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The homology and diversification of genomic sequence encoding glucagon gene among native Egyptian buffalos, camel and sheep were tested using cattle as model. Oligodeoxynucleotide primers designed from the available GenBank data were used for PCR probing of the glucagon gene encoding sequence at different loci. The DNA oligomer probes were constructed to flank either the whole gene encoding sequence or different intra-gene encoding sequences. The PCR products were visualized using agarose gel electrophoresis. All species showed a same size band of prepro-glucagon when PCR was used to amplify the whole gene encoding sequence. In contrary, amplifications of different intra-gene loci failed to give the same results. The results indicated variable degrees of diversity among old world ruminating ungulates in the glucagon gene encoding sequence. Compared with other ruminants, the variation appears predominantly in camel. Surprisingly, the similarity in size between both amplification products of whole gene encoding sequence and the proposed size of glucagon cDNA definitely excludes the possibility of large intervening introns spanning the genomic sequence of the glucagon gene in these species. This indicates that, in contrast to other tested mammals, the glucagon gene includes an essentially full-length copy of glucagon mRNA. The study revealed a possible new aspect of glucagon gene evolution in order to correlate its corresponding protein function among different ruminant species.  相似文献   
Biodynamics and injury potential of operators in stand-up rider lift truck accidents have been investigated with a special focus on head injury. An anthropomorphic test device (ATD) model was used as an operator surrogate in computer simulations of off-the-dock (OTD) and tip-over (TO) accidents. The biomechanical model representing the ATD was developed based on rigid body segments, and then combined with a rigid body truck model in the accident simulations. The operator compartment of the truck model was enclosed with a rear door. The computed kinematics are in agreement with the results of previous experimental testing. A 2D finite element model of the head was created to compute head impact decelerations in the sagittal plane. Values of the head injury criterion for the TO cases were computed from the model and shown to compare favourably with experimental values. The results advance the state of knowledge concerning injury potential in TO and OTD accidents and simulation models for such accidents.  相似文献   
Among the 49 strains of moderately halophilic bacteria isolated from the salty environments of Iran, a Gram-positive coccus designated as strain QW6 showed high capacity in the removal of toxic oxyanions of tellurium in a wide range of culture medium factors including pH (5.5-10.5), temperature (25-45 degrees C), various salts including NaCl, KCl, and Na(2)SO(4) (0.5-4M), selenooxyanions (2-10mM), and at different concentrations of potassium tellurite (0.5-1mM) under aerobic condition. Phenotypic characterization and phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rDNA sequence comparisons indicated that this strain was a member of the genus Salinicoccus. The maximum tellurite removal was exhibited in 1.5M NaCl at 35 degrees C, while the activity reduced by 53% and 47% at 25 and 45 degrees C, respectively. The optimum pH for removal activity was shown to be 7.5, with 90% and 83% reduced removal capacities at the two extreme values of 5.5 and 10, respectively. The impact of different concentrations of selenooxyanions (2-10mM) on tellurite removal by strain QW6 was evaluated. The ability of strain QW6 in the removal of tellurite in the presence of 6mM selenite increased by 25%. The concentration of toxic potassium tellurite in the supernatant of the bacterial culture medium decreased by 99% (from 0.5 to 0.005mM) after 6 days and the color of the medium changed to black due to the formation of less toxic elemental tellurium.  相似文献   


Isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) and multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) are heterogeneous disorders with several different etiologies and they are responsible for most cases of short stature. Mutations in different genes have been identified but still many patients did not present mutations in any of the known genes. Chromosomal rearrangements may also be involved in short stature and, among others, deletions of 18q23 defined a critical region for the disorder. No gene was yet identified.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We now report a balanced translocation X;18 in a patient presenting a breakpoint in 18q23 that was surprisingly mapped about 500 Kb distal from the short stature critical region. It separated from the flanking SALL3 gene a region enriched in highly conserved non-coding elements (HCNE) that appeared to be regulatory sequences, active as enhancers or silencers during embryonic development.


We propose that, during pituitary development, the 18q rearrangement may alter expression of 18q genes or of X chromosome genes that are translocated next to the HCNEs. Alteration of expression of developmentally regulated genes by translocation of HCNEs may represent a common mechanism for disorders associated to isolated chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   
There is increasing interest in the ability of diets rich in polyphenols to modulate age-related diseases and promote healthy ageing. We have conducted a pilot experiment with eight tomato varieties to correlate the total antioxidant capacity of the tomato variants with the specific constituent flavonoids present. A strong correlation was observed with the flavonol rhamnoglucoside rutin but not with other flavonoids, such as naringenin chalcone, or hydroxycinnamates, such as chlorogenic, which are also present in the tomato. To test the rigor of this correlation a second study was undertaken with a further 37 tomato varieties selected for low, medium and high rutin levels. We show that the flavonol rutin contributes to the greatest extent to the antioxidant capacity of tomatoes and suggest that this flavonoid may be a useful target for up-regulation in tomatoes in order to improve their antioxidant status.  相似文献   
The mechanism of extracellular ATP-triggered vagal depressor reflex was further studied in a closed-chest canine model. Adenosine and ATP were administered individually in equimolar doses (0.01-1.0 mumol/kg) into the right coronary artery (RCA) and left circumflex coronary artery (LCA). When administered into the RCA, adenosine and ATP exerted an identical and relatively small negative chronotropic effect on sinus node automaticity; the time to peak negative chronotropic effect was >/=7 s. When administered into the LCA, adenosine had no effect on sinus node automaticity, whereas ATP markedly suppressed sinus node automaticity. This effect of ATP 1) reached its peak in <2 s after its administration, 2) was short lasting, and 3) was completely abolished by either intravenous administration of the muscarinic cholinergic blocker atropine (0.2 mg/kg) or intra-LCA administration of 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-ATP (TNP-ATP), a potent P2X(2/3) purinergic receptor (P2X(2/3)R) antagonist, but not by diinosine pentaphosphate (Ip(5)I), a potent inhibitor of P2X(1)R and P2X(3)R. Repetitive administrations of ATP were not associated with reduced effects, indicative of receptor desensitization, thereby excluding the involvement of the rapidly desensitized P2X(1)R in the action of ATP. It was concluded that ATP triggers a cardio-cardiac vagal depressor reflex by activating P2X(2/3)R located on vagal sensory nerve terminals localized in the left ventricle. Because these terminals mediate vasovagal syncope, these data could suggest a mechanistic role of extracellular ATP in this syndrome and, in addition, give further support to the hypothesis that endogenous ATP released from ischemic myocytes is a mediator of atropine-sensitive bradyarrhythmias associated with left ventricular myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
Heterobivalent tyrosine recombinases play a prominent role in numerous bacteriophage and transposon recombination systems. Their enzymatic activities are frequently regulated at a structural level by excisionase factors, which alter the ability of the recombinase to assemble into higher-order recombinogenic nucleoprotein structures. The Tn916 conjugative transposon spreads antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria and is mobilized by a heterobivalent recombinase (Tn916Int), whose activity is regulated by an excisionase factor (Tn916Xis). Unlike the well-characterized (lambda)Xis excisionase from bacteriophage lambda, Tn916Xis stimulates excision in vitro and in Escherichia coli only modestly. To gain insights into this functional difference, we have performed in vitro DNA-binding studies of Tn916Xis and Tn916Int, and we have solved the solution structure of Tn916Xis. We show that the heterobivalent Tn916Int protein is capable of bridging the DR2-type and core-type sites on the left arm of the tranpsoson. Consistent with the notion that Tn916Int is regulated only loosely, we find that Tn916Xis binding does not alter the stability of DR2-Tn916Int-core bridges or the ability of Tn916Int to recognize the arms of the transposon in vitro. Despite a high degree of divergence at the primary sequence level, we show that Tn916Xis and (lambda)Xis adopt related prokaryotic winged-helix structures. However, they differ at their C termini, with Tn916Xis replacing the flexible integrase contacting tail found in (lambda)Xis with a positively charged alpha-helix. This difference provides a structural explanation for why Tn916Xis does not interact cooperatively with its cognate integrase in vitro, and reveals how subtle changes in the winged-helix fold can modulate the functional properties of excisionase factors.  相似文献   
The relative vulnerability of spinal motion segments to different loading combinations remains unknown. The meta-analysis described here using the results of a validated L2-L3 nonlinear viscoelastic finite element model was designed to investigate the critical loading and its effect on the internal mechanics of the human lumbar spine. A Box-Behnken experimental design was used to design the magnitude of seven independent variables associated with loads, rotations and velocity of motion. Subsequently, an optimization method was used to find the primary and secondary variables that influence spine mechanical output related to facet forces, disc pressure, ligament forces, annulus matrix compressive/shear stresses and anulus fibers strain. The mechanical responses with respect to the two most-relevant variables were then regressed linearly using the response surface quadratic model. Axial force and sagittal rotation were identified as the most-relevant variables for mechanical responses. The procedure developed can be used to find the critical loading for finite element models with multi input variables. The derived meta-models can be used to predict the risk associated with various loading parameters and in setting safer load limits.  相似文献   
In this study, we have used a single link system with a pair of muscles that are excited with alpha and gamma signals to achieve both point to point and oscillatory movements with variable amplitude and frequency.The system is highly nonlinear in all its physical and physiological attributes. The major physiological characteristics of this system are simultaneous activation of a pair of nonlinear muscle-like-actuators for control purposes, existence of nonlinear spindle-like sensors and Golgi tendon organ-like sensor, actions of gravity and external loading. Transmission delays are included in the afferent and efferent neural paths to account for a more accurate representation of the reflex loops.A reinforcement learning method with an actor-critic (AC) architecture instead of middle and low level of central nervous system (CNS), is used to track a desired trajectory. The actor in this structure is a two layer feedforward neural network and the critic is a model of the cerebellum. The critic is trained by state-action-reward-state-action (SARSA) method. The critic will train the actor by supervisory learning based on the prior experiences. Simulation studies of oscillatory movements based on the proposed algorithm demonstrate excellent tracking capability and after 280 epochs the RMS error for position and velocity profiles were 0.02, 0.04 rad and rad/s, respectively.  相似文献   
The dissociation equilibrium constant for heparin binding to antithrombin III (ATIII) is a measure of the cofactor's binding to and activation of the proteinase inhibitor, and its salt dependence indicates that ionic and non-ionic interactions contribute approximately 40 and approximately 60% of the binding free energy, respectively. We now report that phenylalanines 121 and 122 (Phe-121 and Phe-122) together contribute 43% of the total binding free energy and 77% of the energy of non-ionic binding interactions. The large contribution of these hydrophobic residues to the binding energy is mediated not by direct interactions with heparin, but indirectly, through contacts between their phenyl rings and the non-polar stems of positively charged heparin binding residues, whose terminal amino and guanidinium groups are thereby organized to form extensive and specific ionic and non-ionic contacts with the pentasaccharide. Investigation of the kinetics of heparin binding demonstrated that Phe-122 is critical for promoting a normal rate of conformational change and stabilizing AT*H, the high affinity-activated binary complex. Kinetic and structural considerations suggest that Phe-122 and Lys-114 act cooperatively through non-ionic interactions to promote P-helix formation and ATIII binding to the pentasaccharide. In summary, although hydrophobic residues Phe-122 and Phe-121 make minimal contact with the pentasaccharide, they play a critical role in heparin binding and activation of antithrombin by coordinating the P-helix-mediated conformational change and organizing an extensive network of ionic and non-ionic interactions between positively charged heparin binding site residues and the cofactor.  相似文献   
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