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J W Raff  D M Glover 《Cell》1989,57(4):611-619
An injection of aphidicolin into early Drosophila embryos inhibits DNA synthesis and nuclear division, while centrosome replication and many other aspects of the mitotic cycle continue. If aphidicolin is injected at nuclear cycle 7-8, the normal migration of nuclei to the embryo cortex is completely inhibited. In most of these embryos, however, centrosomes continue to migrate in a coordinated manner to the cortex, where they reorganize tubulin, actin, and the overlying plasma membrane. Remarkably, the centrosomes that migrate to the posterior pole of such embryos initiate pole cell formation in the absence of nuclei. These observations demonstrate that centrosomes alone are able to direct a major reorganization of the cortical cytoskeleton when they arrive at the surface of the embryo. They also suggest that the coordinated movement of nuclei to the embryo cortex is mediated by forces acting on the centrosome rather than on the nucleus itself.  相似文献   
We have investigated the differences between nuclear genomes of two purportedly congeneric species of sea urchin that differ radically in early development. Heliocidaris tuberculata develops by means of a typical pluteus larva, whereas H. erythrogramma develops directly from an egg that is 100-fold the volume of the H. tuberculata egg. Reassociation kinetic analysis shows that the kinetic components of the genomic DNA from the two species are essentially the same. No single repeat component explains the 30% difference between the H. erythrogramma and H. tuberculata genomes. Reciprocal hybridization of tracer-labeled single-copy DNA fractions between these species indicates that approximately 50% of the single-copy DNA is sufficiently similar to form hybrids at standard hybridization criterion. Thermal denaturation profiles of the hybridized single-copy DNA sequence yields median (T50H) values of 13.8 degrees-16.5 degrees C. This result suggests a divergence time of 10-13 Mya, which is comparable to divergence times between congeneric sea urchin species in other genera that do not differ significantly in development. Radical differences in early developmental processes can evolve rapidly between closely related forms.  相似文献   
The testis-specific beta 2 tubulin of Drosophila is required for assembly and function of at least three architecturally different microtubule arrays (Kemphues et al., 1982). Two recessive male-sterile mutations in the B2t locus that encode partially functional, stable, variant forms of beta 2 tubulin cause defects in only certain microtubule-based processes during spermatogenesis. These mutations could thus identify aspects of beta tubulin primary structure critical for function only in specific microtubule arrays. In males carrying the B2t6 mutation, meiotic chromosome segregation and nuclear shaping are normal and flagellar axonemes are formed, but there is a subtle defect in axoneme structure; the outer doublet microtubules fill in with a central core normally seen only in the central pair and accessory microtubules. In homozygous B2t7 males, chromosome movement is usually normal during meiosis but cytokinesis often fails, cytoplasmic microtubules are assembled and nuclear shaping appears to be normal, but the flagellar axoneme lacks structural integrity. In contrast, the B2t8 allele affects a general property of tubulin, the ability to form normal side-to-side association of protofilaments (Fuller et al., 1987), and causes defects in meiosis, axoneme assembly and nuclear shaping. Certain combinations of these beta 2 tubulin mutations show interallelic complementation; in B2t6/B2t8 males functional sperm are produced and both variant subunits are incorporated into mature sperm, in the absence of wild-type beta 2 tubulin. Comparison of the phenotypes of the three partially functional beta 2 tubulin alleles reveals some aspects of tubulin primary structure more important for function in specific subsets of microtubule arrays, and other aspects required for the construction of microtubules in general.  相似文献   
O-2A progenitor cells are bipotential glial precursors that give rise to both oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes on a precise schedule in the rat CNS. Studies in culture suggest that oligodendrocyte differentiation occurs constitutively, while type-2 astrocyte differentiation requires an exogenous inducer such as fetal calf serum. Here we describe a rat brain cell culture system in which type-2 astrocytes develop on schedule in the absence of exogenous inducers. Coincident with type-2-astrocyte development, the cultures produce an approximately 20 kd type-2-astrocyte-inducing factor(s). Purified cultures of type-1 astrocytes can produce a similar factor(s). Under conditions where they produce type-2-astrocyte-inducing factor(s), both brain and type-1 astrocyte cultures produce a factor(s) with ciliary neurotrophic (CNTF)-like activity. Purified CNTF, like the inducers from brain and type-1 astrocyte cultures, prematurely induces type-2 astrocyte differentiation in brain cultures. These findings suggest that type-2 astrocyte development is initiated by a CNTF-like protein produced by type-1 astrocytes.  相似文献   
Developmental mode varies widely in most animal phyla. These differences in developmental strategy exert a profound influence on the ecology and evolution of closely related species. The mechanistic alterations in ontogeny that lead to switches in developmental mode are coming under increasing scrutiny. Echinoids are one of the best-understood groups in this regard. Parallel modifications in direct-developing echinoids point to some of the key changes in oogenesis and embryogenesis that produce switches in developmental mode.  相似文献   
It has been shown previously that cultures of rat optic nerve contain three types of macroglial cells--oligodendrocytes and two types of astrocytes. Type-1 astrocytes develop from their own precursor cells beginning before birth, while oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes develop postnatally from a common bipotential precursor called the O-2A progenitor cell. Proliferating O-2A progenitor cells give rise to postmitotic oligodendrocytes beginning around birth, and to type-2 astrocytes beginning in the second postnatal week. Studies in vitro have suggested that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), secreted by type-1 astrocytes, plays an important part in timing oligodendrocyte development: PDGF seems to keep O-2A progenitor cells proliferating until an intrinsic clock in the progenitor cells initiates the process leading to oligodendrocyte differentiation. The clock apparently determines when a progenitor cell becomes unresponsive to PDGF, at which point the cell stops dividing and, as a consequence, automatically differentiates into an oligodendrocyte. Here we have used radiolabelled PDGF to show that O-2A progenitor cells have PDGF receptors, suggesting that these cells respond directly to PDGF. The receptors resemble the type A PDGF receptor previously described on human fibroblasts and are initially retained when progenitor cells stop dividing and develop in vitro into oligodendrocytes. The latter finding indicates that receptor loss is not the reason that progenitor cells initially become mitotically unresponsive to PDGF.  相似文献   
Two Drosophila beta tubulin isoforms are not functionally equivalent   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
We have tested the functional capacity of different beta tubulin isoforms in vivo by expressing beta 3-tubulin either in place of or in addition to beta 2-tubulin in the male germ line of Drosophila melanogaster. The testes-specific isoform, beta 2, is conserved relative to major metazoan beta tubulins, while the developmentally regulated isoform, beta 3, is considerably divergent in sequence. beta 3-tubulin is normally expressed in discrete subsets of cells at specific times during development, but is not expressed in the male germ line. beta 2-Tubulin is normally expressed only in the postmitotic germ cells of the testis, and is required for all microtubule-based functions in these cells. The normal functions of beta 2-tubulin include assembly of meiotic spindles, axonemes, and at least two classes of cytoplasmic microtubules, including those associated with the differentiating mitochondrial derivatives. A hybrid gene was constructed in which 5' sequences from the beta 2 gene were joined to protein coding and 3' sequences of the beta 3 gene. Drosophila transformed with the hybrid gene express beta 3-tubulin in the postmitotic male germ cells. When expressed in the absence of the normal testis isoform, beta 3-tubulin supports assembly of one class of functional cytoplasmic microtubules. In such males the microtubules associated with the membranes of the mitochondrial derivatives are assembled and normal mitochondrial derivative elongation occurs, but axoneme assembly and other microtubule-mediated processes, including meiosis and nuclear shaping, do not occur. These data show that beta 3 tubulin can support only a subset of the multiple functions normally performed by beta 2, and also suggest that the microtubules associated with the mitochondrial derivatives mediate their elongation. When beta 3 is coexpressed in the male germ line with beta 2, at any level, spindles and all classes of cytoplasmic microtubules are assembled and function normally. However, when beta 3-tubulin exceeds 20% of the total testis beta tubulin pool, it acts in a dominant way to disrupt normal axoneme assembly. In the axonemes assembled in such males, the doublet tubules acquire some of the morphological characteristics of the singlet microtubules of the central pair and accessory tubules. These data therefore unambiguously demonstrate that the Drosophila beta tubulin isoforms beta 2 and beta 3 are not equivalent in intrinsic functional capacity, and furthermore show that assembly of the doublet tubules of the axoneme imposes different constraints on beta tubulin function than does assembly of singlet microtubules.  相似文献   
In the direct-developing sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma the first cleavage division bisects the dorsoventral axis of the developing embryo along a frontal plane. In the two-celled embryo one of the blastomeres, the ventral cell (V), gives rise to all pigmented mesenchyme, as well as to the vestibule of the echinus rudiment. Upon isolation, however, the dorsal blastomere (D) displays some regulation, and is able to form a small number of pigmented mesenchyme cells and even a vestibule. We have examined the spatial and temporal determination of cell fates along the dorsoventral axis during subsequent development. We demonstrate that the dorsoventral axis is resident within both cells of the two-celled embryo, but only the ventral pole of this axis has a rigidly fixed identity this early in development. The polarity of this axis remains the same in half-embryos developing from isolated ventral (V) blastomeres, but it can flip 180° in half-embryos developing from isolated dorsal (D) blastomeres. We find that cell fates are progressively determined along the dorsoventral axis up to the time of gastrulation. The ability of dorsal half-embryos to differentiate ventral cell fates diminishes as they are isolated at progressively later stages of development. These results suggest that the determination of cell fates along the dorsoventral axis in H. erythrogramma is regulated via inductive interactions organized by cells within the ventral half of the embryo.  相似文献   
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