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Nuclear pore complexes are constitutive structures of the nuclear envelope in eukaryotic cells and represent the sites where transport of molecules between nucleus and cytoplasm takes place. However, pore complexes of similar structure, but with largely unknown functional properties, are long known to occur also in certain cytoplasmic cisternae that have been termed annulate lamellae (AL). To analyze the capability of the AL pore complex to interact with the soluble mediators of nuclear protein import and their karyophilic protein substrates, we have performed a microinjection study in stage VI oocytes ofXenopus laevis.In these cells AL are especially abundant and can easily be identified by light and electron microscopy. Following injection into the cytoplasm, fluorochrome-labeled mediators of two different nuclear import pathways, importin β and transportin, not only associate with the nuclear envelope but also with AL. Likewise, nuclear localization signals (NLS) of the basic and M9 type, but not nuclear export signals, confer targeting and transient binding of fluorochrome-labeled proteins to cytoplasmic AL. Mutation or deletion of the NLS signals prevents these interactions. Furthermore, binding to AL is abolished by dominant negative inhibitors of nuclear protein import. Microinjections of gold-coupled NLS-bearing proteins reveal specific gold decoration at distinct sites within the AL pore complex. These include such at the peripheral pore complex-attached fibrils and at the central “transporter” and closely resemble those of “transport intermediates” found in electron microscopic studies of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). These data demonstrate that AL can represent distinct sites within the cytoplasm of transient accumulation of nuclear proteins and that the AL pore complex shares functional binding properties with the NPC.  相似文献   
Using a monoclonal antibody, mAb 203-37, we have identified a polypeptide of Mr ~270 kD (p270) as a general constituent of the intranuclear filaments attached to the nucleoplasmic annulus of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) in diverse kinds of vertebrate cells. Using cDNA cloning and immunobiochemistry, we show that human protein p270 has a predicted molecular mass of 267 kD and is essentially identical to the coiled-coil dominated protein Tpr reported by others to be located on the outer, i.e., cytoplasmic surface of NPCs (Byrd, D.A., D.J. Sweet, N. Pante, K.N. Konstantinov, T. Guan, A.C.S. Saphire, P.J. Mitchell, C.S. Cooper, U. Aebi, and L. Gerace. 1994. J. Cell Biol. 127: 1515–1526). To clarify this controversial localization, we have performed immunoelectron microscopy in diverse kinds of mammalian and amphibian cells with a series of antibodies raised against different epitopes of human and Xenopus laevis p270/Tpr. In these experiments, the protein has been consistently and exclusively detected in the NPC-attached intranuclear filaments, and p270/Tpr-containing filament bundles have been traced into the nuclear interior for up to 350 nm. No reaction has been noted at the cytoplasmic side of NPCs with any of the p270/Tpr antibodies, whereas control antibodies such as those against protein RanBP2/ Nup358 specifically decorate the cytoplasmic annulus of NPCs. Pore complexes of cytoplasmic annulate lamellae in various mammalian and amphibian cells are also devoid of immunodetectable protein p270/Tpr. We conclude that this coiled-coil protein is a general and ubiquitous component of the intranuclear NPC- attached filaments and discuss its possible functions.  相似文献   


Nelore and Gir are the two most important indicine cattle breeds for production of beef and milk in Brazil. Historical records state that these breeds were introduced in Brazil from the Indian subcontinent, crossed to local taurine cattle in order to quickly increase the population size, and then backcrossed to the original breeds to recover indicine adaptive and productive traits. Previous investigations based on sparse DNA markers detected taurine admixture in these breeds. High-density genome-wide analyses can provide high-resolution information on the genetic composition of current Nelore and Gir populations, estimate more precisely the levels and nature of taurine introgression, and shed light on their history and the strategies that were used to expand these breeds.


We used the high-density Illumina BovineHD BeadChip with more than 777 K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were reduced to 697 115 after quality control filtering to investigate the structure of Nelore and Gir populations and seven other worldwide populations for comparison. Multidimensional scaling and model-based ancestry estimation clearly separated the indicine, European taurine and African taurine ancestries. The average level of taurine introgression in the autosomal genome of Nelore and Gir breeds was less than 1% but was 9% for the Brahman breed. Analyses based on the mitochondrial SNPs present in the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip did not clearly differentiate taurine and indicine haplotype groupings.


The low level of taurine ancestry observed for both Nelore and Gir breeds confirms the historical records of crossbreeding and supports a strong directional selection against taurine haplotypes via backcrossing. Random sampling in production herds across the country and subsequent genotyping would be useful for a more complete view of the admixture levels in the commercial Nelore and Gir populations.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0109-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The human type I hair keratin subfamily comprises nine individual members, which can be subdivided into three groups. Group A (hHa1, hHa3-I, hHa3-II, hHa4) and B (hHa7, hHa8) each contains structurally related hair keratins, whereas group C members hHa2, hHa5, and hHa6 represent structurally rather unrelated hair keratins. Antibodies produced against these individual hair keratins, first analyzed for specificity by one- dimensional Western blots of total hair keratins, were used to establish the two-dimensional catalog of the human type I hair keratin subfamily. The catalog comprises two different series of type I hair keratins: a strongly expressed, Coomassie-stainable series containing hair keratins hHa1, hHa3-I/II, hHa4, and hHa5, and a weakly expressed, immunodetectable series harboring hHa2, hHa6 hHa7, and hHa8. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical expression studies on scalp follicles show that two hair keratins, hHa2 and hHa5, define the early stage of hair differentiation, i.e. hHa5 expression in hair matrix and hHa5/hHa2 coexpression in the early hair cuticle cells. Whereas cuticular differentiation proceeds without the expression of further type I hair keratins, matrix cells embark on the cortical pathway by sequentially expressing hHa1, hHa3-I/II, and hHa4, which are supplemented by hHa6 at an advanced stage of cortical differentiation, and hHa8, which is expressed heterogeneously in cortex cells. Thus, six type I hair keratins are involved in the terminal differentiation of anagen hairs. The expression of hHa7 is conspicuously different from that of the other hair keratins in that it does not occur in the large anagen follicles of terminal scalp hairs but only in central cortex cells of the rare and small follicle type that gives rise to vellus hairs.  相似文献   
Analysis of cosmids using linearization by phage lambda terminase   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
A group of cosmid clones was isolated from the region of the mouse t complex and analysed by a rapid restriction mapping protocol based on linearization of circular cosmid DNA in vitro. A plasmid capable of producing high levels of phage λ terminase was constructed and procedures for in vitro cleavage of cosmid DNAs were optimised. After linearization, the cosmids were partially digested' with restriction enzymes, and either cos end was labelled by hybridization with radioactive oligos complementary to the cohesive end sequence, a step which we have described previously for clones in phage λ (Rackwitz et al., 1984). High-resolution restriction maps derived by this method were used to identify and align the cosmids, to localise the position of repetitive sequences, and to interpret the results of electron microscopy heteroduplex experiments.  相似文献   
The effects of long-term management practices on the diversity of the microbial community were examined by analyzing the composition of fatty acids (FAs) in phospholipids (PL) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). According to the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of total fatty acids the soils were divided in two groups: a) Black fallow soil (1) and soils cropped with potatoes (3, 4), and b) green fallow soil (2), soils cropped with wheat (5, 6), crop rotation (7) and grassland (8). The PCA for saturated FAs and for hydroxy FAs of both PL and LPS shows that the green fallow soil (2) can be distinguished from the other soils. For monounsaturated FAs the grassland soil (8) and for polyunsaturated FAs the wheat with vetch soil (6) clearly differed from the other soils. Fatty acids with biomarker quality such as 15:0 for bacteria and 18:26 for fungi were used for determining the ratio between bacteria and fungi: the black fallow soil (1) and the soil managed with crop rotation (7) contained significantly higher proportions of bacteria than the other soils. The largest proportion of the indicator fatty acid il5:0 for Gram-positive bacteria was measured in the black fallow soil (1), while the-hydroxy FAs indicative of Gram-negative bacteria most frequently occurred in manured potato cropped soil (4). Both indicator fatty acids 18:26 for fungi and cy19:0 for anaerobic bacteria had their highest concentrations in the manured potato cropped soil (4).  相似文献   
A microsomal fraction (10,000–30.000 g) was prepared from roots of Cucumis satirus L. (cv. Bestseller Fl) grown in solution culture. The ATPase activity was stimulated by Mg and Mn with optima between pH 6 and 7. Stimulation by Ca was obtained only above pH 7. Activations by Mg and Mn were inhibited by Ca, Mn and Mg interacted, so that Mn appeared strongly inhibitory for activation by Mg and Mg weakly inhibitory for activation by Mn: the simplest interpretation for this would be two separate enzymes. Cucumber accumulates and deposits Ca contrary to wheat and oat, which contain Ca-activated ATPase in the pH region 6 to 7. The Ca data for cucumber are compared with earlier findings from wheat and oat and are tentatively related to known physiological differences.  相似文献   
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