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Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, claims ∼1.5 million lives annually. Effective chemotherapy is essential to control TB, however the emergence of drug-resistant strains of TB have seriously threatened global attempts to control and eradicate this deadly pathogen. Trehalose recycling via the LpqY-SugABC importer is essential for the virulence and survival of Mtb and inhibiting or hijacking this transport system is an attractive approach for the development of novel anti-tubercular and diagnostic agents. Therefore, we interrogated the drug-like compounds in the open-source Medicines for Malaria Pathogen Box and successfully identified seven compounds from the TB, kinetoplastids and reference compound disease sets that recognise LpqY. The molecules have diverse chemical scaffolds, are not specific trehalose analogues, and may be used as novel templates to facilitate the development of therapeutics that kill Mtb with a novel mechanism of action via the mycobacterial trehalose LpqY-SugABC transport system.

Interrogation of the Pathogen Box identified diverse chemical scaffolds against the mycobacterial trehalose transporter.  相似文献   
KpnI REase recognizes palindromic sequence, GGTAC↓C, and forms complex in the absence of divalent metal ions, but requires the ions for DNA cleavage. Unlike most other REases, R.KpnI shows promiscuous DNA cleavage in the presence of Mg2+. Surprisingly, Ca2+ suppresses the Mg2+-mediated promiscuous activity and induces high fidelity cleavage. To further analyze these unique features of the enzyme, we have carried out DNA binding and kinetic analysis. The metal ions which exhibit disparate pattern of DNA cleavage have no role in DNA recognition. The enzyme binds to both canonical and non-canonical DNA with comparable affinity irrespective of the metal ions used. Further, Ca2+-imparted exquisite specificity of the enzyme is at the level of DNA cleavage and not at the binding step. With the canonical oligonucleotides, the cleavage rate of the enzyme was comparable for both Mg2+- and Mn2+-mediated reactions and was about three times slower with Ca2+. The enzyme discriminates non-canonical sequences poorly from the canonical sequence in Mg2+-mediated reactions unlike any other Type II REases, accounting for the promiscuous behavior. R.KpnI, thus displays properties akin to that of typical Type II REases and also endonucleases with degenerate specificity in its DNA recognition and cleavage properties.  相似文献   
A series of copper(II) complexes of the type [Cu(L)]2+, where L = N,N'-dialkyl-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dimethanamine and R = methyl (L1), n-propyl (L2), isopropyl (L3), sec-butyl (L4), or tert-butyl (L5) group, have been synthesized. The interaction of the complexes with DNA has been studied by DNA fiber electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, emission, viscosity and electrochemical measurements and agarose gel electrophoresis. In the X-ray crystal structure of [Cu(HL2)Cl2]NO3, copper(II) is coordinated to two ring nitrogens and one of the two secondary amine nitrogens of the side chains and two chloride ions as well and the coordination geometry is best described as trigonal bipyramidal distorted square based pyramidal (TBDSBP). Electronic and EPR spectral studies reveal that all the complexes in aqueous solution around pH 7 possess CuN3O2 rather than CuN4O chromophore with one of the alkylamino side chain not involved in coordination. The structures of the complexes in aqueous solution around pH 7 change from distorted tetragonal to trigonal bipyramidal as the size of the alkyl group is increased. The observed changes in the physicochemical features of the complexes on binding to DNA suggest that the complexes, except [Cu(L5)]2+, bind to DNA with partial intercalation of the derivatised phen ring in between the DNA base pairs. Electrochemical studies reveal that the complexes prefer to bind to DNA in Cu(II) rather than Cu(I) oxidation state. Interestingly, [Cu(L5)]2+ shows the highest DNA cleavage activity among all the present copper(II) complexes suggesting that the bulky N-tert-butyl group plays an important role in modifying the coordination environment around the copper(II) center, the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox potential and hence the formation of activated oxidant responsible for the cleavage. These results were compared with those for bis(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(II), [Cu(phen)2]2+.  相似文献   
Hu007, a humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody, binds and neutralizes human, cynomolgus, and rabbit IL-1beta but only weakly binds to mouse and rat IL-1beta. Biacore experiments demonstrated that Hu007 and the type-I IL-1 receptor competed for binding to IL-1beta. Increasing salt concentrations decrease the association rate with only moderate effects on the dissociation rate, suggesting that long-range electrostatics are critical for formation of the initial complex. To understand the ligand-binding specificity of Hu007, we have mapped the critical residues involved in the recognition of IL-1beta. Selected residues in cynomolgus IL-1beta were mutated to the corresponding residues in mouse IL-1beta, and the effects of the changes on binding were evaluated by surface plasmon resonance measurements using Biacore. Specifically, substitution of F150S decreased binding affinity by 100-fold, suggesting the importance of hydrophobic interactions in stabilizing the antibody/antigen complex. Substitution of three amino acids near the N- and C-terminal regions of cIL-1beta with those found in mouse IL-1beta (V3I/S5Q/F150S) decreased the binding affinity of Hu007 to IL-1beta by about 1000-fold. Conversely, mutating the corresponding residues in mouse IL-1beta to the human sequence resulted in an increase in binding affinity of about 1000-fold. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange/mass spectrometry analysis confirmed that these regions of IL-1beta were protected from exchange because of antibody binding. The results from this study demonstrate that Hu007 binds to a region located in the open end of the beta-barrel structure of IL-1beta and blocks binding of IL-1beta to its receptor.  相似文献   
Keratins modulate colonocyte electrolyte transport via protein mistargeting   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The function of intestinal keratins is unknown, although keratin 8 (K8)-null mice develop colitis, hyperplasia, diarrhea, and mistarget jejunal apical markers. We quantified the diarrhea in K8-null stool and examined its physiologic basis. Isolated crypt-units from K8-null and wild-type mice have similar viability. K8-null distal colon has normal tight junction permeability and paracellular transport but shows decreased short circuit current and net Na absorption associated with net Cl secretion, blunted intracellular Cl/HCO3-dependent pH regulation, hyperproliferation and enlarged goblet cells, partial loss of the membrane-proximal markers H,K-ATPase-beta and F-actin, increased and redistributed basolateral anion exchanger AE1/2 protein, and redistributed Na-transporter ENaC-gamma. Diarrhea and protein mistargeting are observed 1-2 d after birth while hyperproliferation/inflammation occurs later. The AE1/2 changes and altered intracellular pH regulation likely account, at least in part, for the ion transport defects and hyperproliferation. Therefore, colonic keratins have a novel function in regulating electrolyte transport, likely by targeting ion transporters to their cellular compartments.  相似文献   
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