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It has been shown that staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) acts through human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to stimulate synthesis or release of pyrogenic cytokines. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) is thought to play an important role in inflammatory responses through the regulation of genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the NF-kappaB mechanisms in human PBMC are involved in SEA-induced fever. Western blot evaluation revealed SEA was able to induce nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB from cytosol to nucleus in PBMC, which could be abolished by a NF-kappaB inhibitor such as pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), sodium pyrithione (Pyri), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), or curcumin (Cur). Electrophoretic mobility shift assay also showed that the NF-kappaB DNA-binding activity was increased in the SEA-treated PBMC. Again, the SEA-induced increased NF-kappaB binding activity was significantly attenuated by either PDTC, Pyri, NAC or Cur. The pyrogenic responses to supernatant fluids obtained from human PBMC stimulated with SEA were associated with increased levels of interleukin 1-beta (IL-1beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in the supernatant fluids. Both the fever and the increased levels of IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha in supernatant fluids obtained from the SEA-stimulated PBMC were decreased by incubating SEA-PBMC with either PDTC, Pyri, NAC, or Cur. Furthermore, the fever induced by systemic or central administration of SEA in rabbits were attenuated by pre-treatment with an systemic or central dose of either PDTC, Pyri, NAC, or Cur. The data indicate that inhibition of NF-kappaB prevents SEA-induced fever.  相似文献   
Plasmid vectors capable for propagation of Bacillus subtilis DNA fragments containing riboflavin genes were constructed. Cloning of rib operon using pUB110 derivatives was performed in recE4 strain by using sequentional rescue of plasmids containing subfragments of the operon. Also, rib operon was cloned on the vectors containing DNA repeats. It was shown that the presence of direct and inverted repeats within plasmids allows to transform B. subtilis cells by monomers of plasmid DNA. Vectors that contained repeated sequences of DNA and ensured efficient cloning of genetic material in B. subtilis recipient cells were constructed. The use of streptococcal plasmid pSM19035 allowed to obtain vectors which were suitable for cloning large DNA fragments (6 MD and even more) in B. subtilis. A model of B. subtilis transformation by various types of plasmid DNA is presented. The model is in agreement with the general conception of chromosomal DNA transformation.  相似文献   
Despite considerable progress in our understanding of the interplay between immune and endocrine systems, the role of thyroid hormones and their receptors in the control of adaptive immunity is still uncertain. Here, we investigated the role of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) β1 signaling in modulating dendritic cell (DC) physiology and the intracellular mechanisms underlying these immunoregulatory effects. Exposure of DCs to triiodothyronine (T3) resulted in a rapid and sustained increase in Akt phosphorylation independently of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation, which was essential for supporting T3-induced DC maturation and interleukin (IL)-12 production. This effect was dependent on intact TRβ1 signaling as small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of TRβ1 expression prevented T3-induced DC maturation and IL-12 secretion as well as Akt activation and IκB-ϵ degradation. In turn, T3 up-regulated TRβ1 expression through mechanisms involving NF-κB, suggesting an autocrine regulatory loop to control hormone-dependent TRβ1 signaling. These findings were confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, which disclosed a new functional NF-κB consensus site in the promoter region of the TRB1 gene. Thus, a T3-induced NF-κB-dependent mechanism controls TRβ1 expression, which in turn signals DCs to promote maturation and function via an Akt-dependent but PI3K-independent pathway. These results underscore a novel unrecognized target that regulates DC maturation and function with critical implications in immunopathology at the cross-roads of the immune-endocrine circuits.  相似文献   
Understanding the relationship between geographic range limits and physiological traits of vector species is under increasing demand to predict the potential effects of global warming, not only in terms of geographic distribution of vector species but also in terms of the risk of disease transmission. Like in many other insect species, the geographical distribution of Chagas’ disease vectors is affected by temperature. This study examines, for the first time, the relationship between the limits of geographic distribution and thermo‐tolerance of the most important vectors of Chagas disease, Triatoma infestans in southern South America and Rhodnius prolixus in northern South America and Central America, to test the climatic variability hypothesis (CVH). We applied species distribution modeling (SDM) using bioclimatic variables and identified the most important limiting factors of the habitat suitability. Then, we measured and compared: the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) and the upper lethal temperature (ULT) (measured by thermo‐limit respirometry), chilled coma recovery (i.e. the time to recovery from 4 h at 0°C) and the critical thermal minimum (CTmin). For both species the minimum temperature of the coldest month was the most important abiotic factor restricting their geographic distribution. By taking a correlative approach and testing predictions with thermal tolerance traits, it was possible to explain the southern limit distribution for both species in terms of physiological constraints. The greater temperature tolerance of T. infestans compared to R. prolixus supports the CVH.  相似文献   
Most tumors grow in immunocompetent hosts despite expressing NKG2D ligands (NKG2DLs) such as the MHC class I chain-related genes A and B (MICA/B). However, their participation in tumor cell evasion is still not completely understood. Here we demonstrate that several human melanomas (cell lines and freshly isolated metastases) do not express MICA on the cell surface but have intracellular deposits of this NKG2DL. Susceptibility to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity correlated with the ratio of NKG2DLs to HLA class I molecules but not with the amounts of MICA on the cell surface of tumor cells. Transfection-mediated overexpression of MICA restored cell surface expression and resulted in an increased in vitro cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma secretion by human NK cells. In xenografted nude mice, these melanomas exhibited a delayed growth and extensive in vivo apoptosis. Retardation of tumor growth was due to NK cell-mediated antitumor activity against MICA-transfected tumors, given that this effect was not observed in NK cell-depleted mice. Also, mouse NK cells killed MICA-overexpressing melanomas in vitro. A mechanistic analysis revealed the retention of MICA in the endoplasmic reticulum, an effect that was associated with accumulation of endoH-sensitive (immature) forms of MICA, retrograde transport to the cytoplasm, and degradation by the proteasome. Our study identifies a novel strategy developed by melanoma cells to evade NK cell-mediated immune surveillance based on the intracellular sequestration of immature forms of MICA in the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, this tumor immune escape strategy can be overcome by gene therapy approaches aimed at overexpressing MICA on tumor cells.  相似文献   
Model of transient oscillatory synchronization in the locust antennal lobe   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Transient pairwise synchronization of locust antennal lobe (AL) projection neurons (PNs) occurs during odor responses. In a Hodgkin-Huxley-type model of the AL, interactions between excitatory PNs and inhibitory local neurons (LNs) created coherent network oscillations during odor stimulation. GABAergic interconnections between LNs led to competition among them such that different groups of LNs oscillated with periodic Ca(2+) spikes during different 50-250 ms temporal epochs, similar to those recorded in vivo. During these epochs, LN-evoked IPSPs caused phase-locked, population oscillations in sets of postsynaptic PNs. The model shows how alternations of the inhibitory drive can temporally encode sensory information in networks of neurons without precisely tuned intrinsic oscillatory properties.  相似文献   
The early adaptive evolution of calmodulin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Interaction between gene duplication and natural selection in molecular evolution was investigated utilizing a phylogenetic tree constructed by the parsimony procedure from amino acid sequences of 50 calmodulin- family protein members. The 50 sequences, belonging to seven protein lineages related by gene duplication (calmodulin itself, troponin-C, alkali and regulatory light chains of myosin, parvalbumin, intestinal calcium-binding protein, and glial S-100 phenylalanine-rich protein), came from a wide range of eukaryotic taxa and yielded a denser tree (more branch points within each lineage) than in earlier studies. Evidence obtained from the reconstructed pattern of base substitutions and deletions in these ancestral loci suggests that, during the early history of the family, selection acted as a transforming force on expressed genes among the duplicates to encode molecular sites with new or modified functions. In later stages of descent, however, selection was a conserving force that preserved the structures of many coadapted functional sites. Each branch of the family was found to have a unique average tempo of evolutionary change, apparently regulated through functional constraints. Proteins whose functions dictate multiple interaction with several other macromolecules evolved more slowly than those which display fewer protein-protein and protein-ion interactions, e.g., calmodulin and next troponin-C evolved at the slowest average rates, whereas parvalbumin evolved at the fastest. The history of all lineages, however, appears to be characterized by rapid rates of evolutionary change in earlier periods, followed by slower rates in more recent periods. A particularly sharp contrast between such fast and slow rates is found in the evolution of calmodulin, whose rate of change in earlier eukaryotes was manyfold faster than the average rate over the past 1 billion years. In fact, the amino acid replacements in the nascent calmodulin lineage occurred at residue positions that in extant metazoans are largely invariable, lending further support to the Darwinian hypothesis that natural selection is both a creative and a conserving force in molecular evolution.   相似文献   
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