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Electron transfer activities and steady state reduction levels of Fe-S centers of NADH-Q oxidoreductase were measured in mitochondria, submitochondrial particles (ETPH), and complex I after treatment with various reagents. p-Chloromercuribenzenesulfonate destroyed the signal from center N-4 (gx = 1.88) in ETPH but not in mitochondria, showing that N-4 is accessible only from the matrix side of the inner membrane. N-Bromosuccinimide also destroyed the signal from N-4 but without inhibiting rotenone-sensitive electron transfer to quinone, suggesting a branched pathway for electron transfer. Diethylpyrocarbonate caused oxidation of N-3 and N-4 in the steady state without changing N-1, suggesting N-1 is before N-3 and N-4. Difluorodinitrobenzene and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibited oxidation of all Fe-S centers and tetranitromethane inhibited reduction of all Fe-S centers. Titrations of the rate of superoxide (O2-) generation in rotenone-treated submitochondrial particles were similar with the ratio [NADH]/[NAD] and that of 3-acetyl pyridine adenine nucleotide in spite of different midpoint potentials of the two couples. On reaction with inhibitors the inhibition of O2- formation was similar to that of ferricyanide reductase rather than quinone reductase. The rate of O2- formation during ATP-driven reverse electron transfer was 16% of the rate observed with NADH. The presence of NAD increased the rate to 83%. The results suggest that bound, reduced nucleotide, probably E-NAD., is the main source of O2- in NADH dehydrogenase. The effect of ATP on the reduction levels of Fe-S centers in well-coupled ETPH was measured by equilibrating with either NADH/NAD or succinate/fumarate redox couples. With NADH/NAD none of the Fe-S centers showed ATP induced changes, but with succinate/fumarate all centers showed ATP-driven reduction with or without NAD present. The effect on N-2 was smaller than that on N-1, N-3, and N-4. These observations indicate that the major coupling interaction is between N-2 and the low potential centers, N-1, N-3, and N-4. Possible schemes of coupling in this segment are discussed.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Molecular studies on egg production in ducks were mostly focused on brain and ovaries as they are directly involved in egg production. Liver plays a vital role in...  相似文献   
Neurochemical Research - Various epidemiological survey suggests that the central nervous system is the target for many environmental contaminants. One among them is Aroclor 1254,...  相似文献   
Tests were conducted on the performance of UNS S31600 stainless steel (SS) in a natural day/night cycle vs full darkness under conditions of natural marine biofilm accumulation. In quiescent flowing seawater tests in the laboratory as well as under natural immersion in the sea, diffuse sunlight (~10% of natural) counteracted the influence of marine biofilms and produced substantial inhibition of the corrosion of SS. Thus, the probabilities (percentage attack) and propagation rates (depths of attack) in multiple crevice tests were substantially lower in the day/night cycle than in the dark. A benefit was also observed for welded SS in terms of the time to corrosion initiation and the mass loss. SS in the passive state showed broader passive regions, well-defined breakdown potentials and markedly smaller anodic and cathodic current densities under the diurnal cycle. The overall reduction in corrosion is attributed to a combination of electrochemical photoinhibition and simultaneous photoinactivation of microbially mediated metal redox reactions linked to cathodic kinetics. These data offer fresh insights into the behaviour of SS under practical seawater situations and the proposed potential use of illumination in the mitigation of biologically influenced consequences.  相似文献   
This investigation was carried out based on the hypothesis that there may be some pseudomonad strains, which could exist in rhizosphere of plant species contributing multifaceted beneficial activities. For this purpose, 21 pseudomonad isolates from the rhizosphere of rice, cultivated in western parts of Tamil Nadu were screened. All the 21 isolates were authenticated as pseudomonads by a genus-specific PCR screening. The molecular diversity of these isolates was investigated by Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) and the dendrogram obtained from the analysis revealed that all the 21 isolates clustered into seven groups. Further, these isolates were screened for plant growth promoting activities such as diazotrophy (PCR amplification of nifH gene and acetylene reduction assay), Indole acetic acid (IAA) and siderophore production (spectrometrically), 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase for ethylene regulation (PCR screening), mineral solubilization (biochemically) and antagonistic potential against soil pathogenic fungi (dual culture assay). Based on the results, two elite Pseudomonas isolates (S9 and O3) were chosen as multi-functional plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, paving way for potential use as bioinoculants in rice.  相似文献   
Protein function is intimately related to the dynamics of the protein as well as to the dynamics of the solvent shell around the protein. Although it has been argued extensively that protein dynamics is slaved to solvent dynamics, experimental support for this hypothesis is scanty. In this study, measurements of fluorescence anisotropy decay kinetics have been used to determine the motional dynamics of the fluorophore acrylodan linked to several locations in a small protein barstar in its various structural forms, including the native and unfolded states as well as the acid and protofibril forms. Fluorescence upconversion and streak camera measurements have been used to determine the solvation dynamics around the fluorophore. Both the motional dynamics and solvent dynamics were found to be dependent upon the location of the probe as well as on the structural form of the protein. While the (internal) motional dynamics of the fluorophore occur in the 0.1-3 ns time domain, the observed mean solvent relaxation times are in the range of 20-300 ps. A strong positive correlation between these two dynamical modes was found in spite of the significant difference in their time scales. This observed correlation is a strong indicator of the coupling between solvent dynamics and the dynamics in the protein.  相似文献   
Thermo-optically induced structural reorganizations have earlier been identified in isolated LHCII, the main chlorophyll a/b light harvesting complexes of Photosystem II, and in granal thylakoid membranes [Cseh et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39: 15250–15257; Garab et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41: 15121–15129]. According to the thermo-optic mechanism, structural changes can be induced by fast, local thermal transients due to the dissipation of excess excitation energy. In this paper, we analyze the temperature and light-intensity dependencies of thermo-optically induced reversible and irreversible reorganizations in the chiral macrodomains of lamellar aggregates of isolated LHCII and of granal thylakoid membranes. We show that these structural changes exhibit non-Arrhenius type of temperature dependencies, which originate from the ‘combination’ of the ambient temperature and the local thermal transient. The experimental data can satisfactorily be simulated with the aid of a simple mathematical model based on the thermo-optic effect. The model also predicts, in good accordance with experimental data published earlier and presented in this paper, that the reorganizations depend linearly on the intensity of the excess light, a unique property that is probably important in light adaptation and photoprotection of plants.  相似文献   
Certain nascent peptide sequences, when within the ribosomal exit tunnel, can inhibit translation termination and/or peptide elongation. The 24 residue leader peptidyl-tRNA of the tna operon of E. coli, TnaC-tRNA(Pro), in the presence of excess tryptophan, resists cleavage at the tnaC stop codon. TnaC residue Trp12 is crucial for this inhibition. The approximate location of Trp12 in the exit tunnel was determined by crosslinking Lys11 of TnaC-tRNA(Pro) to nucleotide A750 of 23S rRNA. Methylation of nucleotide A788 of 23S rRNA was reduced by the presence of Trp12 in TnaC-tRNA(Pro), implying A788 displacement. Inserting an adenylate at position 751, or introducing the change U2609C in 23S rRNA or the change K90H or K90W in ribosomal protein L22, virtually eliminated tryptophan induction. These modified and mutated regions are mostly located near the putative site occupied by Trp12 of TnaC-tRNA(Pro). These findings identify features of the ribosomal exit tunnel essential for tna operon induction.  相似文献   
The kinetics of proton transfer in Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) have been studied as a model system for characterizing the correlation between dynamics and function of proteins in general. The kinetics in EGFP (a variant of GFP) were monitored by using a laser-induced pH jump method. The pH was jumped from 8 to 5 by nanosecond flash photolysis of the "caged proton," o-nitrobenzaldehyde, and subsequent proton transfer was monitored by following the decrease in fluorescence intensity. The modulation of proton transfer kinetics by external perturbants such as viscosity, pH, and subdenaturing concentrations of GdnHCl as well as of salts was studied. The rate of proton transfer was inversely proportional to solvent viscosity, suggesting that the rate-limiting step is the transfer of protons through the protein matrix. The rate is accelerated at lower pH values, and measurements of the fluorescence properties of tryptophan 57 suggest that the enhancement in rate is associated with an enhancement in protein dynamics. The rate of proton transfer is nearly independent of temperature, unlike the rate of the reverse process. When the stability of the protein was either decreased or increased by the addition of co-solutes, including the salts KCl, KNO(3), and K(2)SO(4), a significant decrease in the rate of proton transfer was observed in all cases. The lack of correlation between the rate of proton transfer and the stability of the protein suggests that the structure is tuned to ensure maximum efficiency of the dynamics that control the proton transfer function of the protein.  相似文献   
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