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Summary Two modifications to the commonly used protocols for calculating NMR structures are developed, relating to the treatment of NOE constraints involving groups of equivalent protons or nonstereoassigned diastereotopic protons. Firstly, a modified method is investigated for correcting for multiplicity, which is applicable whenever all NOE intensities are calibrated as a single set and categorised in broad intensity ranges. Secondly, a new set of values for pseudoatom corrections is proposed for use with calculations employing centre-averaging. The effect of these protocols on structure calculations is demonstrated using two proteins, one of which is well defined by the NOE data, the other less so. It is shown that failure to correct for multiplicity when using r-6 averaging results in overly precise structures, higher NOE energies and deviations from geometric ideality, while failure to correct for multiplicity when using r-6 summation can cause an avoidable degradation of precision if the NOE data are sparse. Conversely, when multiplicities are treated correctly, r-6 averaging, r-6 summation and centre averaging all give closely comparable results when the structure is well defined by the data. When the NOE data contain less information, r-6 averaging or r-6 summation offer a significant advantage over centre averaging, both in terms of precision and in terms of the proportion of calculations that converge on a consisten result.Abbreviations HMG high mobility group - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - rmsd root-mean-square deviation - YASAP yet another simulated-annealing protocol  相似文献   
During November and December 1992, plankton samples were collected using a ring net of mesh size 200 m vertically hauled through a 600 m water column, at five stations along a transect running north from the Allison Peninsula in the Bellingshausen Sea. Three stations were located over the continental shelf; two of these were ice bound, whilst the third was at the ice edge. Two other stations were in deeper, ice-free water. Sixteen different larval and juvenile types were found representing seven phyla: Echinodermata, Nemertea, Coelenterata, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda and Bryozoa, of which the first two were the most abundant. Larval numbers and types decreased with distance offshore and away from permanent sea ice. The presence of many stages of nemertean larval development within a short time scale, in an area where developmental tends to be slow, suggests that reproduction occurs over an extended period and that the larvae have a long planktonic phase. The increased size of later developmental stages of the nemertean larvae indicates they obtain nutrition within the water column during winter, when little particulate food is present.  相似文献   
Functional innervation of cat airways smooth muscle was examined in isolated segments of trachea and bronchi using electrical field stimulation (EFS) techniques. Field stimulation caused contraction in tissues at resting tone and biphasic responses (contraction followed by relaxation) in tissues precontracted with 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). Contractions were abolished by 10(-6) M atropine. Inhibitory responses were dependent on impulse voltage, duration, and frequency. At low voltages (less than or equal to 10 V) and pulse durations (less than or equal to 0.3 ms), EFS induced relaxations were abolished by 3 X 10(-6) M tetrodotoxin (TTX). Greater stimulus parameters elicited TTX-resistant relaxations. Pretreatment of the tissues with 10(-6) M propranolol and 10(-5) M guanethidine caused rightward shifts in relaxation frequency-response curves. These findings indicate that cat airways are innervated by excitatory cholinergic, inhibitory adrenergic, and inhibitory nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) nerves. Pretreatment of the tissues with hexamethonium, cimetidine, indomethacin, or nordihydroguaiaretic acid did not affect NANC relaxation responses. It is concluded that NANC inhibitory responses in cat airway smooth muscle are mediated through intrinsic postganglionic nerve fibers and occur independently of histamine H2-receptor activation and without involvement of cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid metabolism.  相似文献   
Viruses of Entamoeba histolytica. VII. Novel beaded virus.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A third amoebal virus type was isolated from four different strains of Entamoeba histolytica. The virus was most frequently seen as a linear structure about 235 nm long and consisting of 14 beadlike structures about 19 nm in diameter. A "dimer" of twice the length and consisting of 28 beads was occationally encountered. The virus replicated in the nucleus, forming ordered arrays. Acridine orange staining of viral aggregates in infected nuclei suggested the presence of double-stranded nucleic acid.  相似文献   
A procedure which combines thin-layer chromatography with position-sensing proportional counting has been developed for analyzing the metabolism of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The profiles of the metabolites of [3H]benzo(a)pyrene and 7,12-[12-14C]dimethylbenz(a)anthracene produced in cell culture were comparable when obtained by this procedure and by standard methods. However, position-sensing proportional counting allows simultaneous counting of all components of a sample within 10–20 min, and thereby permits the analysis of many hydrocarbon samples in a short time. In addition, the procedure eliminates the necessity of cutting or scraping carcinogen-containing thin-layer chromatograms.  相似文献   
Membrane protein phosphorylation may be a general regulatory mechanism mediating the response of cells to exogenous metabolic and physical signals. We have determined that the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor is the major substrate phosphorylated in situ by a nearby membrane protein kinase. Moreover, these same membranes also contain phosphoprotein phosphatase activity which dephosphorylates the membrane-bound receptor. These findings suggest that reversible phosphorylation of the actylcholine receptor may be critical for receptor function at the synapse. Therefore, it is necessary to define the properties of the enzymes which mediate this phosphorylation-dephosphorylation mechanism. In this report we describe the properties of the first component of this system, the membrane-bound protein kinase in receptor-enriched membranes from the electric organ of Torpedo californica. Only ATP is effective as a phosphate donor for this cyclic AMP-independent membrane kinase; GTP does not support phosphorylation of the receptor. Both casein and histone can also be phosphorylated by the membrane protein kinase, but casein is a better substrate. Although phosphorylation of the receptor appears to be regulated by cholinergic ligands and K+, casein phosphorylation is not specifically affected by these agents. Moreover, while phosphorylation of the acetylcholine receptor is maximal in receptor=enriched membranes, casein phosphorylation is similar in all membrane fractions prepared from the electric organ. Taken together, these findings suggest that the membrane protein kinase activity in receptor-enriched membranes is similar to most other membrane kinases. Therefore, the unique characteristics of membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor phosphorylation appear to be determined by the receptor and its availability as a substrate for the membrane kinase.  相似文献   
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