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PURPOSE: To identify the metabolites produced from an isoflavonoid, daidzein, by colonic bacteria of rhesus monkeys. METHODS: The metabolism of daidzein by the fecal bacteria of nine monkeys was investigated. Daidzein was incubated anaerobically with fecal bacteria, and the metabolites were analyzed by use of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. RESULTS: The fecal bacteria of all of the monkeys metabolized daidzein to various extents. Dihydrodaidzein was found in cultures of fecal bacteria from two monkeys; dihydrodaidzein and equol were found in cultures from four monkeys; dihydrodaidzein, equol, and an unknown metabolite (MW = 244) were found in cultures from one monkey; and dihydrodaidzein and the unknown metabolite were found in cultures from two monkeys. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to that in humans, variation was evident in the metabolism of isoflavonoids by fecal bacteria from rhesus monkeys. Some metabolites produced by fecal bacteria from monkeys were the same as those produced by fecal bacteria from humans.  相似文献   
Conventional bacteriology techniques were used to identify enterococci isolates cultured from patients at different hospitals in Tehran during 2000-2001. The identification was confirmed using species-specific PCR targeting the D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase gene. A total of 59 isolates of Enterococcus faecalis were identified. The rates of resistance to different antibiotics were in the following order: penicillin 84%, ciprofloxacin 42%, high-level gentamicin 30%, nitrofurantoin 14%, imipenem 4%, and chloramphenicol 2%. Resistance to ampicillin was found to be rare among the Iranian isolates of E. faecalis. Multi-locus enzyme electrophoresis was then used to analyze the strains. Forty-five electrophoretic types were obtained when 10 enzyme loci were screened. Although the collection of bacterial isolates was limited in time and location, considerable heterogeneity was found. Analysis of strains for linkage disequilibrium demonstrated that the studied population is not clonal, since the index of association was not significantly different from zero (Ia = 0.0296). Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered from patients in Tehran were genetically diverse and seemed to possess a high potential for genetic recombinations, though none were resistant to vancomycin.  相似文献   
Pancreatic islets of Langerhans are enveloped by peri-islet Schwann cells (pSC), which express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100beta. pSC-autoreactive T- and B-cell responses arise in 3- to 4-week-old diabetes-prone non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, followed by progressive pSC destruction before detectable beta-cell death. Humans with probable prediabetes generate similar autoreactivities, and autoantibodies in islet-cell autoantibody (lCA) -positive sera co-localize to pSC. Moreover, GFAP-specific NOD T-cell lines transferred pathogenic peri-insulitis to NOD/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) mice, and immunotherapy with GFAP or S100beta prevented diabetes. pSC survived in rat insulin promoter Iymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (rip-LCMV) glycoprotein/CD8+ T-cell receptor(gp) double-transgenic mice with virus-induced diabetes, suggesting that pSC death is not an obligate consequence of local inflammation and beta-cell destruction. However, pSC were deleted in spontaneously diabetic NOD mice carrying the CD8+/8.3 T-cell receptor transgene, a T cell receptor commonly expressed in earliest islet infiltrates. Autoimmune targeting of pancreatic nervous system tissue elements seems to be an integral, early part of natural type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   
Fetal distal lung epithelial (FDLE) cells exposed to a postnatal O(2) concentration of 21% have higher epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) mRNA levels and Na(+) transport relative to FDLE cells grown in a fetal O(2) concentration of 3%. To investigate the mechanism of this process, FDLE monolayers were initially cultured in 3% O(2), and then some were switched to a 21% O(2) environment. Incubation of FDLE cells with the iron chelator deferoxamine, CoCl(2), NiCl(2), or an inhibitor of heme synthesis prevented or diminished the O(2) induction of amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current in FDLE cells. Similarly, defer- oxamine and cobalt prevented O(2)-induced ENaC mRNA expression. Exposure of FDLE cells grown under hypoxic conditions to carbon monoxide increased both ENaC mRNA expression and amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current. We therefore concluded that induction of ENaC mRNA expression and amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transport in FDLE cells by a physiological increase in O(2) concentration seen at birth requires iron and heme proteins.  相似文献   


To compare the Conventional, Specified, Expanded and Combined Apgar scoring systems in predicting birth asphyxia and the adverse early neurologic outcomes.


This prospective cohort study was conducted on 464 admitted neonates. In the delivery room, after delivery the umbilical cord was double clamped and a blood samples was obtained from the umbilical artery for blood gas analysis, meanwhile on the 1- , 5- and 10- minutes Conventional, Specified, Expanded, and Combined Apgar scores were recorded. Then the neonates were followed and intracranial ultrasound imaging was performed, and the following information were recorded: the occurrence of birth asphyxia, hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), and neonatal seizure.


The Combined-Apgar score had the highest sensitivity (97%) and specificity (99%) in predicting birth asphyxia, followed by the Specified-Apgar score that was also highly sensitive (95%) and specific (97%). The Expanded-Apgar score was highly specific (95%) but not sensitive (67%) and the Conventional-Apgar score had the lowest sensitivity (81%) and low specificity (81%) in predicting birth asphyxia. When adjusted for gestational age, only the low 5-minute Combined-Apgar score was independently associated with the occurrence of HIE (B = 1.61, P = 0.02) and IVH (B = 2.8, P = 0.01).


The newly proposed Combined-Apgar score is highly sensitive and specific in predicting birth asphyxia and also is a good predictor of the occurrence of HIE and IVH in asphyxiated neonates.  相似文献   
Actinomycetes isolated from Iran soil habitats were tested for the capacity to produce compounds which can protect neurons from cell death generated by oxidative stress in NT2 neurons. Confirmation of our initial hit was accomplished via the determination of amyloid β level using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. The most interesting amyloid β formation inhibitor discovered in our study was a secondary metabolite which was produced by strain HM45. This bioactive strain was identified as a strain of Streptomyces antibioticus DSM 40234 using polyphasic approach. The strain HM45 was deposited in Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen as S. antibioticus DSM 41955 and University of Tehran Microorganisms Sollection as S. antibioticus UTMC 00105. This work is the first report on efficiency of an actinomycete metabolite in prohibition of neurons death caused by amyloid β formation.  相似文献   
In this study, responses of wild species of potato to NaCl stress were investigated in vitro. In S. stoloniferum and S. bulbosum, length of the shoot, fresh and dry weight, photosynthetic pigments, K+ concentration, K+/Na+ ratio, ascorbate pool, anthocyanin, and phenolic and flavonoid compounds were decreased in response to salinity. In these species, salinity increased the level of Na+, lipid peroxidation, proline and ion leakage percentage. In S. acaule, the length of the shoot, and fresh and dry weight were not affected by salinity. Photosynthetic pigments, Na+ concentration, proline, flavonoid and phenolic compounds quantities were increased and K+/Na+ ratio were decreased. K+ concentration, lipid peroxidation, ascorbate pool, anthocyanin and ion leakage were not changed by NaCl stress. Superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and catalase activities were increased in all species. The results suggest that the non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity in S. acaule (salt tolerant) is more important than the enzymatic antioxidant capacity in comparison with the other species.  相似文献   
Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is one of the most important thrombolytic agents for treating cardiovascular obstructions such as stroke. Glycoprotein rt-PA is a serine protease, consisting of 527 amino acids of which 35 are cysteine residues. A variety of recombinant protein expression systems have been developed for heterologous gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts. In recent years, Leishmania tarentolae has been considered because of its safety aspects and special attributes in expression of complex proteins. In this study, two expression cassettes, each one including two copies of t-PA cDNA, were used for integration into the L. tarentolae genome by electroporation. Transformed clones were selected in the presence of appropriate antibiotics. Expression of active rt-PA was confirmed by Western blot and Zymography tests. Real-time PCR analysis was applied to investigate the presence of multiple t-PA gene copies in the parasite genome. Correlation of t-PA gene dosage and production rate was confirmed with real-time PCR. It was shown that the expression level of rt-PA in L. tarentolae is at least 480 IU/mL of culture media. This concentration of rt-PA is seven times higher than what was reported in previous studies in L. tarentolae and some other eukaryotic systems.  相似文献   
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