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We calculated occurrences of all dinucleotide and trinucleotide microsatellites in the human, mouse, and yeast genomes. The microsatellites were considered separately not only according to the repeated dinucleotide or trinucleotide and the microsatellite length but also according to the starting/terminal nucleotide. The analysis showed that dramatically non-equal amounts occurred in the human genome of microsatellites that differed only by the terminal nucleotides. For example, the 23-mer (TTG)(7)TT occurs 635 times in the human genome whereas (GTT)(7)GT is present only three times in the human genome though the two 23-mers share a 22 nucleotide sequence. The dramatically non-equal occurrences of microsatellites differing only by the terminal nucleotides are observed for most dinucleotide and trinucleotide microsatellites and in all analyzed genomes. We suppose that the strikingly non-equal genomic occurrences of these closely related microsatellites originate from conformational properties of DNA.  相似文献   
The effect of a dominant species, the litter layer, and the moss layer on seedlings and established vegetation was evaluated in two manipulative experiments in an oligotrophic wet meadow (Molinion with some features ofViolion caninae according to phytosociological classification). In the first experiment, the dominant species (Nardus stricta), litter layer, and litter layer together with the moss layer were removed and the response of the established vegetation and seedlings were compared with a control. Results revealed that after one season there was no significant effect of the treatments on established vegetation, but seedling recruitment was significantly affected. The greatest increase of seedling recruitment for many species was observed in the plots with the moss layer removed. In the second experiment, seeds ofSelinum carvifolia were sown into plots subjected to the following treatments: complete vegetation removal, mowing, mowing combined with removal of the moss layer, and an untreated control. The highest number of seedlings was found in plots with the vegetation removed, but the seedling recruitment was nearly as high in plots with the moss layer removed. Low numbers were found in mown plots and the lowest in the untreated control. The results show that seedling recruitment is more sensitive to competition than the established vegetation, at least over one season. This supports the idea of the importance of the regeneration niche for the maintenance of diversity in grassland communities.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to prepare recombinant amine oxidase from Aspergillus niger after overexpressing in yeast. The yeast expression vector pDR197 that includes a constitutive PMA1 promoter was used for the expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recombinant amine oxidase was extracted from the growth medium of the yeast, purified to homogeneity and identified by activity assay and MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprinting. Similarity search in the newly published A. niger genome identified six genes coding for copper amine oxidase, two of them corresponding to the previously described enzymes AO-I a methylamine oxidase and three other genes coding for FAD amine oxidases. Thus, A. niger possesses an enormous metabolic gear to grow on amine compounds and thus support its saprophytic lifestyle.  相似文献   
Transmitter molecules bind to synaptic acetylcholine receptor channels (AChRs) to promote a global channel-opening conformational change. Although the detailed mechanism that links ligand binding and channel gating is uncertain, the energy changes caused by mutations appear to be more symmetrical between subunits in the transmembrane domain compared with the extracellular domain. The only covalent connection between these domains is the pre-M1 linker, a stretch of five amino acids that joins strand β10 with the M1 helix. In each subunit, this linker has a central Arg (Arg3′), which only in the non-α-subunits is flanked by positively charged residues. Previous studies showed that mutations of Arg3′ in the α-subunit alter the gating equilibrium constant and reduce channel expression. We recorded single-channel currents and estimated the gating rate and equilibrium constants of adult mouse AChRs with mutations at the pre-M1 linker and the nearby residue Glu45 in non-α-subunits. In all subunits, mutations of Arg3′ had similar effects as in the α-subunit. In the ϵ-subunit, mutations of the flanking residues and Glu45 had only small effects, and there was no energy coupling between ϵGlu45 and ϵArg3′. The non-α-subunit Arg3′ residues had Φ-values that were similar to those for the α-subunit. The results suggest that there is a general symmetry between the AChR subunits during gating isomerization in this linker and that the central Arg is involved in expression more so than gating. The energy transfer through the AChR during gating appears to mainly involve Glu45, but only in the α-subunits.  相似文献   
Phospholipase A2 is involved in propagation of inflammatory processes and carcinogenesis through its role in phospholipid metabolism, and release of arachidonic acid and lysophospholipids. Recent findings on correlation between elevated PLA2 activity and metastatic cancer render this enzyme an attractive target for cancer therapy. On the other hand, due to a broad range of oxidation states under physiological conditions and a high affinity for protein binding, platinum and ruthenium coordination complexes are promising candidates for PLA2 inhibitors. In this article, we discuss the interactions of Pt and Ru coordination complexes with PLA2 and phospholipids, as well as the application of MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry for screening PLA2 inhibitors. Owing to the ability of this technique to simultaneously detect and monitor changes in substrate and product concentrations, the inhibitor mechanisms of both Pt and Ru complexes with various ligands were determined.  相似文献   
The increased ambient temperature affects the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Since the correlation among vasopressin (VP), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT) responses to various stressors have been long recognized, the aim of this study was to reveal the aforementioned hormones production and morphology of the pituitary gland after exposure to acute heat. Rats were exposed to high ambient temperature (38 °C) for 20 or 60 minutes. The circulating hormones were determined by an ELISA test or chemiluminescence's method. The results obtained show the elevation in ACTH and CORT secretion depending on the duration of heat exposure. The VP concentration increased only after prolonged exposure to heat (60 min). The pituitary morphology was examined by routine and fluorescent immunohistochemistry as well as electron microscopy. Observed changes in the anterior and posterior pituitary well corresponded to circulating hormones, regarding the volume density of ACTH-immunopositive cells, percentage of ACTH immunopositive area v. total area and number of VP-immunopositive containing varicose fibers per total area. Acute heat exposure also induced changes in shapes of ACTH-immunopositive cells. Cells appeared stellate with numerous slender cytoplasmic processes and degranulated, which is the most obvious after 20 min. In addition, immunopositivity of endothelial and anterior pituitary cells for VP suggests its influence on ACTH secretion.  相似文献   
The high mobility group box (HMGB) 1 protein, one of the most abundant nuclear non-histone proteins has been known for its inhibitory effect on repair of DNA damaged by the antitumor drug cisplatin. Here, we report the first results that link HMGB1 to repair of cisplatin-treated DNA at nucleosome level. Experiments were carried out with three types of reconstituted nucleosomes strongly positioned on the damaged DNA: linker DNA containing nucleosomes (centrally and end-positioned) and core particles. The highest repair synthesis was registered with end-positioned nucleosomes, two and three times more efficient than that with centrally positioned nucleosomes and core particles, respectively. HMGB1 inhibited repair of linker DNA containing nucleosomes more efficiently than that of core particles. Just the opposite was the effect of the in vivo acetylated HMGB1: stronger repair inhibition was obtained with core particles. No inhibition was observed with HMGB1 lacking the acidic tail. Binding of HMGB1 proteins to different nucleosomes was also analysed. HMGB1 bound preferentially to damage nucleosomes containing linker DNA, while the binding of the acetylated protein was linker independent. We show that both the repair of cisplatin-damaged nucleosomes and its inhibition by HMGB1 are nucleosome position-dependent events which are accomplished via the acidic tail and modulated by acetylation.  相似文献   
Microglial cells are resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), recognized as key elements in the regulation of neural homeostasis and the response to injury and repair. As excessive activation of microglia may lead to neurodegeneration, therapeutic strategies targeting its inhibition were shown to improve treatment of most neurodegenerative diseases. Benfotiamine is a synthetic vitamin B1 (thiamine) derivate exerting potentially anti-inflammatory effects. Despite the encouraging results regarding benfotiamine potential to alleviate diabetic microangiopathy, neuropathy and other oxidative stress-induced pathological conditions, its activities and cellular mechanisms during microglial activation have yet to be elucidated. In the present study, the anti-inflammatory effects of benfotiamine were investigated in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated murine BV-2 microglia. We determined that benfotiamine remodels activated microglia to acquire the shape that is characteristic of non-stimulated BV-2 cells. In addition, benfotiamine significantly decreased production of pro-inflammatory mediators such as inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NO; cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70), tumor necrosis factor alpha α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), whereas it increased anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 (IL-10) production in LPS stimulated BV-2 microglia. Moreover, benfotiamine suppressed the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2), c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) and protein kinase B Akt/PKB. Treatment with specific inhibitors revealed that benfotiamine-mediated suppression of NO production was via JNK1/2 and Akt pathway, while the cytokine suppression includes ERK1/2, JNK1/2 and Akt pathways. Finally, the potentially protective effect is mediated by the suppression of translocation of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) in the nucleus. Therefore, benfotiamine may have therapeutic potential for neurodegenerative diseases by inhibiting inflammatory mediators and enhancing anti-inflammatory factor production in activated microglia.  相似文献   
The successional dental lamina (SDL) plays an essential role in the development of replacement teeth in diphyodont and polyphyodont animals. A morphologically similar structure, the rudimental successional dental lamina (RSDL), has been described in monophyodont (only one tooth generation) lizards on the lingual side of the developing functional tooth. This rudimentary lamina regresses, which has been proposed to play a role in preventing the formation of future generations of teeth. A similar rudimentary lingual structure has been reported associated with the first molar in the monophyodont mouse, and we show that this structure is common to all murine molars. Intriguingly, a lingual lamina is also observed on the non-replacing molars of other diphyodont mammals (pig and hedgehog), initially appearing very similar to the successional dental lamina on the replacing teeth. We have analyzed the morphological as well as ultrastructural changes that occur during the development and loss of this molar lamina in the mouse, from its initiation at late embryonic stages to its disappearance at postnatal stages. We show that loss appears to be driven by a reduction in cell proliferation, down-regulation of the progenitor marker Sox2, with only a small number of cells undergoing programmed cell death. The lingual lamina was associated with the dental stalk, a short epithelial connection between the tooth germ and the oral epithelium. The dental stalk remained in contact with the oral epithelium throughout tooth development up to eruption when connective tissue and numerous capillaries progressively invaded the dental stalk. The buccal side of the dental stalk underwent keratinisation and became part of the gingival epithelium, while most of the lingual cells underwent programmed cell death and the tissue directly above the erupting tooth was shed into the oral cavity.  相似文献   
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