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Zooplankton data collected during September 1995 in the NorthWest Atlantic at 4139'N, 4958'W (the location of the siteof the ‘Titanic’ wreck) were analysed. The regioninvestigated was characterized by a very sharp frontal zonebetween the Gulf Stream and the main stream of the LabradorCurrent. The total plankton biomass in the water column wasvery high. The macroplankton biomass values below the 600 mlayer were significantly higher as compared with the similarvalues measured before in other productive boreal regions ofthe Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A lot of dead mesoplanktonanimals occurred in the deep layers. The reason was that thecold-water mesoplankton advected by the Labrador Current diedoff intensively within the deep layers of the frontal zone andwere used as a food resource by the macroplankton carnivoresand scavengers that were very abundant there.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to develop a new implantable transducer for measuring anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) graft tension postoperatively in patients who have undergone ACL reconstructive surgery. A unique approach was taken of integrating the transducer into a femoral fixation device. To devise a practical in vivo calibration protocol for the fixation device transducer (FDT), several hypotheses were investigated: (1) The use of a cable versus the actual graft as the means for applying load to the FDT during calibration has no significant effect on the accuracy of the FDT tension measurements; (2) the number of flexion angles at which the device is calibrated has no significant effect on the accuracy of the FDT measurements; (3) the friction between the graft and femoral tunnel has no significant effect on measurement accuracy. To provide data for testing these hypotheses, the FDT was first calibrated with both a cable and a graft over the full range of flexion. Then graft tension was measured simultaneously with both the FDT on the femoral side and load cells, which were connected to the graft on the tibial side, as five cadaver knees were loaded externally. Measurements were made with both standard and overdrilled tunnels. The error in the FDT tension measurements was the difference between the graft tension measured by the FDT and the load cells. Results of the statistical analyses showed that neither the means of applying the calibration load, the number of flexion angles used for calibration, nor the tunnel size had a significant effect on the accuracy of the FDT. Thus a cable may be used instead of the graft to transmit loads to the FDT during calibration, thus simplifying the procedure. Accurate calibration requires data from just three flexion angles of 0, 45, and 90 deg and a curve fit to obtain a calibration curve over a continuous range of flexion within the limits of this angle group. Since friction did not adversely affect the measurement accuracy of the FDT, the femoral tunnel can be drilled to match the diameter of the graft and does not need to be overdrilled. Following these procedures, the error in measuring graft tension with the FDT averages less than 10 percent relative to a full-scale load of 257 N.  相似文献   
Besides vobtusine and vobtusine-lactone, deoxyvobtusine was isolated from the leaves of Voacanga grandifolia (Miq. Rolfe. Spectral and chemical evi  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In reifen Pollenkörnern der beiden Sommergerstensorten Amsel und Wisa sowie der F1-Pflanzen, die aus den Sorten-Kreuzungen Impala X Wisa und Union X Wisa hervorgegangen sind, wurde die DNS-Menge der Kerne cytophotometrisch bestimmt. Die Messungen wurden zugleich bei Spermakernen und vegetativen Kernen eines Pollenkorns vorgenommen. Außerdem wurde der DNS-Gehalt von Kernen von Wurzelspitzen-Zellen der Sorten Amsel und Wisa ermittelt.Amsel und Wisa unterscheiden sich signifikant im DNS-Gehalt der Kerne von Wurzelspitzen-Zellen.Die Befunde der Messungen des DNS-Gehalts von vegetativen und Sperma-Kernen bei vier Gerstenformen zeigen, daß zum Zeitpunkt der Anthese die DNS-Replikationsphase bei vegetativen und Sperma-Kernen noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Der DNS-Gehalt vegetativer Kerne von Wisa ist signifikant niedriger als die entsprechenden Werte der übrigen drei Gerstenformen. Der Verlauf der DNS-Replikation erfolgt bei beiden Spermakernen synchron. Hingegen verläuft die DNS-Replikation bei vegetativen und Sperma-Kernen mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht gleichsinnig.Im Diskussionsteil wird erstens erläutert, daß bei allen bisher analysierten Pflanzenarten des zwei- oder dreikernigen Pollenkorn-Typs zum Zeitpunkt der Pollenreife die DNS-Replikation der generativen bzw. Sperma-Kerne eingesetzt hat, aber je nach Pflanzenart noch nicht beendet sein muß. Zum gleichen Zeitpunkt der Pollenkornentwicklung kann der vegetative Kern in Abhängigkeit von der Pflanzenart auf dem C-Niveau verharren, eine teilweise oder bereits abgeschlossene DNS-Replikation erfahren haben oder schon teilweise oder ganz degeneriert sein, ohne zuvor eine DNS-Replikation vollzogen zu haben. Zweitens wird in diesem Abschnitt diskutiert, daß mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit im Ablauf der DNS-Replikation zwischen zwei- und dreikernigen Pollenkorn-Typen keine Unterschiede bestehen. Drittens wird die Hypothese vertreten, daß nur auf einem sehr frühen Stadium die normale Pollenkornentwicklung einschließlich des Ablaufs der DNS-Replikation insbesondere des vegetativen Kerns so abgewandelt werden kann, daß aus Pollenkörnern haploide Pflanzen erzeugt werden können.
The development of pollen grains and formation of pollen tubes in higher plantsIII. DNA-replication of vegetative and sperm nuclei in mature pollen grains of barley
Summary The DNA-content of vegetative and sperm nuclei in mature pollen grains of the barley varieties Amsel and Wisa and the F1-plants of crossings of the barley varieties Impala X Wisa and Union X Wisa was determined by cytophotometry. In addition, the DNA-content of nuclei of root tips of Amsel and Wisa was cytophotometrically measured.The DNA contents of the nuclei in root tips of Amsel and Wisa differed significantly.The data obtained from the measurements of the vegetative and sperm nuclei of the four types of barley show that DNA-replication continues in the nuclei of mature pollen grains. The DNA values of vegetative nuclei of Wisa are significantly lower than the values of Amsel and of the F1 plants. The DNA values of the different nuclei indicate that DNA replication of both types of sperm nuclei is synchronous, whereas it probably is not synchronous in vegetative and sperm nuclei respectively.In the discussion it is pointed out that a survey of the literature shows that in all of the plant species having binucleate or trinucleate pollen DNA replication of generative and of sperm nuclei has started at the time of pollen grain maturation. Depending on the plant species, replication may or may not be completed in the mature pollen grain. At a given stage of development of the pollen grain the vegetative nucleus may be arrested at the C-stage, may have partially or completely finished its DNA replication or may be partially or completely degenerated without prior replication of DNA.In the second part of the discussion it is stated that the course of DNA replication is likely to be similar in binucleate and trinucleate pollen grains. Thirdly, the hypothesis is discussed that in order to get haploid plants from pollen grains, changes in the normal development of the pollen grain and in the pattern of DNA replication must occur at a very early stage of pollen grain development.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Angenommen durch F. Mechelke

Mein Dank grit Herrn Prof. Dr. F. Mechelke fiir die Anregung zu diesen Untersuchungen sowie fiir die Unterstfitzung und die kritischen Diskussionen w/ihrend ihres Verlaufs und Fr/iulein H. Nagel fiir zuverl/issige technische Hilfe.  相似文献   
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