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Neonatal Tetanus (NT) is a preventable cause of mortality and neurological sequelae that occurs at higher incidence in resource-poor countries, presumably because of low maternal immunisation rates and unhygienic cord care practices. We aimed to determine changes in the incidence of NT, characterize and investigate the associated risk factors and mortality in a prospective cohort study including all admissions over a 15-year period at a County hospital on the Kenyan coast, a region with relatively high historical NT rates within Kenya.


We assessed all neonatal admissions to Kilifi County Hospital in Kenya (1999–2013) and identified cases of NT (standard clinical case definition) admitted during this time. Poisson regression was used to examine change in incidence of NT using accurate denominator data from an area of active demographic surveillance. Logistic regression was used to investigate the risk factors for NT and factors associated with mortality in NT amongst neonatal admissions. A subset of sera from mothers (n = 61) and neonates (n = 47) were tested for anti-tetanus antibodies.


There were 191 NT admissions, of whom 187 (98%) were home deliveries. Incidence of NT declined significantly (Incidence Rate Ratio: 0.85 (95% Confidence interval 0.81–0.89), P<0.001) but the case fatality (62%) did not change over the study period (P = 0.536). Younger infant age at admission (P = 0.001) was the only independent predictor of mortality. Compared to neonatal hospital admittee controls, the proportion of home births was higher among the cases. Sera tested for antitetanus antibodies showed most mothers (50/61, 82%) had undetectable levels of antitetanus antibodies, and most (8/9, 89%) mothers with detectable antibodies had a neonate without protective levels.


Incidence of NT in Kilifi County has significantly reduced, with reductions following immunisation campaigns. Our results suggest immunisation efforts are effective if sustained and efforts should continue to expand coverage.  相似文献   
Plasmodium vivax is responsible for the majority of malaria cases outside Africa. Unlike P. falciparum, the P. vivax life-cycle includes a dormant liver stage, the hypnozoite, which can cause infection in the absence of mosquito transmission. An effective vaccine against P. vivax blood stages would limit symptoms and pathology from such recurrent infections, and therefore could play a critical role in the control of this species. Vaccine development in P. vivax, however, lags considerably behind P. falciparum, which has many identified targets with several having transitioned to Phase II testing. By contrast only one P. vivax blood-stage vaccine candidate based on the Duffy Binding Protein (PvDBP), has reached Phase Ia, in large part because the lack of a continuous in vitro culture system for P. vivax limits systematic screening of new candidates. We used the close phylogenetic relationship between P. vivax and P. knowlesi, for which an in vitro culture system in human erythrocytes exists, to test the scalability of systematic reverse vaccinology to identify and prioritise P. vivax blood-stage targets. A panel of P. vivax proteins predicted to function in erythrocyte invasion were expressed as full-length recombinant ectodomains in a mammalian expression system. Eight of these antigens were used to generate polyclonal antibodies, which were screened for their ability to recognize orthologous proteins in P. knowlesi. These antibodies were then tested for inhibition of growth and invasion of both wild type P. knowlesi and chimeric P. knowlesi lines modified using CRISPR/Cas9 to exchange P. knowlesi genes with their P. vivax orthologues. Candidates that induced antibodies that inhibited invasion to a similar level as PvDBP were identified, confirming the utility of P. knowlesi as a model for P. vivax vaccine development and prioritizing antigens for further follow up.  相似文献   
Despite a high current standard of care in antiretroviral therapy for HIV, multidrug-resistant strains continue to emerge, underscoring the need for additional novel mechanism inhibitors that will offer expanded therapeutic options in the clinic. We report a new class of small molecule antiretroviral compounds that directly target HIV-1 capsid (CA) via a novel mechanism of action. The compounds exhibit potent antiviral activity against HIV-1 laboratory strains, clinical isolates, and HIV-2, and inhibit both early and late events in the viral replication cycle. We present mechanistic studies indicating that these early and late activities result from the compound affecting viral uncoating and assembly, respectively. We show that amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal domain of HIV-1 CA are sufficient to confer resistance to this class of compounds, identifying CA as the target in infected cells. A high-resolution co-crystal structure of the compound bound to HIV-1 CA reveals a novel binding pocket in the N-terminal domain of the protein. Our data demonstrate that broad-spectrum antiviral activity can be achieved by targeting this new binding site and reveal HIV CA as a tractable drug target for HIV therapy.  相似文献   
A specific light program consisting of multiple treatments with alternating red and far-red light pulses was used to isolate mutants in phytochrome A-dependent signal transduction in Arabidopsis seedlings. Because of their phenotype, the mutants were called eid (empfindlicher im dunkelroten Licht, which means hypersensitive in far-red light). One of the isolated mutants, eid6, is a novel recessive allele of the COP1 gene (constitutive photomorphogenic 1) that carries an amino acid transition in a conserved histidine residue of the RING finger domain. Mutant seedlings exhibited an extreme hypersensitivity towards all tested light qualities, but in contrast to known cop1 alleles, no constitutive photomorphogenic phenotype was detectable in darkness. Thus, the novel cop1eid6 allele seems to encode for a protein whose remaining activity is sufficient for the suppression of photomorphogenesis in dark-grown plants. In adult cop1eid6 plants, the development of the Cop1 phenotype is dominated by phytochrome B. Comparison of the phenotype of the novel cop1eid6 and the weak cop1-4 allele under continuous far-red light indicates that the RING finger and coiled-coil domains of COP1 are sufficient for some specific regulatory function in phytochrome A-dependent high irradiance responses.  相似文献   
Green sulfur bacteria (GSB) rely on the chlorosome, a light-harvesting apparatus comprised almost entirely of self-organizing arrays of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecules, to harvest light energy and pass it to the reaction center. In Chlorobaculum tepidum, over 97% of the total BChl is made up of a mixture of four BChl c homologs in the chlorosome that differ in the number and identity of alkyl side chains attached to the chlorin ring. C. tepidum has been reported to vary the distribution of BChl c homologs with growth light intensity, with the highest degree of BChl c alkylation observed under low-light conditions. Here, we provide evidence that this functional response at the level of the chlorosome can be induced not only by light intensity, but also by temperature and a mutation that prevents phototrophic thiosulfate oxidation. Furthermore, we show that in conjunction with these functional adjustments, the fraction of cellular volume occupied by chlorosomes was altered in response to environmental conditions that perturb the balance between energy absorbed by the light-harvesting apparatus and energy utilized by downstream metabolic reactions.  相似文献   
Spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS) is an innovative and eco-friendly technology where topical application of pathogen gene-targeting RNAs to plant material can enable disease control. SIGS applications remain limited because of the instability of RNA, which can be rapidly degraded when exposed to various environmental conditions. Inspired by the natural mechanism of cross-kingdom RNAi through extracellular vesicle trafficking, we describe herein the use of artificial nanovesicles (AVs) for RNA encapsulation and control against the fungal pathogen, Botrytis cinerea. AVs were synthesized using three different cationic lipid formulations, DOTAP + PEG, DOTAP and DODMA, and examined for their ability to protect and deliver double stranded RNA (dsRNA). All three formulations enabled dsRNA delivery and uptake by B. cinerea. Further, encapsulating dsRNA in AVs provided strong protection from nuclease degradation and from removal by leaf washing. This improved stability led to prolonged RNAi-mediated protection against B. cinerea both on pre- and post-harvest plant material using AVs. Specifically, the AVs extended the protection duration conferred by dsRNA to 10 days on tomato and grape fruits and to 21 days on grape leaves. The results of this work demonstrate how AVs can be used as a new nanocarrier to overcome RNA instability in SIGS for crop protection.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Leary, BK, Statler, J, Hopkins, B, Fitzwater, R, Kesling, T, Lyon, J, Phillips, B, Bryner, RW, Cormie, P, and Haff, GG. The relationship between isometric force-time curve characteristics and club head speed in recreational golfers. J Strength Cond Res 26(10): 2685-2697, 2012-The primary purpose of the present investigation was to examine the relationships between club head speed, isometric midthigh pull performance, and vertical jump performance in a cohort of recreational golfers. Twelve recreational golfers (age, 20.4 ± 1.0 years; weight, 77.0 ± 9.8 kg; height, 177.8 ± 6.3 cm; body fat, 17.1 ± 7.6%; handicap, 14.5 ± 7.3; experience, 8.9 ± 3.6 years) completed 3 testing sessions: (a) familiarization session and body composition measurements; (b) measurement of force-time curves in the isometric midthigh pull, countermovement, and static vertical jump (SJ); and (c) measurement of club head speed. During sessions 1 and 2, subjects performed 5 countermovement jumps, 5 SJ, and 2 isometric midthigh pulls. Isometric peak force was measured at 30, 50, 90, 100, 200, and 250 milliseconds. Rate of force development was measured among 0-30, 0-50, 0-90, 0-100, 0-200, and 0-250 milliseconds. Peak rate of force development was determined as the highest value in a 10-millisecond sampling windows. During session 3, subjects performed 10 maximal golf swings with a driver to measure club head speed; peak and average club head speed were analyzed across the 10 swings. Golf handicap was moderately correlated with average (r = -0.52, p = 0.04) and maximal club head speed (r = -0.45, p = 0.07). Force at 150 milliseconds during the isomeric midthigh pull test was moderately correlated with average (r = 0.46, p = 0.07) and maximal club head speed (r = 0.47, p = 0.06). Moderate correlations were also found between the rate of force development from 0 to 150 milliseconds and average (r = 0.38, p = 0.11) and maximal club head speed (r = 0.36, p = 0.12). The present findings suggest that the ability to exhibit high ground reaction forces in time frames <200 milliseconds are related to high club head speeds.  相似文献   
It is anticipated that anthropogenic climate change will lead to substantial reassembly within communities in coming decades as individual species shift their ranges to track optimal conditions for growth and survival. As species are lost and gained in communities, what are the consequences for functional trait diversity? Functional traits are the characteristics of species that affect individual performance and provide the vital link between biodiversity at the species level and ecosystem function. We investigated how projected changes in species richness in plant communities under climate change scenarios for the decade 2050 will affect the distribution and diversity of five functional traits. We aggregated range change projections made in Maxent for the decade 2050 across all species in the regional pool of littoral rainforest vines in eastern Australia (n = 163 species). The effect of richness changes on trait diversity was assessed in nine rainforest reserves along the east coast of Australia. Although richness was predicted to significantly decline across all communities, functional diversity remained stable, indicating a decoupling in response to climate change at these two different levels of biological organization. A high degree of redundancy in trait composition in communities may buffer against the loss of function in these plant communities. Scaling‐up our understanding of the impact of climate change from the species level to communities is a critical step towards developing conservation strategies aimed at preserving ecosystem function.  相似文献   
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