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Bacillus sphaericus MTCC511 was used for the production of protease in submerged batch fermentation. Maximum protease activity of 1010 U/L was obtained during a fermentation period of 24 h under optimized conditions of 30 °C in a medium with an initial pH of 7 and at a shaking rate of 120 rpm. The maximum biomass obtained in the batch fermentation was 2.55 g/L after 16 h. Various unstructured models were analyzed to simulate the experimental values of microbial growth, protease activity and substrate concentration. The unstructured models, i.e. the Monod model for microbial growth, the Monod incorporated Luedeking‐Piret model for the production of protease and the Monod‐incorporated modified Luedeking‐Piret model for the utilization of substrate were capable of predicting the fermentation profile with high coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.9967, 0.9402 and 0.9729, respectively. The results indicated that the unstructured models were able to describe the fermentation kinetics more effectively.  相似文献   
Na-H exchange is present in apical membrane vesicles (AMV) isolated from distal colon of normal rats. Because in intact tissue aldosterone both induces amiloride-sensitive electrogenic sodium transport and inhibits electroneutral sodium absorption, these studies with AMV were designed to establish the effect of aldosterone on sodium transport. An outward-directed proton gradient stimulated 22Na uptake in AMV isolated from distal colon of normal and dietary sodium depleted (with elevated aldosterone levels) experimental rats. Unlike normal AMV, proton gradient-dependent 22Na uptake in experimental AMV was inhibited when uptake was measured under voltage-clamped conditions. 10 microM amiloride inhibited the initial rate of proton gradient-dependent 22Na uptake in AMV of normal and experimental rats by 30 and 75%, respectively. In contrast, 1 mM amiloride produced comparable inhibition (90 and 80%) of 22Na uptake in normal and experimental AMV. Intravesicular-negative potential stimulated 22Na uptake in experimental but not in normal AMV. This increase was inhibited by 90% by 10 microM amiloride. An analogue of amiloride, 5-(N-ethylisopropyl) amiloride (1 microM), a potent inhibitor of electroneutral Na-H exchange in AMV of normal rat distal colon, did not alter potassium diffusion potential-dependent 22Na uptake. Increasing sodium concentration saturated proton gradient-dependent 22Na uptake in normal AMV. However, in experimental AMV, 22Na uptake stimulated by both proton gradient and potassium diffusion potential did not saturate as a function of increasing sodium concentration. We conclude from these results that an electrically sensitive conductive channel, not electroneutral Na-H exchange, mediates 22Na uptake in AMV isolated from the distal colon of aldosterone rats.  相似文献   
HSPA6 is a member of the human heat-shock protein gene family, encoding a basic 70-kDa protein, with unique induction characteristics (Leung et al., 1990, Biochem. J. 267: 125-132). Hybridization analyses with a somatic cell hybrid DNA panel localized the gene to chromosome 1q. The highly related HSPA7 DNA sequence (Voellmy et al., 1985, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82: 4949-4953) colocalized. Both HSPA6 and HSPA7 represent functional genes, as determined by analyses of mRNA from heat-shocked human cells using specific oligonucleotides, although their pattern of expression differed. Neither mRNA was detected in the absence of heat stress. A BamHI polymorphism in the HSPA7 gene was present in a predominantly Asian population.  相似文献   
Diarrhea associated with ulcerative colitis (UC) occurs primarily as a result of reduced Na+ absorption. Although colonic Na+ absorption is mediated by both epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC) and Na-H exchangers (NHE), inhibition of NHE-mediated Na+ absorption is the primary cause of diarrhea in UC. As there are conflicting observations reported on NHE expression in human UC, the present study was initiated to identify whether NHE isoforms (NHE2 and NHE3) expression is altered and how Na+ absorption is regulated in DSS-induced inflammation in rat colon, a model that has been used to study UC. Western blot analyses indicate that neither NHE2 nor NHE3 expression is altered in apical membranes of inflamed colon. Na+ fluxes measured in vitro under voltage clamp conditions in controls demonstrate that both HCO3-dependent and butyrate-dependent Na+ absorption are inhibited by S3226 (NHE3-inhibitor), but not by HOE694 (NHE2-inhibitor) in normal animals. In contrast, in DSS-induced inflammation, butyrate-, but not HCO3-dependent Na+ absorption is present and is inhibited by HOE694, but not by S3226. These observations indicate that in normal colon NHE3 mediates both HCO3-dependent and butyrate-dependent Na+ absorption, whereas DSS-induced inflammation activates NHE2, which mediates butyrate-dependent (but not HCO3-dependent) Na+ absorption. In in vivo loop studies HCO3-Ringer and butyrate-Ringer exhibit similar rates of water absorption in normal rats, whereas in DSS-induced inflammation luminal butyrate-Ringer reversed water secretion observed with HCO3-Ringer to fluid absorption. Lumen butyrate-Ringer incubation activated NHE3-mediated Na+ absorption in DSS-induced colitis. These observations suggest that the butyrate activation of NHE2 would be a potential target to control UC-associated diarrhea.  相似文献   
cAMP induces both active Cl(-) and active K(+) secretion in mammalian colon. It is generally assumed that a mechanism for K(+) exit is essential to maintain cells in the hyperpolarized state, thus favoring a sustained Cl(-) secretion. Both Kcnn4c and Kcnma1 channels are located in colon, and this study addressed the questions of whether Kcnn4c and/or Kcnma1 channels mediate cAMP-induced K(+) secretion and whether cAMP-induced K(+) secretion provides the driving force for Cl(-) secretion. Forskolin (FSK)-enhanced short-circuit current (indicator of net electrogenic ion transport) and K(+) fluxes were measured simultaneously in colonic mucosa under voltage-clamp conditions. Mucosal Na(+) orthovanadate (P-type ATPase inhibitor) inhibited active K(+) absorption normally present in rat distal colon. In the presence of mucosal Na(+) orthovanadate, serosal FSK induced both K(+) and Cl(-) secretion. FSK-induced K(+) secretion was 1) not inhibited by either mucosal or serosal 1-[(2-chlorophenyl) diphenylmethyl]-1H-pyrazole (TRAM-34; a Kcnn4 channel blocker), 2) inhibited (92%) by mucosal iberiotoxin (Kcnma1 channel blocker), and 3) not affected by mucosal cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator inhibitor (CFTR(inh)-172). By contrast, FSK-induced Cl(-) secretion was 1) completely inhibited by serosal TRAM-34, 2) not inhibited by either mucosal or serosal iberiotoxin, and 3) completely inhibited by mucosal CFTR(inh)-172. These results indicate that cAMP-induced colonic K(+) secretion is mediated via Kcnma1 channels located in the apical membrane and most likely contributes to stool K(+) losses in secretory diarrhea. On the other hand, cAMP-induced colonic Cl(-) secretion requires the activity of Kcnn4b channels located in the basolateral membrane and is not dependent on the concurrent activation of apical Kcnma1 channels.  相似文献   
Interactions between human DNA polymerase beta and the template-primer, as well as gapped DNA substrates, have been studied using quantitative fluorescence titration and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques. In solution, human pol beta binds template-primer DNA substrates with a stoichiometry much higher than predicted on the basis of the crystallographic structure of the polymerase-DNA complex. The obtained stoichiometries can be understood in the context of the polymerase affinity for the dsDNA and the two ssDNA binding modes, the (pol beta)(16) and (pol beta)(5) binding modes, which differ by the number of nucleotide residues occluded by the protein in the complex. The analysis of polymerase binding to different template-primer substrates has been performed using the statistical thermodynamic model which accounts for the existence of different ssDNA binding modes and has allowed us to extract intrinsic spectroscopic and binding parameters. The data reveal that the small 8 kDa domain of the enzyme can engage the dsDNA in interactions, downstream from the primer, in both (pol beta)(16) and (pol beta)(5) binding modes. The affinity, as well as the stoichiometry of human pol beta binding to the gapped DNAs is not affected by the decreasing size of the ssDNA gap, indicating that the enzyme recognizes the ssDNA gaps of different sizes with very similar efficiency. On the basis of the obtained results we propose a plausible model for the gapped DNA recognition by human pol beta. The enzyme binds the ss/dsDNA junction of the gap, using its 31 kDa domain, with slight preference over the dsDNA. Binding only to the junction, but not to the dsDNA, induces an allosteric conformational transition of the enzyme and the entire enzyme-DNA complex which results in binding of the 8 kDa domain with the dsDNA. This, in turn, leads to the significant amplification of the enzyme affinity for the gap over the surrounding dsDNA, independent of the gap size. The presence of the 5'-terminal phosphate, downstream from the primer, has little effect on the affinity, but profoundly affects the ssDNA conformation in the complex. The significance of these results for the mechanistic model of the functioning of human pol beta is discussed.  相似文献   
By regulating the differential expression of proviral pre mRNA in the host cell, Rev plays a crucial role in the HIV-1 life cycle. The capacity of Rev to function is intimately linked to its ability to self-associate. Nevertheless, little is known about the exact role of self-association in the molecular mechanism defining its biological activity. A prerequisite knowledge is a definition of the molecular events undertaken by Rev during the process of self-assembly. Thus, this study was initiated to monitor the structure of Rev as a function of protein concentration. Rev undergoes a structural transition as a consequence of self-assembly. This structural transition was monitored by three spectroscopic methods. The accessibility of the single tryptophan in Rev monomer to acrylamide quenching increases with decreasing protein concentration. At very low concentration of Rev, the tryptophan accessibility is close to that of an unfolded Rev. As evaluated by circular dichroism, the secondary structure of Rev is protein concentration dependent as evidenced by an increase in the magnitude of ellipticity with increasing protein concentration. Further, results from ANS binding studies indicate that the ANS binding sites in Rev experience an apparent increase in hydrophobicity as the Rev concentration was increased. These concentration dependent changes seem to reach a maximum above 5 microM Rev monomer concentration. In order to define the mode of Rev self-association sedimentation velocity and equilibrium experiments were conducted. There are evidently two consecutive progressive association processes. At protein concentrations below 0.5 mg/ml, the data from sedimentation studies can be fitted to a single isodesmic model. Simulation of velocity sedimentation profile indicates that free Rev monomer that has not entered into the association processes can best be described to exhibit a value of S(20,w) that is substantially smaller than 1.4 S, a value needed to fit the rest of the data. The latter value is consistent for a Rev monomer with the expected molecules weight and if it were to assume a compact globular shape. These spectroscopic and hydrodynamic results imply that monomeric Rev is in a molten globule state, which becomes more compact upon self-association.  相似文献   
An interesting series of metal complexes of thiabendazole (tbz) is synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses and spectroscopic studies. The crystal structure of the hydrogen bonded one dimensional Co(II) complex, namely [Co(tbz)(2)(NO(3))(H(2)O)](NO(3)) is solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallizes in monoclinic space group P2(1)/a with unit cell parameters, a=14.366(2), b=11.459(4), c=15.942(3) A, beta=113.78(3) degrees and z=4. The unit cell packing reveals an extensive hydrogen bonding involving a water molecule, nitrate ligands and the protonated nitrogen atoms of the tbz ligands, resulting in a one dimensional hydrogen bonding pattern. The antimicrobial activity of the complexes against selected bacteria (Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis) and yeast (Aspergillus flavues) is estimated. The relationship between the enzymatic production of ROS and antimicrobial activity of the complexes is examined, and a good correlation between two factors is found. Photodynamic quantum yields of singlet oxygen production (RNO bleaching assay) and rate of superoxide generation (SOD inhibitable ferricytochrome c reduction assay and EPR spin trapping experiments using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide as spin trap) by the metal complexes have been studied.  相似文献   
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is a common subtype of idiopathic generalized epilepsy that shows a complex pattern of inheritance. We have tested the association between JME phenotype and an intragenic marker in KCNQ3 by using the transmission disequilibrium test in 119 probands and their parents. Mutations in KCNQ3 are known to cause benign familial neonatal convulsions and are involved in the physiologically important M current in neurons. Our results provide suggestive evidence of allelic association between JME and KCNQ3 (P-value=0.008) and raise an interesting possibility of a genetic contribution to JME, viz., of a gene that causes a monogenic form of human epilepsy.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to investigate the photodynamic action of electron-rich anthraquinones, viz., cynodontin (CYN) and cynodontin-5,8-dimethylether (CYNM). Both optical and EPR methods are used to detect the generation of singlet oxygen. Based on RNO bleaching, relative to rose bengal (RB), singlet oxygen generating efficiencies of CYN and CYNM are derived to be 0.055 and 0.254, respectively. The formation of superoxide anion via electron transfer to O2 was monitored by optical spectroscopy, using SOD-inhibitable cytochrome c reduction assay. The production of O2-* is enhanced in the presence of electron donors such as EDTA and NADH. Photolysis of CYN and CYNM in DMSO, in the presence of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO), generates a multi-line EPR spectrum, characteristic of spin adduct mixture of O2-* and *OH. Both optical and ESR measurements indicate that O2-* (Type I) and 1O2 (Type II) paths are involved in CYN and CYNM photodynamic action.  相似文献   
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