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Amongst raptor species, individuals with specialized diets are commonly observed to have higher reproductive output than those with general diets. A suggested cause is that foraging efficiency benefits accrue to diet specialists. This diet specificity hypothesis thus predicts that diet breadth and reproductive success should be inversely related within species. We highlight, however, that a prey availability hypothesis also makes the same prediction in some circumstances. Hence, when high diet specificity results from high encounter rates with an abundant, preferred prey, then prey availability may affect reproductive success, with diet specialization as an incidental correlate. Using three insular study areas in western Scotland, we examine diet specificity and reproductive success in Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Diet breadth and breeding productivity were not negatively related in any of our study areas, even though birds with specific diets did tend to have a higher incidence of preferred prey (grouse and lagomorphs) in the diet. Indeed, in two study areas there was evidence that diet generalists had higher breeding productivity. Our results therefore failed to support the diet specificity hypothesis but were consistent with the prey availability hypothesis. We highlight that although many other studies are superficially consistent with the diet specificity hypothesis, our study is not alone in failing to provide support and that the hypothesis does not provide a generic explanation for all relevant results. Diet specificity in predators can be at least partially a response to prey diversity, availability and distribution, and benefits associated with different prey types, so that being a generalist is not necessarily intrinsically disadvantageous. We suggest that the available evidence is more consistent with variation in prey abundance and availability as a more influential factor explaining spatial and temporal variation in breeding productivity of ‘generalist’ species such as the Golden Eagle. Under this argument, prey abundance and availability are the main drivers of variation in reproductive output. Diet specificity is a consequence of variation in prey availability, rather than a substantial cause of variation in reproductive success.  相似文献   
The height distribution of nocturnal migrants in southern Israel was determined by con-ically scanning the sky with the pencil-beam of an X-band radar at different elevation angles. Altitudinal profiles of meteorological parameters were derived from radio sondes launched at midnight and from pilot balloons launched every 4 h. A model to predict the height distribution of birds by means of meteorological variables was developed by assuming that the observed proportions of birds within a height zone, compared with the neighbouring height zones, reflect the degree of the birds' preference for that height zone. Only one among the variables included in the multiple regression analysis proved to have a significant influence on the height distribution of migrants: the difference of tailwind speed between height zones. Simulations with 1000 birds choosing altitudes by means of the night's altitudinal profile of tailwind speed closely traced the observed distributions. The fact that all the other meteorological factors which were previously suggested to have an influence on the flight range in trans-desert migration were not selected as relevant factors is discussed. The following basic information on nocturnal bird migration in the Negev is provided as a background for the statistical analysis: Directions of migration are within very narrow limits. During the first hour after take-off, 60% of autumn migrants and 75% of spring migrants are climbing, with vertical speeds of 0.1–2 m per s and 0.1–4 m per s, respectively. During the rest of the night, climbing and descending birds are in nearly equal proportions. Thus, there is a high potential of sampling atmospheric conditions at different altitudes. Height distributions in spring and autumn show the influence of the trade wind situation, autumn migrants making use of the northerly winds at low levels in spite of high temperatures, while spring migrants tend to reach the southwesterly winds at higher levels.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal variation in survival may be an important driver of multi‐population dynamics in many wild animal species, yet few scientific studies have addressed this issue, primarily due to a lack of sufficiently comprehensive and detailed datasets. Synchrony in survival rates among different, often distant, subpopulations appears to be common, caused by spatially correlated environmental conditions or by movement of animals from different sites such that their ranges overlap. Many seabird populations are effectively isolated during the breeding season because colonies are widely separated, but over the winter, birds disperse widely and there may be much mixing between different populations. The non‐breeding season is also the period of main mortality for seabirds. Using mark–recapture and ring‐recovery data, we tested for spatial, temporal and age‐related correlations in survival of Common Guillemots Uria aalge among three widely separated Scottish colonies that have varying overlap in their overwintering distributions. Survival was highly correlated over time for colonies/age‐classes sharing wintering areas and, except in 2004, was essentially uncorrelated for those with separate wintering areas. These results strongly suggest that one or more aspects of the winter environment are responsible for spatiotemporal variation in survival of British Guillemots, and provide insight into the factors driving large‐scale population dynamics of the species.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: From the mortality curves of Escherichia coli cells heated at 55° in Ringer's solution both Decimal Reduction Times (DRTs) and 99–9% mortality times were obtained. In terms of these measures of heat resistance, cells harvested from broth cultures 0–8 hr old were more susceptible than those from more mature cultures. The time of commencement and the approximate duration of the logarithmic phase of growth of the organism in broth were determined from growth curves, and it was observed that the heat resistance was minimal during that phase.
Death rates were not always uniform for the whole of a given population. Particularly among young cultures, a period of rapid death was frequently followed by the slower death of a relatively small number of survivors. In one instance only was an initial period of slow death followed by one of more rapid death.  相似文献   
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