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Global Positioning System (GPS) is an important new technology for spatio-temporal behaviour studies of animals. Differential correction improves location accuracy. Previously, it mostly removed partially the influence of Selective Availability (SA). SA was deactivated in May 2000. The aim of this study was to quantify the influence of SA cancellation on location accuracy of various GPS receivers. We tested the accuracy of locations obtained from non-differential and differential GPS animal collars before and after SA removal. We found a significant improvement in accuracy for both types of GPS collars. However, differential GPS still provides more accurate locations.  相似文献   
Amyloses with distinct molecular masses are found in the starch of pea embryos compared with the starch of pea leaves. In pea embryos, a granule-bound starch synthase protein (GBSSIa) is required for the synthesis of a significant portion of the amylose. However, this protein seems to be insignificant in the synthesis of amylose in pea leaves. cDNA clones encoding a second isoform of GBSSI, GBSSIb, have been isolated from pea leaves. Comparison of GBSSIa and GBSSIb activities shows them to have distinct properties. These differences have been confirmed by the expression of GBSSIa and GBSSIb in the amylose-free mutant of potato. GBSSIa and GBSSIb make distinct forms of amylose that differ in their molecular mass. These differences in product specificity, coupled with differences in the tissues in which GBSSIa and GBSSIb are most active, explain the distinct forms of amylose found in different tissues of pea. The shorter form of amylose formed by GBSSIa confers less susceptibility to the retrogradation of starch pastes than the amylose formed by GBSSIb. The product specificity of GBSSIa could provide beneficial attributes to starches for food and nonfood uses.  相似文献   
The German-French biological experiment AQUARIUS-XENOPUS which flew on the Soyuz flight Andromede to the International Space Station ISS (launched October 21, 2001 in Baikonour/Kazakhstan) was extended by an outreach project. Pupils of class 10 to 12 from Ulm/D and Nancy-Tomblaine/F studied swimming behavior of Xenopus tadpoles on ground. They were instructed to perform all experimental steps following the protocol of similar video recordings on ISS. After the flight, they evaluated the kinetics of swimming of both ground controls and space animals. The pupil project included theoretical components to introduce them to the field of gravitational biology. One feature of the project was the exchange of ideas between pupils by meetings which took place in Ulm (June 2001), Nancy (February 2002) and Paris (May 2002). We consider our approach as a successful way to include young people in space experiments on a cheap cost level and to bring ideas of gravitational biology into the curricula of European schools.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa displays an epidemic population structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacteria can have population structures ranging from the fully sexual to the highly clonal. Despite numerous studies, the population structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is still somewhat contentious. We used a polyphasic approach in order to shed new light on this issue. A data set consisting of three outer membrane (lipo)protein gene sequences (oprI, oprL and oprD), a DNA-based fingerprint (amplified fragment length polymorphism), serotype and pyoverdine type of 73 P. aeruginosa clinical and environmental isolates, collected across the world, was analysed using biological data analysis software. We observed a clear mosaicism in the results, non-congruence between results of different typing methods and a microscale mosaic structure in the oprD gene. Hence, in this network, we also observed some clonal complexes characterized by an almost identical data set. The most recent clones exhibited serotypes O1, 6, 11 and 12. No obvious correlation was observed between these dominant clones and habitat or, with the exception of some recent clones, geographical origin. Our results are consistent with, and even clarify, some seemingly contradictory results in earlier epidemiological studies. Therefore, we suggest an epidemic population structure for P. aeruginosa, comparable with that of Neisseria meningitidis, a superficially clonal structure with frequent recombinations, in which occasionally highly successful epidemic clones arise.  相似文献   
Peptide YY (PYY) is involved in the regulation of several gastro-intestinal functions, including motility. The aims of the present study were (i) to characterize the effects of PYY on smooth muscle strips obtained from the different gastro-intestinal segments in rats and in humans and (ii) to realize a map of the Y receptors expression. Contractions of strips were recorded under isometric conditions, using PYY and acetylcholine as control. We observed that PYY induced a contraction of muscle strips from rat proximal colon, but displayed no effect on other gut segments. Using RT-PCR, mRNA encoding the Y1 and Y4 receptors were detected in muscle strips depending on the segment. In humans, the muscle preparations responded to ACh but not to PYY. Moreover, only Y2 receptor mRNA was found in the ileum and the left colon, but not in other segments. Our study shows the heterogeneity in the expression of Y receptors along the gastro-intestinal tract, and reveals great discrepancies between rats and humans both concerning the expression of Y receptor, and the response of smooth muscle strips to PYY.  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptor kinases are well characterized for their ability to phosphorylate and desensitize G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In addition to phosphorylating the beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) and other receptors, G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) can also phosphorylate tubulin, a nonreceptor substrate. To identify novel nonreceptor substrates of GRK2, we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to find cellular proteins that were phosphorylated upon agonist-stimulation of the beta2AR in a GRK2-dependent manner. The ribosomal protein P2 was identified as an endogenous HEK-293 cell protein whose phosphorylation was increased following agonist stimulation of the beta2AR under conditions where tyrosine kinases, PKC and PKA, were inhibited. P2 along with its other family members, P0 and P1, constitutes a part of the elongation factor-binding site connected to the GTPase center in the 60S ribosomal subunit. Phosphorylation of P2 is known to regulate protein synthesis in vitro. Further, P2 and P1 are shown to be good in vitro substrates for GRK2 with K(M) values approximating 1 microM. The phosphorylation sites in GRK2-phosphorylated P2 are identified (S102 and S105) and are identical to the sites known to regulate P2 activity. When the 60S subunit deprived of endogenous P1 and P2 is reconstituted with GRK2-phosphorylated P2 and unphosphorylated P1, translational activity is greatly enhanced. These findings suggest a previously unrecognized relationship between GPCR activation and the translational control of gene expression mediated by GRK2 activation and P2 phosphorylation and represent a potential novel signaling pathway responsible for P2 phosphorylation in mammals.  相似文献   
Patterns of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues (binary patterns) play an important role in protein architecture and can be roughly categorized into two classes regarding their preferential participation in α‐helices or β‐strands. However, a single binary pattern can be embedded into different longer patterns carrying opposite structural information and thus cannot be as much informative as expected. Here, we consider conditional binary patterns, or hydrophobic clusters, whose existence is conditioned by the presence of a minimum number of nonhydrophobic residues, called the connectivity distance, that separate two hydrophobic amino acids assumed to belong to two distinct patterns. Conditional binary patterns are distinct from simple ones in that they are not intertwined, i.e., they can not include or be included in other conditional patterns and therefore carry a much more differentiated information, in particular being dramatically better correlated with regular secondary structures (especially β ones). The distribution of these nonintertwined binary patterns in natural proteins was assessed relative to randomness, evidencing the structural bricks that are favored and disfavored by evolutionary selection. Several connectivity distances as well as several hydrophobic alphabets were tested, evidencing the clear superiority of a connectivity distance of 4, which mimics the minimum current length of loops in globular domains, and of the VILFMYW alphabet, selected from structural data (secondary structure propension and Voronoï tesselation), in highlighting fundamental properties of protein folds. Proteins 2003;51:236–244. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We describe a new, fast (6 min) and reliable method to measure reduced or oxidized glutathione (GSH) or (GSSG) in whole blood. The method is based on a LC/MS measurement in positive electrospray ionization mode after a chromatographic separation on a specific column which does not need any counter-ion in the mobile phase, improving the sensitivity of detection. A 50 microl sample of whole blood is sufficient for analysis. We demonstrate that the lack of an alkylating agent during the sample preparation brings out an underestimation of GSH and an artefactual production of GSSG, corresponding to 2-3% of GSH. The simultaneous use of N-ethyl-maleimide and a strong deproteinising acid prevents these two drawbacks. This efficient and new method of preparation and analysis lets us show that, unexpectedly, GSH is stable in whole blood for some hours and that deproteinised samples can be stored without GSH loss for at least three weeks at -20 or -80 degrees C. The reference interval, measured on 22 volunteers, on blood samples collected either with heparin or with EDTA, is 1310 +/- 118 microM for GSH and 0.62 microM for GSSG. The within-run precision of this method, with gamma glutamyl-glutamic acid as an internal standard, evaluated in three successive series (n = 30), lies between 2.1 and 4.8% for a GSH level at 580 or 1150 microM. The one step sample preparation we propose seems well suited for GSH routine measurements in hospital laboratories and avoids any underestimation of GSH, a now well accepted biomarker of oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Cloning mammals by nuclear transfer is a powerful technique that is quickly advancing the development of genetically defined animal models. However, the overall efficiency of nuclear transfer is still very low and several hurdles remain before the power of this technique will be fully harnessed. Among these hurdles include an incomplete understanding of biologic processes that control epigenetic reprogramming of the donor genome following nuclear transfer. Incomplete epigenetic reprogramming is considered the major cause of the developmental failure of cloned embryos and is frequently associated with the disregulation of specific genes. At present, little is known about the developmental mechanism of reconstructed embryos. Therefore, screening strategies to design nuclear transfer protocols that will mimic the epigenetic remodeling occurring in normal embryos and identifying molecular parameters that can assess the developmental potential of pre-implantation embryos are becoming increasingly important. A crucial need at present is to understand the molecular events required for efficient reprogramming of donor genomes after nuclear transfer. This knowledge will help to identify the molecular basis of developmental defects seen in cloned embryos and provide methods for circumventing such problems associated with cloning the future application of this technology.  相似文献   
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