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Caloric restriction (CR) can delay many age-related diseases and extend lifespan, while an increase in adiposity is associated with enhanced disease risk and accelerated aging. Among the various fat depots, the accrual of visceral fat (VF) is a common feature of aging, and has been shown to be the most detrimental on metabolic syndrome of aging in humans. We have previously demonstrated that surgical removal of VF in rats improves insulin action; thus, we set out to determine if VF removal affects longevity. We prospectively studied lifespan in three groups of rats: ad libitum-fed (AL-fed), CR (Fed 60% of AL) and a group of AL-fed rats with selective removal of VF at 5 months of age (VF-removed rats). We demonstrate that compared to AL-fed rats, VF-removed rats had a significant increase in mean (p < 0.001) and maximum lifespan (p < 0.04) and significant reduction in the incidence of severe renal disease (p < 0.01). CR rats demonstrated the greatest mean and maximum lifespan (p < 0.001) and the lowest rate of death as compared to AL-fed rats (0.13). Taken together, these observations provide the most direct evidence to date that a reduction in fat mass, specifically VF, may be one of the possible underlying mechanisms of the anti-aging effect of CR.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) play a role in remodeling the extracellular matrix during brain development and have been implicated in synaptic plasticity. Here, we report that a member of the neuronal pentraxin (NP) family, neuronal pentraxin receptor (NPR), undergoes regulated cleavage by the MMP tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE). NPR is enriched at excitatory synapses where it associates with AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPAR) and enhances synaptogenesis. However, in response to activation of group 1 mGluRs (mGluR1/5), TACE cleaves NPR and releases the pentraxin domain from its N-terminal transmembrane domain. Cleaved NPR rapidly accumulates in endosomes where it colocalizes with AMPAR. This process is necessary for mGluR1/5-dependent LTD in hippocampal and cerebellar synapses. These observations suggest that cleaved NPR functions to "capture" AMPAR for endocytosis and reveal a bifunctional role of NPs in both synapse strengthening and weakening.  相似文献   


Decline in insulin action is a metabolic feature of aging and is involved in the development of age-related diseases including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and Alzheimer''s disease (AD). A novel mitochondria-associated peptide, Humanin (HN), has a neuroprotective role against AD-related neurotoxicity. Considering the association between insulin resistance and AD, we investigated if HN influences insulin sensitivity.

Methods and Findings

Using state of the art clamp technology, we examined the role of central and peripheral HN on insulin action. Continuous infusion of HN intra-cerebro-ventricularly significantly improved overall insulin sensitivity. The central effects of HN on insulin action were associated with activation of hypothalamic STAT-3 signaling; effects that were negated by co-inhibition of hypothalamic STAT-3. Peripheral intravenous infusions of novel and potent HN derivatives reproduced the insulin-sensitizing effects of central HN. Inhibition of hypothalamic STAT-3 completely negated the effects of IV HN analog on liver, suggesting that the hepatic actions of HN are centrally mediated. This is consistent with the lack of a direct effect of HN on primary hepatocytes. Furthermore, single treatment with a highly-potent HN analog significantly lowered blood glucose in Zucker diabetic fatty rats. Based upon the link of HN with two age-related diseases, we examined if there were age associated changes in HN levels. Indeed, the amount of detectable HN in hypothalamus, skeletal muscle, and cortex was decreased with age in rodents, and circulating levels of HN were decreased with age in humans and mice.


We conclude that the decline in HN with age could play a role in the pathogenesis of age-related diseases including AD and T2DM. HN represents a novel link between T2DM and neurodegeneration and along with its analogues offers a potential therapeutic tool to improve insulin action and treat T2DM.  相似文献   
Plants produce nectar in their flowers as a reward for their pollinators and most of our crops depend on insect pollination, but little is known on the physiological control of nectar secretion. Jasmonates are well-known for their effects on senescence, the development and opening of flowers and on plant defences such as extrafloral nectar. Their role in floral nectar secretion has, however, not been explored so far. We investigated whether jasmonates have an influence on floral nectar secretion in oil-seed rape, Brassica napus. The floral tissues of this plant produced jasmonic acid (JA) endogenously, and JA concentrations peaked shortly before nectar secretion was highest. Exogenous application of JA to flowers induced nectar secretion, which was suppressed by treatment with phenidone, an inhibitor of JA synthesis. This effect could be reversed by additional application of JA. Jasmonoyl-isoleucine and its structural mimic coronalon also increased nectar secretion. Herbivory or addition of JA to the leaves did not have an effect on floral nectar secretion, demonstrating a functional separation of systemic defence signalling from reproductive nectar secretion. Jasmonates, which have been intensively studied in the context of herbivore defences and flower development, have a profound effect on floral nectar secretion and, thus, pollination efficiency in B. napus. Our results link floral nectar secretion to jasmonate signalling and thereby integrate the floral nectar secretion into the complex network of oxylipid-mediated developmental processes of plants.  相似文献   
松油和桂皮油由于具有芳香性气味, 因而成为良好的成虫驱避剂, 但是关于它们对蚊虫的杀幼虫作用研究不多。为揭示市售的长叶松Pinus longifolia油和锡兰肉桂Cinnamomum zeylanicum油对来源于印度德里的埃及伊蚊Aedes aegypti 4龄幼虫的毒杀潜力, 我们进行了室内研究, 以幼虫死亡率及行为改变和形态改变等指标评估其杀幼虫潜力。结果表明: 两种油对埃及伊蚊4龄幼虫均具有毒杀作用, 且松油的灭幼效果优于桂皮油。松油的LC50和LC70 值分别为0.33093 mg/L 和0.54476 mg/L, 而桂皮油的LC50和LC70 值分别为0.63159 mg/L和0.77736。进一步观察发现, LC90剂量下桂皮油的杀幼虫潜力强于松油, 其LC90为1.11879 mg/L, 而松油的LC90为 1.04915 mg/L。在处理的幼虫中观察到行为改变, 如兴奋、 坐立不安、 颤抖、 痉挛然后瘫痪, 说明这两种油可能对其神经肌肉系统产生了影响。显微观察处理幼虫的形态改变发现, 与对照相比, 大多数器官的外观正常, 只是肛鳃略为内收缩而引起结构畸形, 提示肛腮可能是这两种油的作用位点, 腮的功能异常引起了幼虫死亡。这两种油品可开发用作防治蚊虫的新型杀幼虫药剂。  相似文献   
Both adenosine and nitric oxide (NO) are known for their role in sleep homeostasis, with the basal forebrain (BF) wakefulness center as an important site of action. Previously, we reported a cascade of homeostatic events, wherein sleep deprivation (SD) induces the production of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-dependent NO in BF, leading to enhanced release of extracellular adenosine. In turn, increased BF adenosine leads to enhanced sleep intensity, as measured by increased non-rapid eye movement sleep EEG delta activity. However, the presence and time course of similar events in cortex has not been studied, although a frontal cortical role for the increase in non-rapid eye movement recovery sleep EEG delta power is known. Accordingly, we performed simultaneous hourly microdialysis sample collection from BF and frontal cortex (FC) during 11 h SD. We observed that both areas showed sequential increases in iNOS and NO, followed by increases in adenosine. BF increases began at 1 h SD, whereas FC increases began at 5 h SD. iNOS and Fos-double labeling indicated that iNOS induction occurred in BF and FC wake-active neurons. These data support the role of BF adenosine and NO in sleep homeostasis and indicate the temporal and spatial sequence of sleep homeostatic cascade for NO and adenosine.  相似文献   
Understanding the genetics underlying host range differences among plant virus strains can provide valuable insights into viral gene functions and virus-host interactions. In this study, we examined viral determinants and mechanisms of differential infection of Zea mays inbred line SDp2 by Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) isolates. WSMV isolates Sidney 81 (WSMV-S81) and Type (WSMV-T) share 98.7% polyprotein sequence identity but differentially infect SDp2: WSMV-S81 induces a systemic infection, but WSMV-T does not. Coinoculation and sequential inoculation of SDp2 with WSMV-T and/or WSMV-S81 did not affect systemic infection by WSMV-S81, suggesting that WSMV-T does not induce a restrictive defense response but that virus-encoded proteins may be involved in differential infection of SDp2. The viral determinant responsible for strain-specific host range was mapped to the N terminus of coat protein (CP) by systematic exchanges of WSMV-S81 sequences with those of WSMV-T and by reciprocal exchanges of CP or CP codons 1 to 74. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged WSMV-S81 with CP or CP residues 1 to 74 from WSMV-T produced similar numbers of infection foci and genomic RNAs and formed virions in inoculated leaves as those produced with WSMV-S81, indicating that failure to infect SDp2 systemically is not due to defects in replication, cell-to-cell movement, or virion assembly. However, these GFP-tagged hybrids showed profound defects in long-distance transport of virus through the phloem. Furthermore, we found that four of the five differing amino acids in the N terminus of CP between the WSMV-S81 and WSMV-T isolates were collectively involved in systemic infection of SDp2. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the N-terminal region of tritimoviral CP functions in host- and strain-specific long-distance movement.  相似文献   
To extend our observations that single or repeated application of a gel containing the NNRTI MIV-150 (M) and zinc acetate dihydrate (ZA) in carrageenan (CG) (MZC) inhibits vaginal transmission of simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)-RT in macaques, we evaluated safety and anti-SHIV-RT activity of MZC and related gel formulations ex vivo in macaque mucosal explants. In addition, safety was further evaluated in human ectocervical explants. The gels did not induce mucosal toxicity. A single ex vivo exposure to diluted MZC (1∶30, 1∶100) and MC (1∶30, the only dilution tested), but not to ZC gel, up to 4 days prior to viral challenge, significantly inhibited SHIV-RT infection in macaque vaginal mucosa. MZC''s activity was not affected by seminal plasma. The antiviral activity of unformulated MIV-150 was not enhanced in the presence of ZA, suggesting that the antiviral activity of MZC was mediated predominantly by MIV-150. In vivo administration of MZC and CG significantly inhibited ex vivo SHIV-RT infection (51–62% inhibition relative to baselines) of vaginal (but not cervical) mucosa collected 24 h post last gel exposure, indicating barrier effect of CG. Although the inhibitory effect of MZC (65–74%) did not significantly differ from CG (32–45%), it was within the range of protection (∼75%) against vaginal SHIV-RT challenge 24 h after gel dosing. Overall, the data suggest that evaluation of candidate microbicides in macaque explants can inform macaque efficacy and clinical studies design. The data support advancing MZC gel for clinical evaluation.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is now recognised as a key signalling molecule in eukaryotes. In plants, H2O2 is involved in regulating stomatal closure, gravitropic responses, gene expression and programmed cell death. Although several kinases, such as oxidative signal-inducible 1 (OXI1) kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinases are known to be activated by exogenous H2O2, little is known about the proteins that directly react with H2O2. Here, we utilised a proteomic approach, using iodoacetamide-based fluorescence tagging of proteins in conjunction with mass spectrometric analysis, to identify several proteins that might be potential targets of H2O2 in the cytosolic fraction of Arabidopsis thaliana, the most prominent of which was cytosolic glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (cGAPDH; EC cGAPDH from Arabidopsis is inactivated by H2O2 in vitro, and this inhibition is reversible by the subsequent addition of reductants such as reduced glutathione (GSH). It has been suggested recently that Arabidopsis GAPDH has roles outside of its catalysis as part of glycolysis, while in other systems this includes that of mediating reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling. Here, we suggest that cGAPDH in Arabidopsis might also have such a role in mediating ROS signalling in plants.  相似文献   
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