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Effective antiviral drugs are essential for early control of an influenza pandemic. It is therefore crucial to evaluate the possible threat posed by neuraminidase (NA) inhibitor-resistant influenza viruses with pandemic potential. Four NA mutations (E119G, H274Y, R292K, and N294S) that have been reported to confer resistance to NA inhibitors were each introduced into recombinant A/Vietnam/1203/04 (VN1203) H5N1 influenza virus. For comparison, the same mutations were introduced into recombinant A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (PR8) H1N1 influenza virus. The E119G and R292K mutations significantly compromised viral growth in vitro, but the H274Y and N294S mutations were stably maintained in VN1203 and PR8 viruses. In both backgrounds, the H274Y and N294S mutations conferred resistance to oseltamivir carboxylate (50% inhibitory concentration [IC(50)] increases, >250-fold and >20-fold, respectively), and the N294S mutation reduced susceptibility to zanamivir (IC(50) increase, >3.0-fold). Although the H274Y and N294S mutations did not compromise the replication efficiency of VN1203 or PR8 viruses in vitro, these mutations slightly reduced the lethality of PR8 virus in mice. However, the VN1203 virus carrying either the H274Y or N294S mutation exhibited lethality similar to that of the wild-type VN1203 virus. The different enzyme kinetic parameters (V(max) and K(m)) of avian-like VN1203 NA and human-like PR8 NA suggest that resistance-associated NA mutations can cause different levels of functional loss in NA glycoproteins of the same subtype. Our results suggest that NA inhibitor-resistant H5N1 variants may retain the high pathogenicity of the wild-type virus in mammalian species. Patients receiving NA inhibitors for H5N1 influenza virus infection should be closely monitored for the emergence of resistant variants.  相似文献   


Selective herbicides are frequently used in ecological restoration to control invasive non-native forbs and recover plant communities. However, the long-term efficacy of this practice, its non-target effects on native plants, and its role in facilitating secondary invasions are not well understood. Similarly, little is known about the extent to which herbicide drift may affect native plant communities.


Foothills grasslands of Montana, USA.


We conducted a 6-year experiment to investigate changes in the abundance of a target invasive plant, knapweed (Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos) and plant community structure in response to the herbicides Tordon® (picloram) and Milestone® (aminopyralid), applied at a recommended rate and a diluted rate that simulated drift.


Knapweed cover and the richness of native and non-native forb species declined in the first 3 years in response to treatment at recommended rates, but not drift rates. Secondary invasion by non-native monocots was significant but weak. The cover of native forbs and the cover and richness of native monocots did not differ among treatments but changed significantly with the year. Surprisingly, 6 years after treatments, there were no differences among treatments in the cover of the target invasive plant or community structure.


Our results demonstrate that the efficacy and non-target effects of herbicides in grassland restoration can be short-lived and idiosyncratic because of year effects. Restoration of knapweed invasions might require other active interventions, such as seeding or repeated spraying. Our study supports previous calls for long-term monitoring of herbicides application in ecological restoration.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which herpesviruses acquire their tegument is not yet clear. One model is that outer tegument proteins are recruited by the cytoplasmic tails of viral glycoproteins. In the case of herpes simplex virus tegument protein VP22, interactions with the glycoproteins gE and gD have been shown. We have previously shown that the C-terminal half of VP22 contains the necessary signal for assembly into the virus. Here, we show that during infection VP22 interacts with gE and gM, as well as its tegument partner VP16. However, by using a range of techniques we were unable to demonstrate VP22 binding to gD. By using pulldown assays, we show that while the cytoplasmic tails of both gE and gM interact with VP22, only gE interacts efficiently with the C-terminal packaging domain of VP22. Furthermore, gE but not gM can recruit VP22 to the Golgi/trans-Golgi network region of the cell in the absence of other virus proteins. To examine the role of the gE-VP22 interaction in infection, we constructed a recombinant virus expressing a mutant VP22 protein with a 14-residue deletion that is unable to bind gE (ΔgEbind). Coimmunoprecipitation assays confirmed that this variant of VP22 was unable to complex with gE. Moreover, VP22 was no longer recruited to its characteristic cytoplasmic trafficking complexes but exhibited a diffuse localization. Importantly, packaging of this variant into virions was abrogated. The mutant virus exhibited poor growth in epithelial cells, similar to the defect we have observed for a VP22 knockout virus. These results suggest that deletion of just 14 residues from the VP22 protein is sufficient to inhibit binding to gE and hence recruitment to the viral envelope and assembly into the virus, resulting in a growth phenotype equivalent to that produced by deleting the entire reading frame.The herpesvirus tegument is the virion compartment located between the DNA-containing capsid and the virus envelope (6). Although it is well defined that the viral capsid assembles in the nucleus (37, 38) and the viral envelope is acquired from cellular membranes (3, 24), the mechanism of tegument protein acquisition is still to be established. At least 20 virus-encoded components are recruited into the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) tegument (32), and there is increasing evidence to suggest that subsets of these proteins may be added as assembly progresses along the maturation pathway (28). To ensure efficient incorporation, it is likely that individual tegument proteins are specifically targeted to their cellular site of recruitment. Such targeting could involve interaction with a viral partner, a cellular partner, or both. A clearer understanding of how individual tegument proteins are acquired by newly assembling virions will help to define the herpesvirus assembly pathway.A number of protein-protein interactions between individual tegument proteins (13, 40, 42), and between tegument proteins and glycoproteins (19, 20, 22, 32), have been described that may provide useful insight into the assembly process. In particular, the interaction of tegument proteins with the cytoplasmic tails of virus glycoproteins provides an attractive mechanism for the virion recruitment of at least the outer components of the tegument. In the case of VP22, the homologues from pseudorabies virus (PRV) and HSV-1 have been shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tail of gE (19, 20, 32). However, the role of this interaction in virus infection has not yet been clearly defined and the fact that additional glycoprotein interactions have been described, with gM in the case of PRV and gD in the case of HSV-1, may point to potential redundancy in the mechanism of VP22 packaging (4, 19, 20). In addition, we and others have previously shown that HSV-1 VP22 interacts directly with a second tegument protein, namely, VP16 (13, 33), an interaction that could provide an alternative route for VP22 to enter the virion. In a previous study, we concluded that the region of VP22 containing its VP16 interaction domain was required but not sufficient for optimal VP22 packaging into the assembling virion, with an additional C-terminal determinant also involved (23). We also demonstrated that the same region of VP22 that was required for virion packaging was essential to target the protein to its characteristic cytoplasmic trafficking complexes, suggesting that these specific sites may be the location in the cell for VP22 assembly into the virion (23). Since that study, O''Regan and coworkers have reported that the C-terminal half of HSV-1 VP22 also contains the binding site for gE (32), providing a possible candidate for an additional VP22 binding partner. Furthermore, as HSV-1 VP22 has been shown to bind to gD and PRV VP22 interacts with gM, it is possible that the C terminus of VP22 contains a gD and/or a gM binding site (4, 20).In the present study, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanism by which VP22 is recruited into the virus particle. We show that HSV-1 VP22 binds efficiently to VP16, gE, and gM in the infected cell, but we cannot detect an interaction with gD. We show that the packaging domain of VP22 binds to the cytoplasmic tail of gE but not gM and that the same region of VP22 is recruited to the secretory pathway by gE in the absence of other virus proteins. Finally, we show that a mutant VP22 protein lacking a 14-residue peptide from its packaging domain is unable to interact with gE during infection, exhibits a different subcellular localization, and fails to assemble into the virus particle. This is the first characterization of a single protein-protein interaction essential for the packaging of an HSV-1 tegument protein.  相似文献   
Feeding mice a methionine and choline-deficient (MCD) diet serves as an experimental animal model for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In the present study we examined the effect of exposing AML-12 hepatocytes to MCD culture medium in regard to mechanisms of steatosis and alanine amino-transferase (ALT) release. Cells exposed to MCD medium developed significant and progressive steatosis from 6 to 24 h and also had significantly increased loss of ALT into the medium at 18 and 24 hours of incubation. No increased oxidative injury or cell death was observed. Osteopontin (OPN) mRNA in cells and protein expression in medium were significantly increased during 6-24 hours of incubation. MCD medium treatment also resulted in activation of PI3-kinase by 30 minutes and its downstream target p-Akt within 1hour of incubation. Steatosis was associated with increased expression of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) mRNA and increased ALT release with over expression of ALT mRNA, all of which were completely prevented by inhibition of PI3-kinase (LY294002). Blocking OPN signaling by treating with anti-OPN or anti-beta3-integrin antibody prevented the increased ALT release while only partially prevented the increased ALT mRNA expression, but had no effect on either steatosis or MTTP expression. In conclusion, incubation of cultured hepatocytes with MCD medium results in cellular steatosis and OPN dependent ALT release. PI3-kinase plays a central role in signaling the MCD medium-induced steatosis and increased OPN expression, whereas OPN appears to play a role in signaling hepatocyte ALT release but not steatosis.  相似文献   
It has long been stated that the K+‐Cl? cotransporters (KCCs) are activated during cell swelling through dephosphorylation of their cytoplasmic domains by a protein phosphatase (PP) but that other enzymes are involved by targeting this PP or the KCCs directly. To date, however, the role of signaling intermediates in KCC regulation has been deduced from indirect evidence rather than in vitro phosphorylation studies, and examined after simulation of ion transport through cell swelling or N‐ethylmaleimide treatment. In this study, the oocyte expression system was used to examine the effects of changes in cell volume (CVOL) and intracellular [Cl?] ([Cl?]i) on the activity and phosphorylation levels (PLEV) of KCC4, and determine whether these effects are mediated by PP1 or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)‐sensitive effectors. We found that (1) low [Cl?]i or low CVOL leads to decreased activity but increased PLEV, (2) high CVOL leads to increased activity but no decrease in PLEV and (3) calyculin A (Cal A) or PMA treatment leads to decreased activity but no increase in PLEV. Thus, we have shown for the first time that one of the KCCs can be regulated through direct phosphorylation, that changes in [Cl?]i or CVOL modify the activity of signaling enzymes at carrier sites, and that the effectors directly involved do not include a Cal A‐sensitive PP in contrast to the widely held view. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 787–796, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Inada H  Procko E  Sotomayor M  Gaudet R 《Biochemistry》2012,51(31):6195-6206
The TRPV4 calcium-permeable cation channel plays important physiological roles in osmosensation, mechanosensation, cell barrier formation, and bone homeostasis. Recent studies reported that mutations in TRPV4, including some in its ankyrin repeat domain (ARD), are associated with human inherited diseases, including neuropathies and skeletal dysplasias, probably because of the increased constitutive activity of the channel. TRPV4 activity is regulated by the binding of calmodulin and small molecules such as ATP to the ARD at its cytoplasmic N-terminus. We determined structures of ATP-free and -bound forms of human TRPV4-ARD and compared them with available TRPV-ARD structures. The third inter-repeat loop region (Finger 3 loop) is flexible and may act as a switch to regulate channel activity. Comparisons of TRPV-ARD structures also suggest an evolutionary link between ARD structure and ATP binding ability. Thermal stability analyses and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that ATP increases stability in TRPV-ARDs that can bind ATP. Biochemical analyses of a large panel of TRPV4-ARD mutations associated with human inherited diseases showed that some impaired thermal stability while others weakened ATP binding ability, suggesting molecular mechanisms for the diseases.  相似文献   
Early developmental conditions contribute to individual heterogeneity of both phenotypic traits and fitness components, ultimately affecting population dynamics. Although the demographic consequences of ontogenic growth are best quantified using an integrated measure of fitness, most analyses to date have instead studied individual fitness components in isolation. Here, we estimated phenotypic selection on weaning mass in female southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina by analyzing individual‐based data collected between 1986 and 2016 with capture–recapture and matrix projection models. In support of a hypothesis predicting a gradual decrease of weaning mass effects with time since weaning (the replacement hypothesis), we found that the estimated effects of weaning mass on future survival and recruitment probability was of intermediate duration (rather than transient or permanent). Heavier female offspring had improved odds of survival in early life and a higher probability to recruit at an early age. The positive link between weaning mass and recruitment age is noteworthy, considering that pre‐recruitment mortality already imposed a strong selective filter on the population, leaving only the most ‘robust’ individuals to reproduce. The selection gradient on asymptotic population growth rate, a measure of mean absolute fitness, was weaker than selection on first‐year survival and recruitment probabilities. Weaker selection on mean fitness occurs because weaning mass has little impact on adult survival, the fitness component to which the population growth of long‐lived species is most sensitive. These results highlight the need to interpret individual variation in phenotypic traits in a context that considers the demographic pathways between the trait and an inclusive proxy of individual fitness. Although variation in weaning mass do not translate to permanent survival differences among individuals in adulthood, it explains heterogeneity and positive covariation between survival and breeding in early life, which contribute to between‐individual variation in fitness.  相似文献   
To better understand the complex roles of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) in bone metabolism, we examined the impact of a range of TGF-beta concentrations on osteoclast differentiation. In co-cultures of support cells and spleen or marrow osteoclast precursors, low TGF-beta concentrations stimulated while high concentrations inhibited differentiation. We investigated the influences of TGF-beta on macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression and found a dose dependent inhibition of M-CSF expression. RANKL expression was elevated at low TGF-beta concentrations with a less dramatic increase in OPG. Addition of OPG blocked differentiation at the stimulatory TGF-beta dose. Thus, low TGF-beta concentrations elevated the RANKL/OPG ratio while high concentrations did not, supporting that, at low TGF-beta concentrations, there is sufficient M-CSF and a high RANKL/OPG ratio to stimulate differentiation. At high TGF-beta concentrations, the RANKL/OPG ratio and M-CSF expression were both repressed and there was no differentiation. We examined whether TGF-beta-mediated repression of osteoclasts differentiation is due to these changes by adding M-CSF and/or RANKL and did not observe any impact on differentiation repression. We studied direct TGF-beta impacts on osteoclast precursors by culturing spleen or marrow cells with M-CSF and RANKL. TGF-beta treatment dose-dependently stimulated osteoclast differentiation. These data indicate that low TGF-beta levels stimulate osteoclast differentiation by impacting the RANKL/OPG ratio while high TGF-beta levels repress osteoclast differentiation by multiple avenues including mechanisms independent of the RANKL/OPG ratio or M-CSF expression regulation.  相似文献   
Latex products have long been recognized as a cause of latex protein allergy. The increased usage of latex gloves, with the consequent increased occurrence of latex allergies appears to have escalated with increasing awareness of the transmission of HIV-AIDS and other infections. The use of condoms as a means to prevent the transmission of STD's (sexually transmitted diseases) and HIV-AIDS has been widely promoted. Although extensive testing is done to evaluate the physical quality of condoms, no information is available regarding the biological safety of condoms. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of short-term exposure to physiological levels of condom surface material on cell viability (MTT assay) and cell growth (crystal violet assay). A direct contact cell culture testing method (FDA test method F813-83 used to evaluate the cytotoxic potential of medical materials and devices) was used. The modified test method was found to be a sensitive test system for the evaluation of the biological safety of condoms. This study reveals the importance of evaluating the biological safety of all condoms that are commercially available, because of the potential health risk that may be associated with prolonged use of certain types of condoms.  相似文献   
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