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While it is known that all chromosomes are susceptible to meiotic nondisjunction, it is not clear whether all chromosomes display the same frequency of nondisjunction. By use of multicolor FISH and chromosome-specific probes, the frequency of disomy in human sperm was determined for chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, and 21, and the sex chromosomes. A minimum of 10,000 sperm nuclei were scored from each of five healthy, chromosomally normal donors for every chromosome studied, giving a total of 418,931 sperm nuclei. The mean frequencies of disomy obtained were 0.09% for chromosome 1; 0.08% for chromosome 2; 0.11% for chromosome 4; 0.14% for chromosome 9; 0.16% for chromosome 12; 0.11% for chromosomes 15, 16, and 18; 0.12% for chromosome 20; 0.29% for chromosome 21; and 0.43% for the sex chromosomes. Data for chromosomes 1, 12, 15, and 18, and the sex chromosomes have been published elsewhere. When the mean frequencies of disomy were compared, the sex chromosomes and chromosome 21 had significantly higher frequencies of disomy than that of any other autosome studied. These results corroborate the pooled data obtained from human sperm karyotypes and suggest that the sex chromosome bivalent and the chromosome 21 bivalent are more susceptible to nondisjunction during spermatogenesis. From these findings, theories proposed to explain the variable incidence of nondisjunction can be supported or discarded as improbable.  相似文献   
Chromosomal aberrations in human sperm and lymphocytes were compared before and after in vivo radiation treatment of 13 cancer patients. The times of analyses after radiotherapy (RT) were 1, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. The median total radiation dose was 30 Gy and the testicular dose varied from 0.4 to 5.0 Gy. Human sperm chromosome complements were analysed after fusion with golden hamster eggs. There were no abnormalities in sperm or lymphocytes before RT. Following RT there was an increase in the frequency of numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities in both lymphocytes and sperm. For structural abnormalities there were more rejoined lesions (dicentrics, rings) in lymphocytes and more unrejoined lesions (chromosome breaks, fragments) in sperm. After RT there was a dramatic increase in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in lymphocytes: at 1 mo. the frequency was 42%, at 3 mo. 25%, at 12 mo. 14%, at 24 mo. 11%, at 36 mo. 9%, at 48 mo. 7% and at 6 mo. 4%. Since the majority of men were azoospermic after RT, there is little data on sperm chromosome complements before the analyses performed at 24 mo. post-RT. At 24 mo. the frequency of abnormalities was 13%, followed by 21% at 36 mo., 12% at 48 mo. and 22% at 60 mo. Thus it appears that the frequency of lymphocyte chromosomal abnormalities had an initial marked increase after RT followed by a gradual decrease with time whereas the frequency of sperm chromosomal abnormalities was elevated when sperm production recovered and remained elevated from 24 to 60 mo. post-RT. This difference in the effect of time makes it very difficult to compare abnormality rates in lymphocytes and sperm and to use analysis of induced damage in somatic cells as surrogates for germ cells since the ratio between sperm and lymphocytes varied from 1:1 (at 24 mo. post-RT) to 5:1 (at 60 mo. post-RT).  相似文献   
The molecular cause of germ cell meiotic defects in azoospermic men is rarely known. During meiotic prophase I, a proteinaceous structure called the synaptonemal complex (SC) appears along the pairing axis of homologous chromosomes and meiotic recombination takes place. Newly-developed immunofluorescence techniques for SC proteins (SCP1 and SCP3) and for a DNA mismatch repair protein (MLH1) present in late recombination nodules allow simultaneous analysis of synapsis, and of meiotic recombination, during the first meiotic prophase in spermatocytes. This immunofluorescent SC analysis enables accurate meiotic prophase substaging and the identification of asynaptic pachytene spermatocytes. Spermatogenic defects were examined in azoospermic men using immunofluorescent SC and MLH1 analysis. Five males with obstructive azoospermia, 18 males with nonobstructive azoospermia and 11 control males with normal spermatogenesis were recruited for the study. In males with obstructive azoospermia, the fidelity of chromosome pairing (determined by the percentage of cells with gaps [discontinuities]/splits [unpaired chromosome regions] in the SCs, and nonexchange SCs [bivalents with 0 MLH1 foci]) was similar to those in normal males. The recombination frequencies (determined by the mean number of MLH1 foci per cell at the pachytene stage) were significantly reduced in obstructive azoospermia compared to that in controls. In men with nonobstructive azoospermia, a marked heterogeneity in spermatogenesis was found: 45% had a complete absence of meiotic cells; 5% had germ cells arrested at the zygotene stage of meiotic prophase; the rest had impaired fidelity of chromosome synapsis and significantly reduced recombination in pachytene. In addition, significantly more cells were in the leptotene and zygotene meiotic prophase stages in nonobstructive azoospermic patients, compared to controls. Defects in chromosome pairing and decreased recombination during meiotic prophase may have led to spermatogenesis arrest and contributed in part to this unexplained infertility.  相似文献   
Chromosome segregation and interchromosomal effect were studied in spermatozoa from a carrier of a pericentric chromosome 17 inversion, 46,XY,inv(17)(p13.1q25.3). Sperm chromosome segregation, lymphocytes of the inversion carrier, and cells from his offspring were analysed by multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridization. The frequency of balanced sperm was 73%. An unusual segregation of recombinants was observed, viz. deletion of the p arm (14.6%) or duplication of the p arm with the presence of one q arm (8.4%), instead of the expected recombinants, viz. duplication of one arm with deletion of the other and vice versa. These unusual recombinants were explained by the position of the 17q breakpoint, which was between the q arm telomere-associated repeats and the unique q subtelomere region. The offspring of the donor were found to have a 17p deletion including the Miller-Dieker critical region, similar to the most frequent recombinant sperm class. The disomy frequency was significantly increased for chromosome 17 compared with other autosomes, suggesting that pairing and recombination of the inversion may predispose to non-disjunction. There was no significant difference between the frequencies of aneuploidy for chromosomes 13, 21, X and Y in the chromosome inversion heterozygote compared with controls. Thus, this unique pericentric inversion of chromosome 17 produces unusual recombinant products; no evidence was apparent of an interchromosomal effect in any of the tested chromosomes.  相似文献   
Variation in meiotic recombination frequencies among human males   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sun F  Trpkov K  Rademaker A  Ko E  Martin RH 《Human genetics》2005,116(3):172-178
Meiotic recombination is essential for the segregation of homologous chromosomes and the formation of normal haploid gametes. Little is known about patterns of meiotic recombination in human germ cells or the mechanisms that control these patterns. Here, newly developed immunofluorescence techniques, based on the detection of MLH1 (a DNA mismatch repair protein) foci on synaptonemal complexes (SCs) at prophase I of meiosis, were used to examine recombination in human spermatocytes. The mean number of MLH1 foci per cell in all donors was 48.0 with range from 21 to 65. Remarkable variation in the recombination frequency was noted among 11 normal individuals: the mean frequencies of chromosomal recombination foci ranged from a low of 42.5 to a high of 55.0 exchanges. Donor age did not contribute to this variation. There was no correlation between this variation and the frequency of gaps (discontinuities) or splits (unpaired chromosome regions) in the SCs. The mean percentage of cells with gaps was 35% (range: 20% to 58%) and with splits was 7% (range: 0% to 37%). Bivalents without a recombination focus were rare, with a frequency of only 0.3%. Thus, achiasmate chromosomes appear to be rare in human male meiosis.  相似文献   
We evaluated the impact of non-native rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss on a population of endemic Cedarberg ghost frog Heleophryne depressa in the upper Krom River (Olifants-Doring River Catchment, Cape Fold Ecoregion). We compared H. depressa abundance (using kick-sampling and underwater video analysis) and environmental conditions between sites above and below a waterfall that marks the upper distribution limit of O. mykiss. Heleophryne depressa abundance was significantly greater above the waterfall than that below it, and, because there was no significant difference in measured environmental variables, O. mykiss presence is identified as the most likely explanation for the observed decrease in H. depressa abundance.  相似文献   
To study the use of hair analysis in monitoring drug compliance and historical changes in pharmacokinetics we developed a method for the quantitative determination of the anti-epileptic drug carbamazepine (CBZ) and trans-10,11-dihydro-10,11-dihydroxy-carbamazepine (CBZ-diol) in hair from carbamazepine users. Digestion by 1 M NaOH was found to be the best method for isolating CBZ and CBZ-diol from hair, followed by solid-phase extraction and reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection. Recoveries from spiked hair samples were 76–86%. Within-day precision (C.V.; n=10) for CBZ and CBZ-diol in hair of a CBZ user containing 10.9 μg/g CBZ and 3.2 μg/g CBZ-diol were 1.7 and 5.0%, respectively. Sectional hair analysis of a patient on a constant dosage of CBZ demonstrates an exponential decrease in hair concentrations of CBZ and CBZ-diol with increasing distance from the root, probably caused by shampooing. No CBZ-10,11-epoxide (CBZ-epox) could be detected. However, one component in the chromatogram is probably CBZ-β-hydroxythioether, an adduct of CBZ-epox with cysteine, or acridinethioacetal, its rearrangement product. The concentration of this component does not decrease with increasing distance from the root.  相似文献   
Abstract: When hermaphroditic plants shift their sex allocation to produce more seeds and less pollen, it is frequently assumed that the female component of fitness is strictly proportional to the number of seeds produced. However, if producing more seeds results in more competition between seedlings, the female fitness gain curve levels off with high investments in seeds. The shape of this curve is relevant for sex allocation theory, but rarely have data been collected. For Cynoglossum officinale we described the relationship between the number of seeds produced on the mother plant and the number and weight of seedlings in September of the following year. As expected, around large plants of C. officinale more seedlings were retrieved after the germination period in March. The seedlings of large plants were dispersed over an area similar to that of small plants. As a result, seedlings around large plants had a significantly higher chance to have a neighbouring sibling within one dm2. Survival and growth of single or grouped (density > 2) seedlings did not differ significantly. As a result, total dry weight of seedlings in September was a linear function of the number of seeds on the parent plant. Our data indicate a linear female fitness gain curve.  相似文献   
Lung membranes are susceptible to oxygen radicals, formed during inflammation, redox cycling of toxic agents, exposition to ozon etc. Oxygen radicals may modify the beta-adrenergic response. However, at the same time beta-adrenoceptors of the lung are frequently addressed in therapy. We embarked upon this problem by studying the effects of the aldehyde 4-hydroxy-2,3-transnonenal (HNE), one of the major products of lipid peroxidation, on the density of beta-adrenoceptors of rat lung membranes. It is shown, that the physiological important sulfhydryl blocking agent HNE inactivates the beta-adrenoceptors in a time- and concentration dependent (0.5-2.5 mM) way, indicated by a decrease in (-)-[3H]dihydroalprenolol (DHA) binding to lung membranes. Moreover, it is shown that combined treatment of HNE with (-)-isoproterenol (0.5 microM) or 1-alprenolol (0.5-10 nM) does not influence the extent of inactivation of beta-adrenoceptors by HNE. This is in contrast with previous studies, conducted with other, synthetic, sulfhydryl blocking agents, such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), suggesting that an other mechanism of inactivation is involved upon HNE treatment.  相似文献   
Distribution and conservation of mobile elements in the genus Drosophila   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Essentially nothing is known of the origin, mode of transmission, and evolution of mobile elements within the genus Drosophila. To better understand the evolutionary history of these mobile elements, we examined the distribution and conservation of homologues to the P, I, gypsy, copia, and F elements in 34 Drosophila species from three subgenera. Probes specific for each element were prepared from D. melanogaster and hybridized to genomic DNA. Filters were washed under conditions of increasing stringency to estimate the similarity between D. melanogaster sequences and their homologues in other species. The I element homologues show the most limited distribution of all elements tested, being restricted to the melanogaster species group. The P elements are found in many members of the subgenus Sophophora but, with the notable exception of D. nasuta, are not found in the other two subgenera. Copia-, gypsy-, and F-element homologues are widespread in the genus, but their similarity to the D. melanogaster probe differs markedly between species. The distribution of copia and P elements and the conservation of the gypsy and P elements is inconsistent with a model that postulates a single ancient origin for each type of element followed by mating-dependent transmission. The data can be explained by horizontal transmission of mobile elements between reproductively isolated species.   相似文献   
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