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Antibiotics and bile salts have been used to differentiate between heterotrophic activity of halophilic Archaea and Bacteria in saltern ponds. In NaCl-saturated brines of crystallizer ponds, most activity was attributed to Archaea. Following the recent isolation of Haloquadratum, the dominant archaeon in the salterns (reported to be sensitive to chloramphenicol and erythromycin), and the discovery of Salinibacter, a representative of the Bacteria, in the same ecosystem, reevaluation of the earlier data is required. The authors measured amino acid incorporation by Haloquadratum and Salinibacter suspended in crystallizer brine to investigate the suitability of antibiotics and bile salts to distinguish between archaeal and bacterial activities. The amino acid uptake rate per cell in Salinibacter was two orders of magnitude lower than that of Haloquadratum under the same conditions. Salinibacter was inhibited by chloramphenicol, erythromycin, and deoxycholate, but not by taurocholate. Erythromycin did not inhibit incorporation by Haloquadratum, but moderate inhibition was found by chloramphenicol at 10-50 microg mL(-1). Deoxycholate was highly inhibitory, but only partial inhibition was obtained in the presence of 25 microg mL(-1) taurocholate. Inhibition by chloramphenicol and taurocholate increased with increasing salt concentration. Erythromycin and taurocholate proved most valuable to differentiate between archaeal and bacterial activities in saltern brines.  相似文献   
Wildfires in many western North American forests are becoming more frequent, larger, and severe, with changed seasonal patterns. In response, coniferous forest ecosystems will transition toward dominance by fire‐adapted hardwoods, shrubs, meadows, and grasslands, which may benefit some faunal communities, but not others. We describe factors that limit and promote faunal resilience to shifting wildfire regimes for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We highlight the potential value of interspersed nonforest patches to terrestrial wildlife. Similarly, we review watershed thresholds and factors that control the resilience of aquatic ecosystems to wildfire, mediated by thermal changes and chemical, debris, and sediment loadings. We present a 2‐dimensional life history framework to describe temporal and spatial life history traits that species use to resist wildfire effects or to recover after wildfire disturbance at a metapopulation scale. The role of fire refuge is explored for metapopulations of species. In aquatic systems, recovery of assemblages postfire may be faster for smaller fires where unburned tributary basins or instream structures provide refuge from debris and sediment flows. We envision that more‐frequent, lower‐severity fires will favor opportunistic species and that less‐frequent high‐severity fires will favor better competitors. Along the spatial dimension, we hypothesize that fire regimes that are predictable and generate burned patches in close proximity to refuge will favor species that move to refuges and later recolonize, whereas fire regimes that tend to generate less‐severely burned patches may favor species that shelter in place. Looking beyond the trees to forest fauna, we consider mitigation options to enhance resilience and buy time for species facing a no‐analog future.  相似文献   
Thanks to their often very high population densities and their simple community structure, saltern crystallizer ponds form ideal sites to study the behavior of halophilic microorganisms in their natural environment at saturating salt concentrations. The microbial community is dominated by square red halophilic Archaea, recently isolated and described as Haloquadratum walsbyi, extremely halophilic red rod-shaped Bacteria of the genus Salinibacter, and the unicellular green alga Dunaliella as the primary producer. We review here, the information available on the microbial community structure of the saltern crystallizer brines and the interrelationships between the main components of their biota. As Dunaliella produces massive amounts of glycerol to provide osmotic stabilization, glycerol is often postulated to be the most important source of organic carbon for the heterotrophic prokaryotes in hypersaline ecosystems. We assess here, the current evidence for the possible importance of glycerol and other carbon sources in the nutrition of the Archaea and the Bacteria, the relative contribution of halophilic Bacteria and Archaea to the heterotrophic activity in the brines, and other factors that determine the nature of the microbial communities that thrive in the salt-saturated brines of saltern crystallizer ponds. Three-letter abbreviations for names of genera of Halobacteriaceae conform the recommendations of the ICSP Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Halobacteriaceae.  相似文献   
Temperature directly controls functional properties of the DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE chaperone system. The rate of the high to low affinity conversion of DnaK shows a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence and above approximately 40 degrees C even decreases. In the same temperature range, the ADP/ATP exchange factor GrpE undergoes an extensive, fully reversible thermal transition (Grimshaw, J. P. A., Jelesarov, I., Sch?nfeld, H. J., and Christen, P. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 6098-6104). To show that this transition underlies the thermal regulation of the chaperone system, we introduced an intersubunit disulfide bond into the paired long helices of the GrpE dimer. The transition was absent in disulfide-linked GrpE R40C but was restored by reduction. With disulfide-stabilized GrpE, the rate of ADP/ATP exchange and conversion of DnaK from its ADP-liganded high affinity R state to the ATP-liganded low affinity T state continuously increased with increasing temperature. With reduced GrpE R40C, the conversion became slower at temperatures >40 degrees C, as observed with wild-type GrpE. Thus, the long helix pair in the GrpE dimer acts as a thermosensor that, by decreasing its ADP/ATP exchange activity, induces a shift of the DnaK.substrate complexes toward the high affinity R state and in this way adapts the DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE system to heat shock conditions.  相似文献   
Jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) coexist throughout the Neotropics. Using camera trapping in four Brazilian biomes, we compare the daily activity patterns of the jaguar and puma, and their relationships with their main prey species. We used a kernel density method to quantify daily activity patterns and to investigate overlap between these predators and their main prey. Both cats showed intensive nocturnal and crepuscular activity (0.69 and 0.14 kernel density, respectively, for jaguars; 0.68 and 0.19 kernel density, respectively, for pumas). Only in the Pantanal did we observe a pattern of concentrated diurnal activity for both species. We found little temporal segregation between jaguars and pumas, as they showed similar activity patterns with high coefficients of overlapping (average ?1 = 0.86; SE = 0.15). We also observed a significant overlap between the activity patterns of the predators and their main prey species, suggesting that both predators adjust their activity to reduce their foraging energy expenditure. Our findings suggest that temporal partitioning is probably not a generalized mechanism of coexistence between jaguars and pumas; instead, the partitioning of habitat/space use and food resources may play a larger role in mediating top predator coexistence. Knowledge about these behavior aspects is crucial to elucidating the factors that enable coexistence of jaguars and pumas. Furthermore, an understanding of their respective activity periods is relevant to management and associated research efforts.  相似文献   


This randomized controlled, clinical prospective interventional trial was aimed at exploring the effect of patient empowerment on short- and long-term outcomes after major oncologic surgery in elderly cancer patients.


This trial was performed from February 2011 to January 2014 at two tertiary medical centers in Germany. The study included patients aged 65 years and older undergoing elective surgery for gastro-intestinal, genitourinary, and thoracic cancer. The patients were randomly assigned to the intervention group, i.e. patient empowerment through information booklet and diary keeping, or to the control group, which received standard care. Randomization was done by block randomization in blocks of four in order of enrollment. The primary outcome were 1,postoperative length of hospital stay (LOS) and 2. long-term global health-related quality of life (HRQoL) one year postoperatively. HRQoL was assessed using the EORTC QLQ C30 questionnaire. Secondary outcomes encompassed postoperative stress and complications. Further objectives were the identification of predictors of LOS, and HRQoL at 12 months.


Overall 652 patients were included. The mean age was 72 ± 4.9 years, and the majority of patients were male (68.6%, n = 447). The ^median of postoperative length of stay was 9 days (IQR 7–14 day). There were no significant differences between the intervention and the control groups in postoperative LOS (p = 0.99) or global HRQoL after one year (women: p = 0.54, men: p = 0.94). While overall complications and major complications occurred in 74% and 24% of the cases, respectively, frequency and severity of complications did not differ significantly between the groups. Patients in the intervention group reported significantly less postoperative pain (p = 0.03) than the control group. Independent predictors for LOS were identified as severity of surgery, length of anesthesia, major postoperative complications, nutritional state, and pre-operative physical functional capacity measured by the Timed Up and Go-test by multiple robust regressions.


Patient empowerment through information booklet and diary keeping did not shorten the postoperative LOS in elderly onco-surgical patients, but improved quality of care regarding postoperative pain. Postoperative length of stay is influenced by pre-operative nutritional state, pre-operative functional impairment, severity of surgery, and length of anesthesia.

Trial Registration

Clinicaltrials.gov. Identifier NCT01278537  相似文献   
Identifying mechanisms of population change is fundamental for conserving small and declining populations and determining effective management strategies. Few studies, however, have measured the demographic components of population change for small populations of mammals (<50 individuals). We estimated vital rates and trends in two adjacent but genetically distinct, threatened brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in British Columbia, Canada, following the cessation of hunting. One population had approximately 45 resident bears but had some genetic and geographic connectivity to neighboring populations, while the other population had <25 individuals and was isolated. We estimated population‐specific vital rates by monitoring survival and reproduction of telemetered female bears and their dependent offspring from 2005 to 2018. In the larger, connected population, independent female survival was 1.00 (95% CI: 0.96–1.00) and the survival of cubs in their first year was 0.85 (95% CI: 0.62–0.95). In the smaller, isolated population, independent female survival was 0.81 (95% CI: 0.64–0.93) and first‐year cub survival was 0.33 (95% CI: 0.11–0.67). Reproductive rates did not differ between populations. The large differences in age‐specific survival estimates resulted in a projected population increase in the larger population (λ = 1.09; 95% CI: 1.04–1.13) and population decrease in the smaller population (λ = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.72–0.95). Low female survival in the smaller population was the result of both continued human‐caused mortality and an unusually high rate of natural mortality. Low cub survival may have been due to inbreeding and the loss of genetic diversity common in small populations, or to limited resources. In a systematic literature review, we compared our population trend estimates with those reported for other small populations (<300 individuals) of brown bears. Results suggest that once brown bear populations become small and isolated, populations rarely increase and, even with intensive management, recovery remains challenging.  相似文献   
Suicide is a complex and tragic outcome driven by biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. Women of Chinese descent and women who have immigrated to other countries have higher rates of suicidal ideation and behaviour, and immigration-related stress may contribute. To understand the experiences of immigration and their relationship with distress and suicide-related behaviour in Chinese women who have immigrated to Canada. 10 semi-structured qualitative interviews with Chinese women who have immigrated to Toronto, Canada and have a history of suicide-related behaviour were completed and analyzed using a constructivist grounded theory methodology. Immigration-related and acculturation stress stemmed from unmet expectations and harsh realities. These repeated experiences resulted in hopelessness, helplessness, and alienation, which are risk factors for suicide and suicide-related behaviour. However, immigration-related support can also increase hope, self-efficacy and connectedness to foster recovery and resilience. This is the first qualitative study focusing on immigration experiences and its relationship to suicide-related behaviour in Chinese immigrant women. Knowledge of immigration and acculturation stressors can a) help identify and support women at risk for suicide and b) form a target for social intervention for all immigrant women, regardless of suicide risk.  相似文献   
Synopsis Aggression by nest-guarding male johnny darters, Etheostoma nigrum, against intruding crayfish was investigated in laboratoy experiments and field observations. In the laboratory, darter success in chasing crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, from the nest site was inversely related to crayfish size. Small crayfish (less than 15 mm carapace length) were routinely evicted from the nest area by nips directed at the posterior end of the abdomen. Although such aggressive behavior was less successful against larger crayfish, even the largest crayfish tested (carapace length 30–32 mm) were chased from the nest area in 33% of the trials. Those large crayfish that entered nests often remained despite repeated attacks by the male johnny darter and egg predation was observed. In a small Ohio stream, openings to johnny darter nests were generally between 7 and 13 mm. Thus crayfish with a carapace height greater than 13 mm (corresponding to a carapace length greater than 29 mm) would not be able to enter johnny darter nests. In field observations, male Johnny darters successfully defended nests against another crayfish species (Orconectes sanborni, carapace length 12–29 mm). Together, aggressive behavior and small size of nest entrances allow the johnny darter to successfully reproduce in areas with abundant crayfish. The Unit is sponsored jointly by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, The Ohio Department of NaturalResources, and The Ohio State University.  相似文献   
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