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MOTIVATION: Recently, several information extraction systems have been developed to retrieve relevant information out of biomedical text. However, these methods represent individual efforts. In this paper, we show that by combining different algorithms and their outcome, the results improve significantly. For this reason, CONAN has been created, a system which combines different programs and their outcome. Its methods include tagging of gene/protein names, finding interaction and mutation data, tagging of biological concepts and linking to MeSH and Gene Ontology terms. RESULTS: In this paper, we will present data that show that combining different text-mining algorithms significantly improves the results. Not only is CONAN a full-scale approach that will ultimately cover all of PubMed/MEDLINE, we also show that this universality has no effect on quality: our system performs as well as or better than existing systems. AVAILABILITY: The LDD corpus presented is available by request to the author. The system will be available shortly. For information and updates on CONAN please visit http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/rainer/conan.html.  相似文献   
Methods to record action potential (AP) firing in many individual neurons are essential to unravel the function of complex neuronal circuits in the brain. A promising approach is bolus loading of Ca(2+) indicators combined with multiphoton microscopy. Currently, however, this technique lacks cell-type specificity, has low temporal resolution and cannot resolve complex temporal firing patterns. Here we present simple solutions to these problems. We identified neuron types by colocalizing Ca(2+) signals of a red-fluorescing indicator with genetically encoded markers. We reconstructed firing rate changes from Ca(2+) signals by temporal deconvolution. This technique is efficient, dramatically enhances temporal resolution, facilitates data interpretation and permits analysis of odor-response patterns across thousands of neurons in the zebrafish olfactory bulb. Hence, temporally deconvolved Ca(2+) imaging (TDCa imaging) resolves limitations of current optical recording techniques and is likely to be widely applicable because of its simplicity, robustness and generic principle.  相似文献   
For quantification of bacterial adherence to biomaterial surfaces or to other surfaces prone to biofouling, there is a need for methods that allow a comparative analysis of small material specimens. A new method for quantification of surface-attached biotinylated bacteria was established by in situ detection with fluorescence-labeled avidin-D. This method was evaluated utilizing a silicon wafer model system to monitor the influences of surface wettability and roughness on bacterial adhesion. Furthermore, the effects of protein preadsorption from serum, saliva, human serum albumin, and fibronectin were investigated. Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus mitis, and Staphylococcus aureus were chosen as model organisms because of their differing adhesion properties and their clinical relevance. To verify the results obtained by this new technique, scanning electron microscopy and agar replica plating were employed. Oxidized and poly(ethylene glycol)-modified silicon wafers were found to be more resistant to bacterial adhesion than wafers coated with hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon moieties. Roughening of the chemically modified surfaces resulted in an overall increase in bacterial attachment. Preadsorption of proteins affected bacterial adherence but did not fully abolish the influence of the original surface chemistry. However, in certain instances, mostly with saliva or serum, masking of the underlying surface chemistry became evident. The new bacterial overlay method allowed a reliable quantification of surface-attached bacteria and could hence be employed for measuring bacterial adherence on material specimens in a variety of applications.  相似文献   
Leafcutter ants propagate co‐evolving fungi for food. The nearly 50 species of leafcutter ants (Atta, Acromyrmex) range from Argentina to the United States, with the greatest species diversity in southern South America. We elucidate the biogeography of fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants using DNA sequence and microsatellite‐marker analyses of 474 cultivars collected across the leafcutter range. Fungal cultivars belong to two clades (Clade‐A and Clade‐B). The dominant and widespread Clade‐A cultivars form three genotype clusters, with their relative prevalence corresponding to southern South America, northern South America, Central and North America. Admixture between Clade‐A populations supports genetic exchange within a single species, Leucocoprinus gongylophorus. Some leafcutter species that cut grass as fungicultural substrate are specialized to cultivate Clade‐B fungi, whereas leafcutters preferring dicot plants appear specialized on Clade‐A fungi. Cultivar sharing between sympatric leafcutter species occurs frequently such that cultivars of Atta are not distinct from those of Acromyrmex. Leafcutters specialized on Clade‐B fungi occur only in South America. Diversity of Clade‐A fungi is greatest in South America, but minimal in Central and North America. Maximum cultivar diversity in South America is predicted by the Kusnezov–Fowler hypothesis that leafcutter ants originated in subtropical South America and only dicot‐specialized leafcutter ants migrated out of South America, but the cultivar diversity becomes also compatible with a recently proposed hypothesis of a Central American origin by postulating that leafcutter ants acquired novel cultivars many times from other nonleafcutter fungus‐growing ants during their migrations from Central America across South America. We evaluate these biogeographic hypotheses in the light of estimated dates for the origins of leafcutter ants and their cultivars.  相似文献   
The extent to which vacuolar sugar transport activity affects molecular, cellular, and developmental processes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) is unknown. Electrophysiological analysis revealed that overexpression of the tonoplast monosaccharide transporter TMT1 in a tmt1-2::tDNA mutant led to increased proton-coupled monosaccharide import into isolated mesophyll vacuoles in comparison with wild-type vacuoles. TMT1 overexpressor mutants grew faster than wild-type plants on soil and in high-glucose (Glc)-containing liquid medium. These effects were correlated with increased vacuolar monosaccharide compartmentation, as revealed by nonaqueous fractionation and by chlorophyllab-binding protein1 and nitrate reductase1 gene expression studies. Soil-grown TMT1 overexpressor plants respired less Glc than wild-type plants and only about half the amount of Glc respired by tmt1-2::tDNA mutants. In sum, these data show that TMT activity in wild-type plants limits vacuolar monosaccharide loading. Remarkably, TMT1 overexpressor mutants produced larger seeds and greater total seed yield, which was associated with increased lipid and protein content. These changes in seed properties were correlated with slightly decreased nocturnal CO2 release and increased sugar export rates from detached source leaves. The SUC2 gene, which codes for a sucrose transporter that may be critical for phloem loading in leaves, has been identified as Glc repressed. Thus, the observation that SUC2 mRNA increased slightly in TMT1 overexpressor leaves, characterized by lowered cytosolic Glc levels than wild-type leaves, provided further evidence of a stimulated source capacity. In summary, increased TMT activity in Arabidopsis induced modified subcellular sugar compartmentation, altered cellular sugar sensing, affected assimilate allocation, increased the biomass of Arabidopsis seeds, and accelerated early plant development.Sugars fulfill an extraordinarily wide range of functions in plants as well as in other organisms. They serve as valuable energy resources that are easy to store and remobilize. Sugars are required for the synthesis of cell walls and carbohydrate polymers. They are also necessary for starch accumulation and serve as precursors for a range of primary and secondary plant intermediates. From a chemical point of view, sugars represent a large class of metabolites. Among the prominent members in higher plants are the monosaccharides Glc and Fru and the disaccharide Suc (ap Rees, 1994).In contrast to heterotrophic organisms, plants are able to synthesize sugars de novo and to degrade them via oxidative or fermentative metabolism (Heldt, 2005). Net sugar accumulation in plants takes place during the day, whereas net degradation of stored carbohydrate reserves takes place the following night. In higher plants, autotrophic and heterotrophic organs appear to be interconnected by phloem for long-distance transport of sugars (Ruiz-Medrano et al., 2001). Accordingly, sugars must be transported within cells, between cells, and between plant organs. Given these factors, along with the outstanding importance of sugars, it is not surprising that plants sense intracellular sugar availability and use this information to coordinate the expression of many genes (Koch, 1996; Moore et al., 2003).In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), about 60 genes code for putative monosaccharide transport proteins and about 10 genes encode predicted disaccharide carriers (Lalonde et al., 2004). Transport of neutral sugars has been monitored across the plasma membrane, the chloroplast envelope, and the vacuolar membrane (Weber et al., 2000; Niittylä et al., 2004; Martinoia et al., 2007). So far, all sugar carriers residing in the plant plasma membrane have been characterized to catalyze proton-coupled sugar movement (Sauer, 1992; Büttner and Sauer, 2000; Carpaneto et al., 2005). In contrast, both facilitated diffusion and proton-driven antiport mechanisms have been described for monosaccharide and Suc transport across the vacuolar membrane (Thom and Komor, 1984; Daie and Wilusz, 1987; Martinoia et al., 1987; Shiratake et al., 1997; Neuhaus, 2007).In plants, vacuoles fulfill critical functions in the long-term and temporary storage of sugars, sugar alcohols, and other primary metabolites such as carboxylates and amino acids (Dietz et al., 1990; Rentsch and Martinoia, 1991; Martinoia and Rentsch, 1992; Emmerlich et al., 2003). Recently, the first solute carriers responsible for vacuolar Suc and inositol transport have been identified (Endler et al., 2006; Schneider et al., 2008). In addition, TMT (for tonoplast monosaccharide transporter) and VGT (for vacuolar Glc transporter) were the first vacuolar carrier proteins proven to have transport capacity for both Glc and Fru (Wormit et al., 2006; Aluri and Büttner, 2007).TMT exists in three isoforms in Arabidopsis (TMT1–TMT3), and orthologs have been found in other plant species like grapevine (Vitis vinifera), barley (Hordeum vulgare), and rice (Oryza sativa; Wormit et al., 2006). In Arabidopsis, the genes TMT1 and TMT2 are expressed in various tissues, whereas TMT3 is hardly expressed throughout the entire plant life cycle (Wormit et al., 2006). Interestingly, TMT1 and TMT2 are induced by Glc, salt, drought, and cold stress (Wormit et al., 2006), and vacuoles isolated from a TMT1 loss-of-function (T-DNA) Arabidopsis mutant showed reduced Glc import capacity in comparison with corresponding wild-type organelles (Wormit et al., 2006). Moreover, after transfer into the cold, these mutant leaves showed impaired ability to accumulate Glc and Fru, underscoring the in vivo function of TMT under selected conditions (Wormit et al., 2006).However, it is unknown to what extent overexpression of a vacuolar sugar carrier affects subcellular sugar allocation in Arabidopsis. In addition, whether increased vacuolar sugar transport influences sugar signaling, plant development, or organ properties has not been determined. Thus, it is unknown how important controlled activity of vacuolar monosaccharide transport is to plant development or physiological properties. To reveal whether TMT activity affects these processes, we created TMT1-overexpressing Arabidopsis lines and analyzed their physiological and molecular feedbacks.  相似文献   
A deficient extinction of memory is particularly important in the regime of fear, where it limits the beneficial outcomes of treatments of anxiety disorders. Fear extinction is thought to involve inhibitory influences of the prefrontal cortex on the amygdala, although the detailed synaptic mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we report that neuropeptide S (NPS), a recently discovered transmitter of ascending brainstem neurons, evokes anxiolytic effects and facilitates extinction of conditioned fear responses when administered into the amygdala in mice. An NPS receptor antagonist exerts functionally opposing responses, indicating that endogenous NPS is involved in anxiety behavior and extinction. Cellularly, NPS increases glutamatergic transmission to intercalated GABAergic neurons in the amygdala via presynaptic NPS receptors on connected principal neurons. These results identify mechanisms of NPS in the brain, a key role of intercalated neurons in the amygdala for fear extinction, and a potential pharmacological avenue for treating anxiety disorders.  相似文献   
Many microbial turnover processes in acidic sandy subtropical soils are still poorly understood. In a 59-day pot and a 189-day laboratory incubation experiment with two West African continuous cereal soils, the effects of 2 mg g?1 root residues were investigated on growth of sorghum seedlings, soil microbial biomass and activity indices, using cowpea, groundnut, pearl millet, maize and sorghum. The effects of root residues were compared with mineral P or mineral P + N treatments and with a non-fertilized control treatment. On the Alfisol (Fada, Burkina Faso), shoot dry mass was always significantly higher than on the Ultisol (Koukombo, Togo). Highest shoot dry mass was observed after application of mineral P + N on the Alfisol and after mineral P alone on the Ultisol. The application of legume root residues led to small and non-significant increases in dry mass production compared to the non-amended control, whereas the application of cereal root residues led to a decline, regardless of their origin (millet, maize or sorghum). Contents of microbial biomass C, microbial biomass N and ergosterol were 75 to 100% higher in the Alfisol than in the Ultisol, while ATP was only 36% higher. Organic amendments increased ergosterol concentrations by up to 145% compared to the control and mineral P application. Microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N increased by up to 50% after application of root residues, but ATP only up to 20%. After application of legume root residues, cumulative CO2 production was similar in both soils with an average of 370?µg CO2-C g?1 over 189 days. After application of cereal root residues, cumulative CO2 production was higher in the Alfisol (530?µg g?1) than in the Ultisol (445?µg g) over 189 days.  相似文献   
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