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Summary A selection by glucosamine for mutants of Hansenula polymorpha insensitive to glucose repression of methanol assimilation is described. Constitutive synthesis of enzymes is established in standard batch cultures of glucosegrown cells. Upon prolonged glucose metabolism the phenotype is masked by catabolite inactivation and degradation of enzymes. Addition of the substrate methanol remarkably improves constitutive synthesis by preventing catabolite inactivation and delaying degradation. Regular peroxisomes of reduced number are formed in mutant cells under repressed conditions. No constitutive synthesis is detectable using ethanol as a carbon source. In addition, this alcohol is detrimental to growth of the mutants, indicating that H. polymorpha is constrained to repress synthesis of enzymes involved in the C1-metabolism when ethanol is present as a substrate.  相似文献   
A serum free medium was developed, that could be used for the large scale propagation of various cell lines in bioreactors. The medium is based on a 1:1 mixture of Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium and Ham's Medium F12, supplemented with transferrin, insulin and a BSA/oleic acid complex. Several myelomas, hybridomas derived from different myelomas and spleen cells, and other lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines were cultivated at growth rates comparable to those observed using serum-supplemented media. There was furthermore no reduction in the formation of products such as monoclonal antibodies or recombinant human interleukin-2.Abbreviations Ag8 Mouse myeloma cell line P3-X63-Ag8.653 - BME Basal Medium Eagle - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - EDTA Ethylenediaminete-traacetic Acid - e-PC Phosphatidyl choline from egg yolk - FCS Fetal Calf Serum - FGF Fibroblast Growth Factor - GHL Glycyl-histidyl-lysine - HDL High Density Lipoprotein - HPL Human Plasma Lipid - IF 1:1 mixture of IMDM and Ham's F12 - IMDM Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's medium - LDL Low Density Lipoprotein - NS1 Mouse myeloma cell line NSI-1-Ag4-1 - PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline - s-PC Phosphatidylcholine from soy beans - s-PE Phosphatidylethanolamine from soy beans - s-lecithin lecithin from soy beans  相似文献   
Summary A method for the rapid determination of the lengths and surface areas of very large samples of needles of Picea abies (L.) Karst. using a computer-aided image analysis system was developed. Two independent methods for measuring non-destructively the volumes of individual needles and of all needles attached to a twig were devised. The surface areas and lengths of about 38000 needles sampled from the three youngest needle age-classes (1986, 1985, 1984) of 48 trees approximately 130 years old at four sites in the Fichtelgebirge mountains (N. E. Bavaria, FRG) were measured. The frequency distributions of lengths and areas for each site and age-class are given. Variability of needle size was fairly large. Even though the sites differed in climate, soil, and air pollution levels no consistent effect of these factors on needle size could be detected. Needle lengths and surface areas did not correlate with either the total chlorophyll content of the needles or the degree of crown thinning. The needle surface area (in mm2) of fully developed P. abies needles can be estimated by the empirical equation surface area = 4.440 x needle length -24.8 (r = 0.937), and the needle volume (in mm3) by needle volume = 0.208 x projected needle area 1.353 (r = 0.969).  相似文献   
1.  We determined the spectral tuning properties of 47 chemoreceptor cells of the antenna of Homarus americanus to amino acids and other compounds. Tests with 17 single compounds at 10-4 M showed 40 of 47 cells responded best to hydroxyproline, 4 cells to taurine and 3 cells to betaine. Mean tuning breadth (H-metric) doubled with 10 fold increase in concentration.
2.  In hydroxyproline-best cells the mean threshold for hydroxyproline (Hyp) was found between 10-7 M and 10-8 M. An equimolar mixture of the 17 compounds generated a shallower stimulus-response function with thresholds similar to Hyp function (mixture suppression). Hyp-best cells were relatively narrowly tuned, often with arginine or leucine as second best stimuli.
3.  Thus, physiologically the second antenna of H. americanus is a major chemoreceptor organ. It is more than any of the 5 chemoreceptor organs studied so far dominated by a single best-cell type (Hyp). Receptor cell composition of antennae resembles that of antennules more than legs or maxillipeds. Hyp-best cells in antennae and lateral antennules have similar tuning spectra.
4.  Our cell tuning studies argue for independent receptors for all amino acids tested. We conclude that diversity of receptor cell tuning is created by cell-specific blends of receptors. At the organ level, differences in organ tuning result from different blends of receptor cells.
Summary Members of three families with maturity onset diabetes of youth (MODY) and seven with common type 2 diabetes were typed for six DNA markers (H-RAS, INS, HBBC, PTH, CALC1, CAT) on the short arm of chromosome 11. Using conventional pairwise linkage analysis, close linkage in the MODY families was excluded for all six markers. By multipoint analysis and a genetic map of the short arm of chromosome 11, MODY was excluded from a region of at least 35 and up to 60 centiMorgans (cM) on the short arm of chromosome 11. Multipoint analysis in the type 2 families also excludes linkage to the INS, H-RAS region of at least 3 and up to 30 cM. This study using multipoint linkage analysis in non-insulin dependent diabetes provides strong evidence against a role for mutations in or around the insulin gene in the causation of MODY or type 2 diabetes in the families studied.  相似文献   
Summary Hybrid (1-3,1-4)--glucanase genes were constructed by extension of overlapping segments of the (1-3,1-4)--glucanase genes from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and B. macerans generated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Four hybrid genes were expressed in Escherichia coli cells. The mature hybrid enzymes contain a 16, 36, 78, or 152 amino acid N-terminal sequence derived from B. amyloliquefaciens (1-3,1-4)--glucanase followed by a C-terminal segment derived from B. macerans (1-3,1-4)--glucanase. Biochemical characterization of parental and hybrid enzymes shows a significant increase in thermostability of three of the hybrid enzymes when exposed to an acidic environment thus combining two important enzyme characteristics within the same molecule. At pH 4.1, 85%-95% of the initial activity was retained after 1 h at 65° C in contrast to 5% and 0% for the parental enzymes from B. amyloliquefaciens and B. macerans. After 60 min incubation at 70° C, pH 6.0, the parental enzymes retained 5% or less of the initial activity whilst one of the hybrids still exhibited 90% of the initial activity. Of the parental enzymes B. macerans (1-3,1-4)--glucanase had the lower specific activity while the hybrid enzymes exhibited specific activities that were 1.5- to 3-fold higher. These experimental results demonstrate that exchange of homologous gene segments from different species may be a useful technique for obtaining new and improved versions of biologically active proteins.Abbreviations AMY mature form of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (1-3,1-4)--glucanase; - MAC mature form of B. macerans (1-3,1-4)--glucanase - SUB mature form of B. subtilis (1-3,1-4)--glucanase - H(A16-M), H(A36-M), H(A78-M), H(A107-M), H(A152-M) mature forms of hybrid enzymes having 16, 36, 78, 107, 152 N-terminal amino acids, respectively, derived from AMY with the remaining amino acids derived from MAC  相似文献   
The anomalies known from ammonites (forma-types sensu Hölder) are, as far as possible, divided in possible groups of causes and reviewed with reference to possible parasitism. Previous interpretations of anomalies as caused by parasitism are discussed: forma juxtacarinata-juxtalobata, f. juxtalobata, f. verticata, f. inflata, pearls, hypertrophy; other anomalies like forma cacoptycha, f. juxtacarinata or f. chaotica may be caused only partly by parasitism. The biological evidence and plausibility of assumed parasitism is discussed. Additionally terminological suggestions for the use of “anomaly”, “Mißbildung” and the names of forma-types are made.  相似文献   
Oskar is one of seven Drosophila maternal-effect genes that are necessary for germline and abdomen formation. We have cloned oskar and show that oskar RNA is localized to the posterior pole of the oocyte when germ plasm forms. This polar distribution of oskar RNA is established during oogenesis in three phases: accumulation in the oocyte, transport toward the posterior, and finally maintenance at the posterior pole of the oocyte. The colocalization of oskar and nanos in wild-type and bicaudal embryos suggests that oskar directs localization of the posterior determinant nanos. We propose that the pole plasm is assembled stepwise and that continued interaction among its components is required for germ cell determination.  相似文献   
Summary Cuticle/water partition coefficients (Kc/w) for d-limonene, -pinene and -pinene were determined by an extrapolation and a desorption method. The sorption experiments were carried out with isolated angiosperm and gymnosperm cuticles and with [14C]-labelled monoterpenes, which were obtained biosynthetically. Both methods were suitable for the determination of the Kc/w of volatile hydrophobic compounds. For the angiosperm cuticles the partition coefficients are of the order of 104, which indicates a high accumulation of monoterpenes in the cuticle. The values of the conifer cuticles of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Abies alba Mill., however, are lower due to their high lignin content. This is proved by the increase of the partition coefficients after removal of polar and phenolic components. The Kc/w can be estimated with good accuracy from the octanol/water partition coefficient, which was determined experimentally.  相似文献   
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