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Two distinct Polycomb complexes, PRC1 and PRC2, collaborate to maintain epigenetic repression of key developmental loci in embryonic stem cells (ESCs). PRC1 and PRC2 have histone modifying activities, catalyzing mono-ubiquitination of histone H2A (H2AK119u1) and trimethylation of H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3), respectively. Compared to H3K27me3, localization and the role of H2AK119u1 are not fully understood in ESCs. Here we present genome-wide H2AK119u1 maps in ESCs and identify a group of genes at which H2AK119u1 is deposited in a Ring1-dependent manner. These genes are a distinctive subset of genes with H3K27me3 enrichment and are the central targets of Polycomb silencing that are required to maintain ESC identity. We further show that the H2A ubiquitination activity of PRC1 is dispensable for its target binding and its activity to compact chromatin at Hox loci, but is indispensable for efficient repression of target genes and thereby ESC maintenance. These data demonstrate that multiple effector mechanisms including H2A ubiquitination and chromatin compaction combine to mediate PRC1-dependent repression of genes that are crucial for the maintenance of ESC identity. Utilization of these diverse effector mechanisms might provide a means to maintain a repressive state that is robust yet highly responsive to developmental cues during ES cell self-renewal and differentiation.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have isolated leucocytes from peripheral blood, head kidney and spleen from lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus L.), and performed functional studies like phagocytosis and respiratory burst, as well as morphological and cytochemical analyses. Different leucocytes were identified, such as lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells with bean shaped or bilobed nuclei. In addition, cells with similar morphology as described for dendritic cells in trout were abundant among the isolated leucocytes. Flow cytometry was successfully used for measuring phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity. The phagocytic capacity and ability were very high, and cells with different morphology in all three leucocyte preparations phagocytised beads rapidly. Due to lack of available cell markers, the identity of the phagocytic cells could not be determined. The potent non-specific phagocytosis was in accordance with a high number of cells positive for myeloperoxidase, an enzyme involved in oxygen-dependent killing mechanism present in phagocytic cells. Further, high respiratory burst activity was present in the leucocytes samples, verifying a potent oxygen- dependent degradation. At present, the specific antibody immune response could not be measured, as immunoglobulin or B-cells have not yet been isolated. Therefore, analyses of the specific immune response in this fish species await further clarification. The present study presents the first analyses of lumpsucker immunity and also the first within the order Scopaeniformes.  相似文献   
Enzymes involved in genomic maintenance of human parasites are attractive targets for parasite-specific drugs. The parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi contains at least two enzymes involved in the protection against potentially mutagenic uracil, a deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) and a uracil-DNA glycosylase belonging to the highly conserved UNG-family. Uracil-DNA glycosylase activities excise uracil from DNA and initiate a multistep base-excision repair (BER) pathway to restore the correct nucleotide sequence. Here we report the biochemical characterisation of T.cruzi UNG (TcUNG) and its contribution to the total uracil repair activity in T.cruzi. TcUNG is shown to be the major uracil-DNA glycosylase in T.cruzi. The purified recombinant TcUNG exhibits substrate preference for removal of uracil in the order ssU>U:G>U:A, and has no associated thymine-DNA glycosylase activity. T.cruzi apparently repairs U:G DNA substrate exclusively via short-patch BER, but the DNA polymerase involved surprisingly displays a vertebrate POLdelta-like pattern of inhibition. Back-up UDG activities such as SMUG, TDG and MBD4 were not found, underlying the importance of the TcUNG enzyme in protection against uracil in DNA and as a potential target for drug therapy.  相似文献   
Electronegative LDL [LDL(–)] is a minor modified LDL subfraction present in blood with inflammatory effects. One of the antiatherogenic properties of HDL is the inhibition of the deleterious effects of in vitro modified LDL. However, the effect of HDL on the inflammatory activity of LDL(–) isolated from plasma is unknown. We aimed to assess the putative protective role of HDL against the cytokine released induced in monocytes by LDL(–). Our results showed that LDL(–) cytokine release was inhibited when LDL(–) was coincubated with HDL and human monocytes and also when LDL(–) was preincubated with HDL and reisolated prior to cell incubation. The addition of apoliprotein (apo)AI instead of HDL reproduced the protective behavior of HDL. HDL preincubated with LDL(–) promoted greater cytokine release than native HDL. Incubation of LDL(–) with HDL decreased the electronegative charge, phospholipase C-like activity, susceptibility to aggregation and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) content of LDL(–), whereas these properties increased in HDL. NEFA content in LDL appeared to be related to cytokine production because NEFA-enriched LDL induced cytokine release. HDL, at least in part through apoAI, inhibits phospholipase-C activity and cytokine release in monocytes, thereby counteracting the inflammatory effect of LDL(–). In turn, HDL acquires these properties and becomes inflammatory.  相似文献   
Flume tanks are becoming increasingly important research tools in aquatic ecology, to link biological to hydrodynamical processes. There is no such thing as a “standard flume tank”, and no flume tank is suitable for every type of research question. A series of experiments has been carried out to characterise and compare the hydrodynamic characteristics of 12 different flume tanks that are designed specifically for biological research. These facilities are part of the EU network BioFlow. The flumes could be divided into four basic design types: straight, racetrack, annular and field flumes. In each facility, two vertical velocity profiles were measured: one at 0.05 m s−1 and one at 0.25 m s−1. In those flumes equipped with Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADV), time series were also recorded for each velocity at two heights above the bottom: 0.05 m and 20% of the water depth. From these measurements turbulence characteristics, such as TKE and Reynolds stress, were derived, and autocorrelation spectra of the horizontal along-stream velocity component were plotted. The flume measurements were compared to two sets of velocity profiles measured in the field.Despite the fact that some flumes were relatively small, turbulence was fully developed in all channels. Straight and racetrack flumes generally produced boundary layers with a clearly definable logarithmic layer, similar to measurements in the field taken under steady flow conditions. The two annular flumes produced relatively thin boundary layers, presumably due to secondary flows developing in the curved channels. The profiles in the field flumes also differed considerably from the expected log profile. This may either have been due the construction of the flume, or due to unsteady conditions during measurement. Constraints imposed by the different flume designs on the suitability for different types of boundary layer research, as well as scaling issues are discussed.  相似文献   
GCK-MODY, dominantly inherited mild fasting hyperglycemia, has been associated with >600 different mutations in the glucokinase (GK)-encoding gene (GCK). When expressed as recombinant pancreatic proteins, some mutations result in enzymes with normal/near-normal catalytic properties. The molecular mechanism(s) of GCK-MODY due to these mutations has remained elusive. Here, we aimed to explore the molecular mechanisms for two such catalytically 'normal' GCK mutations (S263P and G264S) in the F260-L270 loop of GK. When stably overexpressed in HEK293 cells and MIN6 β-cells, the S263P- and G264S-encoded mutations generated misfolded proteins with an increased rate of degradation (S263P>G264S) by the protein quality control machinery, and a propensity to self-associate (G264S>S263P) and form dimers (SDS resistant) and aggregates (partly Triton X-100 insoluble), as determined by pulse-chase experiments and subcellular fractionation. Thus, the GCK-MODY mutations S263P and G264S lead to protein misfolding causing destabilization, cellular dimerization/aggregation and enhanced rate of degradation. In silico predicted conformational changes of the F260-L270 loop structure are considered to mediate the dimerization of both mutant proteins by a domain swapping mechanism. Thus, similar properties may represent the molecular mechanisms for additional unexplained GCK-MODY mutations, and may also contribute to the disease mechanism in other previously characterized GCK-MODY inactivating mutations.  相似文献   
Understanding diet selection is important since diet determines energy intake and therefore growth of ungulate populations. Yet very few studies have reported annual variation in diet. Density-dependent diet choice by large herbivores has been reported several times, but these studies are typically either short-term or they lack replication of the density treatment. In a landscape-scale experiment with 3 replicates of two densities (25 and 80 individuals/km2) of domestic sheep, we determined diet composition using microhistological analysis during 6 summer grazing seasons (2002–2007) in alpine habitats. We tested how age class, density and temporal variation (within season, annually, and over years) affected summer diet. There was marked evidence of additive effects of these factors on overall diet composition, but interactions were few. The interaction between density and annual variation was an important determinant of the proportion of the main forage component (Avenella flexuosa), but not of the proportions of herbs, Salix spp. and for “other” forage plants. Surprisingly, the density effect on this intermediate quality forage (A. flexuosa) was not consistent among years (both positive, negative and no effects), likely arising due to large variation in the proportion of the other forage plants. We discuss how foraging ecology can supplement the insight from life history theory in explaining variation in vital rates.  相似文献   
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