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The nitrogenase activity, root nodule biomass, and rates of nitrogen (N) fixation were measured in 25-year-old pure north- and south-facing Robinia pseudoacacia stands in an urban forest of Seoul (Kkachisan Mountain) in central Korea. The nitrogenase activity was estimated using an acetylene reduction (AR) assay, which showed an increasing trend during the early growing season, with sustained high rates from June through to September with a decrease thereafter. July had the highest nitrogenase activity rate (micromoles C2H4 per gram dry nodule per hour), averaging 95.8 and 115.1 for the north- and south-facing stands, respectively. The maximum root nodule biomass (kilograms per hectare) was 45.7 and 9.1 for the north- and south-facing stands in July, respectively. The AR rate appeared to be strongly correlated to the soil temperature (r 2 = 0.68, P < 0.001) and soil pH (r 2 = 0.59, P < 0.001) while root nodule biomass was correlated to the soil temperature (r 2 = 0.36, P < 0.01) and water content (r 2 = 0.35, P < 0.05). The soil temperature showed clear differences between seasons, while there was a significant difference in soil pH, organic matter, total N concentrations, and available phosphorus between the north- and south-facing stands. The N2 fixation rates during the growing season varied from 0.1 to 37.5 kg N ha−1 month−1 depending on the sampling location and time. The annual N2 fixation rate (kg N per hectare per year) was 112.3 and 23.2 for the north- and south-facing stands, respectively. The differences in N2 fixation rate between the two stands were due mainly to the differences in total nodule biomass.  相似文献   
A prevalence study was conducted to survey tick larvae populations in Puerto Rico (PR), compare the number of infested sites with Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus larvae between the wet and dry season, and assess the associations of ecologic factors on the presence of R. microplus larvae. Ninety-six sites were selected using a GIS-based sampling method. Each site was sampled twice; the first sampling was performed during the dry season (March 4-18, 2007) and the second sampling during the wet season (August 13-26, 2007). Sites were sampled using a tick drag with a 1-m(2) white flannel cloth along a 50-m straight course. Only 2 tick species were identified. In the dry season, 15 sites (0.16, 95?% CI?=?0.09-0.24) were identified with R. microplus larvae (n?=?606) and 9 sites (0.09, 95?% CI?=?0.04-0.17) with Dermacentor (Anocentor) nitens larvae (n?=?779), whereas in the wet season 5 sites (0.05, 95?% CI?=?0.02-0.12) were identified with R. microplus (n?=?94), and 5 sites (0.05?%, 95?% CI = 0.02-0.12) with D. nitens (n?=?275). Difference in the number of infested sites with R. microplus was significant (P =?0.031) between the 2 seasons. Factors associated with the presence of R. microplus larvae in PR were wind speed of >4.0?km/h (OR?=?0.07, 95?% CI?=?0.01-0.63), more than 25?% bushes and shrubs on the site (OR?=?11, 95?% CI?=?1.6-71), and presence of cattle on the site (OR?=?26, 95?% CI?=?3.4-188).  相似文献   


Investigations of naturally-occurring mutations in animal models provide important insights and valuable disease models. Lamins A and C, along with lamin B, are type V intermediate filament proteins which constitute the proteinaceous boundary of the nucleus. LMNA mutations in humans cause a wide range of phenotypes, collectively termed laminopathies. To identify the mutation and investigate the phenotype of a spontaneous, semi-dominant mutation that we have named Disheveled hair and ear (Dhe), which causes a sparse coat and small external ears in heterozygotes and lethality in homozygotes by postnatal day 10.


Genetic mapping identified a point mutation in the Lmna gene, causing a single amino acid change, L52R, in the coiled coil rod domain of lamin A and C proteins. Cranial sutures in Dhe/+ mice failed to close. Gene expression for collagen types I and III in sutures was deficient. Skulls were small and disproportionate. Skeletons of Dhe/+ mice were hypomineralized and total body fat was deficient in males. In homozygotes, skin and oral mucosae were dysplastic and ulcerated. Nuclear morphometry of cultured cells revealed gene dose-dependent blebbing and wrinkling.


Dhe mice should provide a useful new model for investigations of the pathogenesis of laminopathies.  相似文献   
We investigated parvalbumin immunoreactivity (PA-IR) in the retinas of rats maintained on a 12:12 h light:dark cycle, or after being placed in constant darkness for 24–72 h. Retinas were harvested at zeitgeber and circadian times 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00 h. PA-IR was found primarily in retinal amacrine cells of the AII subtype. In a light/dark cycle, PA-IR showed a clear rhythm, with a low near zeitgeber time (ZT) 10:00 h and a peak near ZT 18:00 h. The ratio of immunofluorescence intensities at these timepoints was >15-fold. When animals were kept in complete darkness for 1–3 days, the rhythm of PA-IR was still preserved, but was progressively reduced in amplitude. The rhythm of PA-IR inferred from immunohistochemical data was confirmed by Western blots. We conclude that PA-IR in the rat retina shows an underlying circadian rhythm that is enhanced by cyclic light. The regulation may involve translocation of the protein between cell compartments and/or new protein synthesis.This study was supported by an OTKA grant (T 34160), NIH grants NS 37919 (R.S.) and ET 03570, NSF grant IBN-96418886 (R.S.), and grants from the Helen Hoffritz Charitable Trust and Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. R.G. was also in receipt of a János Bolyai fellowship  相似文献   
The accurate determination of DNA concentration is essential for many processes in molecular biology and physiology and includes both gel- and cuvette-based methods. The recently introduced fluorescent dye, PicoGreen, has several advantages over other methods because it is sensitive and specific for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The dye is excited at 480 nm and emits at 520 nm when bound to dsDNA. This report describes the construction and use of PicoGmeter, a simple, inexpensive, fixed-wavelength fluorometer suitable for measuring PicoGreen fluorescence. PicoGmeter employs a blue light emitting diode (LED) for excitation and a photodiode to measure fluorescence. When compared to a commercially available instrument, PTI DeltaScan, the PicoGmeter performed admirably. Calibration curves for both instruments were superimposeable. Moreover, there was no significant difference between concentrations of DNA estimated by both instruments. A Bland and Altman analysis revealed that the PicoGmeter was equivalent to the PTI DeltaScan for estimating dsDNA concentration by the PicoGreen method. This simple, inexpensive, battery-operated fluorometer will allow investigators to employ the PicoGreen method without incurring the cost of purchasing a spectrofluorometer.  相似文献   
The prenatal nutritional environment influences the subsequent risk of hypertension in adulthood. Animal studies have used, generally, the rat as a model species to illustrate the association between maternal nutrient intake and blood pressure in the resulting adult offspring. No study to date has shown programming of adult cardiovascular function in the sheep through maternal dietary intervention. We therefore fed pregnant sheep to either 100% recommended intake from day 0 of gestation to term [ approximately 147 days gestational age (dGA); controls n = 8] or to 50% recommended intake from day 0 to 95 dGA and thereafter to 100% intake (NR; n = 9). Sheep lambed naturally, offspring were weaned at 16 wk, and the male offspring were reared on pasture until 3 yr of age. At this time, cardiovascular catheters were inserted under halothane anesthesia and sheep were allowed 2-4 days recovery. Basal cardiovascular status and pressor responses to infusion of norepinephrine, angiotensin II, and captopril were then assessed alongside basal plasma concentrations of glucose, cortisol, and leptin. NR sheep were of similar birth weight to controls but at 3 yr of age had higher blood pressure before, but not after, feeding. Peripheral sensitivity to vasoconstrictor infusion was similar between dietary groups, although a reflex bradycardia was not apparent in NR sheep during norepinephrine infusion. Circulating leptin correlated well with fat mass and increased more after vasoconstrictor infusion in NR sheep. In conclusion, early NR has been shown to program aspects of cardiovascular control and adipocyte function in adult sheep.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to examine the efficacy and mechanism of fraction IV cold ethanol fractionation and pasteurization (60°C heat treatment for 10h), involved in the manufacture of albumin from human plasma, in the removal and/or inactivation of the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Samples from the relevant stages of the production process were spiked with HAV and the amount of virus in each fraction then quantified using a 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50). HAV was effectively partitioned from albumin during the fraction IV cold ethanol fractionation with a log reduction factor of 3.43. Pasteurization was also found to be a robust and effective step in inactivating HAV, where the titers were reduced from an initial titer of 7.60 log TCID50 to undetectable levels within 5 h of treatment. The log reduction factor achieved during pasteurization was≽4.76. Therefore, the current results indicate that the production process for albumin has sufficient HAV reducing capacity to achieve a high margin of virus safety.  相似文献   
Smooth muscle exhibitsmechanosensitivity independent of neural input, suggesting thatmechanosensitive pathways reside within smooth muscle cells. The nativeL-type calcium current recorded from human intestinal smooth muscle ismodulated by stretch. To define mechanosensitive mechanisms involved inthe regulation of smooth muscle calcium entry, we cloned the1C L-type calcium channel subunit (CaV1.2)from human intestinal smooth muscle and expressed the channel in aheterologous system. This channel subunit retained mechanosensitivitywhen expressed alone or coexpressed with a 2 calciumchannel subunit in HEK-293 or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Theheterologously expressed human cardiac 1C splice formalso demonstrated mechanosensitivity. Inhibition of kinase signalingdid not affect mechanosensitivity of the native channel. Truncation of the 1C COOH terminus, which containsan inhibitory domain and a proline-rich domain thought to mediatemechanosensitive signaling from integrins, did not disruptmechanosensitivity of the expressed channel. These data demonstratemechanical regulation of calcium entry through molecularly identifiedL-type calcium channels in mammalian cells and suggest that themechanosensitivity resides within the pore forming1C-subunit.

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) control circadian oscillations of physiology and behavior. Measurements of electrical activity and of gene expression indicate that these heterogeneous structures are composed of both rhythmic and nonrhythmic cells. A fundamental question with regard to the organization of the circadian system is how the SCN achieve a coherent output while their constituent independent cellular oscillators express a wide range of periods. Previously, the consensus output of individual oscillators had been attributed to coupling among cells. The authors propose a model that incorporates nonrhythmic "gate" cells and rhythmic oscillator cells with a wide range of periods, that neither requires nor excludes a role for interoscillator coupling. The gate provides daily input to oscillator cells and is in turn regulated (directly or indirectly) by the oscillator cells. In the authors' model, individual oscillators with initial random phases are able to self-assemble so as to maintain cohesive rhythmic output. In this view, SCN circuits are important for self-sustained oscillation, and their network properties distinguish these nuclei from other tissues that rhythmically express clock genes. The model explains how individual SCN cells oscillate independently and yet work together to produce a coherent rhythm.  相似文献   
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