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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) uses nasal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) as a portal of entry to establish life-long persistence in memory B cells. We previously showed that naïve and memory B cells from NALT are equally susceptible to EBV infection. Here we show that memory B cells from NALT are significantly more susceptible to EBV infection than those from remote lymphatic organs. We identify β1 integrin, which is expressed the most by naïve B cells of distinct lymphoid origin and by memory B cells from NALT, as a mediator of increased susceptibility to infection by EBV. Furthermore, we show that BMRF-2-β1 integrin interaction and the downstream signal transduction pathway are critical for postbinding events. An increase of β1 integrin expression in peripheral blood memory B cells provoked by CD40 stimulation plus B-cell receptor cross-linking increased the susceptibility of non-NALT memory B cells to EBV infection. Thus, EBV seems to utilize the increased activation status of memory B cells residing in the NALT to establish and ensure persistence.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human gammaherpesvirus that is transmitted via saliva and infects more than 90% of the world''s population (21). Much of EBV''s medical importance relates to its association with B-cell malignancies, including Burkitt''s lymphoma, Hodgkin''s lymphoma, and posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease (21). The oncogenic potential of EBV is clearly illustrated by its unique capability to transform B cells in vitro (21).In the current paradigm, EBV infects naïve B cells in tonsils in vivo (32). EBV is present mainly as a latent virus; upon infection, EBV expresses distinct patterns of its latency genes depending upon distinct B-cell differentiation stages, varying from expression of all 10 known EBV latency genes in naïve B cells to the complete absence of EBV mRNA expression in resting memory B cells. This has led to the model that EBV, by virtue of expression of its latency genes, provides cell survival signals in naïve B cells (32). In particular, recent data suggest that EBV expedites the antigen-driven somatic hypermutation and selection of B cells taking place in germinal centers (GC) (26). Chaganti et al. challenged the current paradigm by showing for patients with primary EBV infection that EBV avoids GC transit and directly infects memory B cells (6). This report is consistent with in vitro experiments showing that EBV is able to infect memory B cells (9, 10), in addition to the well-accepted susceptibility of naïve and GC B cells to EBV.Irrespective of which B-cell subset is the primary target of EBV, its propagation within the host is linked to proliferation of infected B cells, which deliver latent EBV to daughter cells, or, more rarely, to switching of EBV to lytic infection (21). The latter process can eventually be triggered by the differentiation of infected memory B cells into plasma cells and results in the release of virions that may subsequently infect new B cells (17). Importantly, transmission of EBV to naïve hosts is thought to occur via droplets loaded with virions (21). Thus, lytic replication of EBV takes place best in nasal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), which will release EBV into the saliva, generating infectious droplets. Therefore, the NALT is the point of EBV transmission, i.e., the portal of entry of EBV as well as a shedding organ for further transmission (21).The attachment of EBV to B cells is mediated by the direct interaction of EBV glycoprotein gp350/220 with cellular CD21, initiating receptor-mediated endocytosis. After binding to CD21, EBV gp42 can interact with host HLA class II molecules, leading to a conformational change in the viral glycoproteins and triggering fusion with the host cell membrane (12, 28). Nevertheless, experimental data suggest that CD21 and HLA class II molecules are dispensable for the infection of B cells (14). Notably, in polarized oropharyngeal epithelial cells, which lack CD21, interactions between β1 integrin and the EBV glycoprotein BMRF-2 via its Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif are critical for infection (34, 38, 39). The role of β1 integrin in mediating EBV infection of memory B cells from NALT or non-NALT is unknown.We recently demonstrated that tonsillar memory B cells are much more susceptible to EBV infection than those from the peripheral blood, originating from various lymphoid tissues (9). Thus, tonsillar memory B cells seem to express properties which render them more susceptible to EBV infection than their counterparts of other lymphatic origin.Here we hypothesized that memory B cells from the NALT exhibit specific properties rendering them highly susceptible to EBV infection. Indeed, in this work, we found that memory B cells from the NALT are distinguishable from memory B cells of other lymphoid tissue by their β1 integrin expression levels, and thus their activation status, and that this higher expression level is a critical factor in their greater susceptibility to EBV infection.  相似文献   


Analysis of the first results of off-site percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) measurements at VieCuri Medical Centre for Northern Limburg in Venlo.


Off-site PCI is accepted in the European and American Cardiac Guidelines as the need for PCI increases and it has been proven to be a safe treatment option for acute coronary syndrome.


Retrospective cohort study reporting characteristics, PCI and FFR specifications, complications and 6-month follow-up for all consecutive patients from the beginning of off-site PCI in Venlo until July 2012. If possible, the data were compared with those of Medical Centre Alkmaar, the first off-site PCI centre in the Netherlands.


Of the 333 patients, 19 (5.7 %) had a procedural complication. At 6 months, a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) occurred in 43 (13.1 %) patients. There were no deaths or emergency surgery related to the PCI or FFR procedures. There was no significant difference in occurrence of a MACE or adverse cerebral event between the Alkmaar and Venlo population in the 30-day follow-up.


This study demonstrates off-site PCI at VieCuri Venlo to have a high success rate. Furthermore, there was a low complication rate, low MACE and no procedure-related mortality.  相似文献   
When estimating population density from data collected on non-invasive detector arrays, recently developed spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models present an advance over non-spatial models by accounting for individual movement. While these models should be more robust to changes in trapping designs, they have not been well tested. Here we investigate how the spatial arrangement and size of the trapping array influence parameter estimates for SCR models. We analysed black bear data collected with 123 hair snares with an SCR model accounting for differences in detection and movement between sexes and across the trapping occasions. To see how the size of the trap array and trap dispersion influence parameter estimates, we repeated analysis for data from subsets of traps: 50% chosen at random, 50% in the centre of the array and 20% in the South of the array. Additionally, we simulated and analysed data under a suite of trap designs and home range sizes. In the black bear study, we found that results were similar across trap arrays, except when only 20% of the array was used. Black bear density was approximately 10 individuals per 100 km(2). Our simulation study showed that SCR models performed well as long as the extent of the trap array was similar to or larger than the extent of individual movement during the study period, and movement was at least half the distance between traps. SCR models performed well across a range of spatial trap setups and animal movements. Contrary to non-spatial capture-recapture models, they do not require the trapping grid to cover an area several times the average home range of the studied species. This renders SCR models more appropriate for the study of wide-ranging mammals and more flexible to design studies targeting multiple species.  相似文献   
We here present an efficient, precise and reliable method to isolate and cultivate healthy and viable single Crithidia bombi cells from bumblebee faeces using flow cytometry. We report a precision of >99% in obtaining single trypanosomatid cells for further culture and analysis (“cloning”). In the study, we have investigated the use of different liquid media to cultivate C. bombi and present an optimal medium for obtaining viable clones from all tested, infected host donors. We show that this method can be applied to genotype a collection of clones from natural infections. Furthermore, we show how to cryo-preserve C. bombi cells to be revived to become infective clones after at least 4 years of storage. Considering the high prevalence of infections in natural populations, our method provides a powerful tool in studying the level and diversity of these infections, and thus enriches the current methodology for the studies of complex host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   
In order to determine ortho-acetyl-L-carnitine, two biosensors were proposed. The biosensors were designed using physical immobilization of L-amino acid oxidase (L-AAOD) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Electrode characteristics were obtained and compared for the two carbon paste (graphite powder and paraffin oil) biosensors. The linear concentration ranges for the proposed biosensors were in the ranges of fmol/L to nmol/L, magnitude order with low limits of detection. Due to their reliability, the biosensors were used as detectors in a sequential injection analysis system, and gave reliable results for on-line assay of ortho-acetyl-L-carnitine in synthesis process control with a frequency of 75 samples per hour.  相似文献   
In macrophages, HIV-1 has been shown to bud into intracellular structures that contain the late endosome marker CD63. We show that these organelles are not endosomes, but an internally sequestered plasma membrane domain. Using immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy, we find that HIV-1 buds into a compartment that contains the tetraspanins CD81, CD9, and CD53. On uninfected macrophages, these proteins are seen at the cell surface and in intracellular vacuole-like structures with a complex content of vesicles and interconnected membranes that lack endosome markers, including CD63. Significantly, these structures are accessible to small tracers (horseradish peroxidase or ruthenium red) applied to cells at 4 degrees C, indicating that they are connected to the cell surface. HIV assembles on, and accumulates within, these intracellular compartments. Furthermore, CD63 is recruited to the virus-containing structures and incorporated into virions. These results indicate that, in macrophages, HIV-1 exploits a previously undescribed intracellular plasma membrane domain to assemble infectious particles.  相似文献   
Individual foraging site fidelity, whereby individuals repeatedly visit the same foraging areas, is widespread in nature, and likely benefits individuals through higher foraging efficiency and potentially, higher breeding success. It may arise as a consequence of habitat or resource specialisation, or alternatively, where resources are abundant or predictable, the partitioning of space might guarantee individuals exclusive foraging opportunities. We tracked seven adult great black‐backed gulls Larus marinus at a North Sea colony from early incubation to the end of the breeding season in 2016, providing a total of 1170 foraging trips over a mean ± SD tracking period of 67 ± 16 days. There was clear spatial segregation between individuals, with almost no overlap of their core areas (50% utilisation distribution) during incubation and chick‐rearing. Core areas were relatively small and there was high repeatability (R ± SE) in foraging parameters, including initial departure direction (0.73 ± 0.11), foraging range (0.41 ± 0.14) and cumulative distance travelled (0.19 ± 0.1) throughout the breeding season. Despite the low spatial overlap, there was little evidence of differential habitat use by individuals. The near‐exclusive individual foraging areas of this species, usually considered to be a generalist, indicate that where there is high resource availability throughout the breeding season and a small local population, individuals appear to adopt a territorial strategy which likely reduces intraspecific competition.  相似文献   
Salinibacter is a genus of red, extremely halophilic Bacteria. Thus far the genus is represented by a single species, Salinibacter ruber, strains of which have been isolated from saltern crystallizer ponds in Spain and on the Balearic Islands. Both with respect to its growth conditions and its physiology, Salinibacter resembles the halophilic Archaea of the order Halobacteriales. We have designed selective enrichment and isolation techniques to obtain Salinibacter and related red extremely halophilic Bacteria from different hypersaline environments, based on their resistance to anisomycin and bacitracin, two antibiotics that are potent inhibitors of the halophilic Archaea. Using direct plating on media containing bacitracin, we found Salinibacter-like organisms in numbers between 1.4×103 and 1.4×106ml−1 in brines collected from the crystallizer ponds of the salterns in Eilat, Israel, being equivalent to 1.8–18% of the total colony counts obtained on identical media without bacitracin. A number of strains from Eilat were subjected to a preliminary characterization, and they proved similar to the type strain of S. ruber. We also report here the isolation and molecular detection of Salinibacter-like organisms from an evaporite crust on the bottom of salt pools at the Badwater site in Death Valley, CA. These isolates and environmental 16S rRNA gene sequences differ in a number of properties from S. ruber, and they may represent a new species of Salinibacter or a new related genus. Guest Editor: John M. Melack Saline Waters and their Biota  相似文献   
Plasmodium parasites are transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes to the mammalian host and actively infect hepatocytes after passive transport in the bloodstream to the liver. In their target host hepatocyte, parasites reside within a parasitophorous vacuole (PV). In the present study it was shown that the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) can be targeted by autophagy marker proteins LC3, ubiquitin, and SQSTM1/p62 as well as by lysosomes in a process resembling selective autophagy. The dynamics of autophagy marker proteins in individual Plasmodium berghei-infected hepatocytes were followed by live imaging throughout the entire development of the parasite in the liver. Although the host cell very efficiently recognized the invading parasite in its vacuole, the majority of parasites survived this initial attack. Successful parasite development correlated with the gradual loss of all analyzed autophagy marker proteins and associated lysosomes from the PVM. However, other autophagic events like nonselective canonical autophagy in the host cell continued. This was indicated as LC3, although not labeling the PVM anymore, still localized to autophagosomes in the infected host cell. It appears that growing parasites even benefit from this form of nonselective host cell autophagy as an additional source of nutrients, as in host cells deficient for autophagy, parasite growth was retarded and could partly be rescued by the supply of additional amino acid in the medium. Importantly, mouse infections with P. berghei sporozoites confirmed LC3 dynamics, the positive effect of autophagy activation on parasite growth, and negative effects upon autophagy inhibition.  相似文献   
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