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Gene 6 mRNA of Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 is inefficiently translated under standard in vitro conditions by Escherichia coli, while it is efficiently translated by the in vitro system derived from B. subtilis. This is a rare example of the inability of E. coli to translate mRNA translated by B. subtilis. The ionic condition in the translation systems was the key component in the differential recognition of the gene 6 message by E. coli and B. subtilis ribosomes. Its translation by E. coli ribosomes was preferentially inhibited by moderate levels of KCl, while its translation by B. subtilis ribosomes was unaffected by these concentrations of salt. This preferential inhibition with E. coli ribosomes was observed in vitro as well as in vivo. While not influencing the general phenomenon of preferential inhibition, anion-specific effects were observed in overall protein synthesis. Glutamate and acetate promoted efficient synthesis over a broad range of concentrations, whereas chloride was inhibitory at all concentrations tested.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis in vitro by Micrococcus luteus.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. The Riparian, Channel and Environmental (RCE) Inventory has been developed to assess the physical and biological condition of small streams in the lowland, agricultural landscape. It consists of sixteen characteristics which define the structure of the riparian zone, stream channel morphology, and the biological condition in both habitats. 2. The inventory is based on the view that in landscapes where non-point source pollution and agriculture dominate, the environmental condition of small streams can be assessed by an appraisal of the physical condition of the riparian zone and stream channel. It is assumed that disturbance of this physical structure is a major cause for reduction of stream biological structure and function. This assumption is supported by a case study using fifteen Italian stream locations in which the RCE was found to be positively correlated to the benthic macroinvertebrate community as measured by the Extended Biotic Index (r = 0.80, P < 0.001) and the Shannon Diversity Index (r = 0.73; P < 0.001). 3. The inventory is designed for quick use to cover a large number of streams in a short period of time. When used it generates a numerical score which can be used to compare the physical and biological condition between different streams within a region. The numerical score is divided into five, colour-coded classes to facilitate use in streammonitoring programmes and to allow comparison with biological indices.  相似文献   
Historical and Life History Factors in the Biogeography of Mayflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Cladistic analysis of mayflies suggests that dispersalwas very asymmetrical after the new land connection betweenNorth and South America. Twenty-one genera apparently movedfrom South to North and Central America, but there is good evidencefor only one North American genus moving into the south. Testablepredictions are possible once the boreal (Laurasian) or austral(Gondwanian) designations are made. For example, Paracloeodes,a genus of austral origin, was predicted to be found in SouthAmerica, and in North America in warm rivers north and eastof its known distribution. These predictions have been confirmed.Other characteristics of tropical mayflies, such as length oflarval period and emergence and mating patterns, may be usedto predict habitats and characteristics of present North Americangenera. Merger events and consequent dispersal of organismshave profound influences on distributional patterns, and fromsuch information, biologically useful generalities can be made.  相似文献   
The methyl carbon of ribothymidine in the tRNA of Streptococcus faecalis is derived from 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, not S-adenosylmethionine. Isotope labeling experiments have shown that the reduction of the methylene carbon of the folate cofactor to the methyl carbon of the modified residue involves a mechanism in which hydrogen from solvent is incorporated into the methyl moiety. Although the identity of the reducing agent involved directly in this novel methylation remains to be established, data suggest that reduced flavin serves this function in vitro.  相似文献   
Four benthic marine communities occur in the clastic facies of the prograding Upper Frasnian-Lower Famennian (Upper Devonian) Foreknobs Formation in the Central Appalachians along the Allegheny Front in Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia. Deep-water, rapidly prograding environments were inhabited by the Ambocoelia-Chonetes Community, dominated by an epifauna of unattached brachiopods. Offshore bar environments were inhabited by the Cyrtospirifer-Camarotoechia Community, exhibiting adaptations to shallow-water, high-energy conditions and probably lowered salinities. Shallow-water, sublittoral environments were inhabited by the Atrypa-Cypricardella Community, a community in which existed a variety of life habitats and a diverse epifaunal and infaunal association of brachiopods and bivalve molluscs. The Leptodesma-Tylothyris Community flourished in nearshore bar-protected environments in the southern region of the study area, whereas in the north the Cyrtospirifer-Camarotoechia Community inhabited nearshore environments in conjunction with the onshore development of a large fluviodeltaic system.  相似文献   
Lipids were extracted from fresh, field-grown coastal bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and the fatty acids determined by gas chromatography. Total fatty acid levels (dry weight basis) increased during the day and reached a single maximum at sunset in 2-week-old grass; whereas, in older grass, the fluctuations in fatty acid levels showed two maxima. The first maximum occurred 4 h after sunrise and the second maximum occurred at sunset. Total fatty acid levels, based on dry weight, decreased during the first 6 weeks of growth and changed very little after an additional 4 weeks' growth in bermudagrass leaf blades. Chlorophyll levels (dry weight basis) continuously decreased during the entire growth period (10 weeks). Chlorophyll alb ratios increased at sunset in 2- and 6-week-old grass, but this ratio did not change during the day in subsequent growth stages. The results of these experiments show that stages of maturity affected fatty acid fluctuations during the day as well as total fatty acid and chlorophyll levels in Coastal bermudagrass leaf blades. Chlorophyll alb ratios varied independently of fatty acid levels.  相似文献   
Mouse spleen cell antigenic responses to the thymic-dependent antigen sheep red blood cells (SRBC), and the thymic-independent antigens, E. Coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and pneumococcal polysaccharides Type I and II (SI, SII) were studied as as a function of age, employing both in vitro spleen cell stimulation and plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay systems. Primary spleen cell proliferative and PFC responses to SRBC, were either absent or meager in comparison to adult (8–12 weeks) values for the first 3 weeks of life. Thereafter responses rose achieving adult values between 4 and 8 weeks of age. The inability of young mice to respond to SRBC was not because of a different immunizing dose requirement for SRBC, since immunization with SRBC over a 200-fold range did not enhance their capability to respond. Also, addition of adherent cells or macrophages from adult mice did not enhance the immune responses of young mice. Furthermore, immunization of 2–4 week old mice with SRBC inhibited the secondary response to SRBC. In contrast, young murine spleen cell proliferative and PFC responses to SI, SII, and LPS were approximately the same as the adult by 7–14 days of life. These data suggest that B-cell immunologic activity, as measured by immunologic assays utilized in this study, develops much earlier than does T-cell responsiveness.  相似文献   
Franz Boas spent several weeks at Fort Rupert, British Columbia, at the end of 1894, when he saw the Kwakiutl hamatsa ritual in situ for the first time. Soon after his return east Boas posed for a series of photographs in the U.S. National Museum for a diorama of the hamatsa dance. These photographs, now published for the first time, are a sharp reminder of Boas' constant (and sometimes forced) collaboration with the limited number of anthropological institutions in America at the end of the century, and of his personal difficulties in establishing himself professionally in America.  相似文献   
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