Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDEIs) are a class of drugs that are widely used because of their various pharmacological properties including cardiotonic, vasodilator, smooth muscle relaxant, antidepressant, antithrombotic, bronchodilator, antiinflammatory and enhancer of cognitive function. In the recent years, interest in drugs of plant origin has been progressively increased. Some pharmacologically active substances that come from plants demonstrate PDEI activity. They mainly belong to alkaloids, flavonoids, and saponins. In this review, studies on herbal PDEI were reviewed and their possible therapeutic applications were discussed. Screening plants for PDE inhibitory activity may help to develop standardized phytotherapeutic products or find new sources for new lead structures with PDEI pharmacological activity. The studies discussed in this paper are mainly in vitro and for more reasonable and conclusive results, it is required to conduct in vivo and finally human and clinical tests. 相似文献
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of stress modulators on vegetative growth, antioxidants, and nutrient content of Thymus vulgaris L. under water deficit stress conditions. A factorial experiment was performed in the form of a randomized complete block design with 10 treatments and 3 replications in the 2019–2020 growing season. The factors were stress modulators at 5 levels (ZN: zinc nano-fertilizer, AA: amino acid, SW: seaweed, HA: humic acid and C: control) and irrigation regime at 2 levels [FIrr: full irrigation (100% field capacity) and DIrr: deficit irrigation (50% field capacity)]. The highest plant height, number of branches, and total dry weight of the garden thyme plant were observed in the foliar application of HA and SW under full irrigation conditions. Relative water content, chlorophyll a and b, and uptake of nutrients (N, P, and K) were reduced under water deficit stress, but the foliar application of stress modulators increased relative water content, chlorophyll content, and nutrient uptake of the garden thyme plant significantly compared with control. The water deficit increased proline content, total flavonoid, and phenol content in the garden thyme plant. So, the highest total flavonoid and phenol content was obtained from plants treated with HA, whereas proline content was higher in the control plants. Soluble sugars and essential oil increased significantly under water deficit stress conditions. The foliar application of HA compared to the control plant increased soluble sugars and essential oil in garden thymes. The activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and ascorbate peroxidase enzymes were improved in stress modulator treatments such as HA and SW compared to control plants under water deficit stress conditions. The plants of garden thymes showed a good response to stress modulator treatments under water stress conditions, and HA and SW treatments were found to be more effective.
We have previously shown that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene D allele is an independent risk factor for early onset
coronary artery disease (CAD). Little is known about the concomitant presence of the ACE gene D allele and paraoxonase (PON1)
codon 192 arginine (Arg) on the severity of CAD. Regarding the high rate of CAD among Iranians the aim of present study was
to examine the hypothesis of synergistic effects between ACE-D and PON1-Arg alleles on predisposition and the severity of
CAD in our population. The PON1 192 and ACE insertion/deletion (I/D) genotypes were detected by PCR-RFLP and PCR, respectively
in 414 individuals undergoing their first coronary angiography. Patients were placed into one of two groups: CAD and control
without CAD or diabetes. We mentioned the synergistic effects of both genes and not ACE gene alone is a risk factor for CAD.
We found that PON1 Arg 192 and ACE D allele act synergistically to increase the risk of CAD (OR 1.3, P = 0.044). Our results showed a significant correlation between the possession of both PON1 192 Arg and the ACE D allele and
the extent of CAD in CAD patients and CAD subjects without diabetes, represented by the increased frequency of three-vessel
disease with OR 2.7, P = 0.046; χ2 = 4, P = 0.046 and OR 2.4, P = 0.051; χ2 = 3.8, P = 0.051, respectively. We found that PON1 Arg 192 and ACE D alleles act synergistically to increase the risk of CAD in CAD
patients and CAD subjects without diabetes from west of Iran, who have high frequency of three-vessel disease. Our data suggest
that PON1 192 Arg and the ACE D allele in combination with each other can be important independent risk factor for severity
of CAD in patients carrying both PON1 192 Arg and the ACE D allele in a west population of Iran. 相似文献
As recently announced by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), human ovarian tissue cryopreservation is an established option for fertility preservation in prepubertal girls and young women undergoing gonadotoxic treatments for cancer as well as some autoimmune diseases. Proper ovarian tissue assessment before and after cryopreservation is essential to increase success rates. Ovarian fragments from 16 patients were divided into small pieces in form of cortex with medulla, and randomly divided into the following two groups. Pieces of Group 1 (n?=?16) were frozen immediately after operation, thawed and just after thawing their quality was analyzed. Group 2 pieces (n?=?16) after operation were cooled to 5 °C for 24 h, then frozen after 24 h pre-cooling to 5 °C, thawed and just after thawing their quality was analyzed. The effectiveness of the pre-freezing cooling of tissue was evaluated by the development and viability of follicles (Calcein-AM and Propidium Iodide) using complex object parametric analyzer and sorter machine (COPAS). Positive effect of cooling of cells to low supra-zero temperatures on their future development after re-warming has been observed. New flow cytometry- technique is suitable for the evaluation and sorting of cryopreserved whole human whole intact ovarian fragments. Long time (24 h) cooling of ovarian tissue to 5 °C before cryopreservation has a trend of a cell viability increasing.
Precise estimation of arthropods' sex ratio is an important issue in a wide range of ecological studies and biological control programs. Although, in many cases changes in arthropods' sex ratio may be under the control of parents or some symbiotic microorganisms, biased sex ratios in some other species are caused by some extrinsic factors, neglect of which may lead to under/overestimation of true sex ratio. In this paper, we pursued those factors that cause false estimation of sex ratio in insects' species. We studied the predatory gall midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), an important biological control agent of aphids, that shows protandry (i.e. early male emergence), differential lifespan of sexes, and differential distribution of sexes across habitat. Ten populations of A. aphidimyza were released separately in transparent cages and their sex ratio variations were recorded every 12 hours. The primary sex ratio in this species seems to be slightly male‐biased (52.41% males), however early emergence of males biases the sex ratio up to 72% males in a few hours after emergence. Shortly after the emergence of females, the sex ratio reaches its primary situation, but as a result of male‐biased mortality after mating, the proportion of females increases gradually to 97% by the fourth and fifth days after emergence. These results explicitly suggest that direct estimation of sex ratio in natural populations may be affected by some secondary factors such as differential mortality of sexes, protandry, and differential distribution of males and females over time and/or across habitat. 相似文献
Varicose veins are the most common vascular disease in humans. Veins have valves that help the blood return gradually to the heart without leaking blood. When these valves become weak, blood and fluid collect and pool by pressing against the walls of the veins, causing varicose veins. In the cardiovascular system, mechanical forces are important determinants of vascular homeostasis and pathological processes. Blood vessels are constantly exposed to a variety of hemodynamic forces, including shear stress and environmental strains caused by the blood flow. In varicose veins within the leg, venous blood pressure rises in the vein of the lower extremities due to prolonged standing, creating a peripheral tension in the vessel wall thereby causing mechanical stimulation of endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle. Studies have shown that long-term increased exposure to vascular wall tension is associated with the overexpression of HIF-1α and HIF-2α and increased levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9, thereby reducing venous contraction and progressive venous dilatation, which is involved in the development of varicose veins. Following the expression of metalloproteinase, the expression of type 1 collagen increases, and the amount of type 3 collagen decreases. Therefore, collagen imbalance will cause the varicose veins to not stretch. Loss of structural proteins (type 3 collagen and elastin) in the vessel wall causes the loss of the biophysical properties of the varicose vein wall. This review article tries to elaborate on the effect of mechanical forces and sensors of these forces on the vascular wall in creating the mechanism of mechanosignaling, as well as the role of the onset of molecular signaling cascades in the pathology of varicose veins. 相似文献
We show that loss-of-function mutations in kinases of the MLK-1 pathway (mlk-1, mek-1, and kgb-1/jnk) function cell-autonomously in neurons to suppress defects in synapse formation and axon termination caused by rpm-1 loss of function. Our genetic analysis also suggests that the phosphatase PPM-1, like RPM-1, is a potential inhibitor of kinases in the MLK-1 pathway. 相似文献