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Summary Rearranged human chromosomes carrying segments of chromosome 11 were separated from the normal chromosome 11 by high-resolution chromosome sorting. Sorted chromosomes were tested with parathyroid hormone, -globin, insulin, and LDH-A gene-specific probes to determine the genes carried by each chromosome segment. Based on the gene content and karyotypes of these abnormal chromosomes, the parathyroid hormone, -globin, insulin, and LDH-A genes and the unique restriction fragment ADJ-762 are all located on the terminal band of the short arm of human chromosome 11 (band 11p15), with LDH-A proximal to the other loci.  相似文献   
Site-specifically spin-labeled deoxyuridine triphosphates with tethers of different lengths were synthesized and then enzymatically incorporated with terminal transferase to form a spin-labeled poly(dT) copolymer. The spin-labeled copolymers were annealed with poly(dA) to form a duplex, which was analyzed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy in a solution of low ionic strength. The spin labels are attached in position 5 of the deoxyuridine and protrude into the major groove. Based on the correlation between tether length of the spin label and the electron spin resonance lineshape, we show that the depth of the major groove of a DNA in its B-form is about 8 A in solution, which is in good agreement with X-ray fiber studies. We also conclude, based on electron spin resonance lineshape simulation data, that the correlation time of the bases in a DNA duplex is of the order of nanoseconds.  相似文献   
Abstract: Secretion of both epinephrine and norepinephrine by cultured chromaffin cells was studied at temperatures ranging from 0°C to 37°C. The percentage of epinephrine secreted was always lower than that of norepinephrine when the cells were stimulated with either acetylcholine or high K+ at any temperature. When the cells were stimulated with acetylcholine or carbachol the percentage of catecholamine secreted at 10 min increased with temperature from 4°C to 24°C and then decreased from 24°C to 37°C. Potassium-stimulated cells secreted increasing amounts of catecholamine as the temperature was increased to 37°C. We found, however, that the initial rates of secretion increased continuously as temperature increased throughout the range for both carbachol-and K+-stimulated cells. The temperature maximum of acetylcholine-stimulated secretion is caused by a faster shut-off of secretion at higher temperature. The Arrhenius plots of initial rates show an inflection point at approximately 17°C for carbachol-stimulated cells. The plot for K+-stimulated cells is a straight line over the entire temperature range. The transition could be caused by a conformational change in the cholinergic receptor/ion channel molecule.  相似文献   
We have assigned a human beta-crystallin gene, Hu beta A3/A1 (gene symbol: CRYB1), to chromosome 17 using a panel of 19 human-hamster somatic cell hybrids and blot-hybridization analysis of cell hybrid DNA. Positive probe-hybridization signal was detected in a hybrid that had lost the short arm of human chromosome 17 but retained the long arm, translocated to a hamster chromosome. In addition, in situ hybridization analysis of metaphase chromosome spreads of this cell line suggested that the most probable location for CRYB1 is on the long arm of chromosome 17, in the region q21.  相似文献   
The acid hydrolysis product of saxitoxin is shown to be decarbamoylsaxitoxin by spectral characterization and its reconversion to saxitoxin by carbamoylation. Natural and resynthesized saxitoxin are identical in chromatographic and spectral properties and in their potencies in blocking the sodium channel in squid giant axon. The hydrolysis product, decarbamoylsaxitoxin, exhibits 20% of the potency of saxitoxin in the squid axon system. These results confirm the structure of the hydrolysis product and its biological activity relative to saxitoxin.  相似文献   
Isolation and chromosomal localization of the human En-2 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S J Poole  M L Law  F T Kao  Y F Lau 《Genomics》1989,4(3):225-231
By low stringency hybridization we have isolated from a human cosmid genomic library sequences homologous with a probe from the Drosophila engrailed gene. Partial nucleotide sequence analysis shows a consensus splice acceptor site followed by an open reading frame (ORF) that can encode 104 amino acids; the first 94 amino acids have 71% identity with the Drosophila engrailed protein. The shared region contains a homeo domain and is within the region of engrailed shared with the Drosophila invected gene and the mouse En-1 and En-2 genes. At the amino acid level, the human sequence is 85% identical with the mouse En-1 gene and 100% identical with the mouse En-2 gene. Hybridization against a panel of human-hamster somatic cell hybrids maps this human En-2 gene to chromosome 7, and regional mapping by in situ hybridization to human chromosomes localizes it to region 7q36 at the end of the long arm.  相似文献   
Previous results from our laboratory employing the phospholipid-selective cytochemical stain iodoplatinate (IP) suggest that surfactant-like phospholipids (SLPL) are intracellularly contained within rodent gastric mucous cells and are occasionally seen extracellularly within the mucous gel layer. This hydrophobic lipid coating may provide the stomach with a protective water-repellent lining against the corrosive gastric juice in the lumen. Extracellular SLPL are frequently removed during tissue processing for electron microscopy. In this study, we developed a simple method employing an agarose-embedding technique to retain these extracellular SLPL in gastric mucosa excised from rats pre-treated with prostaglandin (to stimulate gastric surfactant/mucus secretion). With the help of polypropylene supporting screens and cassette carriers, thin slices of agarose-embedded gastric mucosa were well preserved and uniformly stained with IP. Extracellular myelin figures were well retained over the interfoveolar surface as well as in the pit region. The IP-reactive substances were seen within or coating the surface of the mucous gel. Our results also indicate that agarose is useful not only for supporting soft tissue while preparing sections with a microslicer but also for preservation of extracellular lipoidal material for electron microscopic observation.  相似文献   
C C Kao  J H Sun 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6826-6830
Various DNA- and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases have been reported to use oligoribonucleotide primers to initiate nucleic acid synthesis. For the brome mosaic virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), we determined that in reactions performed with limited GTP concentrations, minus-strand RNA synthesis can be stimulated by the inclusion of guanosine monophosphate or specific oligoribonucleotides. Furthermore, guanylyl-3',5'-guanosine (GpG) was incorporated into minus-strand RNA and increased the rate of minus-strand RNA synthesis. In the presence of GpG, RdRp's Km for GTP decreased from 50 microM to approximately 3 microM while the Kms for other nucleotides were unaffected. These results have implications for the mechanism of initiation by RdRp.  相似文献   
X Zhao  S Nadji  J L Kao    J S Taylor 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(8):1554-1560
Irradiation of the dinucleotide TpdA and TA-containing oligonucleotides and DNA produces the TA* photoproduct which was proposed to be the [2+2] cyclo-addition adduct between the C5-C6 double bonds of the T and the A [Bose,S.N., Kumar,S., Davies,R.J.H., Sethi,S.K. and McCloskey,J.A. (1984) Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 7929-7947]. The proposed structure was based on a variety of spectroscopic and chemical degradation studies, and the assignment of a trans-syn-I stereochemistry was based on an extensive 1H-NMR and molecular modeling study of the dinucleotide adduct [Koning,T.M.G., Davies,R.J.H. and Kaptein,R. (1990) Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 277-284]. However, a number of properties of TA* are not in accord with the originally proposed structure, and prompted a re-evaluation of the structure. To assign the 13C spectrum and establish the bond connectivities of the TA* photoproduct of TpdA [d(TpA)*], 1H-13C heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (HMQC) and heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) spectra were obtained. The 13C shifts and connectivities were found to be inconsistent with the originally proposed cyclobutane ring fusion between the thymine and adenine, but could be explained by a subsequent ring-expansion reaction to give an eight-membered ring valence isomer. The new structure for the d(TpA)* resolves the inconsistencies with the originally proposed structure, and could have a stereochemistry that arises from the anti, anti glycosyl conformation found in B form DNA.  相似文献   
We present a novel optical technique for three-dimensional tracking of single fluorescent particles using a modified epifluorescence microscope containing a weak cylindrical lens in the detection optics and a microstepper-controlled fine focus. Images of small, fluorescent particles were circular in focus but ellipsoidal above and below focus; the major axis of the ellipsoid shifted by 90 degrees in going through focus. Particle z position was determined from the image shape and orientation by applying a peak detection algorithm to image projections along the x and y axes; x, y position was determined from the centroid of the particle image. Typical spatial resolution was 12 nm along the optical axis and 5 nm in the image plane with a maximum sampling rate of 3-4 Hz. The method was applied to track fluorescent particles in artificial solutions and living cells. In a solution of viscosity 30 cP, the mean squared distance (MSD) traveled by a 264 nm diameter rhodamine-labeled bead was linear with time to 20 s. The measured diffusion coefficient, 0.0558 +/- 0.001 micron2/s (SE, n = 4), agreed with the theoretical value of 0.0556 micron2/s. Statistical variability of MSD curves for a freely diffusing bead was in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of three-dimensional random walks. In a porous glass matrix, the MSD data was curvilinear and showed reduced bead diffusion. In cytoplasm of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, bead diffusion was restricted. The water permeability in individual Chinese Hamster Ovary cells was measured from the z movement of a fluorescent bead fixed at the cell surface in response osmotic gradients; water permeability was increased by > threefold in cells expressing CHIP28 water channels. The simplicity and precision of this tracking method may be useful to quantify the complex trajectories of fluorescent particles in living cells.  相似文献   
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