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As an intermediate filament (IF)-based cytolinker protein, plectin plays a key role in the maintenance of cellular cytoarchitecture and serves at the same time as a scaffolding platform for signaling cascades. Consisting of six structural repeats (R1-6) and harboring binding sites for different IF proteins and proteins involved in signaling, the plectin C-terminal domain is of strategic functional importance. Depending on the species, it contains at least 13 cysteines, 4 of which reside in the R5 domain. To investigate the structural and biological functions of R5 cysteines, we used cysteine-to-serine mutagenesis and spectroscopic, biochemical, and functional analyses. Urea-induced unfolding experiments indicated that wild-type R5 in the oxidized, disulfide bond-mediated conformation was more stable than its cysteine-free mutant derivative. The binding affinity of R5 for vimentin was significantly higher, however, when the protein was in the reduced, more relaxed conformation. Of the four R5 cysteines, one (Cys4) was particularly reactive as reflected by its ability to form disulfide bridges with R5 Cys1 and to serve as a target for nitrosylation in vitro. Using immortalized endothelial cell cultures from mice, we show that endogenous plectin is nitrosylated in vivo, and we found that NO donor-induced IF collapse proceeds dramatically faster in plectin-deficient compared with wild-type cells. Our data suggest an antagonistic role of plectin in nitrosylation (oxidative stress)-mediated alterations of IF cytoarchitecture and a possible role of R5 Cys4 as a regulatory switch.  相似文献   
The Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxin-hemolysin (CyaA) targets phagocytes expressing the alpha(M)beta2 integrin (CD11b/CD18), permeabilizes their membranes by forming small cation-selective pores, and delivers into cells a calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclase (AC) enzyme that dissipates cytosolic ATP into cAMP. We describe here a third activity of CyaA that yields elevation of cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in target cells. The CyaA-mediated [Ca2+]i increase in CD11b+ J774A.1 monocytes was inhibited by extracellular La3+ ions but not by nifedipine, SK&F 96365, flunarizine, 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate, or thapsigargin, suggesting that influx of Ca2+ into cells was not because of receptor signaling or opening of conventional calcium channels by cAMP. Compared with intact CyaA, a CyaA-AC- toxoid unable to generate cAMP promoted a faster, albeit transient, elevation of [Ca2+]i. This was not because of cell permeabilization by the CyaA hemolysin pores, because a mutant exhibiting a strongly enhanced pore-forming activity (CyaA-E509K/E516K), but unable to deliver the AC domain into cells, was also unable to elicit a [Ca2+]i increase. Further mutations interfering with AC translocation into cells, such as proline substitutions of glutamate residues 509 or 570 or deletion of the AC domain as such, reduced or ablated the [Ca2+]i-elevating capacity of CyaA. Moreover, structural alterations within the AC domain, because of insertion of various oligopeptides, differently modulated the kinetics and extent of Ca2+ influx elicited by the respective AC- toxoids. Hence, the translocating AC polypeptide itself appears to participate in formation of a novel type of membrane path for calcium ions, contributing to action of CyaA in an unexpected manner.  相似文献   
We describe cell therapy for severe ischemic heart failure using transendocardial injection of autologous bone-marrow-derived mononuclear cells. The treated patients had significantly less heart failure and angina, sustained significant improvement of pumping power, exercise capacity, cardiac muscle irrigation, and blood supply to the body. Electrical and mechanical mappings of the myocardium before and after the therapy, and anatomopathological examination of the myocardium of one of the patients that had deceased of a stroke eleven months after the treatment indicated sustained neoangiogenesis and improvement of activity and quantity of cardiomyocytes in the injected regions. Post-hoc analyses of injected cell phenotype and improvement of myocardial function indicate that presence of CD8+ and CD56+ cells does not correlate with good prognostics, suggesting a possibility of cell selection. For 'no-option' severe cardiac patients, significant benefits of cell therapy and absence of adverse effects may justify the application of bone-marrow-derived cell therapy.  相似文献   
Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) expression is increased in hepatic stellate cells (HSC) upon liver cirrhosis and it functions as an integral membrane protein of lipid rafts and caveolae that regulates and integrates multiple signals as a platform. This study aimed to evaluate the role of Cav-1 in HSC. Thus, the effects of exogenous expression of Cav-1 in GRX cells, a model of activated HSC, were determined. Here, we demonstrated through evaluating well-known HSC activation markers – such as α-smooth muscle actin, collagen I, and glial fibrillary acidic protein – that up regulation of Cav-1 induced GRX to a more activated phenotype. GRXEGFP-Cav1 presented an increased migration, an altered adhesion pattern, a reorganization f-actin cytoskeleton, an arrested cell cycle, a modified cellular ultrastructure, and a raised endocytic flux. Based on this, GRX EGFP-Cav1 represents a new cellular model that can be an important tool for understanding of events related to HSC activation. Furthermore, our results reinforce the role of Cav-1 as a molecular marker of HSC activation.  相似文献   
The genome size of the marine sponges Suberites domuncula and Geodia cydonium has been determined by flow cytofluorometric analysis using diamidino-phenylindole [DAPI]. Using human lymphocytes as reference the amount of DNA in cells from S. domuncula has been determined to be 3.7 pg and that of G. cydonium 3.3 pg. While no chromosomes could be identified in G. cydonium, the karyotype of the Suberites domuncula is 32 chromsomes in the diploid state. The size of the chromosomes was between 0.25 and 1.0 μm. No pronounced banding pattern was visible.  相似文献   
Triple resonance HCN and HCNCH experiments used in studies of 13C/15N labeled oligonucleotides include extended evolution periods (typically up to 100 ms) to allow coherence transfer through a complex heteronuclear spin network. Unfortunately, most of the magnetization is lost during the evolution due to fast spin–spin relaxation dominated by one-bond 1H–13C dipolar interaction. As demonstrated recently, the sensitivity of the experiments can be dramatically improved by keeping the spin system in a state of proton–carbon multiple-quantum coherence, which is not affected by the strong dipolar coupling. However, the multiple-quantum coherence is very sensitive to homonuclear as well as long-range heteronuclear interactions. Unwanted magnetization transfer due to these interactions can reduce the sensitivity back to the level of a single-quantum experiment and, for some spin moieties, even eliminate the signal completely. In the present paper we show that a modified HCN scheme that refocuses the interfering coherences improves sensitivity routinely by a factor of 1.5 to 4 over a nonselective experiment. In addition, novel multiple-quantum 2D and 3D HCNCH experiments with substantially enhanced sensitivity are presented.  相似文献   
Coelomic cavities are relatively isolated from the systemic circulation of blood cells. Resident cell populations have a proper phenotype and kinetics, maintaining their steady-state populations and their responsiveness to local inflammatory reactions, in which the number and quality of coelomic cells can be greatly increased and modified. We have addressed the question of whether the increase in cell infiltrate in the inflamed abdominal cavity is sustained by the proliferation of myeloid cells in the omentum, and if so what are the characteristics of the progenitor cells involved and how the omentum controls their proliferation and differentiation. In the omentum under normal conditions and with inflammation due to schistosomal infection we found that pluripotent early myeloid progenitors were capable of giving rise to all the myeloid lineages in clonogenic assays, but not to the totipotent blood stem cells. Besides the major haemopoietins (GM-CSF, M-CSF, G-CSF, IL-5), the omentum stroma constitutively expressed SDF-1 alpha, the chemokine which elicits homing of circulating early haemopoietic progenitors. While normal omentum stroma produced LIF, its expression was substituted by SCF in inflamed tissues. In the first situation a slow steady-state renewal of progenitors is potentially favoured, while their intense expansion may be predominant in the latter one. We propose that the increase in cells in the abdominal cavity in inflammatory reactions is due to the enhanced input and expansion of early myeloid progenitors sustaining the in situ production of abdominal cell populations, rather than to the input of systemic circulating inflammatory cells.  相似文献   
Many organisms respond to the heterogeneity of abiotic environmental conditions by plastic modifications of their phenotypes (acclimation or acclimatization). Despite considerable research efforts in this area, the beneficial (adaptive) effect of acclimation or acclimatization is still debated. We examined whether the development of newt larvae (Ichthyosaura alpestris) under different natural light and thermal conditions subsequently altered their susceptibility to predation in sun‐exposed versus shaded tanks in nature. During predation trials in various light and temperature conditions, newt larvae that developed in sun‐exposed warmer tanks consistently suffered from higher predation by dragonfly nymphs (Aeshna cyanea) compared to larvae from shaded or colder tanks. We conclude that higher sun exposure during embryonic and larval development negatively affects antipredator performance even in sun‐exposed tanks: this result is inconsistent with the beneficial acclimation hypothesis. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   
Although studies on sperm competition examined a wide range of taxa, little is known about the selection pressures on male traits in systems with simultaneous risk of sperm competition and sexual cannibalism. Here, we experimentally studied how the risk of sperm competition affects male copulatory behavior in the sexually cannibalistic praying mantis Mantis religiosa. We recorded the onset and duration of copulations following the introduction of virgin, adult praying mantises into mating arenas with three different sex ratio treatments: polyandrous, monogamous, and polygynous. We did not detect any female phenotypic trait predicting cannibalism. The chance of male survival was related to his condition, with males in better condition being cannibalized significantly less often. In contrast, we did not identify any male trait that would favor some males to obtain copulations. Our results on copulation duration support sperm competition theory in that the copulations in the male‐biased treatment, where the perceived risk of sperm competition was greatest, were significantly longer than those in single‐male treatments. Importantly, males in better condition copulated significantly longer regardless of sex ratio. Overall, our study suggests that males can adjust their copulation behavior in response to the risk of sperm competition even in a system with frequent sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   
The specific and rapid formation of protein complexes is essential for diverse cellular processes such as remodeling of actin filaments in response to the interaction between Rho GTPases and the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome proteins (WASp and N-WASp). Although Cdc42, TC10, and other members of the Rho family have been implicated in binding to and activating the WAS proteins, the exact nature of such a protein-protein recognition process has remained obscure. Here, we describe a mechanism that ensures rapid and selective long-range Cdc42-WASp recognition. The crystal structure of TC10, together with mutational and bioinformatic analyses, proved that the basic region of WASp and two unique glutamates in Cdc42 generate favorable electrostatic steering forces that control the accelerated WASp-Cdc42 association reaction. This process is a prerequisite for WASp activation and a critical step in temporal regulation and integration of WASp-mediated cellular responses.  相似文献   
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