma cells in vitro. The augmentation of tumor cell killing of 14G2a-gelonin immunotoxin was examined with several lysosomotropic compounds. Chloroquine and monensin, when combined with 14G2a-gelonin immunotoxin, augmented its cytotoxicity more than 10-fold. Biological response modifiers such as tumor necrosis factor and interferon and chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatinum andN,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea (carmustine) augmented the cytotoxicity of 14G2a-gelonin 4- to 5-fold. The results of these studies suggest that 14G2a-gelonin may operate directly by both cytotoxic efforts and indirectly by mediating both ADCC and CDC activity against tumor cells; thus it may prove useful in the future for therapy of human neuroectodermal tumors.Research conducted, in part, by the Clayton Foundation for Research  相似文献   
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