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In this study, we identified the most deleterious non-synonymous SNP of ERBB2 (HER2) receptors by its stability and investigated its binding affinity with herceptin. Out of 135 SNPs, 10 are nsSNPs in the coding region, in which one of the nsSNP (SNPid rs4252633) is commonly found to be damaged by I-Mutant 2.0, SIFT and PolyPhen servers. With this effort, we modelled the mutant HER2 protein based on this deleterious nsSNP (rs4252633). The modeled mutant showed less stability than native HER 2 protein, based on both total energy of the mutant and stabilizing residues in the mutant protein. This is due to a deviation between the mutant and the native HER2, having an RMSD of about 2.81 A. Furthermore, we compared the binding efficiency of herceptin with native and mutant HER2 receptors. We found that herceptin has a high binding affinity with mutant HER2 receptor, with a binding energy of -24.40 kcal/mol, as compared to the native type, which has a binding energy of -15.26 kcal/mol due to six-hydrogen bonding and two salt bridges exist between herceptin and the mutant type, whereas the native type establishes four hydrogen bonds and two salt bridges with herceptin. This analysis portrays that mutant type has two additional hydrogen bonds with herceptin compared with the native type. Normal mode analysis also showed that the two amino acids, namely Asp596 and Glu598 of mutant HER2, forming additional hydrogen bonding with herceptin, had a slightly higher flexibility than the native type. Based on our investigations, we propose that SNPid rs4252633 could be the most deleterious nsSNP for HER2 receptor, and that herceptin could be the best drug for mutant compared to the native HER2 target.  相似文献   
Different Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains operate different immune evasion strategies for their survival in the host. This mainly depends on the virulence of the strain and the host immune responses. The most virulent strains are actively involved in the transmission, widely spread in the community and induce differential immune responses. We evaluated the immune response of a sonicate antigen prepared from one predominant strain (S7) from M. tuberculosis harbouring a single copy of IS6110. Significant lymphoproliferative response against purified protein derivative from tubercle bacillus (PPD) and H37Rv antigens was observed in PPD positive normal individuals and tuberculosis patients. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) levels against these antigens were significantly increased in normal individuals but not in tuberculosis patients. The antigen S7 showed marginal T-cell proliferation but did not induce IFN-gamma secretion in both groups. Conversely, it induced significantly high levels of cytokine interleukin 4 (IL-4) in normal individuals. The macrophage cytokines, IL-12 and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), did not show S7 antigen specific stimulation. The intracellular cytokine further confirmed an increase in IL-4(+)/CD4+ T-cells and a decrease in IFN-gamma(+)/CD4+ T-cells upon stimulation. The antibody response showed an increase in IgG and IgA levels against this antigen in normal individuals. These observations suggest that antigen S7 modulates the immune response towards T helper cell type 2 by suppressing T helper cell type 1 protective immune response in PPD positive normal individuals. We speculate that some components of this sonicate antigen are associated with immunosuppressive response.  相似文献   
SPARC, a 32-kDa matricellular glycoprotein, mediates interactions between cells and their extracellular matrix, and targeted deletion of Sparc results in compromised extracellular matrix in mice. Fibronectin matrix provides provisional tissue scaffolding during development and wound healing and is essential for the stabilization of mature extracellular matrix. Herein, we report that SPARC expression does not significantly affect fibronectin-induced cell spreading but enhances fibronectin-induced stress fiber formation and cell-mediated partial unfolding of fibronectin molecules, an essential process in fibronectin matrix assembly. By phage display, we identify integrin-linked kinase as a potential binding partner of SPARC and verify the interaction by co-immunoprecipitation and colocalization in vitro. Cells lacking SPARC exhibit diminished fibronectin-induced integrin-linked kinase activation and integrin-linked kinase-dependent cell-contractile signaling. Furthermore, induced expression of SPARC in SPARC-null fibroblasts restores fibronectin-induced integrin-linked kinase activation, downstream signaling, and fibronectin unfolding. These data further confirm the function of SPARC in extracellular matrix organization and identify a novel mechanism by which SPARC regulates extracellular matrix assembly.  相似文献   
Dinitrogenase is a heterotetrameric (alpha(2)beta(2)) enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of dinitrogen to ammonium and contains the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) at its active site. Certain Azotobacter vinelandii mutant strains unable to synthesize FeMo-co accumulate an apo form of dinitrogenase (lacking FeMo-co), with a subunit composition alpha(2)beta(2)gamma(2), which can be activated in vitro by the addition of FeMo-co. The gamma protein is able to bind FeMo-co or apodinitrogenase independently, leading to the suggestion that it facilitates FeMo-co insertion into the apoenzyme. In this work, the non-nif gene encoding the gamma subunit (nafY) has been cloned, sequenced, and found to encode a NifY-like protein. This finding, together with a wealth of knowledge on the biochemistry of proteins involved in FeMo-co and FeV-co biosyntheses, allows us to define a new family of iron and molybdenum (or vanadium) cluster-binding proteins that includes NifY, NifX, VnfX, and now gamma. In vitro FeMo-co insertion experiments presented in this work demonstrate that gamma stabilizes apodinitrogenase in the conformation required to be fully activable by the cofactor. Supporting this conclusion, we show that strains containing mutations in both nafY and nifX are severely affected in diazotrophic growth and extractable dinitrogenase activity when cultured under conditions that are likely to occur in natural environments. This finding reveals the physiological importance of the apodinitrogenase-stabilizing role of which both proteins are capable. The relationship between the metal cluster binding capabilities of this new family of proteins and the ability of some of them to stabilize an apoenzyme is still an open matter.  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a large variety of physiological disorders, and are thus important pharmaceutical drug targets. Here, we describe the development and characterization of a beta-lactamase reporter gene assay as a functional readout for the ligand-induced activation of the human bradykinin B1 receptor, expressed recombinantly in CHO cells. The beta-lactamase reporter gene assay provides high sensitivity due to the absence of endogenous beta-lactamase activity in mammalian cells. The cell-permeable fluorogenic substrate allows single-cell cloning of cells expressing functional BK1 receptors. Pharmacological characterization reveals comparable sensitivity and potency of known BK1 receptor agonists and antagonists between the beta-lactamase assay, competition-binding assay, and other direct measurements of second messengers. The beta-lactamase assay has been optimized for cell density, time of agonist stimulation, and DMSO sensitivity. This CHO-hBK1-beta-lactamase assay is well suited to automation and miniaturization required for high-throughput screening.  相似文献   
Epidemiologic approaches to testing and estimating familial aggregation of a disease consist of comparing rates of disease in relatives of individuals with the disease (known as case probands) with rates of disease in relatives of individuals without the disease (known as control probands). Gold et al. (J Am Stat Ass 1967;62: 409-420) derived an explicit mathematical model and sampling methods, under which this approach is equivalent to testing the null hypotheses that the disease risk in families is homogenous. A basic assumption of this model is that every family member has the same risk of disease and that disease status is independent among family members, although the disease risk may vary between families. When the disease is suspected of having a genetic component, rather than being purely environmental, this model has been shown to be appropriate for detecting disease aggregation in siblings, when relatives are siblings of probands. This model however is unrealistic for use in nuclear families when the affected status of offspring is not independent of the affected status of parents, and these families are selected through an affected or an unaffected parent, so that a parent is the proband and relatives are offspring of probands. We extend the Gold et al. model to allow for the disease risk in offspring to vary with the affected status of the parent. We assume that families are selected through affected and unaffected parents, under a variation of single ascertainment. Under this study design, we show that the usual test of association between affected status of probands and relatives, performed by comparing sample proportions of affected relatives of affected and unaffected probands, respectively, is no longer equivalent to a test of homogeneity of disease risk in offspring. Instead, it is equivalent to testing that the disease risk in offspring is independent of the number of affected parents. This test reduces to a test of homogeneity if and only if one assumes that the variation in disease risk in offspring, between families, is solely due to the variation in the number of affected parents. As a result, we show that under this study design, the standard chi2 test must be modified in order to obtain a valid test of familial aggregation. In addition the sample proportions of affected relatives of case and control probands, respectively, are shown to provide unbiased estimates of the expected risk of disease in an offspring given an affected/unaffected parent. We apply these results to methods of sample selection and discuss the practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   
Muscle and fat cells develop insulin resistance when cultured under hyperinsulinemic conditions for sustained periods. Recent data indicate that early insulin signaling defects do not fully account for the loss of insulin action. Given that cortical filamentous actin (F-actin) represents an essential aspect of insulin regulated glucose transport, we tested to see whether cortical F-actin structure was compromised during chronic insulin treatment. The acute effect of insulin on GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake was diminished in 3T3-L1 adipocytes exposed to a physiological level of insulin (5 nm) for 12 h. This insulin-induced loss of insulin responsiveness was apparent under both low (5.5 mm) and high (25 mm) glucose concentrations. Microscopic and biochemical analyses revealed that the hyperinsulinemic state caused a marked loss of cortical F-actin. Since recent data link phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) to actin cytoskeletal mechanics, we tested to see whether the insulin-resistant condition affected PIP(2) and found a noticeable loss of this lipid from the plasma membrane. Using a PIP(2) delivery system, we replenished plasma membrane PIP(2) in cells following the sustained insulin treatment and observed a restoration in cortical F-actin and insulin responsiveness. These data reveal a novel molecular aspect of insulin-induced insulin resistance involving defects in PIP(2)/actin regulation.  相似文献   
Genetic determination of gender is a fundamental developmental and evolutionary process in plants. Although it appears that dioecy in Populus is genetically controlled, the precise gender-determining systems remain unclear. The recently released second draft assembly and annotated gene set of the Populus genome provided an opportunity to revisit this topic. We hypothesized that over evolutionary time, selective pressure has reformed the genome structure and gene composition in the peritelomeric region of the chromosome XIX, which has resulted in a distinctive genome structure and cluster of genes contributing to gender determination in Populus trichocarpa. Multiple lines of evidence support this working hypothesis. First, the peritelomeric region of the chromosome XIX contains significantly fewer single nucleotide polymorphisms than the rest of Populus genome and has a distinct evolutionary history. Second, the peritelomeric end of chromosome XIX contains the largest cluster of the nucleotide-binding site?Cleucine-rich repeat (NBS?CLRR) class of disease resistance genes in the entire Populus genome. Third, there is a high occurrence of small microRNAs on chromosome XIX, which is coincident to the region containing the putative gender-determining locus and the major cluster of NBS?CLRR genes. Further, by analyzing the metabolomic profiles of floral bud in male and female Populus trees using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, we found that there are gender-specific accumulations of phenolic glycosides. Taken together, these findings led to the hypothesis that resistance to and regulation of a floral pathogen and gender determination coevolved, and that these events triggered the emergence of a nascent sex chromosome. Further studies of chromosome XIX will provide new insights into the genetic control of gender determination in Populus.  相似文献   
水稻骨干恢复系是指在杂交稻育种中广泛应用的一类恢复系。探明骨干恢复系的遗传基础,发掘其重要农艺性状基因/QTL,对分子标记辅助选择水稻恢复系育种具有重要应用价值。本研究以生产上广泛应用的三系骨干恢复系成恢727和两系骨干恢复系9311为亲本,培育了具有250个系的重组自交系群体。分别在2015年三亚和2016年合肥两个环境下进行了9个重要农艺性状表型和SSR分子标记基因型鉴定,用SAS9.2分析表型数据,用QTL Ici Mapping v4.1进行QTL定位分析。在三亚和合肥两个环境下共检测到39个QTL,三亚检测到16个,分布于第1、2、4、7、8、10、11和12染色体上;合肥检测24个,分布于第1、2、3、7、8、9、10和12染色体上。其中qPH1-1在三亚和合肥两个环境下都能检测到,加性效应分别为-1.75和-2.46。在检测到的39个QTL中,有24个QTL的增效等位基因来自恢复系成恢727,15个QTL的增效等位基因来自9311。共计有26个QTL曾被前人定位,13个属于尚未见文献报道的新QTL。另外,在RM279~RM521、RM336~RM3534、RM25~RM547、RM553~RM160、RM222~RM271区段内检测到5个多效性QTL位点。其中RM25~RM547位点与已经克隆的基因Ghd8位置相近。RM553~RM160位点是一个新的多效性位点,分别控制每穗实粒数、单株产量和结实率,而且效应和表型变异贡献率都较大。其余3个位点在前人的研究中分别有所报道,但其多效性则是在本研究中首次发现。在本研究新发掘到的QTL中,控制穗数的QTL qPN12-1,控制穗长的QTL qPL1-2和qPL10-1,控制总粒数的QTL qSNP2-1和qSNP10-1,控制结实率的QTL qSF3-1,控制千粒重QTL qTGW7-1和控制产量的QTL qGY1-1效应均比较大,解释的表型遗传变异比例也较高。本研究的结果将会为相关性状QTL的精细定位、克隆和育种应用奠定基础。  相似文献   
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