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The present work investigates the feasibility of the design of a novel floating elementary osmotic pump tablet (FEOPT) to prolong the gastric residence of a highly water-soluble drug. Diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) was chosen as a model drug. The FEOPT consisted of an osmotic core (DEC, mannitol, and hydrophilic polymers) coated with a semipermeable layer (cellulose acetate) and a gas-generating gelling layer (sodium bicarbonate, hydrophilic polymers) followed by a polymeric film (Eudragit RL 30D). The effect of formulation variables such as concentration of polymers, types of diluent, and coat thickness of semipermeable membrane was evaluated in terms of physical parameters, floating lag time, duration of floatation, and in vitro drug release. The Fourier transform infrared and X-ray diffraction analysis were carried out to study the physicochemical changes in the drug excipients powder blend. The integrity of the orifice and polymeric film layer was confirmed from scanning electron microscopy image. All the developed FEOPT showed floating lag time of less than 8 min and floating duration of 24 h. A zero-order drug release could be attained for DEC. The formulations were found to be stable up to 3 months of stability testing at 40°C/75% relative humidity.  相似文献   
The epigenetic mechanism of folic acid (FA) action on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cell proliferation and sensory neuron differentiation is not well understood. In this study, the ND7 cell line, derived from DRG cells, was used to elucidate this mechanism. In ND7 cells differentiated with dbcAMP and NGF, Hes1 and Pax3 levels decreased, whereas Neurog2 levels showed a modest increase. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays examining epigenetic marks at the Hes1 promoter showed that FA favored increased H3K9 and H3K19 acetylation and decreased H3K27 methylation. Hence, FA plays a positive role in cell proliferation. In differentiated ND7 cells, H3K27 methylation decreased, whereas H3K9 and H3K18 acetylation increased at the Neurog2 promoter. FA did not favor this phenotypic outcome. Additionally, in differentiated ND7 Neurog2 associated with the NeuroD1 promoter, FA decreased this association. The results suggest that the switch from proliferation to sensory neuron differentiation in DRG cells is regulated by alterations in epigenetic marks, H3K9/18 acetylation and H3K27 methylation, at Hes1 and Neurog2 promoters, as well as by Neurog2 association with NeuroD1 promoter. FA although positive for proliferation, does not appear to play a role in differentiation.  相似文献   
2-tert-Butylprimaquine (NP-96) is a novel quinoline anti-malarial compound with superior therapeutic profile than primaquine (PQ). Moreover, it is the first 8-aminoquinoline that is established to be devoid of methemoglobin toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to investigate covalent adduct formation tendency of PQ, NP-96 and their phase I metabolites with glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAc). For the same, the two compounds were incubated in human and rat liver microsomes in the presence of trapping agents and NADPH. In a control set, NADPH was excluded, while a blank was also studied that was devoid of both NADPH and microsomes. The components in the reaction mixtures were initially separated on a C-18 column (250 mm×4.6mm, 5 μm) using a mobile phase composed of acetonitrile and 10 mM ammonium acetate in a gradient mode. The samples were then subjected to LC-MS(n) and LC-HR-MS analyses, and data were collected in full scan MS, data dependent MS/MS, targeted MS/MS, neutral loss scan (NLS) and accurate mass (MS/TOF) modes. In a significant finding, both PQ and NP-96 themselves showed potential to bind covalently with GSH and NAc, as adducts were observed even in the control and blank incubations. Intense peaks corresponding to covalent adduct of mono-hydroxy metabolite of NP-96 with GSH and NAc were also detected in NADPH supplemented reaction solution.  相似文献   
Chlamydiae are Gram negative, obligate intracellular bacteria, and Chlamydia trachomatis is the etiologic agent of the most commonly reported sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Chlamydiae undergo a biphasic life cycle that takes place inside a parasitophorous vacuole termed an inclusion. Chlamydial infections have been epidemiologically linked to cervical cancer in patients previously infected by human papillomavirus (HPV). The inclusion associates very closely with host cell centrosomes, and this association is dependent upon the host motor protein dynein. We have previously reported that this interaction induces supernumerary centrosomes in infected cells, leading to multipolar mitotic spindles and inhibiting accurate chromosome segregation. Our findings demonstrate that chlamydial infection causes mitotic spindle defects independently of its effects on centrosome amplification. We show that chlamydial infection increases centrosome spread and inhibits the spindle assembly checkpoint delay to disrupt centrosome clustering. These data suggest that chlamydial infection exacerbates the consequences of centrosome amplification by inhibiting the cells' ability to suppress the effects of these defects on mitotic spindle organization. We hypothesize that these combined effects on mitotic spindle architecture identifies a possible mechanism for Chlamydia as a cofactor in cervical cancer formation.  相似文献   
The role of G-protein activation in cardiovascular disorders is well-known. G-protein β3 subunit (GNB3) C825T polymorphism is associated with increased intracellular signal transduction. We investigated the role of the variant in plasma sodium and potassium concentrations and association with hypertension. 345 healthy controls and 455 patients with essential hypertension were enrolled. Plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were measured. The variant, typed by SNaPshot, was analyzed on an ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer and GeneScan. The TT genotype and T allele were over-represented in the patients (p < 0.001, p < 0.0001). Multiple-logistic regression disclosed that the risk of hypertension was significantly greater for TT (p < 0.0001, OR = 6.1, CI = 2.9-12.7). One-way ANOVA revealed that hypertensive T-allele carriers (CT+TT), compared to non-carriers (CC), had a greater body mass index (BMI), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and PAC (p = 0.01, p = 0.01, p < 0.0001, respectively); while the patients with 825TT risk genotype showed higher plasma sodium and lower potassium (p < 0.0001, each). The results strongly emphasize, not only the role of C825T polymorphism by the induction of increased G-protein activity and enhancement of Na/h exchangers, but also the association with higher plasma sodium and lower potassium levels, high BMI and susceptibility to hypertension.  相似文献   
Pandey R  Blanco J  Udolph G 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e28106
During development, the growth of the animal body is accompanied by a concomitant elongation of the peripheral nerves, which requires the elongation of integrated nerve fibers and the axons projecting therein. Although this process is of fundamental importance to almost all organisms of the animal kingdom, very little is known about the mechanisms regulating this process. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of novel mutant alleles of GlcAT-P, the Drosophila ortholog of the mammalian glucuronyltransferase b3gat1. GlcAT-P mutants reveal shorter larval peripheral nerves and an elongated ventral nerve cord (VNC). We show that GlcAT-P is expressed in a subset of neurons in the central brain hemispheres, in some motoneurons of the ventral nerve cord as well as in central and peripheral nerve glia. We demonstrate that in GlcAT-P mutants the VNC is under tension of shorter peripheral nerves suggesting that the VNC elongates as a consequence of tension imparted by retarded peripheral nerve growth during larval development. We also provide evidence that for growth of peripheral nerve fibers GlcAT-P is critically required in hemocytes; however, glial cells are also important in this process. The glial specific repo gene acts as a modifier of GlcAT-P and loss or reduction of repo function in a GlcAT-P mutant background enhances VNC elongation. We propose a model in which hemocytes are required for aspects of glial cell biology which in turn affects the elongation of peripheral nerves during larval development. Our data also identifies GlcAT-P as a first candidate gene involved in growth of integrated peripheral nerves and therefore establishes Drosophila as an amenable in-vivo model system to study this process at the cellular and molecular level in more detail.  相似文献   
Nutrient sensing and coordination of metabolic pathways are crucial functions for all living cells, but details of the coordination under different environmental conditions remain elusive. We therefore undertook a systems biology approach to investigate the interactions between the Snf1 and the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that Snf1 regulates a much broader range of biological processes compared with TORC1 under both glucose‐ and ammonium‐limited conditions. We also find that Snf1 has a role in upregulating the NADP+‐dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (encoded by GDH3) under derepressing condition, and therefore may also have a role in ammonium assimilation and amino‐acid biosynthesis, which can be considered as a convergence of Snf1 and TORC1 pathways. In addition to the accepted role of Snf1 in regulating fatty acid (FA) metabolism, we show that TORC1 also regulates FA metabolism, likely through modulating the peroxisome and β‐oxidation. Finally, we conclude that direct interactions between Snf1 and TORC1 pathways are unlikely under nutrient‐limited conditions and propose that TORC1 is repressed in a manner that is independent of Snf1.  相似文献   
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