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Although plants are more susceptible to frost damage under elevated atmospheric [CO2], the importance of frost damage under future, warmer climate scenarios is unknown. Accordingly, we used a model to examine the incidence and severity of frost damage to snow gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) in a sub‐alpine region of Australia for current and future conditions using the A2 IPCC elevated CO2 and climate change scenario. An existing model for predicting frost effects on E. pauciflora seedlings was adapted to include effects of elevated [CO2] on acclimation to freezing temperatures, calibrated with field data, and applied to a study region in Victoria using climate scenario data from CSIRO's Global Climate Model C‐CAM for current (1975–2004) and future (2035–2064) 30 years climate sequences. Temperatures below 0 °C were predicted to occur less frequently while the coldest temperatures (i.e. those below ?8 °C) were almost as common in the future as in the current climate. Both elevated [CO2] and climate warming affected the timing and rates of acclimation and de‐acclimation of snow gum to freezing temperatures, potentially reducing the length of time that plants are fully frost tolerant and increasing the length of the growing season. Despite fewer days when temperatures fall below 0 °C in the future, with consequently fewer damaging frosts with lower average levels of impact, individual weather sequences resulting in widespread plant mortality may still occur. Furthermore, delayed acclimation due to either warming or rising [CO2] combined with an early severe frost could lead to more frost damage and higher mortality than would occur in current conditions. Effects of elevated [CO2] on frost damage were greater in autumn, while warming had more effect in spring. Thus, frost damage will continue to be a management issue for plantation and forest management in regions where frosts persist.  相似文献   
A single surface application of abscisic acid or its methyl and phenyl esters suppressed stomatal opening on leaves of Xanthium strumarium. The effect was restricted to the treated parts of the leaf blades, there being no detectable translocation to untreated parts. There were no increases in CO2 compensation to which stomatal closure could be attributed. Abscisic acid and its esters acted successfully as antitranspirants when applied once to leaf surfaces of young barley plants. Over a 9-day period there was a reduction of about 50% in the amount of water transpired without any detectable reduction in the rate of dry weight increase. The treatments reduced transpiration relatively more than dry matter accumulation, and hence there was an increase in the water use efficiency. The effect of the treatments became progressively less over 9 days, but even at the end of the experiment (day 9) both the esters reduced transpiration by 20–25%. The esters were slightly more effective than abscisic acid itself. On the basis of the data presented here, field trials of the antitranspirant properties of these compounds are recommended.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analyses show that C4 grasses typically occupy drier habitats than their C3 relatives, but recent experiments comparing the physiology of closely related C3 and C4 species have shown that advantages of C4 photosynthesis can be lost under drought. We tested the generality of these paradoxical findings in grass species representing the known evolutionary diversity of C4 NADP‐me and C3 photosynthetic types. Our experiment investigated the effects of drought on leaf photosynthesis, water potential, nitrogen, chlorophyll content and mortality. C4 grasses in control treatments were characterized by higher CO2 assimilation rates and water potential, but lower stomatal conductance and nitrogen content. Under drought, stomatal conductance declined more dramatically in C3 than C4 species, and photosynthetic water‐use and nitrogen‐use efficiency advantages held by C4 species under control conditions were each diminished by 40%. Leaf mortality was slightly higher in C4 than C3 grasses, but leaf condition under drought otherwise showed no dependence on photosynthetic‐type. This phylogenetically controlled experiment suggested that a drought‐induced reduction in the photosynthetic performance advantages of C4 NADP‐me relative to C3 grasses is a general phenomenon.  相似文献   
The marine snail, Littoraria filosa, is polymorphic for shell colour, with yellow, brown, and pink morphs that correspond in both appearance and frequency to the predominant background colours of its habitat. Previous research on this polymorphism has found indirect evidence of apostatic selection and selection for crypsis by unknown agents, probably crabs, and direct evidence of selection for crypsis by the parasitoid fly Sarcophaga megafilosia. In the present study, we report on field experiments to investigate whether S. megafilosia and shell‐crushing predators exert apostatic selection on L. filosa. For S. megafilosia, seven experimental treatments containing yellow and brown snails in the proportions of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, and 0.9 of each colour were established on mangrove trees and used to separately quantify the proportions of each colour attacked on grey/brown trunks and yellow/green leaves. The results obtained confirmed an earlier finding of selection for crypsis, but only showed slight, but significant, anti‐apostatic selection by S. megafilosia. For shell‐crushing predators, seven experimental treatments containing yellow and brown snails in the proportions of 0.08, 0.17, 0.33, 0.50, 0.66, 0.83, and 0.92 were established on two types of trees that differed in their background proportions of brown and green: (1) trees which had been pruned of approximately 90% of their foliage and (2) unpruned trees. The results obtained showed both selection for crypsis and apostatic selection. Furthermore, a selectively neutral frequency for yellow L. filosa was found for each background, and was less on pruned trees than unpruned ones (and vice versa for brown L. filosa), which can therefore account for the maintenance of a colour polymorphism where the proportions of each morph tend to resemble and correspond in frequency to the colours of the background. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 62–71.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Insect myoinhibitory peptides were discovered through their inhibitory activity on visceral muscle contraction. The present study tests the antimyotropic gut properties of three galanin-related myoinhibitory peptides (Mas-MIP II: GWQDLNSAW-NH2; Grb-AST-B1: GWQDLNGGW-NH2; and Grb-AST-B3: AWRDLSGGW-NH2) in adult females of the cockroach Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera, Blattellidae). The three peptides elicit a strong inhibitory effect on both foregut and hindgut contractions, with ID50 values in all the cases within the nanomolar range. In addition, the modulatory effects of these three peptides on food intake are studied on previously starved female cockroaches. The results show that Grb-AST-B3 is the most active peptide, inhibiting food intake by 60–80% at doses between 15 and 50 µg, followed by Grb-AST-B1 (45% inhibition of food intake at the 50 µg dose), whereas Mas-MIP II is inactive even at the 50 µg dose. The differences between the three peptides may be due to a differential effect of their structure on activity or to a differential degradation. These results show that myomodulatory gut activity in vitro and antifeeding effects do not always correlate.  相似文献   
Eight strains, comprising all recognized species of Cellulomonas , were subjected to 51 different biochemical tests on four occasions. For 32 of these tests, a mixture of positive and negative results was obtained and from these data as few as six commonly used biochemical tests (glucose, indole, lactose, ONPG, nitrate and lysine) permit separation of the species of the genus Cellulomonas . A tentative simplified schema or dichotomous key is proposed.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The secretion from the mandibular glands of males of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa is responsible for the reaction of workers outside the nest at the time of sexual swarming. Workers respond with excitability and aggression when presented with the natural mixture of 4-methyl-3-heptanol and 4-methyl-3-heptanone, which is contained in the secretion of the male mandibular glands. Workers respond quickly to fractional amounts of one male equivalent. 4-Methyl-3-heptanone, from the virgin female mandibular glands causes much less response in workers, whereas an equimolar mixture of male and female pheromones gives a still less clear response. The male pheromone plays the most important part in the communication of workers outside the nest at this time.  相似文献   
Genes for phage restriction and u. v.-protection, carried by some Coll plasmids, are useful markers of plasmids carried by host bacteria. Colicinogeny, with associated marker characters, may prove useful for strain differentiation as it did, in this study, with strains of Salmonella agona involved in an outbreak.  相似文献   
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